!> @file urban_surface_mod.f90
! This file is part of the PALM model system.
! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
! Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see
! .
! Copyright 2015-2021 Czech Technical University in Prague
! Copyright 2015-2021 Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
! Current revisions:
! -----------------
! Former revisions:
! -----------------
! $Id: urban_surface_mod.f90 4850 2021-01-21 17:59:25Z suehring $
! - Add restart data for previous indoor temperature
! - Bugfix in mpi-io restart mechanism for waste-heat flux
! 4843 2021-01-15 15:22:11Z raasch
! local namelist parameter added to switch off the module although the respective module namelist
! appears in the namelist file
! 4842 2021-01-14 10:42:28Z raasch
! reading of namelist file and actions in case of namelist errors revised so that statement labels
! and goto statements are not required any more
! 4831 2021-01-06 17:55:14Z suehring
! Bugfix in checking output variables with suffix indicating the surface facing
! 4828 2021-01-05 11:21:41Z Giersch
! Deactivated A/C cooling capacity for office buildings built before year 2000.
! 4783 2020-11-13 13:58:45Z raasch
! - Default building parameters updated and extended (responsible: S. Rissmann)
! - First and second wall layer initialized with individual building properties rather than with
! with the same properties (heat capacity and conductivity)
! 4780 2020-11-10 11:17:10Z suehring
! Enable 3D data output also with 64-bit precision
! 4750 2020-10-16 14:27:48Z suehring
! - bugfix in openmp directive
! - make t_green_h and t_green_v public (required in indoor model)
! 4747 2020-10-16 09:19:57Z pavelkrc
! Fix window absorptivity calculation (correctly account for 2-sided reflection)
! 4738 2020-10-14 08:05:07Z maronga
! Updating building data base (on behalf of Sascha Rissmann)
! 4733 2020-10-09 12:24:16Z maronga
! Bugfix in calculation of absored radiation by windows (reflected radiation was not taken into
! account)
! 4721 2020-10-02 10:21:52Z suehring
! Remove unused variables from USE statement
! 4717 2020-09-30 22:27:40Z pavelkrc
! Fixes and optimizations of OpenMP parallelization, formatting of OpenMP
! directives (J. Resler)
! 4713 2020-09-29 12:02:05Z pavelkrc
! - Do not change original fractions in USM energy balance
! - Correct OpenMP parallelization
! Author: J. Resler
! 4701 2020-09-27 11:02:15Z maronga
! Corrected parameter 33 for building_type 2 (ground floor window emissivity
! 4698 2020-09-25 08:37:55Z maronga
! Bugfix in calculation of iwghf_eb and iwghf_eb_window (introduced in previous revisions)
! 4694 2020-09-23 15:09:19Z pavelkrc
! Fix writing and reading of surface data to/from MPI restart file
! 4693 2020-09-22 19:47:04Z maronga
! Bugfix for last commit
! 4692 2020-09-22 17:17:52Z maronga
! Bugfix for previous revision
! 4687 2020-09-21 19:40:16Z
! Optimized code structure for treatment of inner wall and window heat flux
! 4671 2020-09-09 20:27:58Z pavelkrc
! Radiative transfer model RTM version 4.1
! - Implementation of downward facing USM and LSM surfaces
! - Restructuralization EB call
! - Improved debug logging
! - Removal of deprecated CSV inputs
! - Bugfixes
! Author: J. Resler (Institute of Computer Science, Prague)
! 4669 2020-09-09 13:43:47Z pavelkrc
! Fix calculation of force_radiation_call
! 4668 2020-09-09 13:00:16Z pavelkrc
! Limit vertical r_a similarly to horizontal
! 4660 2020-09-01 14:49:39Z pavelkrc
! Fix of wrong limitation of calculation of ueff (avoid r_a=inf) (J. Resler)
! 4653 2020-08-27 08:54:43Z pavelkrc
! Remove separate direction indices for urban and land faces (part of RTM v4.0)
! 4630 2020-07-30 14:54:34Z suehring
! - Bugfix in resistance calculation - avoid potential divisions by zero
! - Minor formatting adjustment
! 4602 2020-07-14 14:49:45Z suehring
! Add missing initialization of albedo type with values given from static input file
! 4581 2020-06-29 08:49:58Z suehring
! Missing initialization in case of cyclic_fill runs
! 4535 2020-05-15 12:07:23Z raasch
! bugfix for restart data format query
! 4517 2020-05-03 14:29:30Z raasch
! added restart with MPI-IO for reading local arrays
! 4510 2020-04-29 14:19:18Z raasch
! Further re-formatting to follow the PALM coding standard
! 4509 2020-04-26 15:57:55Z raasch
! File re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard
! 4500 2020-04-17 10:12:45Z suehring
! Allocate array for wall heat flux, which is further used to aggregate tile
! fractions in the surface output
! 4495 2020-04-13 20:11:20Z raasch
! Restart data handling with MPI-IO added
! 4493 2020-04-10 09:49:43Z pavelkrc
! J.Resler, 2020/03/19
! - Remove reading of deprecated input parameters c_surface and lambda_surf
! - And calculate them from parameters of the outer wall/roof layer
! 4481 2020-03-31 18:55:54Z maronga
! Use statement for exchange horiz added
! 4442 2020-03-04 19:21:13Z suehring
! Change order of dimension in surface arrays %frac, %emissivity and %albedo to allow for better
! vectorization in the radiation interactions.
! 4441 2020-03-04 19:20:35Z suehring
! Removed wall_flags_static_0 from USE statements as it's not used within the module
! 4329 2019-12-10 15:46:36Z motisi
! Renamed wall_flags_0 to wall_flags_static_0
! 4309 2019-11-26 18:49:59Z suehring
! - Bugfix, include m_liq into restarts
! - Remove unused arrays for liquid water and saturation moisture at vertical walls
! 4305 2019-11-25 11:15:40Z suehring
! Revision of some indoor-model parameters
! 4259 2019-10-09 10:05:22Z suehring
! Instead of terminate the job in case the relative wall fractions do not sum-up to one, give only
! an informative message and normalize the fractions.
! 4258 2019-10-07 13:29:08Z suehring
! - Add checks to ensure that relative fractions of walls, windowns and green surfaces sum-up to one.
! - Revise message calls dealing with local checks.
! 4245 2019-09-30 08:40:37Z pavelkrc
! Initialize explicit per-surface parameters from building_surface_pars
! 4238 2019-09-25 16:06:01Z suehring
! Indoor-model parameters for some building types adjusted in order to avoid unrealistically high
! indoor temperatures (S. Rissmann)
! 4230 2019-09-11 13:58:14Z suehring
! Bugfix, initialize canopy resistance. Even if no green fraction is set, r_canopy must be
! initialized for output purposes.
! 4227 2019-09-10 18:04:34Z gronemeier
! Implement new palm_date_time_mod
! 4214 2019-09-02 15:57:02Z suehring
! Bugfix, missing initialization and clearing of soil-moisture tendency (J.Resler)
! 4182 2019-08-22 15:20:23Z scharf
! Corrected 'Former revisions' section
! 4168 2019-08-16 13:50:17Z suehring
! Replace function get_topography_top_index by topo_top_ind
! 4148 2019-08-08 11:26:00Z suehring
! - Add anthropogenic heat output factors for heating and cooling to building data base
! - Move definition of building_pars to usm_init_arrays since it is already required in the indoor
! model
! 4127 2019-07-30 14:47:10Z suehring
! Do not add anthopogenic energy during wall/soil spin-up (merge from branch resler)
! 4077 2019-07-09 13:27:11Z gronemeier
! Set roughness length z0 and z0h/q at ground-floor level to same value as those above ground-floor
! level
! 4051 2019-06-24 13:58:30Z suehring
! Remove work-around for green surface fraction on buildings (do not set it zero)
! 4050 2019-06-24 13:57:27Z suehring
! In order to avoid confusion with global control parameter, rename the USM-internal flag spinup
! into during_spinup.
! 3987 2019-05-22 09:52:13Z kanani
! Introduce alternative switch for debug output during timestepping
! 3943 2019-05-02 09:50:41Z maronga
! Removed qsws_eb. Bugfix in calculation of qsws.
! 3933 2019-04-25 12:33:20Z kanani
! Remove allocation of pt_2m, this is done in surface_mod now (surfaces%pt_2m)
! 3921 2019-04-18 14:21:10Z suehring
! Undo accidentally commented initialization
! 3918 2019-04-18 13:33:11Z suehring
! Set green fraction to zero also at vertical surfaces
! 3914 2019-04-17 16:02:02Z suehring
! In order to obtain correct surface temperature during spinup set window fraction to zero
! (only during spinup) instead of just disabling time-integration of window-surface temperature.
! 3901 2019-04-16 16:17:02Z suehring
! Workaround - set green fraction to zero ( green-heat model crashes ).
! 3896 2019-04-15 10:10:17Z suehring
! 3896 2019-04-15 10:10:17Z suehring
! Bugfix, wrong index used for accessing building_pars from PIDS
! 3885 2019-04-11 11:29:34Z kanani
! Changes related to global restructuring of location messages and introduction of additional debug
! messages
! 3882 2019-04-10 11:08:06Z suehring
! Avoid different type kinds
! Move definition of building-surface properties from declaration block to an extra routine
! 3881 2019-04-10 09:31:22Z suehring
! Revise determination of local ground-floor level height.
! Make level 3 initalization conform with Palm-input-data standard
! Move output of albedo and emissivity to radiation module
! 3832 2019-03-28 13:16:58Z raasch
! Instrumented with openmp directives
! 3824 2019-03-27 15:56:16Z pavelkrc
! Remove unused imports
! 3814 2019-03-26 08:40:31Z pavelkrc
! Unused subroutine commented out
! 3769 2019-02-28 10:16:49Z moh.hefny
! Removed unused variables
! 3767 2019-02-27 08:18:02Z raasch
! Unused variables removed from rrd-subroutines parameter list
! 3748 2019-02-18 10:38:31Z suehring
! Revise conversion of waste-heat flux (do not divide by air density, will be done in diffusion_s)
! 3745 2019-02-15 18:57:56Z suehring
! - Remove internal flag indoor_model (is a global control parameter)
! - Add waste heat from buildings to the kinmatic heat flux
! - Consider waste heat in restart data
! - Remove unused USE statements
! 3744 2019-02-15 18:38:58Z suehring
! Fixed surface heat capacity in the building parameters convert the file back to unix format
! 3730 2019-02-11 11:26:47Z moh.hefny
! Formatting and clean-up (rvtils)
! 3710 2019-01-30 18:11:19Z suehring
! Check if building type is set within a valid range.
! 3705 2019-01-29 19:56:39Z suehring
! Make nzb_wall public, required for virtual-measurements
! 3704 2019-01-29 19:51:41Z suehring
! Some interface calls moved to module_interface + cleanup
! 3655 2019-01-07 16:51:22Z knoop
! Implementation of the PALM module interface
! 2007 2016-08-24 15:47:17Z kanani
! Initial revision
! Description:
! ------------
! 2016/6/9 - Initial version of the USM (Urban Surface Model)
! authors: Jaroslav Resler, Pavel Krc (Czech Technical University in Prague and Institute
! of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
! with contributions: Michal Belda, Nina Benesova, Ondrej Vlcek
! partly inspired by PALM LSM (B. Maronga)
! parameterizations of Ra checked with TUF3D (E. S. Krayenhoff)
!> Module for Urban Surface Model (USM)
!> The module includes:
!> 1. Radiation model with direct/diffuse radiation, shading, reflections and integration with
!> plant canopy
!> 2. Wall and wall surface model
!> 3. Surface layer energy balance
!> 4. Anthropogenic heat (only from transportation so far)
!> 5. Necessary auxiliary subroutines (reading inputs, writing outputs, restart simulations, ...)
!> It also makes use of standard radiation and integrates it into urban surface model.
!> Further work:
!> -------------
!> @todo Revise initialization when building_pars / building_surface_pars are provided -
!> intialization is not consistent to building_pars
!> @todo Revise flux conversion in energy-balance solver
!> @todo Check divisions in wtend (etc.) calculations for possible division by zero, e.g. in case
!> fraq(0,m) + fraq(1,m) = 0?!
