Description of filled NEE data for Willow Creek Tower, WI Last updated: September 2006, Bruce Cook Filename: lcreek_fillednee_YYYY Notes: Data has been screened for low u* (<0.05 m/s) Missing or invalid data is reported as -999. Time is recorded at the beginning of average period. The average interval is 30 minutes. Local standard time (CST) is -6 UTC Update: Benjamin Sulman, 2010: CO2 gas calibrations were not functioning correctly from 2007 on. CO2 fluxes starting in 2007 were calculated using the factory calibrations for the LI-6262 gas analyzer. Fluxes for 2001-2006 were also recalculated using factory calibration and compared with gas-calibrated fluxes. Fluxes compared well from June to September of each year, with a linear relationship between factory and gas calibrated fluxes and r2 values > 0.95. Fluxes from 2007 onward were corrected with a linear fit derived from this comparison, and only June-Sept values are included. Because column CO2 measurements were not available due to the same problem, the storage flux term was calculated using rate of change of the average CO2 mixing ratio measured with the LI-6262 at the top of the tower. Column Name Description Unit 1 Year Year Year 2 DOY Day of Year Day 3 LST Local Standard Time HHMM 4 fjday Fractional Julian Day 5 S Entropy kj/mol/K 6 H Enthalpy kj/mol 7 G Gibbs energy barrier kj/mol 8 SoilT Soil temperature - 5cm/2in degrees C 9 Resp Modeled ecosystem respiration umol/m2 s 10 b0 Intercept of big leaf model umol/m2 s 11 b1 Quantum yield for big leaf unitless 12 b2 Half-saturation PAR umol/m2 s 13 PAR PAR above canopy umol/m2 s 14 Psyn Modeled gross photosynthesis umol/m2 s 15 obs_NEE original observed NEE umol/m2 s 16 mod_NEE modeled NEE = Resp-Psyn umol/m2 s 17 fill_NEE filled good NEE umol/m2 s