;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Square Raw Data Input Files for Dayflux sqrawdata.txt Valid for configuration = 8 (current) Document created: 14 February 2003 Document updated: 10 March 2003 Please send comments and corrections to mpbutler@essc.psu.edu The files described here are the output of the first run of dayflux on WLEF tower data. These files are repaired versions of the WLEF raw data described in current_fst.txt After the first run dayflux uses these repaired versions of rawdata for input. Data conversion factors have been applied. Carbon dioxide and water vapor signals are not calibrated. The files are normally zipped. There are four types of files: .botsq, .midsq, .topsq, and .licsq Note: If a Campbell sonic anemometer is used, the final 'code' column will contain a Campbell diagnostic/data quality code rather than the averaging rate. (.botsq .midsq .topsq) Note: Time stamp columns (tstamp) are present when available in the original raw data. (See current_fst.txt and history_fst.txt for dates when row level time stamps were added to each file.) Time stamps are in the next to the last column on sonic square data files and in the first column for licor square data files. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .botsq file description (from level 2 at 30 m on the WLEF tower) pos field units description 0 u m/s wind component 1 v m/s wind component 2 w m/s wind component 3 tv deg C virtual temperature 4 t deg C Vaisala temperature 5 rh % Vaisala relative humidity 6 tb deg C box temperature 7 tstamp mmss time stamp 8 code 10 Hz obs averaged in this datapoint (always '2') Note: tstamp column only available when time stamp is present in rawdata input. (see current_fst.txt and history_fst.txt) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .midsq file description (from level 4 at 122 m on the WLEF tower) pos field units description 0 u m/s wind component 1 v m/s wind component 2 w m/s wind component 3 tv deg C sonic virtual temperature 4 cv mV insitu licor carbon dioxide signal 5 qv mV insitu licor water vapor signal 6 tl deg K insitu licor temperature 7 pl mb insitu licor pressure 8 fl L/min insitu licor airflow rate 9 ta deg C Vaisala temperature 10 rh % Vaisala relative humidity 11 tlc deg C licor cell temperature 12 tb deg C box temperature 13 tstamp mmss time stamp 14 code 10 Hz obs averaged in this datapoint (usually '2'; sometimes '12') This could be a data quality flag if the sonic is a Campbell sonic. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .topsq file description (from level 6 at 396 m on the WLEF tower) pos field units description 0 u m/s wind component 1 v m/s wind component 2 w m/s wind component 3 tv deg C sonic virutal temperature 4 cv mV insitu licor carbon dioxide signal 5 qv mV insitu licor water vapor signal 6 tl deg K insitu licor temperature 7 pl mb insitu licor pressure 8 fl L/min insitu licor airflow rate 9 ta deg C Vaisala temperature 10 rh % Vaisala relative humidity 11 tlc deg C licor cell temperature 12 tb deg C box temperature 13 tstamp mmss time stamp 14 code 10 Hz obs average in this datapoint (always '2') This could be a data quality flag if the sonic is a Campbell sonic. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .licsq file description (signals from trailer licors) format prior to 2/20/03 pos field units description 0 c0 mV carbon dioxide signal (bot) 1 c2 mV carbon dioxide signal (top) 2 c1 mV carbon dioxide signal (mid) 3 q0 mV water vapor signal (bot) 4 q2 mV water vapor signal (top) 5 q1 mV water vapor signal (mid) 6 t0 deg K licor temperature (bot) 7 t2 deg K licor temperature (top) 8 t1 deg K licor temperature (mid) 9 p0 mb licor pressure (bot) 10 p2 mb licor pressure (top) 11 p1 mb licor pressure (mid) format after 2/19/03 pos field units description 0 tstamp mmss time stamp 1 c0 mV carbon dioxide signal (bot) 2 c2 mV carbon dioxide signal (top) 3 c1 mV carbon dioxide signal (mid) 4 q0 mV water vapor signal (bot) 5 q2 mV water vapor signal (top) 6 q1 mV water vapor signal (mid) 7 t0 deg K licor temperature (bot) 8 t2 deg K licor temperature (top) 9 t1 deg K licor temperature (mid) 10 p0 mb licor pressure (bot) 11 p2 mb licor pressure (top) 12 p1 mb licor pressure (mid) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;