!> @todo Use unit 90 for OPEN/CLOSE of input files (FK)
MODULE urban_surface_mod
USE arrays_3d, &
ONLY: exner, &
hyp, &
hyrho, &
p, &
prr, &
pt, &
q, &
ql, &
tend, &
u, &
v, &
vpt, &
w, &
USE calc_mean_profile_mod, &
ONLY: calc_mean_profile
USE basic_constants_and_equations_mod, &
ONLY: c_p, &
degc_to_k, &
g, &
kappa, &
l_v, &
magnus_tl, &
pi, &
r_d, &
rho_l, &
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: average_count_3d, &
coupling_char, &
coupling_start_time, &
debug_output, &
debug_output_timestep, &
debug_string, &
dt_do3d, &
dt_3d, &
dz, &
end_time, &
humidity, &
indoor_model, &
initializing_actions, &
intermediate_timestep_count, &
intermediate_timestep_count_max, &
io_blocks, &
io_group, &
large_scale_forcing, &
lsf_surf, &
message_string, &
pt_surface, &
restart_data_format_output, &
surface_pressure, &
time_since_reference_point, &
timestep_scheme, &
topography, &
tsc, &
urban_surface, &
USE bulk_cloud_model_mod, &
ONLY: bulk_cloud_model, &
USE cpulog, &
ONLY: cpu_log, &
log_point, &
USE grid_variables, &
ONLY: ddx, &
ddx2, &
ddy, &
ddy2, &
dx, &
USE indices, &
ONLY: nbgp, &
nnx, &
nny, &
nnz, &
nx, &
nxl, &
nxlg, &
nxr, &
nxrg, &
ny, &
nyn, &
nyng, &
nys, &
nysg, &
nzb, &
nzt, &
USE, INTRINSIC :: iso_c_binding
USE kinds
USE palm_date_time_mod, &
ONLY: get_date_time, &
USE pegrid
USE radiation_model_mod, &
ONLY: albedo_type, &
dirname, &
diridx, &
dirint, &
force_radiation_call, &
id, &
idown, &
ieast, &
inorth, &
isouth, &
iup, &
iwest, &
nd, &
nz_urban_b, &
nz_urban_t, &
radiation_interaction, &
radiation, &
rad_lw_in, &
rad_lw_out, &
rad_sw_in, &
rad_sw_out, &
USE restart_data_mpi_io_mod, &
ONLY: rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes, &
rrd_mpi_io, &
rrd_mpi_io_surface, &
wrd_mpi_io, &
USE statistics, &
ONLY: hom, &
USE surface_mod, &
ONLY: ind_pav_green, &
ind_veg_wall, &
ind_wat_win, &
surf_type, &
surf_usm_h, &
surf_usm_v, &
!-- USM model constants
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: b_ch = 6.04_wp !< Clapp & Hornberger exponent
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: lambda_h_green_dry = 0.19_wp !< heat conductivity for dry soil
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: lambda_h_green_sm = 3.44_wp !< heat conductivity of the soil matrix
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: lambda_h_water = 0.57_wp !< heat conductivity of water
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: psi_sat = -0.388_wp !< soil matrix potential at saturation
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rho_c_soil = 2.19E6_wp !< volumetric heat capacity of soil
REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: rho_c_water = 4.20E6_wp !< volumetric heat capacity of water
! REAL(wp), PARAMETER :: m_max_depth = 0.0002_wp !< Maximum capacity of the water reservoir (m)
!-- Soil parameters I alpha_vg, l_vg_green, n_vg, gamma_w_green_sat
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:3,1:7), PARAMETER :: soil_pars = RESHAPE( (/ &
3.83_wp, 1.250_wp, 1.38_wp, 6.94E-6_wp, & !< soil 1
3.14_wp, -2.342_wp, 1.28_wp, 1.16E-6_wp, & !< soil 2
0.83_wp, -0.588_wp, 1.25_wp, 0.26E-6_wp, & !< soil 3
3.67_wp, -1.977_wp, 1.10_wp, 2.87E-6_wp, & !< soil 4
2.65_wp, 2.500_wp, 1.10_wp, 1.74E-6_wp, & !< soil 5
1.30_wp, 0.400_wp, 1.20_wp, 0.93E-6_wp, & !< soil 6
0.00_wp, 0.00_wp, 0.00_wp, 0.57E-6_wp & !< soil 7
/), (/ 4, 7 /) )
!-- Soil parameters II swc_sat, fc, wilt, swc_res
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:3,1:7), PARAMETER :: m_soil_pars = RESHAPE( (/ &
0.403_wp, 0.244_wp, 0.059_wp, 0.025_wp, & !< soil 1
0.439_wp, 0.347_wp, 0.151_wp, 0.010_wp, & !< soil 2
0.430_wp, 0.383_wp, 0.133_wp, 0.010_wp, & !< soil 3
0.520_wp, 0.448_wp, 0.279_wp, 0.010_wp, & !< soil 4
0.614_wp, 0.541_wp, 0.335_wp, 0.010_wp, & !< soil 5
0.766_wp, 0.663_wp, 0.267_wp, 0.010_wp, & !< soil 6
0.472_wp, 0.323_wp, 0.171_wp, 0.000_wp & !< soil 7
/), (/ 4, 7 /) )
!-- Value 9999999.9_wp -> Generic available or user-defined value must be set otherwise
!-- -> No generic variable and user setting is optional
REAL(wp) :: alpha_vangenuchten = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST alpha_vg
REAL(wp) :: field_capacity = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST fc
REAL(wp) :: hydraulic_conductivity = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST gamma_w_green_sat
REAL(wp) :: l_vangenuchten = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST l_vg
REAL(wp) :: n_vangenuchten = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST n_vg
REAL(wp) :: residual_moisture = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST m_res
REAL(wp) :: saturation_moisture = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST m_sat
REAL(wp) :: wilting_point = 9999999.9_wp !< NAMELIST m_wilt
!-- Configuration parameters (they can be setup in PALM config)
LOGICAL :: force_radiation_call_l = .FALSE. !< flag parameter for unscheduled radiation model calls
LOGICAL :: usm_wall_mod = .FALSE. !< reduces conductivity of the first 2 wall layers by factor 0.1
INTEGER(iwp) :: building_type = 1 !< default building type (preleminary setting)
INTEGER(iwp) :: roof_category = 2 !< default category for root surface
INTEGER(iwp) :: wall_category = 2 !< default category for wall surface over pedestrian zone
REAL(wp) :: d_roughness_concrete !< inverse roughness length of average concrete surface
REAL(wp) :: roughness_concrete = 0.001_wp !< roughness length of average concrete surface
!-- Indices of input attributes in building_pars for (above) ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_wall_agfl = 38 !< index in input list for albedo_type of wall above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_wall_gfl = 66 !< index in input list for albedo_type of wall ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_wall_r = 101 !< index in input list for albedo_type of wall roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_green_agfl = 39 !< index in input list for albedo_type of green above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_green_gfl = 78 !< index in input list for albedo_type of green ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_green_r = 117 !< index in input list for albedo_type of green roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_win_agfl = 40 !< index in input list for albedo_type of window fraction above ground floor
!< level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_win_gfl = 77 !< index in input list for albedo_type of window fraction ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_win_r = 115 !< index in input list for albedo_type of window fraction roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_wall_agfl = 14 !< index in input list for wall emissivity, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_wall_gfl = 32 !< index in input list for wall emissivity, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_wall_r = 100 !< index in input list for wall emissivity, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_green_agfl = 15 !< index in input list for green emissivity, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_green_gfl = 34 !< index in input list for green emissivity, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_green_r = 116 !< index in input list for green emissivity, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_win_agfl = 16 !< index in input list for window emissivity, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_win_gfl = 33 !< index in input list for window emissivity, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_win_r = 113 !< index in input list for window emissivity, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_gflh = 20 !< index in input list for ground floor level height
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_frac_w_agfl = 2 !< index in input list for green fraction on wall, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_frac_w_gfl = 23 !< index in input list for green fraction on wall, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_frac_r_agfl = 3 !< index in input list for green fraction on roof, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_frac_r_gfl = 24 !< index in input list for green fraction on roof, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_type_roof = 118 !< index in input list for type of green roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_agfl = 6 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first wall layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_gfl = 26 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first wall layer, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_wall_r = 94 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_win_agfl = 83 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_win_gfl = 71 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_win_r = 107 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_agfl = 7 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second wall layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_gfl = 27 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second wall layer, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_wall_r = 95 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_win_agfl = 84 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_win_gfl = 72 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_win_r = 108 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_agfl = 8 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third wall layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_gfl = 28 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third wall layer, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_wall_r = 96 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_win_agfl = 85 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_win_gfl = 73 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_win_r = 109 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_agfl = 136 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth wall layer, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_gfl = 138 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth wall layer, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_wall_r = 146 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_win_agfl = 144 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_win_gfl = 142 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth window layer, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_win_r = 148 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_indoor_target_temp_summer = 12 !<
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_indoor_target_temp_winter = 13 !<
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_lai_r_agfl = 4 !< index in input list for LAI on roof, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_lai_r_gfl = 4 !< index in input list for LAI on roof, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_lai_w_agfl = 5 !< index in input list for LAI on wall, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_lai_w_gfl = 25 !< index in input list for LAI on wall, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_agfl = 9 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first wall layer, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_gfl = 29 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first wall layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_wall_r = 97 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_win_agfl = 86 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_win_gfl = 74 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_win_r = 110 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_agfl = 10 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second wall layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_gfl = 30 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second wall layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_wall_r = 98 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_win_agfl = 87 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_win_gfl = 75 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_win_r = 111 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_agfl = 11 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third wall layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_gfl = 31 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third wall layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_wall_r = 99 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_win_agfl = 88 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_win_gfl = 76 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third window layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_win_r = 112 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_agfl = 137 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at fourth wall layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_gfl = 139 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at fourth wall layer,
!< ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_wall_r = 147 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at fourth wall layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_win_agfl = 145 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at fourth window layer,
!< above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_win_gfl = 143 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first window layer, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_win_r = 149 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third window layer, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_agfl = 41 !< index for wall layer thickness - 1st layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_gfl = 62 !< index for wall layer thickness - 1st layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_wall_r = 90 !< index for wall layer thickness - 1st layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_win_agfl = 79 !< index for window layer thickness - 1st layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_win_gfl = 67 !< index for window layer thickness - 1st layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_win_r = 103 !< index for window layer thickness - 1st layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_agfl = 42 !< index for wall layer thickness - 2nd layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_gfl = 63 !< index for wall layer thickness - 2nd layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_wall_r = 91 !< index for wall layer thickness - 2nd layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_win_agfl = 80 !< index for window layer thickness - 2nd layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_win_gfl = 68 !< index for window layer thickness - 2nd layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_win_r = 104 !< index for window layer thickness - 2nd layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_agfl = 43 !< index for wall layer thickness - 3rd layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_gfl = 64 !< index for wall layer thickness - 3rd layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_wall_r = 92 !< index for wall layer thickness - 3rd layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_win_agfl = 81 !< index for window layer thickness - 3rd layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_win_gfl = 69 !< index for window layer thickness - 3rd layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_win_r = 105 !< index for window layer thickness - 3rd layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_agfl = 44 !< index for wall layer thickness - 4th layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_gfl = 65 !< index for wall layer thickness - 4th layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_wall_r = 93 !< index for wall layer thickness - 4st layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_win_agfl = 82 !< index for window layer thickness - 4th layer above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_win_gfl = 70 !< index for window layer thickness - 4th layer ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_win_r = 106 !< index for window layer thickness - 4th layer roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_trans_agfl = 17 !< index in input list for window transmissivity, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_trans_gfl = 35 !< index in input list for window transmissivity, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_trans_r = 114 !< index in input list for window transmissivity, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_wall_frac_agfl = 0 !< index in input list for wall fraction, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_wall_frac_gfl = 21 !< index in input list for wall fraction, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_wall_frac_r = 89 !< index in input list for wall fraction, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_win_frac_agfl = 1 !< index in input list for window fraction, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_win_frac_gfl = 22 !< index in input list for window fraction, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_win_frac_r = 102 !< index in input list for window fraction, roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_z0_agfl = 18 !< index in input list for z0, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_z0_gfl = 36 !< index in input list for z0, ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_z0qh_agfl = 19 !< index in input list for z0h / z0q, above ground floor level
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_z0qh_gfl = 37 !< index in input list for z0h / z0q, ground floor level
!-- Indices of input attributes in building_surface_pars (except for radiation-related, which are in
!-- radiation_model_mod)
CHARACTER(37), DIMENSION(0:7), PARAMETER :: building_type_name = (/ &
'user-defined ', & !< type 0
'residential - 1950 ', & !< type 1
'residential 1951 - 2000 ', & !< type 2
'residential 2001 - ', & !< type 3
'office - 1950 ', & !< type 4
'office 1951 - 2000 ', & !< type 5
'office 2001 - ', & !< type 6
'bridges ' & !< type 7
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_emis_green = 14 !< index for emissivity of green fraction (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_emis_wall = 13 !< index for emissivity of wall fraction (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_emis_win = 15 !< index for emissivity o f window fraction (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_green_frac_r = 3 !< index for green fraction on roof (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_green_frac_w = 2 !< index for green fraction on wall (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_hc1 = 5 !< index for heat capacity of wall layer 1
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_hc2 = 6 !< index for heat capacity of wall layer 2
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_hc3 = 7 !< index for heat capacity of wall layer 3
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_indoor_target_temp_summer = 11 !< index for indoor target summer temperature
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_indoor_target_temp_winter = 12 !< index for indoor target winter temperature
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_lai_r = 4 !< index for leaf area index of green fraction
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_tc1 = 8 !< index for thermal conducivity of wall layer 1
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_tc2 = 9 !< index for thermal conducivity of wall layer 2
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_tc3 = 10 !< index for thermal conducivity of wall layer 3
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_trans = 16 !< index for transmissivity of window fraction (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_wall_frac = 0 !< index for wall fraction (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_win_frac = 1 !< index for window fraction (0-1)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_z0 = 17 !< index for roughness length for momentum (m)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_s_z0qh = 18 !< index for roughness length for heat (m)
REAL(wp) :: ground_floor_level = 4.0_wp !< default ground floor level
!-- Building facade/wall/green/window properties (partly according to PIDS).
!-- Initialization of building_pars is outsourced to usm_init_pars. This is needed because of the
!-- huge number of attributes given in building_pars (>700), while intel and gfortran compiler have
!-- hard limit of continuation lines of 511.
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(0:149,1:7) :: building_pars !<
!-- Type for 1d surface variables as surface temperature and liquid water reservoir
TYPE surf_type_1d_usm
END TYPE surf_type_1d_usm
!-- Type for 2d surface variables as wall temperature
TYPE surf_type_2d_usm
END TYPE surf_type_2d_usm
!-- Wall surface model
!-- Wall surface model constants
INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nzb_wall = 0 !< inner side of the wall model (to be switched)
INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nzt_wall = 3 !< outer side of the wall model (to be switched)
INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nzw = 4 !< number of wall layers (fixed for now)
INTEGER(iwp) :: soil_type !<
REAL(wp) :: m_total = 0.0_wp !< weighted total water content of the soil (m3/m3)
REAL(wp) :: roof_inner_temperature = 295.0_wp !< temperature of the inner roof
!< surface (~22 degrees C) (K)
REAL(wp) :: soil_inner_temperature = 288.0_wp !< temperature of the deep soil
!< (~15 degrees C) (K)
REAL(wp) :: wall_inner_temperature = 295.0_wp !< temperature of the inner wall
!< surface (~22 degrees C) (K)
REAL(wp) :: window_inner_temperature = 295.0_wp !< temperature of the inner window
!< surface (~22 degrees C) (K)
!-- Surface and material model variables for walls, ground, roofs
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_green_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_green_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_wall_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_wall_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_window_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_window_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_surf_green_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_surf_green_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_surf_wall_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_surf_wall_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_surf_window_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_surf_window_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_green_v !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_green_v_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_wall_v !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_wall_v_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_window_v !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_surf_window_v_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_surf_green_v_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_surf_green_v_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_surf_wall_v_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_surf_wall_v_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_surf_window_v_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_surf_window_v_2 !<
!-- Energy balance variables
!-- Parameters of the land, roof and wall surfaces (only for horizontal upward surfaces)
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: fc_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: rootfr_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: swc_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: swc_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: swc_res_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: swc_sat_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_green_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_green_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_wall_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_wall_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: wilt_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_window_h !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_window_h_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: fc_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: rootfr_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: swc_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: swc_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: swc_res_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: swc_sat_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_green_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_green_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_wall_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_wall_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: wilt_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_window_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: t_window_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_green_v !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_green_v_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_wall_v !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_wall_v_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_window_v !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: t_window_v_p !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_green_v_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_green_v_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_wall_v_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_wall_v_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_window_v_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: t_window_v_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: m_liq_usm_h !< liquid water reservoir (m), horizontal surface elements
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: m_liq_usm_h_p !< progn. liquid water reservoir (m), horizontal surface elements
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: m_liq_usm_h_1 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: m_liq_usm_h_2 !<
TYPE(surf_type_1d_usm), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: tm_liq_usm_h_m !< liquid water reservoir tendency (m), horizontal surface elements
!-- Interfaces of subroutines accessed from outside of this module
INTERFACE usm_3d_data_averaging
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_3d_data_averaging
END INTERFACE usm_3d_data_averaging
INTERFACE usm_boundary_condition
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_boundary_condition
END INTERFACE usm_boundary_condition
INTERFACE usm_check_data_output
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_check_data_output
END INTERFACE usm_check_data_output
INTERFACE usm_check_parameters
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_check_parameters
END INTERFACE usm_check_parameters
INTERFACE usm_data_output_3d
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_data_output_3d
END INTERFACE usm_data_output_3d
INTERFACE usm_define_netcdf_grid
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_define_netcdf_grid
END INTERFACE usm_define_netcdf_grid
INTERFACE usm_init
INTERFACE usm_init_arrays
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_init_arrays
END INTERFACE usm_init_arrays
INTERFACE usm_parin
INTERFACE usm_rrd_local
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_rrd_local_ftn
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_rrd_local_mpi
END INTERFACE usm_rrd_local
INTERFACE usm_energy_balance
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_energy_balance
END INTERFACE usm_energy_balance
INTERFACE usm_swap_timelevel
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_swap_timelevel
END INTERFACE usm_swap_timelevel
INTERFACE usm_wrd_local
MODULE PROCEDURE usm_wrd_local
END INTERFACE usm_wrd_local
!-- Public functions
PUBLIC usm_boundary_condition, &
usm_check_data_output, &
usm_check_parameters, &
usm_data_output_3d, &
usm_define_netcdf_grid, &
usm_init, &
usm_init_arrays, &
usm_parin, &
usm_rrd_local, &
usm_energy_balance, &
usm_swap_timelevel, &
usm_wrd_local, &
!-- Public parameters, constants and initial values
PUBLIC building_type, &
building_pars, &
nzb_wall, &
nzt_wall, &
t_green_h, &
t_green_v, &
t_wall_h, &
t_wall_v, &
t_window_h, &
t_window_v, &
! Description:
! ------------
!> This subroutine creates the necessary indices of the urban surfaces and plant canopy and it
!> allocates the needed arrays for USM
SUBROUTINE usm_init_arrays
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !<
IF ( debug_output ) CALL debug_message( 'usm_init_arrays', 'start' )
!-- Allocate radiation arrays which are part of the new data type.
!-- For horizontal surfaces.
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%surfhf(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%rad_net_l(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- For vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%surfhf(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%rad_net_l(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Wall surface model
!-- Allocate arrays for wall surface model and define pointers
!-- Allocate array of wall types and wall parameters
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%surface_types(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%building_type(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%building_type_name(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%building_type = 0
surf_usm_h(l)%building_type_name = 'none'
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%surface_types(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%building_type(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%building_type_name(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%building_type = 0
surf_usm_v(l)%building_type_name = 'none'
!-- Allocate albedo_type and albedo. Each surface element has 3 values, 0: wall fraction,
!-- 1: green fraction, 2: window fraction.
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns,0:2) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%albedo(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns,0:2) )
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type = albedo_type
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns,0:2) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%albedo(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns,0:2) )
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type = albedo_type
!-- Allocate indoor target temperature for summer and winter
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_summer(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_winter(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_summer(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_winter(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- In case the indoor model is applied, allocate memory for waste heat and indoor temperature.
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat = 0.0_wp
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat = 0.0_wp
!-- Allocate flag indicating ground floor level surface elements
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Allocate arrays for relative surface fraction.
!-- 0 - wall fraction, 1 - green fraction, 2 - window fraction
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%frac(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns,0:2) )
surf_usm_h(l)%frac = 0.0_wp
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%frac(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns,0:2) )
surf_usm_v(l)%frac = 0.0_wp
!-- Wall and roof surface parameters. First for horizontal surfaces
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%isroof_surf(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_surf(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_surf_window(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_surf_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%c_surface(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%c_surface_window(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%c_surface_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%transmissivity(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lai(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns,0:2) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%r_a(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%r_a_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%r_a_window(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%green_type_roof(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%r_s(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- For vertical surfaces.
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_window(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_window(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_green(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_green(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%transmissivity(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lai(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns,0:2) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_a(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_a_green(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_a_window(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_s(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Allocate wall and roof material parameters. First for horizontal surfaces
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%thickness_wall(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%thickness_window(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%thickness_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_total_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%n_vg_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%alpha_vg_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%l_vg_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green_sat(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_w_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tswc_h_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- For vertical surfaces.
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%thickness_wall(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%thickness_window(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%thickness_green(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Allocate green wall and roof vegetation and soil parameters. First horizontal surfaces
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%g_d(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%c_liq(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%r_canopy(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%r_canopy_min(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- For vertical surfaces.
