Multisite flux files - Format of file Created by Ankur Desai File name: xxxyy.txt - Space delimited text file, no header in file File name: xxxyy.xls - Microsoft Excel format, 1st row has header xxx is Sitename yy is two-digit year Timezone is Central Standard Time (UTC-6) -999.00000 for missing data Data quality flag values: 0 = Bad/No data, NEE was not filled 1 = Good data, NEE_Filled is equal to NEE_Obs 2 = u* screened, NEE_Filled is filled with NEE_Model 3 = wind direction screened, NEE_Filled is filled with NEE_Model 4 = Bad/No data, NEE_Filled is equal to NEE_Model Fortran format code is: (i4.4,i3,i3,i4,f5.1,f10.5,40f11.5) Not all sites have all values. Most micromet values have only been screened for extremes, but not quality controlled. Column Name Units Description 1 Year 2002..2004 Year 2 Month 1..12 Month of Year 3 DOM 1..31 Day of Month 4 DOY 1..366 Day of Year 5 Hour 0..23.5 Hour of the Day (CST = UTC-6) 6 F_Day 1.0..366.979 Day of Year + Fraction of Day 7 CO2_Storage umol/m2/s Storage flux 8 CO2_Flux umol/m2/s CO2 flux 9 NEE_Obs umol/m2/s Observed NEE 10 NEE_Model umol/m2/s Modeled NEE 11 NEE_Filled umol/m2/s Filled NEE 12 NEE_Flag umol/m2/s NEE quality flag 13 ER umol/m2/s Ecosystem Respiration 14 GEP umol/m2/s Gross Ecosystem Production 15 u* m/s Friction velocity 16 Latent_Heat_Flux W/m2 Latent Heat Flux 17 Sensible_Heat_Flux W/m2 Sensible Heat Flux 18 Soil_Heat_Flux W/m2 Soil heat flux 19 PAR_abovecanopy umol/m2/s PAR above canopy (filled) 20 PAR_incanopy umol/m2/s PAR at 20 or 0 ft 21 NetRad W/m2 Net Radiation above canopy 22 AirT_abovecanopy C Air Temp above canopy (filled) 23 AirT_incanopy C Air temp at 1.5 or 2 m 24 Atm_P mb Atmospheric pressure 25 RH_abovecanopy percent Relative humidity above canopy 26 RH_incanopy percent Relative humidity at 1.5 or 2 m 27 Qmix_abovecanopy g/kg Water vapor mixing ratio above canopy 28 Qmix_incanopy g/kg Water vapor mixing ratio at 1.5 or 2 m 29 VPD_abovecanopy kpa VPD above canopy 30 VPD_incanopy kpa VPD at 1.5 or 2 m 31 SoilT_5_or_10_cm C Soil Temp at 5 cm or 10 cm (filled) 32 SoilT_25_or_30_cm C Soil Temp at 25 cm or 30 cm 33 SoilLWC_10cm percent Soil volumetric moisture at 10 cm 34 SoilLWC_20cm percent Soil volumetric moisture at 20 cm 35 SoilM_10cm bar Matric potential at 10 cm 36 SoilM_30cm bar Matric potential at 30 cm 37 CO2_mix umol/mol CO2 mixing ratio above canopy 38 Wind_Spd m/s Wind speed above canopy 39 Wind_Dir m/s Wind direction above canopy 0..360 40 Precip mm Total precipitation 41 Entropy kJ/mol Parameter for ER 42 Enthalpy kJ/mol Parameter for ER 43 Gibbs kJ/mol Parameter for ER 44 b0 umol/m2/s Parameter for GEP 45 b1 unitless Parameter for GEP 46 b2 umol/m2/s Parameter for GEP