computing stuff: NOTES: WLEF is 37% sand, 15% clay acc. to Pridhoko from: Saxton, K.E., W.J. Rawls, J.S. Romberger, and R.I. Papendick. 1986. Estimating generalized soil-water characteristics from texture. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50(4):1031-1036 percent_sand = 0-100 percent_clay = 0-100 percent_silt = 1-total of the above sand_2 = percent_sand * percent_sand clay_2 = percent_clay * percent_clay acoef = Math.exp(-4.396 - 0.0715 * percent_clay - 4.88e-4 * sand_2 - 4.285e-5 * sand_2 * percent_clay) bcoef = - 3.140 - 0.00222 * clay_2 - 3.484e-5 * sand_2 * percent_clay ;saturation cm3 water / cm3 soil = THETA_MAX SAT = 0.332 - 7.251e-4 * percent_sand + 0.1276 * log10(percent_clay) ;field capacity (cm3 water / cm3 soil) FC = Math.pow((0.3333/ acoef),(1.0 / bcoef)) ;wilting point (cm3 water / cm3 soil) PWP = Math.pow((15.0 / acoef),(1.0 / bcoef)) ;saturated hydraulic condoc (cm/hr) KSAT = Math.exp((12.012 - 0.0755 * percent_sand) + (- 3.895 + 0.03671 * percent_sand - 0.1103 * percent_clay + 8.7546e-4 * clay_2) / SAT) ;p available water (cm3 water / cm3 soil) PAW = (FC - PWP) ;bulk density (g/cm3) BD = (1 - SAT) * 2.65