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%g_d(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%c_liq(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_canopy(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%r_canopy_min(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Allocate wall and roof layers sizes. For horizontal surfaces.
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_wall(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_wall_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_window_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- For vertical surfaces.
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_wall(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_wall_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_window_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_green_stag(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Allocate wall and roof temperature arrays, for horizontal walls.
!-- Allocate if required. Note, in case of restarts, some of these arrays might be already allocated.
DO l = 0, 1
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_wall_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_wall_h_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_wall_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_wall_h_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_window_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_window_h_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_window_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_window_h_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_green_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_green_h_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_green_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_green_h_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( swc_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( swc_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( swc_sat_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( swc_sat_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( swc_res_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( swc_res_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( swc_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( swc_h_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( rootfr_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( rootfr_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( wilt_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( wilt_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( fc_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( fc_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( m_liq_usm_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( m_liq_usm_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( m_liq_usm_h_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( m_liq_usm_h_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- Initial assignment of the pointers
t_wall_h => t_wall_h_1; t_wall_h_p => t_wall_h_2
t_window_h => t_window_h_1; t_window_h_p => t_window_h_2
t_green_h => t_green_h_1; t_green_h_p => t_green_h_2
t_surf_wall_h => t_surf_wall_h_1; t_surf_wall_h_p => t_surf_wall_h_2
t_surf_window_h => t_surf_window_h_1; t_surf_window_h_p => t_surf_window_h_2
t_surf_green_h => t_surf_green_h_1; t_surf_green_h_p => t_surf_green_h_2
m_liq_usm_h => m_liq_usm_h_1; m_liq_usm_h_p => m_liq_usm_h_2
swc_h => swc_h_1; swc_h_p => swc_h_2
swc_sat_h => swc_sat_h_1
swc_res_h => swc_res_h_1
rootfr_h => rootfr_h_1
wilt_h => wilt_h_1
fc_h => fc_h_1
!-- Allocate wall and roof temperature arrays, for vertical walls if required.
!-- Allocate if required. Note, in case of restarts, some of these arrays might be already allocated.
DO l = 0, 3
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_wall_v_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_wall_v_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_wall_v_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_wall_v_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_window_v_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_window_v_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_window_v_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_window_v_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_green_v_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_surf_green_v_2(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_green_v_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_2(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_green_v_2(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
!-- Initial assignment of the pointers
t_wall_v => t_wall_v_1; t_wall_v_p => t_wall_v_2
t_surf_wall_v => t_surf_wall_v_1; t_surf_wall_v_p => t_surf_wall_v_2
t_window_v => t_window_v_1; t_window_v_p => t_window_v_2
t_green_v => t_green_v_1; t_green_v_p => t_green_v_2
t_surf_window_v => t_surf_window_v_1; t_surf_window_v_p => t_surf_window_v_2
t_surf_green_v => t_surf_green_v_1; t_surf_green_v_p => t_surf_green_v_2
!-- Allocate intermediate timestep arrays. For horizontal surfaces.
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_wall_m(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_wall_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_window_m(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_window_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_green_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_green_m(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
!-- Allocate intermediate timestep arrays
!-- Horizontal surfaces
ALLOCATE ( tm_liq_usm_h_m(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
tm_liq_usm_h_m(l)%val = 0.0_wp
!-- Set inital values for prognostic quantities
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_wall_m ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_wall_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_wall_m ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%tt_wall_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_window_m ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_window_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_window_m ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%tt_window_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_green_m ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%tt_green_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_green_m ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%tt_surface_green_m = 0.0_wp
!-- Now, for vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_wall_m(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_wall_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_wall_m ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_wall_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_wall_m ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%tt_wall_m = 0.0_wp
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_window_m(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_window_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_window_m ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_window_m = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_window_m ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%tt_window_m = 0.0_wp
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_green_m(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_green_m ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%tt_surface_green_m = 0.0_wp
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_green_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%tt_green_m ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%tt_green_m = 0.0_wp
!-- Allocate wall heat flux output arrays and set initial values. For horizontal surfaces
DO l = 0, 1
! ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wshf(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) ) !can be removed
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%ghf(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ghf ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%ghf = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wshf ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%wshf = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window ) ) surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window = 0.0_wp
!-- Now, for vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
! ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wshf(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) ) ! can be removed
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%ghf(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ghf ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%ghf = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wshf ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%wshf = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb = 0.0_wp
IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window ) ) surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window = 0.0_wp
!-- Initialize building-surface properties, which are also required by other modules, e.g. the
!-- indoor model.
CALL usm_define_pars
IF ( debug_output ) CALL debug_message( 'usm_init_arrays', 'end' )
END SUBROUTINE usm_init_arrays
! Description:
! ------------
!> Sum up and time-average urban surface output quantities as well as allocate the array necessary
!> for storing the average.
SUBROUTINE usm_3d_data_averaging( mode, variable )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable !<
INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, l, m, ids, idsint, iwl, istat !< runnin indices
CHARACTER(LEN=varnamelength) :: var !< trimmed variable
LOGICAL :: horizontal
IF ( .NOT. variable(1:4) == 'usm_' ) RETURN ! Is such a check really required?
!-- Find the real name of the variable
ids = -1
l = -1
var = TRIM(variable)
DO i = 0, nd-1
k = len( TRIM( var ) )
j = len( TRIM( dirname(i) ) )
IF ( TRIM( var(k-j+1:k) ) == TRIM( dirname(i) ) ) THEN
ids = i
idsint = dirint(ids)
l = diridx(ids) !> index of direction for _h and _v arrays
var = var(:k-j)
IF ( ids == -1 ) THEN
var = TRIM( variable )
!-- Horizontal direction flag
IF ( idsint == iup .OR. idsint == idown ) THEN
horizontal = .TRUE.
horizontal = .FALSE.
IF ( var(1:11) == 'usm_t_wall_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 12 ) THEN
!-- Wall layers
READ( var(12:12), '(I1)', iostat=istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:10)
!-- Wrong wall layer index
IF ( var(1:13) == 'usm_t_window_' .AND. len( TRIM(var) ) >= 14 ) THEN
!-- Wall layers
READ( var(14:14), '(I1)', iostat=istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:12)
!-- Wrong window layer index
IF ( var(1:12) == 'usm_t_green_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 13 ) THEN
!-- Wall layers
READ( var(13:13), '(I1)', iostat=istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:11)
!-- Wrong green layer index
IF ( var(1:8) == 'usm_swc_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 9 ) THEN
!-- Swc layers
READ( var(9:9), '(I1)', iostat=istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:7)
!-- Wrong swc layer index
IF ( mode == 'allocate' ) THEN
CASE ( 'usm_wshf' )
!-- Array of sensible heat flux from surfaces
!-- Land surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_qsws' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces
!-- Land surfaces
IF ( horizontal .AND. .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_veg' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from vegetation surfaces
!-- Land surfaces
IF ( horizontal .AND. .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_liq' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces with liquid
!-- Land surfaces
IF ( horizontal .AND. .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av = 0.0_wp
!-- Please note, the following output quantities belongs to the individual tile fractions -
!-- ground heat flux at wall-, window-, and green fraction. Aggregated ground-heat flux is
!-- treated accordingly in average_3d_data, sum_up_3d_data, etc..
CASE ( 'usm_wghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from window ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_green' )
!-- Array of heat flux from green ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor window ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_wall' )
!-- Surface temperature for surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_window' )
!-- Surface temperature for window surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_green' )
!-- Surface temperature for green surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_theta_10cm' )
!-- Near surface (10cm) temperature for whole surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_t_wall' )
!-- Wall temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_t_window' )
!-- Window temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_t_green' )
!-- Green temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av = 0.0_wp
CASE ( 'usm_swc' )
!-- Soil water content for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal .AND. .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av = 0.0_wp
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%swc_av ) ) THEN
ALLOCATE ( surf_usm_v(l)%swc_av(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
surf_usm_v(l)%swc_av = 0.0_wp
ELSEIF ( mode == 'sum' ) THEN
CASE ( 'usm_wshf' )
!-- Array of sensible heat flux from surfaces (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) + surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_qsws' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av(m) + surf_usm_h(l)%qsws(m) * l_v
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av(m) + &
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws(m) * l_v
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_veg' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from vegetation surfaces (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) + surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_liq' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces with liquid (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_wghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from window ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_green' )
!-- Array of heat flux from green ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) + surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor window ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_wall' )
!-- Surface temperature for surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) + t_surf_wall_h(l)%val(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_window' )
!-- Surface temperature for window surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_green' )
!-- Surface temperature for green surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_theta_10cm' )
!-- Near surface temperature for whole surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_t_wall' )
!-- Wall temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_t_window' )
!-- Window temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) + &
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_t_green' )
!-- Green temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) + t_green_h(l)%val(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) + &
CASE ( 'usm_swc' )
!-- Soil water content for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av(iwl,m) + swc_h(l)%val(iwl,m)
ELSEIF ( mode == 'average' ) THEN
CASE ( 'usm_wshf' )
!-- Array of sensible heat flux from surfaces (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_qsws' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_veg' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from vegetation surfaces (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_liq' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces with liquid (land, roof, wall)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_wghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from window ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_green' )
!-- Array of heat flux from green ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor window ground (wall, roof, land)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_wall' )
!-- Surface temperature for surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_window' )
!-- Surface temperature for window surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_green' )
!-- Surface temperature for green surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_theta_10cm' )
!-- Near surface temperature for whole surfaces
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av(m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_t_wall' )
!-- Wall temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_t_window' )
!-- Window temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_t_green' )
!-- Green temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
CASE ( 'usm_swc' )
!-- Soil water content for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%swc_av(iwl,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%swc_av(iwl,m) / &
REAL( average_count_3d, kind=wp )
END SUBROUTINE usm_3d_data_averaging
! Description:
! ------------
!> Set internal Neumann boundary condition at outer soil grid points for temperature and humidity.
SUBROUTINE usm_boundary_condition
INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< grid index x-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: ioff !< offset index x-direction indicating location of soil grid point
INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< grid index y-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: joff !< offset index x-direction indicating location of soil grid point
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< grid index z-direction
INTEGER(iwp) :: koff !< offset index x-direction indicating location of soil grid point
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< running index surface-orientation
INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index surface elements
DO l = 0, 1
koff = surf_usm_h(l)%koff
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
pt(k+koff,j,i) = pt(k,j,i)
DO l = 0, 3
ioff = surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
joff = surf_usm_v(l)%joff
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
pt(k,j+joff,i+ioff) = pt(k,j,i)
END SUBROUTINE usm_boundary_condition
! Description:
! ------------
!> Subroutine checks variables and assigns units.
!> It is called out from subroutine check_parameters.
SUBROUTINE usm_check_data_output( variable, unit )
CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: variable !<
CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: ls !<
CHARACTER(LEN=varnamelength) :: var !< TRIM(variable)
INTEGER(iwp) :: i,j,l !< index
INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nl1 = 15 !< number of directional usm variables
CHARACTER(LEN=varnamelength), DIMENSION(nl1) :: varlist1 = & !< list of directional usm variables
(/'usm_wshf ', &
'usm_wghf ', &
'usm_wghf_window ', &
'usm_wghf_green ', &
'usm_iwghf ', &
'usm_iwghf_window ', &
'usm_surfz ', &
'usm_surfwintrans ', &
'usm_surfcat ', &
'usm_t_surf_wall ', &
'usm_t_surf_window ', &
'usm_t_surf_green ', &
'usm_t_green ', &
'usm_qsws ', &
'usm_theta_10cm '/)
INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nl2 = 3 !< number of directional layer usm variables
CHARACTER(LEN=varnamelength), DIMENSION(nl2) :: varlist2 = & !< list of directional layer usm variables
(/'usm_t_wall ', &
'usm_t_window ', &
'usm_t_green '/)
LOGICAL :: lfound !< flag if the variable is found
lfound = .FALSE.
var = TRIM( variable )
!-- Check if variable exists
!-- Directional variables
DO i = 1, nl1
DO j = 0, nd-1
IF ( TRIM( var ) == TRIM( varlist1(i)) // TRIM( dirname(j) ) ) THEN
lfound = .TRUE.
IF ( lfound ) EXIT
IF ( lfound ) GOTO 10
!-- Directional layer variables
DO i = 1, nl2
DO j = 0, nd-1
DO l = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
WRITE( ls,'(A1,I1)' ) '_', l
IF ( TRIM( var ) == TRIM( varlist2(i) ) // TRIM( ls ) // TRIM( dirname(j) ) ) THEN
lfound = .TRUE.
IF ( lfound ) EXIT
IF ( .NOT. lfound ) THEN
unit = 'illegal'
IF ( var(1:9) == 'usm_wshf_' .OR. var(1:9) == 'usm_wghf_' .OR. &
var(1:16) == 'usm_wghf_window_' .OR. var(1:15) == 'usm_wghf_green_' .OR. &
var(1:10) == 'usm_iwghf_' .OR. var(1:17) == 'usm_iwghf_window_' .OR. &
var(1:17) == 'usm_surfwintrans_' .OR. &
var(1:9) == 'usm_qsws_' .OR. var(1:13) == 'usm_qsws_veg_' .OR. &
var(1:13) == 'usm_qsws_liq_' ) THEN
unit = 'W/m2'
ELSE IF ( var(1:15) == 'usm_t_surf_wall' .OR. var(1:10) == 'usm_t_wall' .OR. &
var(1:12) == 'usm_t_window' .OR. var(1:17) == 'usm_t_surf_window' .OR. &
var(1:16) == 'usm_t_surf_green' .OR. &
var(1:11) == 'usm_t_green' .OR. var(1:7) == 'usm_swc' .OR. &
var(1:14) == 'usm_theta_10cm' ) THEN
unit = 'K'
ELSE IF ( var(1:9) == 'usm_surfz' .OR. var(1:11) == 'usm_surfcat' ) THEN
unit = '1'
unit = 'illegal'
END SUBROUTINE usm_check_data_output
! Description:
! ------------
!> Check parameters routine for urban surface model
SUBROUTINE usm_check_parameters
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: bc_pt_b, &
bc_q_b, &
constant_flux_layer, &
large_scale_forcing, &
lsf_surf, &
USE netcdf_data_input_mod, &
ONLY: building_type_f
INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index, x-dimension
INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index, y-dimension
!-- Dirichlet boundary conditions are required as the surface fluxes are calculated from the
!-- temperature/humidity gradients in the urban surface model
IF ( bc_pt_b == 'neumann' .OR. bc_q_b == 'neumann' ) THEN
message_string = 'urban surface model requires setting of bc_pt_b = "dirichlet" and '// &
'bc_q_b = "dirichlet"'
CALL message( 'usm_check_parameters', 'PA0590', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( .NOT. constant_flux_layer ) THEN
message_string = 'urban surface model requires constant_flux_layer = .TRUE.'
CALL message( 'usm_check_parameters', 'PA0084', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( .NOT. radiation ) THEN
message_string = 'urban surface model requires the radiation model to be switched on'
CALL message( 'usm_check_parameters', 'PA0084', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
!-- Surface forcing has to be disabled for LSF in case of enabled urban surface module
IF ( large_scale_forcing ) THEN
lsf_surf = .FALSE.
!-- Topography
IF ( topography == 'flat' ) THEN
message_string = 'topography /= "flat" is required when using the urban surface model'
CALL message( 'usm_check_parameters', 'PA0592', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
!-- Check if building types are set within a valid range.
IF ( building_type < LBOUND( building_pars, 2 ) .AND. &
building_type > UBOUND( building_pars, 2 ) ) THEN
WRITE( message_string, * ) 'building_type = ', building_type, ' is out of the valid range'
CALL message( 'usm_check_parameters', 'PA0529', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 )
IF ( building_type_f%from_file ) THEN
DO i = nxl, nxr
DO j = nys, nyn
IF ( building_type_f%var(j,i) /= building_type_f%fill .AND. &
( building_type_f%var(j,i) < LBOUND( building_pars, 2 ) .OR. &
building_type_f%var(j,i) > UBOUND( building_pars, 2 ) ) ) THEN
WRITE( message_string, * ) 'building_type = is out of the valid range at (j,i) = ' &
, j, i
CALL message( 'usm_check_parameters', 'PA0529', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 )
END SUBROUTINE usm_check_parameters
! Description:
! ------------
!> Output of the 3D-arrays in netCDF and/or AVS format for variables of urban_surface model.
!> It resorts the urban surface module output quantities from surf style indexing into temporary 3D
!> array with indices (i,j,k). It is called from subroutine data_output_3d.
