Sensors Sonic - ATI Type K sonic at 30, 122, 396 m oriented at 189.28 degrees (facing south) Applied Technologies Inc., Boulder, Colorado, model SAT-11/3K Li-6262 at 30, 122, and 396 m 30 meter: tube length is 35 m, radius is 0.0045 m inlet is 2m from sonic, on center arm, directly behind (north) 122 meter: tube length is 5 m, radius is 0.0016 m inlet is 1m from sonic, on center arm, directly behind (north) 396 meter: tube length is 5 m, radius is 0.0016 m inlet is 1m from sonic, on center arm, directly behind (north) +u is into sonic, +w is upward, +v follows right hand rule Surface met sensors are located off trailer near tower base (2.5 m height) Temperature/Humidity are shielded Vaisala HMP45C sensors, no aspiration/ventilation See hourly file metadata for more details See Ameriflux pages for US-PFa for site details, references, BADM data For Willow Creek data: Soil heat flux is a single plate at 5 cm below ground plus thermocouple above Radiation sensors are positioned due south above canopy at 24 m 30 minute data was averaged to hourly