#US-Los Lost Creek Data - http://ameriflux.ornl.gov/fullsiteinfo.php?sid=99 - http://fluxnet.ornl.gov/site/931 - http://flux.aos.wisc.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/ChEASData #Latitude: 46.0827 Longitude: -89.9792 Elevation: 480 m Vegetation: Shrub wetland #Tower measurement height: 10.2 m Canopy height: 2.0 m #Data Output On Sep2015 revision: Tue Sep 22 14:15:07 2015 # #Contact Information: Ankur R Desai desai@aos.wisc.edu #Missing or invalid data is reported as -999.0. Data starts on line 97 #Time is recorded at the beginning of average period. The averaging interval is 30 minutes. #Timezone is US Central Standard Time UTC-6 # # Data column Information # 1 Year YYYY # 2 Month MM # 3 Day DDD # 4 Hour Local time (UTC-6) HH.H # 5 Day_Fraction DDD.DDDDDD # 6 Year_Fraction YYYY.YYYYYYYY # 7 NEE_CO2 NEE of CO2 umol m-2 s-1 # 8 LE Latent heat flux (storage corrected) W m-2 # 9 H Sensible heat flux (storage corrected) W m-2 # 10 ustar Preferred friction velocity(a) m s-1 # 11 Tsoil Filled 5cm soil temperature(a) degrees C # 12 PAR Filled photosynthetic active radiation(a) umol m-2 s-1 # 13 Tair Filled air temperature at 10.2 m(a) degrees C # 14 H2O Preferred water vapor mixing ratio at 10.2 m(a) g kg-1 # 15 VPD Preferred vapor pressure deficit at 10.2 m(a) Pa # 16 WS Preferred wind speed at 10.2 m(a) m s-1 # 17 WDir Preferred wind direction at 10.2 m(a) degrees # 18 Precipitation Precipitation(a) mm # 19 CO2 Preferred CO2 concentration at 10.2m(a) ppm # 20 Pressure Air pressure at 10.2 m not sea-level corrected kPa # 21 C_flag Flag for screening of NEE(b) unitless # 22 Q_flag Flag for LE(b) unitless # 23 H_flag Flag for H(b) unitless # 24 M_flag Flag for ustar(b) unitless # 25 Ustar_10 Non-filled friction velocity at 10.2 m m s-1 # 26 NEE_CO2_filled Gap filled NEE_CO2(c) umol m-2 s-1 # 27 Reco Ecosystem respiration(c) umol m-2 s-1 # 28 GPP Gross primary production(c) umol m-2 s-1 # 29 NEE_CO2_modeled Modeled NEE(c) umol m-2 s-1 # 30 Storage_CO2 Storage of CO2 at 10.2 m umol m-2 s-1 # 31 Flux_CO2 Turbulent flux of CO2 at 10.2 m umol m-2 s-1 # 32 Storage_H2O Storage of H2O at 10.2 m W m-2 # 33 Flux_H2O Turbulent flux of H2O at 10.2 m W m-2 # 34 Storage_T Storage of heat at 10.2 m W m-2 # 35 Flux_T Turbulent flux of heat at 10.2 m W m-2 # 36 CO2_1 CO2 concentration at 1.2 m ppm # 37 CO2_2 CO2 concentration at 1.8 m ppm # 38 CO2_3 CO2 concentration at 3.0 m ppm # 39 CO2_6 CO2 concentration at 5.5 m ppm # 40 CO2_10 CO2 concentration at 10.2 m ppm # 41 H2O_10 Water vapor mixing ratio at 10.2 m g kg-1 # 42 Tair_1 Air temperature at 1.2 m degrees C # 43 Tair_2 Air temperature at 1.8 m degrees C # 44 Tair_3 Air temperature at 3.0 m degrees C # 45 Tair_6 Air temperature at 5.5 m degrees C # 46 Tair_10 Air temperature at 10.2 m degrees C # 47 Ttree_N Tree temperature at north side degrees C # 48 Ttree_S Tree temperature at south side degrees C # 49 PAR_10 Photosynthetic active radiation at 10.2 m umol m-2 s-1 # 50 NetRad_10 Net radiation