SUBROUTINE usm_data_output_3d( av, variable, found, local_pf, nzb_do, nzt_do )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable !< variable name
CHARACTER(LEN=varnamelength) :: var !< trimmed variable name
INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: av !< flag if averaged
INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: nzb_do !< lower limit of the data output (usually 0)
INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: nzt_do !< vertical upper limit of the data output (usually nz_do3d)
INTEGER(iwp) :: ids, idsint, idsidx !<
INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, iwl, istat, l, m !< running indices
LOGICAL :: horizontal !< horizontal upward or downeard facing surface
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !<
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nxl:nxr,nys:nyn,nzb_do:nzt_do) :: local_pf !< sp - it has to correspond to module data_output_3d
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: temp_pf !< temp array for urban surface output procedure
found = .TRUE.
temp_pf = -1._wp
ids = -1
var = TRIM( variable )
DO i = 0, nd-1
k = len( TRIM( var ) )
j = len( TRIM( dirname(i) ) )
IF ( TRIM( var(k-j+1:k) ) == TRIM( dirname(i) ) ) THEN
ids = i
idsint = dirint(ids)
idsidx = diridx(ids)
var = var(:k-j)
horizontal = ( ( idsint == iup ) .OR. (idsint == idown ) )
l = idsidx !< shorter direction index name
IF ( ids == -1 ) THEN
var = TRIM( variable )
IF ( var(1:11) == 'usm_t_wall_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 12 ) THEN
!-- Wall layers
READ( var(12:12), '(I1)', iostat = istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:10)
IF ( var(1:13) == 'usm_t_window_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 14 ) THEN
!-- Window layers
READ( var(14:14), '(I1)', iostat = istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:12)
IF ( var(1:12) == 'usm_t_green_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 13 ) THEN
!-- Green layers
READ( var(13:13), '(I1)', iostat = istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:11)
IF ( var(1:8) == 'usm_swc_' .AND. len( TRIM( var ) ) >= 9 ) THEN
!-- Green layers soil water content
READ( var(9:9), '(I1)', iostat = istat ) iwl
IF ( istat == 0 .AND. iwl >= nzb_wall .AND. iwl <= nzt_wall ) THEN
var = var(1:7)
CASE ( 'usm_surfz' )
!-- Array of surface height (z)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(0,j,i) = MAX( temp_pf(0,j,i), REAL( k, KIND = wp) )
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(0,j,i) = MAX( temp_pf(0,j,i), REAL( k, KIND = wp) + 1.0_sp )
CASE ( 'usm_surfcat' )
!-- Surface category
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%surface_types(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%surface_types(m)
CASE ( 'usm_surfwintrans' )
!-- Transmissivity window tiles
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%transmissivity(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%transmissivity(m)
CASE ( 'usm_wshf' )
!-- Array of sensible heat flux from surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wshf_eb_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wshf_eb_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_qsws' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws(m) * l_v
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws(m) * l_v
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_veg' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from vegetation surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_qsws_liq' )
!-- Array of latent heat flux from surfaces with liquid
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_wghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from ground (land, wall, roof)
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from window ground (land, wall, roof)
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_window_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_wghf_green' )
!-- Array of heat flux from green ground (land, wall, roof)
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green(m)
l = idsidx
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%wghf_eb_green_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor ground (land, wall, roof)
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_iwghf_window' )
!-- Array of heat flux from indoor window ground (land, wall, roof)
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%iwghf_eb_window_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_wall' )
!-- Surface temperature for surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_surf_wall_h(l)%val(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_surf_wall_v(l)%val(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_wall_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_window' )
!-- Surface temperature for window surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_surf_window_h(l)%val(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_surf_window_v(l)%val(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_window_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_window_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_t_surf_green' )
!-- Surface temperature for green surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_surf_green_h(l)%val(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_surf_green_v(l)%val(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_surf_green_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_surf_green_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_theta_10cm' )
!-- Near surface temperature for whole surfaces
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm(m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%pt_10cm_av(m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%pt_10cm_av(m)
CASE ( 'usm_t_wall' )
!-- Wall temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_wall_h(l)%val(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_wall_v(l)%val(iwl,m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_wall_av(iwl,m)
CASE ( 'usm_t_window' )
!-- Window temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_window_h(l)%val(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_window_v(l)%val(iwl,m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_window_av(iwl,m)
CASE ( 'usm_t_green' )
!-- Green temperature for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_green_h(l)%val(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = t_green_v(l)%val(iwl,m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%t_green_av(iwl,m)
CASE ( 'usm_swc' )
!-- Soil water content for iwl layer of walls and land
IF ( av == 0 ) THEN
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = swc_h(l)%val(iwl,m)
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%swc_av(iwl,m)
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
temp_pf(k,j,i) = surf_usm_v(l)%swc_av(iwl,m)
found = .FALSE.
!-- Rearrange dimensions for NetCDF output
!-- FIXME: this may generate FPE overflow upon conversion from DP to SP
DO j = nys, nyn
DO i = nxl, nxr
DO k = nzb_do, nzt_do
local_pf(i,j,k) = temp_pf(k,j,i)
END SUBROUTINE usm_data_output_3d
! Description:
! ------------
!> Soubroutine defines appropriate grid for netcdf variables.
!> It is called out from subroutine netcdf.
SUBROUTINE usm_define_netcdf_grid( variable, found, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z )
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable !<
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: grid_x !<
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: grid_y !<
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: grid_z !<
CHARACTER(LEN=varnamelength) :: var !<
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !<
var = TRIM( variable )
IF ( var(1:9) == 'usm_wshf_' .OR. var(1:9) == 'usm_wghf_' .OR. &
var(1:16) == 'usm_wghf_window_' .OR. var(1:15) == 'usm_wghf_green_' .OR. &
var(1:10) == 'usm_iwghf_' .OR. var(1:17) == 'usm_iwghf_window_' .OR. &
var(1:9) == 'usm_qsws_' .OR. var(1:13) == 'usm_qsws_veg_' .OR. &
var(1:13) == 'usm_qsws_liq_' .OR. &
var(1:15) == 'usm_t_surf_wall' .OR. var(1:10) == 'usm_t_wall' .OR. &
var(1:17) == 'usm_t_surf_window' .OR. var(1:12) == 'usm_t_window' .OR. &
var(1:16) == 'usm_t_surf_green' .OR. var(1:11) == 'usm_t_green' .OR. &
var(1:15) == 'usm_theta_10cm' .OR. &
var(1:9) == 'usm_surfz' .OR. var(1:11) == 'usm_surfcat' .OR. &
var(1:16) == 'usm_surfwintrans' .OR. var(1:7) == 'usm_swc' ) THEN
found = .TRUE.
grid_x = 'x'
grid_y = 'y'
grid_z = 'zu'
found = .FALSE.
grid_x = 'none'
grid_y = 'none'
grid_z = 'none'
END SUBROUTINE usm_define_netcdf_grid
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialization of the wall surface model
SUBROUTINE usm_init_wall_heat_model
INTEGER(iwp) :: k, l, m !< running indices
IF ( debug_output ) CALL debug_message( 'usm_init_wall_heat_model', 'start' )
!-- Calculate wall and window grid spacings. Wall temperature is defined at the center of the
!-- wall layers.
!-- First for horizontal surfaces:
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(k,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%zw(k,m) - surf_usm_h(l)%zw(k-1,m)
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(k,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(k,m) - surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(k-1,m)
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzt_wall+1,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzt_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall_stag(k,m) = 0.5 * ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(k+1,m) + &
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(k,m) )
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall_stag(nzt_wall,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzt_wall,m)
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(nzt_wall+1,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(nzt_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window_stag(k,m) = 0.5 * ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(k+1,m) + &
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(k,m) )
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window_stag(nzt_wall,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(nzt_wall,m)
IF (surf_usm_h(l)%green_type_roof(m) == 2.0_wp ) THEN
!-- Extensive green roof
!-- Set ratio of substrate layer thickness, soil-type and LAI
soil_type = 3
surf_usm_h(l)%lai(m) = 2.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = 0.05_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = 0.10_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = 0.15_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = 0.20_wp
!-- Intensiv green roof
!-- Set ratio of substrate layer thickness, soil-type and LAI
soil_type = 6
surf_usm_h(l)%lai(m) = 4.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = 0.05_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = 0.10_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = 0.40_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = 0.80_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(nzb_wall,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(k,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(k,m) - surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(k-1,m)
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(nzt_wall+1,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(nzt_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green_stag(k,m) = 0.5 * ( surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(k+1,m) + &
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(k,m) )
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green_stag(nzt_wall,m) = surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green(nzt_wall,m)
IF ( alpha_vangenuchten == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
alpha_vangenuchten = soil_pars(0,soil_type)
IF ( l_vangenuchten == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
l_vangenuchten = soil_pars(1,soil_type)
IF ( n_vangenuchten == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
n_vangenuchten = soil_pars(2,soil_type)
IF ( hydraulic_conductivity == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
hydraulic_conductivity = soil_pars(3,soil_type)
IF ( saturation_moisture == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
saturation_moisture = m_soil_pars(0,soil_type)
IF ( field_capacity == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
field_capacity = m_soil_pars(1,soil_type)
IF ( wilting_point == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
wilting_point = m_soil_pars(2,soil_type)
IF ( residual_moisture == 9999999.9_wp ) THEN
residual_moisture = m_soil_pars(3,soil_type)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall+1
swc_h(l)%val(k,m) = field_capacity
rootfr_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.5_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%alpha_vg_green(m) = alpha_vangenuchten
surf_usm_h(l)%l_vg_green(m) = l_vangenuchten
surf_usm_h(l)%n_vg_green(m) = n_vangenuchten
surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green_sat(k,m) = hydraulic_conductivity
swc_sat_h(l)%val(k,m) = saturation_moisture
fc_h(l)%val(k,m) = field_capacity
wilt_h(l)%val(k,m) = wilting_point
swc_res_h(l)%val(k,m) = residual_moisture
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_wall = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_wall_stag = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall_stag
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_window = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_window_stag = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window_stag
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green_stag = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_h(l)%dz_green_stag
!-- For vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(k,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%zw(k,m) - surf_usm_v(l)%zw(k-1,m)
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(k,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(k,m) - &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzb_wall,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(k,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(k,m) - &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzt_wall+1,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzt_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall_stag(k,m) = 0.5 * ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(k+1,m) + &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(k,m) )
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall_stag(nzt_wall,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzt_wall,m)
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzt_wall+1,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzt_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window_stag(k,m) = 0.5 * ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(k+1,m) + &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(k,m) )
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window_stag(nzt_wall,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzt_wall,m)
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzt_wall+1,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzt_wall,m)
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green_stag(k,m) = 0.5 * ( surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(k+1,m) + &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(k,m) )
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green_stag(nzt_wall,m) = surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzt_wall,m)
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_wall = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_wall_stag = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall_stag
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_window = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_window_stag = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window_stag
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_green = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_green_stag = 1.0_wp / surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green_stag
IF ( debug_output ) CALL debug_message( 'usm_init_wall_heat_model', 'end' )
END SUBROUTINE usm_init_wall_heat_model
! Description:
! ------------
!> Initialization of the urban surface model
USE arrays_3d, &
ONLY: zw
USE netcdf_data_input_mod, &
ONLY: albedo_type_f, &
building_pars_f, &
building_surface_pars_f, &
building_type_f, &
INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index x-dirction
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_green !< index in input list for green albedo
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_wall !< index in input list for wall albedo
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_alb_win !< index in input list for window albedo
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_wall !< index in input list for wall emissivity
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_green !< index in input list for green emissivity
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_emis_win !< index in input list for window emissivity
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_frac_w !< index in input list for green fraction on wall
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_green_frac_r !< index in input list for green fraction on roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1 !< index in input list for heat capacity at first wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc1_win !< index in input list for heat capacity at first window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2 !< index in input list for heat capacity at second wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc2_win !< index in input list for heat capacity at second window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3 !< index in input list for heat capacity at third wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc3_win !< index in input list for heat capacity at third window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4 !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_hc4_win !< index in input list for heat capacity at fourth window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_lai_r !< index in input list for LAI on roof
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_lai_w !< index in input list for LAI on wall
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc1_win !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at first window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc2_win !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at second window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc3_win !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at third window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4 !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at fourth wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_tc4_win !< index in input list for thermal conductivity at fourth window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1 !< index in input list for thickness of first wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_1_win !< index in input list for thickness of first window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2 !< index in input list for thickness of second wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_2_win !< index in input list for thickness of second window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3 !< index in input list for thickness of third wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_3_win !< index in input list for thickness of third window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4 !< index in input list for thickness of fourth wall layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_thick_4_win !< index in input list for thickness of fourth window layer
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_trans !< index in input list for window transmissivity
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_wall_frac !< index in input list for wall fraction
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_win_frac !< index in input list for window fraction
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_z0 !< index in input list for z0
INTEGER(iwp) :: ind_z0qh !< index in input list for z0h / z0q
INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< loop index input surface element
INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index y-dirction
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index z-dirction
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< loop index surface orientation
INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< loop index surface element
INTEGER(iwp) :: st !< dummy
LOGICAL :: relative_fractions_corrected !< flag indicating if relative surface fractions require normalization
REAL(wp) :: c, tin, twin !<
REAL(wp) :: ground_floor_level_l !< local height of ground floor level
REAL(wp) :: sum_frac !< sum of the relative material fractions at a surface element
REAL(wp) :: z_agl !< height of the surface element above terrain
IF ( debug_output ) CALL debug_message( 'usm_init', 'start' )
CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(78), 'usm_init', 'start' )
!-- Surface forcing has to be disabled for LSF in case of enabled urban surface module
IF ( large_scale_forcing ) THEN
lsf_surf = .FALSE.
!-- Calculate constant values
d_roughness_concrete = 1.0_wp / roughness_concrete
!-- Flag surface elements belonging to the ground floor level. Therefore, use terrain height array
!-- from file, if available. This flag is later used to control initialization of surface attributes.
!-- Todo: for the moment disable initialization of building roofs with ground-floor-level properties.
DO l = 0, 1
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level = .FALSE.
DO l = 0, 3
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level = .FALSE.
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%joff
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
!-- Determine local ground level. Level 1 - default value, level 2 - initialization according
!-- to building type, level 3 - initialization from value read from file.
ground_floor_level_l = ground_floor_level
IF ( building_type_f%from_file ) THEN
ground_floor_level_l = building_pars(ind_gflh,building_type_f%var(j,i))
IF ( building_pars_f%from_file ) THEN
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_gflh,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
ground_floor_level_l = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_gflh,j,i)
!-- Determine height of surface element above ground level. Please note, the height of a
!-- surface element is determined with respect to its height above ground of the reference
!-- grid point in the atmosphere. Therefore, substract the offset values when assessing the
!-- terrain height.
IF ( terrain_height_f%from_file ) THEN
z_agl = zw(k) - terrain_height_f%var(j-surf_usm_v(l)%joff, i-surf_usm_v(l)%ioff)
z_agl = zw(k)
!-- Set flag for ground level
IF ( z_agl <= ground_floor_level_l ) surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) = .TRUE.
!-- Initialization of resistances.
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%r_a(m) = 50.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%r_a_green(m) = 50.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%r_a_window(m) = 50.0_wp
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%r_a(m) = 50.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%r_a_green(m) = 50.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%r_a_window(m) = 50.0_wp
!-- Map values onto horizontal elemements
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%r_canopy(m) = 200.0_wp !< canopy_resistance
surf_usm_h(l)%r_canopy_min(m) = 200.0_wp !< min_canopy_resistance
surf_usm_h(l)%g_d(m) = 0.0_wp !< canopy_resistance_coefficient
!-- Map values onto vertical elements, even though this does not make much sense.
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%r_canopy(m) = 200.0_wp !< canopy_resistance
surf_usm_v(l)%r_canopy_min(m) = 200.0_wp !< min_canopy_resistance
surf_usm_v(l)%g_d(m) = 0.0_wp !< canopy_resistance_coefficient
!-- Initialize urban-type surface attribute. According to initialization in land-surface model,
!-- follow a 3-level approach.
