;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; readme for data related to WLEF PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) There are four types of files in this directory: parraynn.txt contain summary PAR data from Wisconsin ChEAS sites for the year whose last two digits are nn (created in create_parray.pro) prefparnn.txt contain preferred PAR data for use with WLEF data (created in prefpar.pro) wcseasav.txt contain seasonal diurnal averages of PAR from Willow Creek for the period 2000-2002 (created in testpar3.pro) ssfactorsnn.txt contain scaling factors for site ss PAR for year nn to bring to same scale as Willow Creek (needed for Willow Springs and WLEF for the years 1997-1999) These factors are seasonal by hour of day. (created in testpar3.pro) Format of parraynn.txt 1 year 2 month 3 day of month 4 hour of day LST 5 day of year 6 WLEF PAR from WLEF met file[36,*] 7 Willow Springs clearcut PAR (1997-2000) from WLEF met file[37,*] 8 Willow Creek PAR (beginning in December 1998);hourly averaged from Willow Creek met file[55,*] 9 Lost Creek PAR (beginning in September 2000);hourly averaged from Lost Creek met file[32,*] 10 Day/Night indicator for WLEF latitude/longitude 0=night,1=day,2=noon, from the dn function Unavailable data is -999 All PAR in parray taken directly from met files with no editing Format of prefparnn.txt 1 year 2 day of year 3 hour of day LST 4 preferred PAR (micromoles/m2/s) 5 source of preferred PAR 1 WLEF (scaled for 1997-1999) 2 Willow Springs (scaled for 1997-1999) 3 Willow Creek 4 Willow Creek 2000-2002 seasonal diurnal average 5 Night (PAR forced to zero) 6 Lost Creek Format of wcseasav.txt (4 columns by 24 rows, 1 row for each hour) 1 winter average PAR 2 spring average PAR 3 summer average PAR 4 fall average PAR Format of ssfactorsnn.txt (4 columns by 24 rows, 1 row for each hour) 1 winter factor (multiplier) 2 spring factor 3 summer factor 4 fall factor