;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Raw Data (.fst) Input Files for WLEF Dayflux current_fst.txt Valid for current configuration (8) ...for a history of changes, please see history_fst.txt Document created 15 June 2001 Updated: 28 June 2001 Updated: 21 August 2001 Updated: 10 May 2002 to reflect changes of April 2002 Updated: 1 July 2002 to reflect changes of June 2002 Updated: 4 October 2002 to reflect changes of August 2002 Updated: 10 March 2003 to reflect changes of February 2003 Updated: 18 June 2003 to reflect changes of May 2003 Please send comments and corrections to mpbutler@essc.psu.edu The files described here are the output of the unpacking process of .fst "fast" 5Hz data files: raw data which are input for dayflux. To unpack the .fst files, see the unixscript unpackfst2002 in the directory /davis/s3/mpbutler/unixscripts This script unpacks the data for a single day (/davis/s3/wlef/fst/YYYYMMDD.fst) and places the output in the directory /davis/s3/wlef/rawdata/YYYY/YYMMDD There are four types of files: .bot, .mid, .top, and .lic See readsonic8.pro for processing of .bot, .mid, and .top See readlic4.pro, temperat2.pro, and press2.pro for processing of .lic ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .bot file description (from level 2 at 30 m on the WLEF tower) pos field units description 0 u x/100 = m/s u wind component 1 v x/100 = m/s v wind component 2 w x/100 = m/s w wind component 3 tv x/100 = C sonic virtual temperature 4 t x/100 = C Vaisala temperature 5 rh x/10 = % Vaisala relative humidity 6 tb x/10 = C box temperature 7 tstamp mmss time stamp 8 code 1/Hz averaged data rate (always '2') File header (date and timestamp) removed as of April 5, 2002. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .mid file description (from level 4 at 122 m on the WLEF tower) pos field units description 0 u x/100 = m/s u wind component 1 v x/100 * -1 = m/s v wind component 2 w x/100 * -1 = m/s w wind component 3 tv x/100 = C sonic virtual temperature 4 qv x/10 = mV licor water vapor signal 5 cv x/10 = mV licor carbon dioxide signal 6 tl x/100 + 273.15 = K licor sample airflow temperature 7 pl x/10 = mb licor sample airflow pressure 8 fl x/100 = L/min licor airflow 9 ta x/100 = C Vaisala temperature 10 rh x/100 = % Vaisala relative humidity 11 tlc x/100 = C licor cell temperature 12 tb x/100 = C box temperature 13 tstamp mmss time stamp 14 code 1/Hz averaged data rate (always '2') Time Stamp added and conversion factors changed as of April 5, 2002. qv and cv columns swapped as of April 5,2002. File header (date and timestamp) removed as of April 12, 2002. Sonic installed August 23, 2002 is upside down. Note that the column 14 code seems to have been changed to a '12' as of February 20, 2003. (temporary) Sonic installed on May 6, 2003 is still upside down. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .top file description (from level 6 at 396 m on the WLEF tower) pos field units description 0 u x/100 = m/s u wind component 1 v x/100 * -1 = m/s v wind component 2 w x/100 * -1 = m/s w wind component 3 tv x/100 = C sonic virutal temperature 4 qv x/10 = mV licor water vapor signal (bogus) 5 cv x/10 = mV licor carbon dioxide signal (bogus) 6 tl x/100 + 273.15 = K licor airflow temperature 7 pl x/10 = mb licor airflow pressure 8 fl x/10 = L/min licor airflow 9 ta x/100 = C Vaisala temperature 10 rh x/100 = % Vaisala relative humidity 11 tlc x/100 = C licor cell temperature (bogus) 12 tb x/100 = C box temperature 13 tstamp mmss time stamp 14 code 1/Hz averaged data rate (always '2') . Time Stamp added as of June 7, 2001. File header (date and timestamp) removed as of April 12, 2002. Conversion factors changed for tl, pl, fl. New sonic is still upside down. There is no longer an insitu licor: qv, cv, tlc signals are bogus. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; .lic file description pos field units description 0 tstamp mmss time stamp 1 c0 x/10 = mV licor carbon dioxide voltage (bot) 2 c2 x/10 = mV licor carbon dioxide voltage (top) 3 c1 x/10 = mV licor carbon dioxide voltage (mid) 4 q0 x/10 = mV licor water vapor voltage (bot) 5 q2 x/10 = mV licor water vapor voltage (top) 6 q1 x/10 = mV licor water vapor voltage (mid) 7 t0 see below licor temperature (bot) 8 t2 licor temperature (top) 9 t1 licor temperature (mid) 10 p0 see below licor pressure (top) 11 p2 licor pressure (bot) 12 p1 licor pressure (mid) A header row with a date and time stamp was removed as of 2/20/03. A time stamp column was added as of 2/20/03. Note that p2 is really pbot and p0 is really ptop Algorithms for temperature and pressure: Temperature (in K) = t * 27.9 - 45.6 + 273.15 Pressure (in mb) = p * 100 * 1.33322 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Conversions from millivolts to mixing ratios for water vapor and carbon dioxide can be found in qlicor2.pro and clicor3.pro ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;