!-- Level 1 - initialization via default attributes
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
!-- Now, all horizontal surfaces are roof surfaces (?)
surf_usm_h(l)%isroof_surf(m) = .TRUE.
surf_usm_h(l)%surface_types(m) = roof_category !< default category for root surface
!-- In order to distinguish between ground floor level and above-ground-floor level surfaces,
!-- set input indices.
ind_green_frac_r = MERGE( ind_green_frac_r_gfl, ind_green_frac_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_r = MERGE( ind_lai_r_gfl, ind_lai_r_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0 = MERGE( ind_z0_gfl, ind_z0_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0qh = MERGE( ind_z0qh_gfl, ind_z0qh_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
!-- Store building type and its name on each surface element
surf_usm_h(l)%building_type(m) = building_type
surf_usm_h(l)%building_type_name(m) = building_type_name(building_type)
!-- Initialize relatvie wall- (0), green- (1) and window (2) fractions
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_wall_frac_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_green_frac_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_win_frac_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lai(m) = building_pars(ind_lai_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc2_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc3_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc2_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc3_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,building_type)
!-- Emissivity of wall-, green- and window fraction
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_emis_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_emis_green_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_emis_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%transmissivity(m) = building_pars(ind_trans_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0(m) = building_pars(ind_z0,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0h(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0q(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,building_type)
!-- Albedo type for wall fraction, green fraction, window fraction
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_veg_wall) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_wall_r,building_type) )
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_pav_green) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_green_r,building_type) )
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_wat_win) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_win_r,building_type) )
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_wall_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win_r,building_type)
surf_usm_h(l)%green_type_roof(m) = building_pars(ind_green_type_roof,building_type)
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%surface_types(m) = wall_category !< Default category for root surface
!-- In order to distinguish between ground floor level and above-ground-floor level surfaces,
!-- set input indices.
ind_alb_green = MERGE( ind_alb_green_gfl, ind_alb_green_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_alb_wall = MERGE( ind_alb_wall_gfl, ind_alb_wall_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_alb_win = MERGE( ind_alb_win_gfl, ind_alb_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_wall_frac = MERGE( ind_wall_frac_gfl, ind_wall_frac_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_win_frac = MERGE( ind_win_frac_gfl, ind_win_frac_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_green_frac_w = MERGE( ind_green_frac_w_gfl, ind_green_frac_w_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_green_frac_r = MERGE( ind_green_frac_r_gfl, ind_green_frac_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_r = MERGE( ind_lai_r_gfl, ind_lai_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_w = MERGE( ind_lai_w_gfl, ind_lai_w_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc1 = MERGE( ind_hc1_gfl, ind_hc1_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc1_win = MERGE( ind_hc1_win_gfl, ind_hc1_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc2 = MERGE( ind_hc2_gfl, ind_hc2_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc2_win = MERGE( ind_hc2_win_gfl, ind_hc2_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc3 = MERGE( ind_hc3_gfl, ind_hc3_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc3_win = MERGE( ind_hc3_win_gfl, ind_hc3_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc4 = MERGE( ind_hc4_gfl, ind_hc4_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc4_win = MERGE( ind_hc4_win_gfl, ind_hc4_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc1 = MERGE( ind_tc1_gfl, ind_tc1_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc1_win = MERGE( ind_tc1_win_gfl, ind_tc1_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc2 = MERGE( ind_tc2_gfl, ind_tc2_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc2_win = MERGE( ind_tc2_win_gfl, ind_tc2_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc3 = MERGE( ind_tc3_gfl, ind_tc3_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc3_win = MERGE( ind_tc3_win_gfl, ind_tc3_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc4 = MERGE( ind_tc4_gfl, ind_tc4_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc4_win = MERGE( ind_tc4_win_gfl, ind_tc4_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_1 = MERGE( ind_thick_1_gfl, ind_thick_1_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_1_win = MERGE( ind_thick_1_win_gfl, ind_thick_1_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_2 = MERGE( ind_thick_2_gfl, ind_thick_2_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_2_win = MERGE( ind_thick_2_win_gfl, ind_thick_2_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_3 = MERGE( ind_thick_3_gfl, ind_thick_3_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_3_win = MERGE( ind_thick_3_win_gfl, ind_thick_3_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_4 = MERGE( ind_thick_4_gfl, ind_thick_4_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_4_win = MERGE( ind_thick_4_win_gfl, ind_thick_4_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_wall = MERGE( ind_emis_wall_gfl, ind_emis_wall_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_green = MERGE( ind_emis_green_gfl, ind_emis_green_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_win = MERGE( ind_emis_win_gfl, ind_emis_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_trans = MERGE( ind_trans_gfl, ind_trans_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0 = MERGE( ind_z0_gfl, ind_z0_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0qh = MERGE( ind_z0qh_gfl, ind_z0qh_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
!-- Store building type and its name on each surface element
surf_usm_v(l)%building_type(m) = building_type
surf_usm_v(l)%building_type_name(m) = building_type_name(building_type)
!-- Initialize relatvie wall- (0), green- (1) and window (2) fractions
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_wall_frac,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_green_frac_w,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_win_frac,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lai(m) = building_pars(ind_lai_w,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc2,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc3,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc2,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc3,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,building_type)
!-- Emissivity of wall-, green- and window fraction
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_emis_wall,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_emis_green,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_emis_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%transmissivity(m) = building_pars(ind_trans,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) = building_pars(ind_z0,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0h(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0q(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_veg_wall) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_wall,building_type) )
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_pav_green) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_green,building_type) )
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_wat_win) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_win,building_type) )
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_win,building_type)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win,building_type)
!-- Level 2 - initialization via building type read from file
IF ( building_type_f%from_file ) THEN
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
!-- For the moment, limit building type to 6 (to overcome errors in input file).
st = building_type_f%var(j,i)
IF ( st /= building_type_f%fill ) THEN
!-- In order to distinguish between ground floor level and above-ground-floor level
!-- surfaces, set input indices.
ind_green_frac_r = MERGE( ind_green_frac_r_gfl, ind_green_frac_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_r = MERGE( ind_lai_r_gfl, ind_lai_r_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0 = MERGE( ind_z0_gfl, ind_z0_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0qh = MERGE( ind_z0qh_gfl, ind_z0qh_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
!-- Store building type and its name on each surface element
surf_usm_h(l)%building_type(m) = st
surf_usm_h(l)%building_type_name(m) = building_type_name(st)
!-- Initialize relatvie wall- (0), green- (1) and window (2) fractions
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_wall_frac_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_green_frac_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_win_frac_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lai(m) = building_pars(ind_lai_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc2_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc3_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc2_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc3_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,st)
!-- Emissivity of wall-, green- and window fraction
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_emis_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_emis_green_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_emis_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%transmissivity(m) = building_pars(ind_trans_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0(m) = building_pars(ind_z0,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0h(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0q(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,st)
!-- Albedo type for wall fraction, green fraction, window fraction
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_veg_wall) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_wall_r,st) )
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_pav_green) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_green_r,st) )
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_wat_win) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_win_r,st) )
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_wall_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win_r,st)
surf_usm_h(l)%green_type_roof(m) = building_pars(ind_green_type_roof,st)
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%joff
!-- For the moment, limit building type to 6 (to overcome errors in input file).
st = building_type_f%var(j,i)
IF ( st /= building_type_f%fill ) THEN
!-- In order to distinguish between ground floor level and above-ground-floor level
!-- surfaces, set input indices.
ind_alb_green = MERGE( ind_alb_green_gfl, ind_alb_green_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_alb_wall = MERGE( ind_alb_wall_gfl, ind_alb_wall_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_alb_win = MERGE( ind_alb_win_gfl, ind_alb_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_wall_frac = MERGE( ind_wall_frac_gfl, ind_wall_frac_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_win_frac = MERGE( ind_win_frac_gfl, ind_win_frac_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_green_frac_w = MERGE( ind_green_frac_w_gfl, ind_green_frac_w_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_green_frac_r = MERGE( ind_green_frac_r_gfl, ind_green_frac_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_r = MERGE( ind_lai_r_gfl, ind_lai_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_w = MERGE( ind_lai_w_gfl, ind_lai_w_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc1 = MERGE( ind_hc1_gfl, ind_hc1_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc1_win = MERGE( ind_hc1_win_gfl, ind_hc1_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc2 = MERGE( ind_hc2_gfl, ind_hc2_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc2_win = MERGE( ind_hc2_win_gfl, ind_hc2_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc3 = MERGE( ind_hc3_gfl, ind_hc3_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc3_win = MERGE( ind_hc3_win_gfl, ind_hc3_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc4 = MERGE( ind_hc4_gfl, ind_hc4_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc4_win = MERGE( ind_hc4_win_gfl, ind_hc4_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc1 = MERGE( ind_tc1_gfl, ind_tc1_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc1_win = MERGE( ind_tc1_win_gfl, ind_tc1_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc2 = MERGE( ind_tc2_gfl, ind_tc2_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc2_win = MERGE( ind_tc2_win_gfl, ind_tc2_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc3 = MERGE( ind_tc3_gfl, ind_tc3_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc3_win = MERGE( ind_tc3_win_gfl, ind_tc3_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc4 = MERGE( ind_tc4_gfl, ind_tc4_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc4_win = MERGE( ind_tc4_win_gfl, ind_tc4_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_1 = MERGE( ind_thick_1_gfl, ind_thick_1_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_1_win = MERGE( ind_thick_1_win_gfl, ind_thick_1_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_2 = MERGE( ind_thick_2_gfl, ind_thick_2_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_2_win = MERGE( ind_thick_2_win_gfl, ind_thick_2_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_3 = MERGE( ind_thick_3_gfl, ind_thick_3_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_3_win = MERGE( ind_thick_3_win_gfl, ind_thick_3_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_4 = MERGE( ind_thick_4_gfl, ind_thick_4_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_thick_4_win = MERGE( ind_thick_4_win_gfl, ind_thick_4_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_wall = MERGE( ind_emis_wall_gfl, ind_emis_wall_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_green = MERGE( ind_emis_green_gfl, ind_emis_green_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_win = MERGE( ind_emis_win_gfl, ind_emis_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_trans = MERGE( ind_trans_gfl, ind_trans_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0 = MERGE( ind_z0_gfl, ind_z0_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0qh = MERGE( ind_z0qh_gfl, ind_z0qh_agfl, &
surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
!-- Store building type and its name on each surface element
surf_usm_v(l)%building_type(m) = st
surf_usm_v(l)%building_type_name(m) = building_type_name(st)
!-- Initialize relatvie wall- (0), green- (1) and window (2) fractions
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_wall_frac,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_green_frac_w,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_win_frac,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lai(m) = building_pars(ind_lai_w,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc2,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = rho_c_soil !building_pars(ind_hc3,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_hc1_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_hc2_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_hc3_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_hc4_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc2,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = lambda_h_green_sm !building_pars(ind_tc3,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_tc1_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_tc2_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_tc3_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_tc4_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = building_pars(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,st)
!-- Emissivity of wall-, green- and window fraction
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars(ind_emis_wall,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars(ind_emis_green,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars(ind_emis_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%transmissivity(m) = building_pars(ind_trans,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) = building_pars(ind_z0,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0h(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0q(m) = building_pars(ind_z0qh,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_veg_wall) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_wall,st) )
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_pav_green) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_green,st) )
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_wat_win) = INT( building_pars(ind_alb_win,st) )
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_1_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_2_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_3_win,st)
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars(ind_thick_4_win,st)
!-- Level 3 - initialization via building_pars read from file. Note, only variables that are also
!-- defined in the input-standard can be initialized via file. Other variables will be initialized
!-- on level 1 or 2.
IF ( building_pars_f%from_file ) THEN
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
!-- In order to distinguish between ground floor level and above-ground-floor level surfaces,
!-- set input indices.
ind_wall_frac = MERGE( ind_wall_frac_gfl, ind_wall_frac_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_green_frac_r = MERGE( ind_green_frac_r_gfl, ind_green_frac_r_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_win_frac = MERGE( ind_win_frac_gfl, ind_win_frac_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_r = MERGE( ind_lai_r_gfl, ind_lai_r_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0 = MERGE( ind_z0_gfl, ind_z0_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0qh = MERGE( ind_z0qh_gfl, ind_z0qh_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc1 = MERGE( ind_hc1_gfl, ind_hc1_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc2 = MERGE( ind_hc2_gfl, ind_hc2_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc3 = MERGE( ind_hc3_gfl, ind_hc3_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc4 = MERGE( ind_hc4_gfl, ind_hc4_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc1 = MERGE( ind_tc1_gfl, ind_tc1_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc2 = MERGE( ind_tc2_gfl, ind_tc2_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc3 = MERGE( ind_tc3_gfl, ind_tc3_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc4 = MERGE( ind_tc4_gfl, ind_tc4_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_wall = MERGE( ind_emis_wall_gfl, ind_emis_wall_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_green = MERGE( ind_emis_green_gfl, ind_emis_green_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_win = MERGE( ind_emis_win_gfl, ind_emis_win_agfl, &
surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_trans = MERGE( ind_trans_gfl, ind_trans_agfl, surf_usm_h(l)%ground_level(m) )
!-- Initialize relatvie wall- (0), green- (1) and window (2) fractions
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_wall_frac,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_wall_frac,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_green_frac_r,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_green_frac_r,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_win_frac,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_win_frac,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lai_r,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lai(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lai_r,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,j,i) /= &
building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,j,i) /= &
building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_wall,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_wall,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_green,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_green,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_win,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_win,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_trans,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%transmissivity(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_trans,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%z0(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%z0h(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%z0q(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_wall_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_wall_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_green_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_green_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_win_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_win_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i)
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%joff
!-- In order to distinguish between ground floor level and above-ground-floor level
!-- surfaces, set input indices.
ind_wall_frac = MERGE( ind_wall_frac_gfl, ind_wall_frac_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_green_frac_w = MERGE( ind_green_frac_w_gfl, ind_green_frac_w_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_win_frac = MERGE( ind_win_frac_gfl, ind_win_frac_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_lai_w = MERGE( ind_lai_w_gfl, ind_lai_w_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0 = MERGE( ind_z0_gfl, ind_z0_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_z0qh = MERGE( ind_z0qh_gfl, ind_z0qh_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc1 = MERGE( ind_hc1_gfl, ind_hc1_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc2 = MERGE( ind_hc2_gfl, ind_hc2_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc3 = MERGE( ind_hc3_gfl, ind_hc3_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_hc4 = MERGE( ind_hc4_gfl, ind_hc4_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc1 = MERGE( ind_tc1_gfl, ind_tc1_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc2 = MERGE( ind_tc2_gfl, ind_tc2_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc3 = MERGE( ind_tc3_gfl, ind_tc3_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_tc4 = MERGE( ind_tc4_gfl, ind_tc4_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_wall = MERGE( ind_emis_wall_gfl, ind_emis_wall_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_green = MERGE( ind_emis_green_gfl, ind_emis_green_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_emis_win = MERGE( ind_emis_win_gfl, ind_emis_win_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
ind_trans = MERGE( ind_trans_gfl, ind_trans_agfl, surf_usm_v(l)%ground_level(m) )
!-- Initialize relatvie wall- (0), green- (1) and window (2) fractions
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_wall_frac,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_wall_frac,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_green_frac_w,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_green_frac_w,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_win_frac,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_win_frac,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lai_w,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lai(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_lai_w,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_hc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc1,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc2,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc3,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_tc4,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_indoor_target_temp_summer,j,i) /= &
building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_indoor_target_temp_winter,j,i) /= &
building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_wall,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_green,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_emis_win,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_trans,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%transmissivity(m) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%z0h(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%z0q(m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_z0qh,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_wall_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_veg_wall) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_green_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_pav_green) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_alb_win_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,ind_wat_win) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+1,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+2,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw(nzb_wall+3,m) = building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i)
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_1_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall,m) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_2_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+1,m) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_3_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
IF ( building_pars_f%pars_xy(ind_thick_4_agfl,j,i) /= building_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%zw_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
!-- Read building surface pars. If present, they override LOD1-LOD3 building pars where applicable
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%from_file ) THEN
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
!-- Iterate over surfaces in column, check height and orientation
DO is = building_surface_pars_f%index_ji(1,j,i), &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%coords(4,is) == -surf_usm_h(l)%koff .AND. &
building_surface_pars_f%coords(1,is) == k ) THEN
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_wall_frac,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_green_frac_w,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_green_frac_r,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = &
!TODO clarify: why should _w and _r be on the same surface?
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_win_frac,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_win_frac,is)
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_lai_r,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%lai(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_lai_r,is)
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_hc1,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_hc2,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_hc3,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_tc1,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_tc2,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_tc3,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_indoor_target_temp_summer,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_indoor_target_temp_winter,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_emis_wall,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_emis_green,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_emis_win,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_trans,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%transmissivity(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_trans,is)
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%z0(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0,is)
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0qh,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%z0q(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0qh,is)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0h(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0qh,is)
EXIT ! Surface was found and processed
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
!-- Iterate over surfaces in column, check height and orientation
DO is = building_surface_pars_f%index_ji(1,j,i), &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%coords(5,is) == -surf_usm_v(l)%joff .AND. &
building_surface_pars_f%coords(6,is) == -surf_usm_v(l)%ioff .AND. &
building_surface_pars_f%coords(1,is) == k ) THEN
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_wall_frac,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_green_frac_w,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_green_frac_r,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = &
!TODO Clarify: why should _w and _r be on the same surface?
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_win_frac,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_lai_r,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%lai(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_lai_r,is)
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_hc1,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_hc2,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_hc3,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_tc1,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall:nzb_wall+1,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_tc2,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+2,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_tc3,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall+3,m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_indoor_target_temp_summer,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_summer(m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_indoor_target_temp_winter,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%target_temp_winter(m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_emis_wall,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_emis_green,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_emis_win,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_trans,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%transmissivity(m) = &
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0,is)
IF ( building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0qh,is) /= &
building_surface_pars_f%fill ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%z0q(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0qh,is)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0h(m) = building_surface_pars_f%pars(ind_s_z0qh,is)
EXIT ! Surface was found and processed
!-- Initialize albedo type via given type from static input file. Please note, even though
!-- the albedo type has been already given by the pars, albedo_type overwrites these values.
