1. Dataset Title - Five-minute tree temperatures at CHEESEHEAD ISFS forest sites 2. Dataset Author(s) - ⁃ Ankur R Desai, desai@aos.wisc.edu, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5226-6041 ⁃ Travis Augustine, Chequamegon High School, Class ACT Charter School, taugustine@csdk12.net ⁃ Danielle LaLuzerne, Madison West High School, djlaluzerne7@gmail.com 3. Time of Interest - 2019-09-19 15:00:00 to 2020-04-22 18:00:00 4. Area of Interest - ⁃ NE2-1: 45.9551712557864, -90.2413474494992 ⁃ NE2-2: 45.9551712248025, -90.2413621503803 ⁃ NE3-1: 45.975112404049, -90.2325938096988 ⁃ NE3-2: 45.975078828423, -90.233250308909 ⁃ NE4-1: 45.9616509424066, -90.2268772950264 ⁃ NE4-2: 45.9616309012846, -90.2266419377957 ⁃ SW2-1: 45.9403686350767, -90.3156201252757 ⁃ SW2-2: 45.9403686350767, -90.3156201252757 ⁃ SW4-1: 45.9393405945523, -90.2822581517324 ⁃ SW4-2: 45.939311160533, -90.2822368704109 ⁃ Box: 45.976, -90.320; 45.976, -90.225; 45.938, -90.225; 45.938, -90.320 5. Data Frequency - 5 minute 6. Data Spatial Type -  textTable 7. General Dataset Description - Five-minute tree temperatures taken at ISFS sites NE2, NE3, NE4, SW2 and SW4 from Sept 2019 to April 2020 using HOBO MX2300 probe thermometers mounted in two trees (see PDF for details) per site at breast height, for use in estimation of tree biomass heat storage. Data were taken by students at Class ACT Charter School of Park Falls, WI and collated by student at Madison West High School.   8. File Names - - ne2-1_9.19_11.5_2019.csv ⁃ ne2-2_9.19_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ ne3-1_1.30_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ ne3-1_9.19_11.5_2019.csv ⁃ ne3-2_9.19_11.5_2019.csv ⁃ ne3-2_1.30_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ ne4-1_9.19_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ ne4-2_9.19_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ sw2-1_9.19_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ sw2-2_9.19_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ sw4-1_9.19_11.5_2019.csv ⁃ sw4-2_9.19_4.22_2020.csv ⁃ treetemp_metadata.pdf (details on trees) ⁃ CHEESEHEADMAP52519.kml (locations) ⁃ treetemp_readme.txt (this file) 9. Data restrictions - no restrictions  10. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - please generate DOI 11. GCMD Keywords - ⁃ WISCONSIN ⁃ 1 minute - < 1 hour ⁃ In Situ Land-based Platforms ⁃ TEMPERATURE PROBES ⁃ TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 12. Publications - n/a