.../cheas/micromet/wdepth/rawdata/wdepth_30min_readme.txt Combined data from all ChEAS surface water depth stations Prepared by Bruce D. Cook, University of Minnesota (brucecook@umn.edu, 612-624-9796) **PLEASE NOTE** Permission to download this data does not grant permission to use the information contained in t he file for publication. Pleas contact the owner of the file or the appropriate faculty member before use of any such information in a publication. SITES: Five monitoring stations were installed during June 2005 to monitor surface water and soil temperature at NASA-NACP Tier 3 and 4 study sites. 1) Forested wetland ('fwet') Tamarac and sphagnum wetland 45.94321 -90.27021 (east of WLEF) 471.367 m above MSL sensor @ ~47.1 cm below surface 2) Willow Springs ('gwet') Sedge wetland 45.80881 -90.06656 (east of Willow Creek flux tower, close to Aspen met station) 491.088 m above MSL sensor @ ~74.9 cm below surface 3) Lost Creek ('lc2') Sedge and Willow wetland 46.08274 -89.97869 (one of two sensors @ Lost Creek flux tower) 480.887 m above MSL sensor @ ~54.1 cm below surface 4) South Fork ('sfork') Leatherleaf and spagnum bog 45.92503 -90.13072 (Tier 3 site between WLEF and Willow Creek flux towers) 469.851 m above MSL sensor @ ~54.1 cm below surface 5) Wilson Flowage ('wflow') Grass and sedge wetland 45.81648 -9017127 476.989 m above MSL sensor @ ~40.1 cm below surface FILE STRUCTURE: monthly data files named SITEYYYY (SITE=site, YYYY=year) FILE COMPRESSION: gzip (information/software available at http://ww.gzip.org FILE FORMAT: comma dilimited ASCII BAD VALUES: -999 SAMPLING FREQUENCIES/OUTPUT: 30 minutes DATA ELEMENTS: year = 4-digit year jday = Julian calander date hrmin = HHMM (0 to 2330; signifies the start of the measurment interval) H2O_fwet = surface water height (cm above surface) at forested wetland. H2O_gwet = surface water height (cm above surface) at Willow Springs. H2O_lc = surface water height (cm above surface) at Lost Creek. H2O_sfork = surface water height (cm above surface) at South Fork. H2O_wflow = surface water height (cm above surface) at Wilson Flowage. airT_fwet = air temperature (deg C) at 100 cm above soil surface at forested wetland. airT_gwet = air temperature (deg C) at 100 cm above soil surface at Willow Springs. airT_lc = air temperature (deg C) at 100 cm above soil surface at Lost Creek. airT_sfork = air temperature (deg C) at 100 cm above soil surface at South Fork. airT_wflow = air temperature (deg C) at 100 cm above soil surface at Wilson Flowage. soilT_10cm_fwet = soil temperature (deg C) at 10 cm below the soil surface at forested wetland. soilT_10cm_gwet = soil temperature (deg C) at 10 cm below the soil surface at Willow Springs. soilT_10cm_lc = soil temperature (deg C) at 10 cm below the soil surface at Lost Creek. soilT_10cm_sfork = soil temperature (deg C) at 10 cm below the soil surface at South Fork. soilT_10cm_wflow = soil temperature (deg C) at 10 cm below the soil surface at Wilson Flowage. soilT_20cm_fwet = soil temperature (deg C) at 20 cm below the soil surface at forested wetland. soilT_20cm_gwet = soil temperature (deg C) at 20 cm below the soil surface at Willow Springs. soilT_20cm_lc = soil temperature (deg C) at 20 cm below the soil surface at Lost Creek. soilT_20cm_sfork = soil temperature (deg C) at 20 cm below the soil surface at South Fork. soilT_20cm_wflow = soil temperature (deg C) at 20 cm below the soil surface at Wilson Flowage. EQUIPMENT AND SENSORS Omega PX240 pressure transducers Onset Hobo H8 4 Channel logger and temperature probes (+/- 5 deg @ 20 deg C) 12 Deep cycle battery and solar panel HISTORY: See .../cheas/micromet/wdepth/rawdata/wdepth_raw_readme.txt