IF ( albedo_type_f%from_file ) THEN
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
IF ( albedo_type_f%var(j,i) /= albedo_type_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_h(l)%albedo_type(m,:) = albedo_type_f%var(j,i)
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%joff
IF ( albedo_type_f%var(j,i) /= albedo_type_f%fill ) &
surf_usm_v(l)%albedo_type(m,:) = albedo_type_f%var(j,i)
!-- Run further checks to ensure that the respecitve material fractions are prescribed properly.
!-- Start with horizontal surfaces (roofs).
relative_fractions_corrected = .FALSE.
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
sum_frac = SUM( surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,:) )
IF ( sum_frac /= 1.0_wp ) THEN
relative_fractions_corrected = .TRUE.
!-- Normalize relative fractions to 1. Deviations from 1 can arise, e.g. by rounding errors
!-- but also by inconsistent driver creation.
IF ( sum_frac /= 0.0_wp ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,:) = surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,:) / sum_frac
!-- In case all relative fractions are erroneously set to zero, set wall fraction to 1.
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = 1.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = 0.0_wp
!-- If fractions were normalized, give an informative message.
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( MPI_IN_PLACE, relative_fractions_corrected, 1, &
MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, comm2d, ierr )
IF ( relative_fractions_corrected ) THEN
message_string = 'At some horizotal surfaces the relative material fractions do not ' // &
'sum-up to one . Hence, the respective fractions were normalized.'
CALL message( 'urban_surface_model_mod', 'PA0686', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 )
!-- Check relative fractions at vertical surfaces.
relative_fractions_corrected = .FALSE.
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
sum_frac = SUM( surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,:) )
IF ( sum_frac /= 1.0_wp ) THEN
relative_fractions_corrected = .TRUE.
!-- Normalize relative fractions to 1.
IF ( sum_frac /= 0.0_wp ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,:) = surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,:) / sum_frac
!-- In case all relative fractions are erroneously set to zero, set wall fraction to 1.
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) = 1.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_wat_win) = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%frac(m,ind_pav_green) = 0.0_wp
!-- Also here, if fractions were normalized, give an informative message.
#if defined( __parallel )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( MPI_IN_PLACE, relative_fractions_corrected, 1, &
MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, comm2d, ierr )
IF ( relative_fractions_corrected ) THEN
message_string = 'At some vertical surfaces the relative material fractions do not ' // &
'sum-up to one . Hence, the respective fractions were normalized.'
CALL message( 'urban_surface_model_mod', 'PA0686', 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 )
!-- Initialization of the wall/roof materials
CALL usm_init_wall_heat_model()
!-- Init skin layer properties (can be done after initialization of wall layers)
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
surf_usm_h(l)%c_surface(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_surf(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%c_surface_green(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_surf_green(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%c_surface_window(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_h(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_surf_window(m) = surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%ioff
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m) + surf_usm_v(l)%joff
surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_wall(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_green(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_green(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_green(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_green(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%c_surface_window(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_v(l)%dz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 0.25_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_surf_window(m) = surf_usm_v(l)%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) * &
surf_usm_v(l)%ddz_window(nzb_wall,m) * 2.0_wp
!-- Check for consistent initialization.
!-- Check if roughness length for momentum, or heat, exceed surface-layer height and decrease local
!-- roughness length where necessary.
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
IF ( surf_usm_h(l)%z0(m) >= surf_usm_h(l)%z_mo(m) ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%z0(m) = 0.9_wp * surf_usm_h(l)%z_mo(m)
WRITE( message_string, * ) 'z0 exceeds surface-layer height at horizontal urban ' // &
'surface and is decreased appropriately at grid point ' // &
'(i,j) = ', surf_usm_h(l)%i(m), surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
CALL message( 'urban_surface_model_mod', 'PA0503', 0, 0, myid, 6, 0 )
IF ( surf_usm_h(l)%z0h(m) >= surf_usm_h(l)%z_mo(m) ) THEN
surf_usm_h(l)%z0h(m) = 0.9_wp * surf_usm_h(l)%z_mo(m)
surf_usm_h(l)%z0q(m) = 0.9_wp * surf_usm_h(l)%z_mo(m)
WRITE( message_string, * ) 'z0h exceeds surface-layer height at horizontal urban ' // &
'surface and is decreased appropriately at grid point ' // &
'(i,j) = ', surf_usm_h(l)%i(m), surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
CALL message( 'urban_surface_model_mod', 'PA0507', 0, 0, myid, 6, 0 )
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
IF ( surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) >= surf_usm_v(l)%z_mo(m) ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%z0(m) = 0.9_wp * surf_usm_v(l)%z_mo(m)
WRITE( message_string, * ) 'z0 exceeds surface-layer height at vertical urban ' // &
'surface and is decreased appropriately at grid point ' // &
'(i,j) = ', surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)+surf_usm_v(l)%ioff, &
CALL message( 'urban_surface_model_mod', 'PA0503', 0, 0, myid, 6, 0 )
IF ( surf_usm_v(l)%z0h(m) >= surf_usm_v(l)%z_mo(m) ) THEN
surf_usm_v(l)%z0h(m) = 0.9_wp * surf_usm_v(l)%z_mo(m)
surf_usm_v(l)%z0q(m) = 0.9_wp * surf_usm_v(l)%z_mo(m)
WRITE( message_string, * ) 'z0h exceeds surface-layer height at vertical urban ' // &
'surface and is decreased appropriately at grid point ' // &
'(i,j) = ', surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)+surf_usm_v(l)%ioff, &
CALL message( 'urban_surface_model_mod', 'PA0507', 0, 0, myid, 6, 0 )
!-- Intitialization of the surface and wall/ground/roof temperature
!-- Initialization for restart runs
IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) /= 'read_restart_data' ) THEN
!-- At horizontal surfaces. Please note, t_surf_wall_h is defined on a different data type,
!-- but with the same dimension.
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_h(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_h(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_h(l)%k(m)
t_surf_wall_h(l)%val(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
t_surf_window_h(l)%val(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
t_surf_green_h(l)%val(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
surf_usm_h(l)%pt_surface(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
!-- At vertical surfaces.
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
i = surf_usm_v(l)%i(m)
j = surf_usm_v(l)%j(m)
k = surf_usm_v(l)%k(m)
t_surf_wall_v(l)%val(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
t_surf_window_v(l)%val(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
t_surf_green_v(l)%val(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
surf_usm_v(l)%pt_surface(m) = pt(k,j,i) * exner(k)
!-- For the sake of correct initialization, set also q_surface.
!-- Note, at urban surfaces q_surface is initialized with 0.
IF ( humidity ) THEN
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
surf_usm_h(l)%q_surface(m) = 0.0_wp
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
surf_usm_v(l)%q_surface(m) = 0.0_wp
!-- Initial values for t_wall
!-- Outer value is set to surface temperature, inner value is set to wall_inner_temperature
!-- and profile is logaritmic (linear in nz).
!-- Horizontal surfaces
DO l = 0, 1
DO m = 1, surf_usm_h(l)%ns
!-- Roof
IF ( surf_usm_h(l)%isroof_surf(m) ) THEN
tin = roof_inner_temperature
twin = window_inner_temperature
!-- Normal land surface
tin = soil_inner_temperature
twin = window_inner_temperature
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall+1
c = REAL( k - nzb_wall, wp ) / REAL( nzt_wall + 1 - nzb_wall , wp )
t_wall_h(l)%val(k,m) = ( 1.0_wp - c ) * t_surf_wall_h(l)%val(m) + c * tin
t_window_h(l)%val(k,m) = ( 1.0_wp - c ) * t_surf_window_h(l)%val(m) + c * twin
t_green_h(l)%val(k,m) = t_surf_wall_h(l)%val(m)
swc_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.5_wp
swc_sat_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.95_wp
swc_res_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.05_wp
rootfr_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.1_wp
wilt_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.1_wp
fc_h(l)%val(k,m) = 0.9_wp
!-- Vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
DO m = 1, surf_usm_v(l)%ns
!-- Inner wall
tin = wall_inner_temperature
twin = window_inner_temperature
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall+1
c = REAL( k - nzb_wall, wp ) / REAL( nzt_wall + 1 - nzb_wall , wp )
t_wall_v(l)%val(k,m) = ( 1.0_wp - c ) * t_surf_wall_v(l)%val(m) + c * tin
t_window_v(l)%val(k,m) = ( 1.0_wp - c ) * t_surf_window_v(l)%val(m) + c * twin
t_green_v(l)%val(k,m) = t_surf_wall_v(l)%val(m)
!-- Possibly DO user-defined actions (e.g. define heterogeneous wall surface)
CALL user_init_urban_surface
!-- Initialize prognostic values for the first timestep
t_surf_wall_h_p = t_surf_wall_h
t_surf_wall_v_p = t_surf_wall_v
t_surf_window_h_p = t_surf_window_h
t_surf_window_v_p = t_surf_window_v
t_surf_green_h_p = t_surf_green_h
t_surf_green_v_p = t_surf_green_v
t_wall_h_p = t_wall_h
t_wall_v_p = t_wall_v
t_window_h_p = t_window_h
t_window_v_p = t_window_v
t_green_h_p = t_green_h
t_green_v_p = t_green_v
!-- Set initial values for prognostic soil quantities
DO l = 0, 1
IF ( TRIM( initializing_actions ) /= 'read_restart_data' ) THEN
m_liq_usm_h(l)%val = 0.0_wp
m_liq_usm_h_p(l)%val = m_liq_usm_h(l)%val
!-- Set initial values for prognostic quantities
!-- Horizontal surfaces
surf_usm_h(l)%c_liq = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_liq = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg = 0.0_wp
!-- Do the same for vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
surf_usm_v(l)%c_liq = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_liq = 0.0_wp
surf_usm_v(l)%qsws_veg = 0.0_wp
CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(78), 'usm_init', 'stop' )
IF ( debug_output ) CALL debug_message( 'usm_init', 'end' )
! Description:
! ------------
!> Wall model as part of the urban surface model. The model predicts vertical and horizontal
!> wall / roof temperatures and window layer temperatures. No window layer temperature calculactions
!> during spinup to increase possible timestep.
SUBROUTINE usm_wall_heat_model( horizontal, l, during_spinup )
LOGICAL :: during_spinup !< if true, no calculation of window temperatures
LOGICAL :: horizontal !< Flag indicating horizontal or vertical surfaces
INTEGER(iwp) :: kw !< grid index - wall depth
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< direction index
INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for surface elements
REAL(wp) :: win_absorp !< absorption coefficient from transmissivity
REAL(wp) :: win_nonrefl_1side !< non-reflected fraction after outer glass boundary
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) :: wall_mod !<
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) :: wtend, wintend !< tendency
TYPE(surf_type), POINTER :: surf !< surface-date type variable
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_wall
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_wall_p
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_window
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_window_p
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_green
IF ( debug_output_timestep ) THEN
WRITE( debug_string, * ) 'usm_wall_heat_model: ', horizontal, l, during_spinup
CALL debug_message( debug_string, 'start' )
IF ( usm_wall_mod .AND. during_spinup ) THEN
DO kw=nzb_wall, nzb_wall+1
wall_mod(kw) = 0.1_wp
IF ( horizontal ) THEN
surf => surf_usm_h(l)
t_wall => t_wall_h(l)
t_wall_p => t_wall_h_p(l)
t_window => t_window_h(l)
t_window_p => t_window_h_p(l)
t_green => t_green_h(l)
surf => surf_usm_v(l)
t_wall => t_wall_v(l)
t_wall_p => t_wall_v_p(l)
t_window => t_window_v(l)
t_window_p => t_window_v_p(l)
t_green => t_green_v(l)
!-- Cycle for all surfaces in given direction
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (m, kw, wtend, wintend, win_absorp) SCHEDULE (STATIC)
DO m = 1, surf%ns
!-- Prognostic equation for ground/roof temperature t_wall
wtend(:) = 0.0_wp
wtend(nzb_wall) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_wall(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) * wall_mod(nzb_wall) &
* ( t_wall%val(nzb_wall+1,m) - t_wall%val(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_wall(nzb_wall+1,m) &
+ surf%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) &
/ ( surf%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) &
+ surf%frac(m,ind_pav_green) ) &
* surf%wghf_eb(m) &
- surf%frac(m,ind_pav_green) &
/ ( surf%frac(m,ind_veg_wall) &
+ surf%frac(m,ind_pav_green) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h_green(nzt_wall,m) &
* wall_mod(nzt_wall) &
* surf%ddz_green(nzt_wall,m) &
+ surf%lambda_h(nzb_wall,m) &
* wall_mod(nzb_wall) &
* surf%ddz_wall(nzb_wall,m) ) &
/ ( surf%ddz_green(nzt_wall,m) &
+ surf%ddz_wall(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* ( t_wall%val(nzb_wall,m) - t_green%val(nzt_wall,m) ) &
) * surf%ddz_wall_stag(nzb_wall,m)
!-- If indoor model is used inner wall layer is calculated by using iwghf (indoor
!-- wall ground heat flux)
IF ( .NOT. indoor_model ) THEN
surf%iwghf_eb(m) = surf%lambda_h(nzt_wall,m) * wall_mod(nzt_wall) &
* ( t_wall%val(nzt_wall+1,m) - t_wall%val(nzt_wall,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_wall(nzt_wall+1,m)
DO kw = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall-1
wtend(kw) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_wall(kw,m) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h(kw,m) * wall_mod(kw) &
* ( t_wall%val(kw+1,m) - t_wall%val(kw,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_wall(kw+1,m) &
- surf%lambda_h(kw-1,m) * wall_mod(kw-1) &
* ( t_wall%val(kw,m) - t_wall%val(kw-1,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_wall(kw,m) &
) * surf%ddz_wall_stag(kw,m)
wtend(nzt_wall) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_wall(nzt_wall,m) ) &
* ( -surf%lambda_h(nzt_wall-1,m) * wall_mod(nzt_wall-1) &
* ( t_wall%val(nzt_wall,m) - t_wall%val(nzt_wall-1,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_wall(nzt_wall,m) + surf%iwghf_eb(m) &
) * surf%ddz_wall_stag(nzt_wall,m)
t_wall_p%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) = t_wall%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) + dt_3d &
* ( tsc(2) * wtend(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) + tsc(3) &
* surf%tt_wall_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) )
!-- During spinup the tempeature inside window layers is not calculated to make larger timesteps possible
IF ( .NOT. during_spinup ) THEN
!-- Reflectivity in glass windows is considered as equal on frontal and rear side of the
!-- glass, which together make total reflectivity (albedo for win fraction).
win_nonrefl_1side = 1.0 - ( surf%albedo(m,ind_wat_win) + surf%transmissivity(m) &
+ 1.0_wp &
- sqrt( ( surf%albedo(m,ind_wat_win) &
+ surf%transmissivity(m) + 1.0_wp ) ** 2 &
- 4 * surf%albedo(m,ind_wat_win) ) ) / 2.0_wp
!-- Absorption coefficient is calculated using zw from internal tranmissivity, which only
!-- considers absorption without the effects of reflection.
win_absorp = -log( ( surf%transmissivity(m) + surf%albedo(m,ind_wat_win) - 1.0_wp &
+ win_nonrefl_1side ) / win_nonrefl_1side ) &
/ surf%zw_window(nzt_wall,m)
!-- Prognostic equation for ground/roof window temperature t_window takes absorption
!-- of shortwave radiation into account
wintend(:) = 0.0_wp
wintend(nzb_wall) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_window(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h_window(nzb_wall,m) &
* ( t_window%val(nzb_wall+1,m) - t_window%val(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_window(nzb_wall+1,m) &
+ surf%wghf_eb_window(m) &
+ surf%rad_sw_in(m) * win_nonrefl_1side &
* ( 1.0_wp - exp( -win_absorp &
* surf%zw_window(nzb_wall,m) ) ) &
) * surf%ddz_window_stag(nzb_wall,m)
IF ( .NOT. indoor_model ) THEN
surf%iwghf_eb_window(m) = surf%lambda_h_window(nzt_wall,m) &
* ( t_window%val(nzt_wall+1,m) - t_window%val(nzt_wall,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_window(nzt_wall+1,m)
DO kw = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall-1
wintend(kw) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_window(kw,m) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h_window(kw,m) &
* ( t_window%val(kw+1,m) - t_window%val(kw,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_window(kw+1,m) &
- surf%lambda_h_window(kw-1,m) &
* ( t_window%val(kw,m) - t_window%val(kw-1,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_window(kw,m) &
+ surf%rad_sw_in(m) * win_nonrefl_1side &
* ( exp( -win_absorp * surf%zw_window(kw-1,m) ) &
- exp( -win_absorp * surf%zw_window(kw, m) ) ) &
) * surf%ddz_window_stag(kw,m)
wintend(nzt_wall) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_window(nzt_wall,m) ) &
* ( -surf%lambda_h_window(nzt_wall-1,m) &
* ( t_window%val(nzt_wall,m) - t_window%val(nzt_wall-1,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_window(nzt_wall,m) &
+ surf%iwghf_eb_window(m) &
+ surf%rad_sw_in(m) * win_nonrefl_1side &
* ( exp( -win_absorp * surf%zw_window(nzt_wall-1,m) ) &
- exp( -win_absorp * surf%zw_window(nzt_wall, m) ) ) &
) * surf%ddz_window_stag(nzt_wall,m)
t_window_p%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) = t_window%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) + dt_3d &
* ( tsc(2) * wintend(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) + tsc(3) &
* surf%tt_window_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) )
!-- Calculate t_wall tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%tt_wall_m(kw,m) = wtend(kw)
ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%tt_wall_m(kw,m) = -9.5625_wp * wtend(kw) + &
5.3125_wp * surf%tt_wall_m(kw,m)
IF ( .NOT. during_spinup ) THEN
!-- Calculate t_window tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%tt_window_m(kw,m) = wintend(kw)
ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%tt_window_m(kw,m) = -9.5625_wp * wintend(kw) + &
5.3125_wp * surf%tt_window_m(kw,m)
IF ( debug_output_timestep ) THEN
WRITE( debug_string, * ) 'usm_wall_heat_model: ', horizontal, l, during_spinup
CALL debug_message( debug_string, 'end' )
END SUBROUTINE usm_wall_heat_model
! Description:
! ------------
!> Green and substrate model as part of the urban surface model. The model predicts ground
!> temperatures.