at 10.2 m W m-2 # 51 Solar_In Solar incoming at 10.2 m W m-2 # 52 Solar_Out Solar reflected at 10.2 m W m-2 # 53 WS_10 Wind speed at 10.2 m m s-1 # 54 Wdir_10 Wind direction at 10.2 m degrees # 55 Tsoil_0 Soil temperature at surface degrees C # 56 Tsoil_0_5 Soil temperature at 5 cm degrees C # 57 Tsoil_0_10 Soil temperature at 10 cm degrees C # 58 Tsoil_0_20 Soil temperature at 20 cm degrees C # 59 Tsoil_0_50 Soil temperature at 50 cm degrees C # 60 Tsoil_1 Soil temperature at 100 cm degrees C # 61 G Soil heat flux at 75 mm W m-2 # 62 Water_Depth Water Table depth cm # (a) Meteorological products: PAR / Tair / Tsoil / H2O / VPD / Wind Speed / Wind Dir / Precipitation are hybrid products # PAR/Tair/H2O/VPD/Wind Speed/Wind Dir are merged with nearby sensors as noted. No gaps in PAR Tair or Tsoil. Gaps in others are present # PAR: Gaps filled with nearby PAR sensor observations or long-term ensemble average for small gaps # Tair: 5.5 m Air temperature combined with nearby observations. 10 m air temperature has drift problem # Tsoil: Because of water table depth fluctuation we use 50 cm soil temperature filled with ensemble average where gaps present # H2O: Water vapor mixing ratio combined from Vaisala and Licor sensors and filled where available with NTL LTER Woodruff airport or Willow Creek observation # VPD: Vapor pressure deficit derived from H2O/filled air temperature/filled surface air pressure # Windspeed and direction: 10 m wind speed from sonic anemometer and filled where available with Woodruff airport observation # Precipitation: Where available gaps filled with NTL LTER Woodruff airport observation # (b) Flag descriptions of CO2/H/LE: # -1 indicates bad or missing value replaced with -999 # 0 indicates good observation # 1 indicates night ustar less than 0.05 m s-1 (discard data) # (c) u* is taken from 10 m and a linear fit of preferred wind speed at 10 m based on u_star_flag # 1 = ustar at 10 m # 2 = preferred wind speed at 10 m: linearly fit to ustar at 10m (r=0.88) # For the true 10m u* see variable ustar_10 # (d) Gap filled NEE based on Desai et al. 2005 AgForMet moving window regression of filled 50 cm soil temperature and PAR to ustar screened NEE # Reco derived from nighttime NEE and temperature # GPP reported here is the model fit of NEE residual to PAR. For a more data-based GPP used Reco-NEE_Filled # NEE_Model is equal to Reco-GPP # Given missing winter data after 2007 - we used long term ensemble average to fill winter gaps in 2007-2010 - except no data in 2009 year,month,day,hour,day_fraction,year_fraction,nee_co2,le,h,ustar,tsoil,par,tair,h2o,vpd,ws,wdir,precipitation,co2,pressure,c_flag,q_flag,h_flag,m_flag,ustar_30,nee_co2_filled,reco,gpp,nee_co2_modeled,storage_co2,flux_co2,storage_h2o,flux_h2o,storage_t,flux_t,co2_1,co2_2,co2_3,co2_6,co2_10,h2o_10,tair_1,tair_2,tair_3,tair_6,tair_10,ttree_n,ttree_s,par_10,netrad_10,solar_in,solar_out,ws_10,wdir_10,tsoil_0,tsoil_0_5,tsoil_0_10,tsoil_0_20,tsoil_0_50,tsoil_1,g,water_depth