!> Important: green-heat model crashes due to unknown reason. Green fraction is thus set to zero
!> (in favor of wall fraction).
SUBROUTINE usm_green_heat_model( horizontal, l )
LOGICAL :: horizontal !< Flag indicating horizontal or vertical surfaces
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< direction index
INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, kw, m !< running indices
LOGICAL :: conserve_water_content = .TRUE. !<
REAL(wp) :: drho_l_lv !< frequently used parameter
REAL(wp) :: h_vg !< Van Genuchten coef. h
REAL(wp) :: ke, lambda_h_green_sat !< heat conductivity for saturated soil
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) :: gtend,tend !< tendency
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) :: root_extr_green !<
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1) :: gamma_green_temp !< temp. gamma
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1) :: lambda_green_temp !< temp. lambda
TYPE(surf_type), POINTER :: surf !< surface-date type variable
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_wall
TYPE(surf_type_2d_usm), POINTER :: t_green
IF ( debug_output_timestep ) THEN
WRITE( debug_string, * ) 'usm_green_heat_model: ', horizontal, l
CALL debug_message( debug_string, 'start' )
drho_l_lv = 1.0_wp / (rho_l * l_v)
!-- For horizontal upward surfaces.
IF ( horizontal .AND. l==0 ) THEN
surf => surf_usm_h(l)
t_wall => t_wall_h(l)
t_green => t_green_h(l)
!-- Set tendency array for soil moisture to zero
IF ( surf%ns > 0 ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) surf%tswc_h_m = 0.0_wp
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (m, i, j, k, kw, lambda_h_green_sat, ke, lambda_green_temp, &
!$OMP& gtend, tend, h_vg, gamma_green_temp, m_total, root_extr_green) SCHEDULE (STATIC)
DO m = 1, surf%ns
IF (surf%frac(m,ind_pav_green) > 0.0_wp) THEN
!-- Obtain indices
i = surf%i(m)
j = surf%j(m)
k = surf%k(m)
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
!-- Calculate volumetric heat capacity of the soil, taking into account water content
surf%rho_c_total_green(kw,m) = (surf%rho_c_green(kw,m) &
* (1.0_wp - swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m)) &
+ rho_c_water * swc_h(l)%val(kw,m))
!-- Calculate soil heat conductivity at the center of the soil layers
lambda_h_green_sat = lambda_h_green_sm ** ( 1.0_wp - swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) &
* lambda_h_water ** swc_h(l)%val(kw,m)
ke = 1.0_wp + LOG10( MAX( 0.1_wp,swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) / swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) )
lambda_green_temp(kw) = ke * (lambda_h_green_sat - lambda_h_green_dry) &
+ lambda_h_green_dry
lambda_green_temp(nzt_wall+1) = lambda_green_temp(nzt_wall)
!-- Calculate soil heat conductivity (lambda_h) at the _stag level using linear interpolation.
!-- For pavement surface, the true pavement depth is considered
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%lambda_h_green(kw,m) = ( lambda_green_temp(kw+1) + lambda_green_temp(kw) ) &
* 0.5_wp
t_green_h(l)%val(nzt_wall+1,m) = t_wall_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m)
!-- Prognostic equation for ground/roof temperature t_green_h
gtend(:) = 0.0_wp
gtend(nzb_wall) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_total_green(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) &
* ( t_green_h(l)%val(nzb_wall+1,m) &
- t_green_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_green(nzb_wall+1,m) &
+ surf%wghf_eb_green(m) &
) * surf%ddz_green_stag(nzb_wall,m)
DO kw = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
gtend(kw) = ( 1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_total_green(kw,m) ) &
* ( surf%lambda_h_green(kw,m) &
* ( t_green_h(l)%val(kw+1,m) - t_green_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_green(kw+1,m) &
- surf%lambda_h_green(kw-1,m) &
* ( t_green_h(l)%val(kw,m) - t_green_h(l)%val(kw-1,m) ) &
* surf%ddz_green(kw,m) &
) * surf%ddz_green_stag(kw,m)
t_green_h_p(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) = t_green_h(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) &
+ dt_3d * ( tsc(2) * gtend(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) + tsc(3) &
* surf%tt_green_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) )
!-- Calculate t_green tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%tt_green_m(kw,m) = gtend(kw)
ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf%tt_green_m(kw,m) = -9.5625_wp * gtend(kw) + 5.3125_wp &
* surf%tt_green_m(kw,m)
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
!-- Calculate soil diffusivity at the center of the soil layers
lambda_green_temp(kw) = ( - b_ch * surf%gamma_w_green_sat(kw,m) * psi_sat &
/ swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) &
* ( MAX( swc_h(l)%val(kw,m), wilt_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) &
/ swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m) )**( b_ch + 2.0_wp )
!-- Parametrization of Van Genuchten
IF ( soil_type /= 7 ) THEN
!-- Calculate the hydraulic conductivity after Van Genuchten (1980)
h_vg = ( ( (swc_res_h(l)%val(kw,m) - swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m)) &
/ ( swc_res_h(l)%val(kw,m) - &
MAX( swc_h(l)%val(kw,m), wilt_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) ) )** &
( surf%n_vg_green(m) / (surf%n_vg_green(m) - 1.0_wp ) ) &
- 1.0_wp &
)** ( 1.0_wp / surf%n_vg_green(m) ) / surf%alpha_vg_green(m)
gamma_green_temp(kw) = surf%gamma_w_green_sat(kw,m) &
* ( ( ( 1.0_wp + ( surf%alpha_vg_green(m) * h_vg )** &
surf%n_vg_green(m) )** &
( 1.0_wp - 1.0_wp / surf%n_vg_green(m) ) &
- ( surf%alpha_vg_green(m) * h_vg )** &
( surf%n_vg_green(m) - 1.0_wp) )**2 &
) / ( ( 1.0_wp + ( surf%alpha_vg_green(m) * h_vg )** &
surf%n_vg_green(m) )** &
( ( 1.0_wp - 1.0_wp / surf%n_vg_green(m) ) &
*( surf%l_vg_green(m) + 2.0_wp) ) &
!-- Parametrization of Clapp & Hornberger
gamma_green_temp(kw) = surf%gamma_w_green_sat(kw,m) * ( swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) &
/ swc_sat_h(l)%val(kw,m) )**( 2.0_wp * b_ch + 3.0_wp )
!-- Prognostic equation for soil moisture content. Only performed, when humidity is enabled in
!-- the atmosphere
IF ( humidity ) THEN
!-- Calculate soil diffusivity (lambda_w) at the _stag level using linear interpolation.
!-- To do: replace this with ECMWF-IFS Eq. 8.81
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall-1
surf%lambda_w_green(kw,m) = ( lambda_green_temp(kw+1) &
+ lambda_green_temp(kw) ) &
* 0.5_wp
surf%gamma_w_green(kw,m) = ( gamma_green_temp(kw+1) &
+ gamma_green_temp(kw) ) &
* 0.5_wp
!-- In case of a closed bottom (= water content is conserved), set hydraulic conductivity
!-- to zero so that no water will be lost in the bottom layer.
IF ( conserve_water_content ) THEN
surf%gamma_w_green(kw,m) = 0.0_wp
surf%gamma_w_green(kw,m) = gamma_green_temp(nzt_wall)
!-- The root extraction (= root_extr * qsws_veg / (rho_l * l_v)) ensures the mass
!-- conservation for water. The transpiration of plants equals the cumulative withdrawals
!-- by the roots in the soil. The scheme takes into account the availability of water in
!-- the soil layers as well as the root fraction in the respective layer. Layer with
!-- moisture below wilting point will not contribute, which reflects the preference of
!-- plants to take water from moister layers.
!-- Calculate the root extraction (ECMWF 7.69, the sum of root_extr = 1). The energy
!-- balance solver guarantees a positive transpiration, so that there is no need for an
!-- additional check.
m_total = 0.0_wp
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
IF ( swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) > wilt_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) THEN
m_total = m_total + rootfr_h(l)%val(kw,m) * swc_h(l)%val(kw,m)
IF ( m_total > 0.0_wp ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
IF ( swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) > wilt_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) THEN
root_extr_green(kw) = rootfr_h(l)%val(kw,m) * swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) / m_total
root_extr_green(kw) = 0.0_wp
!-- Prognostic equation for soil water content m_soil.
tend(:) = 0.0_wp
tend(nzb_wall) = ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_w_green(nzb_wall,m) &
* ( swc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall+1,m) - swc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) ) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green(nzb_wall+1,m) &
- surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green(nzb_wall,m) &
- ( root_extr_green(nzb_wall) * surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg(m) &
! + surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_soil_green(m) &
) * drho_l_lv ) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green_stag(nzb_wall,m)
DO kw = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall-1
tend(kw) = ( surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_w_green(kw,m) &
* ( swc_h(l)%val(kw+1,m) - swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) ) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green(kw+1,m) &
- surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green(kw,m) &
- surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_w_green(kw-1,m) &
* ( swc_h(l)%val(kw,m) - swc_h(l)%val(kw-1,m) ) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green(kw,m) &
+ surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green(kw-1,m) &
- (root_extr_green(kw) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg(m) &
* drho_l_lv) &
) * surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green_stag(kw,m)
tend(nzt_wall) = ( - surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green(nzt_wall,m) &
- surf_usm_h(l)%lambda_w_green(nzt_wall-1,m) &
* (swc_h(l)%val(nzt_wall,m) &
- swc_h(l)%val(nzt_wall-1,m)) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green(nzt_wall,m) &
+ surf_usm_h(l)%gamma_w_green(nzt_wall-1,m) &
- ( root_extr_green(nzt_wall) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%qsws_veg(m) &
* drho_l_lv ) &
) * surf_usm_h(l)%ddz_green_stag(nzt_wall,m)
swc_h_p(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) = swc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) + dt_3d &
* ( tsc(2) * tend(:) + tsc(3) &
* surf_usm_h(l)%tswc_h_m(:,m) &
!-- Account for dry soils (find a better solution here!)
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
IF ( swc_h_p(l)%val(kw,m) < 0.0_wp ) swc_h_p(l)%val(kw,m) = 0.0_wp
!-- Calculate m_soil tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf_usm_h(l)%tswc_h_m(kw,m) = tend(kw)
ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
surf_usm_h(l)%tswc_h_m(kw,m) = -9.5625_wp * tend(kw) + 5.3125_wp &
* surf_usm_h(l)%tswc_h_m(kw,m)
IF ( horizontal) THEN
!-- For horizontal downward surfaces
surf => surf_usm_h(l)
t_wall => t_wall_h(l)
t_green => t_green_h(l)
!-- For vertical surfaces
surf => surf_usm_v(l)
t_wall => t_wall_v(l)
t_green => t_green_v(l)
DO m = 1, surf%ns
IF (surf%frac(m,ind_pav_green) > 0.0_wp) THEN
!-- No substrate layer for green walls / only groundbase green walls (ivy i.e.) -> Green layers get
!-- same temperature as first wall layer, therefore no temperature calculations for vertical green
!-- substrate layers now
! !
! !-- Obtain indices
! i = surf%i(m)
! j = surf%j(m)
! k = surf%k(m)
! t_green%val(nzt_wall+1,m) = t_wall%val(nzb_wall,m)
! !
! !-- Prognostic equation for green temperature t_green_v
! gtend(:) = 0.0_wp
! gtend(nzb_wall) = (1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_green(nzb_wall,m)) * &
! ( surf%lambda_h_green(nzb_wall,m) * &
! ( t_green%val(nzb_wall+1,m) &
! - t_green%val(nzb_wall,m) ) * &
! surf%ddz_green(nzb_wall+1,m) &
! + surf%wghf_eb(m) ) * &
! surf%ddz_green_stag(nzb_wall,m)
! DO kw = nzb_wall+1, nzt_wall
! gtend(kw) = (1.0_wp / surf%rho_c_green(kw,m)) &
! * ( surf%lambda_h_green(kw,m) &
! * ( t_green%val(kw+1,m) - t_green%val(kw,m) ) &
! * surf%ddz_green(kw+1,m) &
! - surf%lambda_h(kw-1,m) &
! * ( t_green%val(kw,m) - t_green%val(kw-1,m) ) &
! * surf%ddz_green(kw,m) ) &
! * surf%ddz_green_stag(kw,m)
! t_green_v_p(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) = &
! t_green%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) &
! + dt_3d * ( tsc(2) &
! * gtend(nzb_wall:nzt_wall) + tsc(3) &
! * surf%tt_green_m(nzb_wall:nzt_wall,m) )
! !
! !-- Calculate t_green tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
! IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
! IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
! DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
! surf%tt_green_m(kw,m) = gtend(kw)
! ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < &
! intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
! DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall
! surf%tt_green_m(kw,m) = &
! - 9.5625_wp * gtend(kw) + &
! 5.3125_wp * surf%tt_green_m(kw,m)
DO kw = nzb_wall, nzt_wall+1
t_green%val(kw,m) = t_wall%val(nzb_wall,m)
IF ( debug_output_timestep ) THEN
WRITE( debug_string, * ) 'usm_green_heat_model: ', horizontal, l
CALL debug_message( debug_string, 'end' )
END SUBROUTINE usm_green_heat_model
! Description:
! ------------
!> Parin for &usm_par for urban surface model
SUBROUTINE usm_parin
CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: line !< string containing current line of file PARIN
INTEGER(iwp) :: io_status !< status after reading the namelist file
LOGICAL :: switch_off_module = .FALSE. !< local namelist parameter to switch off the module
!< although the respective module namelist appears in
!< the namelist file
NAMELIST /urban_surface_parameters/ &
building_type, &
roof_category, &
roof_inner_temperature, &
roughness_concrete, &
soil_inner_temperature, &
switch_off_module, &
urban_surface, &
usm_wall_mod, &
wall_category, &
wall_inner_temperature, &
!-- Move to the beginning of the namelist file and try to find and read the namelist.
REWIND( 11 )
READ( 11, urban_surface_parameters, IOSTAT=io_status )
!-- Action depending on the READ status
IF ( io_status == 0 ) THEN
!-- urban_surface_parameters namelist was found and read correctly. Set flag that indicates that
!-- the urban surface model is switched on.
IF ( .NOT. switch_off_module ) urban_surface = .TRUE.
ELSEIF ( io_status > 0 ) THEN
!-- urban_surface_parameters namelist was found but contained errors. Print an error message
!-- including the line that caused the problem.
READ( 11 , '(A)' ) line
CALL parin_fail_message( 'urban_surface_parameters', line )
! Description:
! ------------
!> Read module-specific local restart data arrays (Fortran binary format).
!> Soubroutine reads t_surf and t_wall.
SUBROUTINE usm_rrd_local_ftn( k, nxlf, nxlc, nxl_on_file, nxrf, nxr_on_file, nynf, nyn_on_file, &
nysf, nysc, nys_on_file, found )
USE control_parameters, &
ONLY: length, &
INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index over previous input files covering current local domain
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< index variable for surface type
INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlc !< index of left boundary on current subdomain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlf !< index of left boundary on former subdomain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_on_file !< index of left boundary on former local domain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrf !< index of right boundary on former subdomain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_on_file !< index of right boundary on former local domain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nynf !< index of north boundary on former subdomain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_on_file !< index of north boundary on former local domain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nysc !< index of south boundary on current subdomain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nysf !< index of south boundary on former subdomain
INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_on_file !< index of south boundary on former local domain
INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_h_on_file_usm(0:1) !< number of horizontal surface elements (urban type) on file
INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_v_on_file_usm(0:3) !< number of vertical surface elements (urban type) on file
!-- Note, the save attribute in the following array declaration is necessary, in order to keep the
!-- number of urban surface elements on file during rrd_local calls.
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: end_index_on_file !<
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: start_index_on_file !<
LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !<
! MS: Why are there individual temporary arrays that all have the same size?
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_surf_green_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_surf_mliq_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_surf_t_prev_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_surf_wall_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_surf_waste_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_surf_window_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_2d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_green_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_2d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_wall_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_2d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:1), SAVE :: tmp_window_h !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_surf_green_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_surf_t_prev_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_surf_wall_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_surf_waste_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_1d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_surf_window_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_2d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_green_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_2d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_wall_v !<
TYPE( surf_type_2d_usm ), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: tmp_window_v !<
found = .TRUE.
SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) )
CASE ( 'ns_h_on_file_usm')
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
READ ( 13 ) ns_h_on_file_usm
DO l = 0, 1
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_wall_h(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_wall_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_wall_h(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_wall_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_window_h(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_window_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_window_h(l)%val) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_window_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_green_h(l)%val) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_green_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_green_h(l)%val) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_green_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_mliq_h(l)%val) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_mliq_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_waste_h(l)%val) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_waste_h(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_t_prev_h(l)%val) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_t_prev_h(l)%val )
!-- Allocate temporary arrays for reading data on file. Note, the size of allocated surface
!-- elements do not necessarily need to match the size of present surface elements on
!-- current processor, as the number of processors between restarts can change.
DO l = 0, 1
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_wall_h(l)%val(1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_wall_h(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l) ) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_window_h(l)%val(1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_window_h(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l) ) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_green_h(l)%val(1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_green_h(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l) ) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_mliq_h(l)%val(1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_waste_h(l)%val(1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_t_prev_h(l)%val(1:ns_h_on_file_usm(l)) )
CASE ( 'ns_v_on_file_usm')
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
READ ( 13 ) ns_v_on_file_usm
DO l = 0, 3
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_wall_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_wall_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_wall_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_wall_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_window_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_window_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_window_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_window_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_green_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_green_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_green_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_green_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_waste_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_waste_v(l)%val )
IF ( ALLOCATED( tmp_surf_t_prev_v(l)%val ) ) DEALLOCATE( tmp_surf_t_prev_v(l)%val )
!-- Allocate temporary arrays for reading data on file. Note, the size of allocated surface
!-- elements do not necessarily need to match the size of present surface elements on
!-- current processor, as the number of processors between restarts can change.
DO l = 0, 3
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_wall_v(l)%val(1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_wall_v(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l) ) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_window_v(l)%val(1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_window_v(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l) ) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_green_v(l)%val(1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_green_v(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l) ) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_waste_v(l)%val(1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l)) )
ALLOCATE( tmp_surf_t_prev_v(l)%val(1:ns_v_on_file_usm(l)) )
CASE ( 'usm_start_index_h', 'usm_start_index_v' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( ALLOCATED( start_index_on_file ) ) DEALLOCATE( start_index_on_file )
ALLOCATE ( start_index_on_file(nys_on_file:nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file:nxr_on_file) )
READ ( 13 ) start_index_on_file
CASE ( 'usm_end_index_h', 'usm_end_index_v' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( ALLOCATED( end_index_on_file ) ) DEALLOCATE( end_index_on_file )
ALLOCATE ( end_index_on_file(nys_on_file:nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file:nxr_on_file) )
READ ( 13 ) end_index_on_file
CASE ( 't_surf_wall_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_h_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_h_1(0)%val(1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_wall_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_wall_h_1(0)%val, tmp_surf_wall_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_wall_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_h_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_h_1(1)%val(1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_wall_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_wall_h_1(1)%val, tmp_surf_wall_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_wall_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_v_1(0)%val(1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_wall_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_wall_v_1(0)%val, tmp_surf_wall_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_wall_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_v_1(1)%val(1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_wall_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_wall_v_1(1)%val, tmp_surf_wall_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_wall_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_1(2)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_v_1(2)%val(1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_wall_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_wall_v_1(2)%val, tmp_surf_wall_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_wall_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_1(3)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_v_1(3)%val(1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_wall_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_wall_v_1(3)%val, tmp_surf_wall_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_window_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_h_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_h_1(0)%val(1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_window_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_window_h_1(0)%val, tmp_surf_window_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_window_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_h_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_h_1(1)%val(1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_window_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_window_h_1(1)%val, tmp_surf_window_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_window_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_v_1(0)%val(1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_window_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_window_v_1(0)%val, tmp_surf_window_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_window_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_v_1(1)%val(1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_window_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_window_v_1(1)%val, tmp_surf_window_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_window_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_1(2)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_v_1(2)%val(1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_window_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_window_v_1(2)%val, tmp_surf_window_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_window_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_1(3)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_v_1(3)%val(1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_window_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_window_v_1(3)%val, tmp_surf_window_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_green_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_h_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_h_1(0)%val(1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_green_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_green_h_1(0)%val, tmp_surf_green_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_green_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_h_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_h_1(1)%val(1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_green_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_green_h_1(1)%val, tmp_surf_green_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_green_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_v_1(0)%val(1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_green_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_green_v_1(0)%val, tmp_surf_green_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_green_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_v_1(1)%val(1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_green_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_green_v_1(1)%val, tmp_surf_green_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_green_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_1(2)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_v_1(2)%val(1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_green_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_green_v_1(2)%val, tmp_surf_green_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_surf_green_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_1(3)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_v_1(3)%val(1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_green_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_surf_green_v_1(3)%val, tmp_surf_green_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'm_liq_usm_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( m_liq_usm_h(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( m_liq_usm_h(0)%val(1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_mliq_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( m_liq_usm_h(0)%val, tmp_surf_mliq_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'm_liq_usm_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( m_liq_usm_h(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( m_liq_usm_h(1)%val(1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_mliq_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( m_liq_usm_h(1)%val, tmp_surf_mliq_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'waste_heat_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(0)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_h(0)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_waste_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_h(0)%waste_heat, tmp_surf_waste_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'waste_heat_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(1)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_h(1)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_waste_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_h(1)%waste_heat, tmp_surf_waste_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'waste_heat_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(0)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(0)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_waste_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(0)%waste_heat, tmp_surf_waste_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'waste_heat_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(1)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(1)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_waste_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(1)%waste_heat, tmp_surf_waste_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'waste_heat_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(2)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(2)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_waste_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(2)%waste_heat, tmp_surf_waste_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 'waste_heat_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(3)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(3)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_waste_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(3)%waste_heat, tmp_surf_waste_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_prev_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(0)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_h(0)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_t_prev_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_h(0)%t_prev, tmp_surf_t_prev_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_prev_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(1)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_h(1)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_t_prev_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_h(1)%t_prev, tmp_surf_t_prev_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_prev_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(0)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(0)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_t_prev_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(0)%t_prev, tmp_surf_t_prev_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_prev_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(1)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(1)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_t_prev_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(1)%t_prev, tmp_surf_t_prev_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_prev_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(2)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(2)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_t_prev_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(2)%t_prev, tmp_surf_t_prev_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_prev_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(3)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(3)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_surf_t_prev_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( surf_usm_v(3)%t_prev, tmp_surf_t_prev_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_wall_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_h_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_h_1(0)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_wall_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_wall_h_1(0)%val, tmp_wall_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_wall_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_h_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_h_1(1)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_wall_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_wall_h_1(1)%val, tmp_wall_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_wall_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_v_1(0)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_wall_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_wall_v_1(0)%val, tmp_wall_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_wall_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_v_1(1)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_wall_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_wall_v_1(1)%val, tmp_wall_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_wall_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_1(2)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_v_1(2)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_wall_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_wall_v_1(2)%val, tmp_wall_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_wall_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_1(3)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_v_1(3)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_wall_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_wall_v_1(3)%val, tmp_wall_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_window_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_h_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_h_1(0)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_window_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_window_h_1(0)%val, tmp_window_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_window_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_h_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_h_1(1)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_window_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_window_h_1(1)%val, tmp_window_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_window_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_v_1(0)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_window_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_window_v_1(0)%val, tmp_window_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_window_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_v_1(1)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_window_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_window_v_1(1)%val, tmp_window_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_window_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_1(2)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_v_1(2)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_window_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_window_v_1(2)%val, tmp_window_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_window_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_1(3)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_v_1(3)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_window_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_window_v_1(3)%val, tmp_window_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_green_h(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_h_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_h_1(0)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_h(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_green_h(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_green_h_1(0)%val, tmp_green_h(0)%val, &
surf_usm_h(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_green_h(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_h_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_h_1(1)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_h(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_green_h(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_green_h_1(1)%val, tmp_green_h(1)%val, &
surf_usm_h(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_green_v(0)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_1(0)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_v_1(0)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(0)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_green_v(0)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_green_v_1(0)%val, tmp_green_v(0)%val, &
surf_usm_v(0)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_green_v(1)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_1(1)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_v_1(1)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(1)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_green_v(1)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_green_v_1(1)%val, tmp_green_v(1)%val, &
surf_usm_v(1)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_green_v(2)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_1(2)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_v_1(2)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(2)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_green_v(2)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_green_v_1(2)%val, tmp_green_v(2)%val, &
surf_usm_v(2)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
CASE ( 't_green_v(3)' )
IF ( k == 1 ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_1(3)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_v_1(3)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1, 1:surf_usm_v(3)%ns) )
READ ( 13 ) tmp_green_v(3)%val
CALL surface_restore_elements( t_green_v_1(3)%val, tmp_green_v(3)%val, &
surf_usm_v(3)%start_index, start_index_on_file, &
end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, nxrf, nysf, nynf, &
nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file,nxr_on_file )
found = .FALSE.
END SUBROUTINE usm_rrd_local_ftn
! Description:
! ------------
!> Read module-specific local restart data arrays (MPI-IO).
!> Soubroutine reads t_surf and t_wall.
!> This read routine is a counterpart of usm_wrd_local.
!> In usm_wrd_local, all array are unconditionally written, therefore all arrays are read here.
!> This is a preliminary version of reading usm data. The final version has to be discussed with
!> the developers.
!> If it is possible to call usm_allocate_surface before reading the restart file, this reading
!> routine would become much simpler, because no checking for allocation will be necessary any more.
SUBROUTINE usm_rrd_local_mpi
CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: dum !< dummy string to create input-variable name
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< loop index for surface types
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: global_start
LOGICAL :: ldum !< dummy variable
DO l = 0, 1
WRITE( dum, '(I1)' ) l
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_h_' //dum, surf_usm_h(l)%start_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_h_' //dum, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_h_' //dum, global_start )
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_h(l)%start_index, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index, ldum, &
global_start )
IF ( MAXVAL( surf_usm_h(l)%end_index ) <= 0 ) CYCLE
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_wall_h(' // dum // ')', t_surf_wall_h_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_window_h(' // dum // ')', t_surf_window_h_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_green_h(' // dum // ')', t_surf_green_h_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( m_liq_usm_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( m_liq_usm_h_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'm_liq_usm_h(' // dum // ')', m_liq_usm_h_1(l)%val )
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'waste_heat_h(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_prev_h(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev )
DO l = 0, 3
WRITE( dum, '(I1)' ) l
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_v_' //dum, surf_usm_v(l)%start_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_v_' // dum, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_v_' // dum, global_start )
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_v(l)%start_index, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index, ldum, &
global_start )
IF ( MAXVAL( surf_usm_v(l)%end_index ) <= 0 ) CYCLE
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_wall_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_wall_v_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_wall_v(' // dum // ')', t_surf_wall_v_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_window_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_window_v_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_window_v(' // dum // ')', t_surf_window_v_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_surf_green_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_surf_green_v_1(l)%val(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_green_v(' // dum // ')', t_surf_green_v_1(l)%val)
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'waste_heat_v(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev ) ) &
ALLOCATE( surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev(1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_prev_v(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev )
DO l = 0, 1
WRITE( dum, '(I1)' ) l
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_h_2_' //dum, surf_usm_h(l)%start_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_h_2_' //dum, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_h_2_' //dum, global_start )
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_h(l)%start_index, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index, ldum, &
global_start )
IF ( MAXVAL( surf_usm_h(l)%end_index ) <= 0 ) CYCLE
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_wall_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_wall_h(' // dum // ')', t_wall_h_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_window_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_window_h(' // dum // ')', t_window_h_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_h_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE( t_green_h_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_h(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_green_h(' // dum // ')', t_green_h_1(l)%val )
DO l = 0, 3
WRITE( dum, '(I1)' ) l
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_v_2_' //dum, surf_usm_v(l)%start_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_v_2_' // dum, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index )
CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_v_2_' // dum, global_start )
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_v(l)%start_index, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index, ldum, &
global_start )
IF ( MAXVAL( surf_usm_v(l)%end_index ) <= 0 ) CYCLE
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_wall_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_wall_v_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_wall_v(' // dum // ')', t_wall_v_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_window_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_window_v_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_window_v(' // dum // ')', t_window_v_1(l)%val )
IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( t_green_v_1(l)%val ) ) &
ALLOCATE ( t_green_v_1(l)%val(nzb_wall:nzt_wall+1,1:surf_usm_v(l)%ns) )
CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_green_v(' // dum // ')', t_green_v_1(l)%val )
END SUBROUTINE usm_rrd_local_mpi
! Description:
! ------------
!> Solver for the energy balance at the ground/roof/wall surface. It follows the basic ideas and
!> structure of lsm_energy_balance with many simplifications and adjustments.
!> TODO better description
!> No calculation of window surface temperatures during spinup to increase maximum possible timstep
SUBROUTINE usm_energy_balance( during_spinup )
LOGICAL :: during_spinup !< flag indicating soil/wall spinup phase
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< loop index for surface types
!-- Call for horizontal surfaces
DO l = 0, 1
CALL usm_surface_energy_balance( .TRUE., l, during_spinup )
CALL usm_green_heat_model( .TRUE., l )
CALL usm_wall_heat_model( .TRUE., l, during_spinup )
!-- Call for vertical surfaces
DO l = 0, 3
CALL usm_surface_energy_balance( .FALSE., l, during_spinup )
CALL usm_green_heat_model( .FALSE., l )
CALL usm_wall_heat_model( .FALSE., l, during_spinup )
END SUBROUTINE usm_energy_balance
! Description:
! ------------
!> Solver for the energy balance at the ground/roof/wall surface. It follows the basic ideas and
!> structure of lsm_energy_balance with many simplifications and adjustments.
!> TODO better description
!> No calculation of window surface temperatures during spinup to increase maximum possible timstep
SUBROUTINE usm_surface_energy_balance( horizontal, l, during_spinup )
USE exchange_horiz_mod, &
ONLY: exchange_horiz
LOGICAL :: horizontal !< Flag indicating horizontal or vertical surfaces
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< direction index
LOGICAL :: during_spinup !< flag indicating soil/wall spinup phase
INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k, m !< running indices
INTEGER(iwp) :: i_off !< offset to determine index of surface element, seen from atmospheric grid point, for x
INTEGER(iwp) :: j_off !< offset to determine index of surface element, seen from atmospheric grid point, for y
INTEGER(iwp) :: k_off !< offset to determine index of surface element, seen from atmospheric grid point, for z
REAL(wp) :: coef_1 !< first coeficient for prognostic equation
REAL(wp) :: coef_window_1 !< first coeficient for prognostic window equation
REAL(wp) :: coef_green_1 !< first coeficient for prognostic green wall equation
REAL(wp) :: coef_2 !< second coeficient for prognostic equation
REAL(wp) :: coef_window_2 !< second coeficient for prognostic window equation
REAL(wp) :: coef_green_2 !< second coeficient for prognostic green wall equation
REAL(wp) :: frac_win !< window fraction, used to restore original values during spinup
REAL(wp) :: frac_green !< green fraction, used to restore original values during spinup
REAL(wp) :: frac_wall !< wall fraction, used to restore original values during spinup
REAL(wp) :: f_shf !< factor for shf_eb
REAL(wp) :: f_shf_window !< factor for shf_eb window
REAL(wp) :: f_shf_green !< factor for shf_eb green wall
REAL(wp) :: lambda_surface !< current value of lambda_surface (heat conductivity
! surf_usm_h(l)
t_surf_wall => t_surf_wall_h(l)
t_surf_wall_p => t_surf_wall_h_p(l)
t_surf_window => t_surf_window_h(l)
t_surf_window_p => t_surf_window_h_p(l)
t_surf_green => t_surf_green_h(l)
t_surf_green_p => t_surf_green_h_p(l)
t_wall => t_wall_h(l)
t_window => t_window_h(l)
t_green => t_green_h(l)
IF ( l == 0 ) upward = .TRUE.
surf => surf_usm_v(l)
t_surf_wall => t_surf_wall_v(l)
t_surf_wall_p => t_surf_wall_v_p(l)
t_surf_window => t_surf_window_v(l)
t_surf_window_p => t_surf_window_v_p(l)
t_surf_green => t_surf_green_v(l)
t_surf_green_p => t_surf_green_v_p(l)
t_wall => t_wall_v(l)
t_window => t_window_v(l)
t_green => t_green_v(l)
!-- Index offset of surface element point with respect to adjoining atmospheric grid point
k_off = surf%koff
j_off = surf%joff
i_off = surf%ioff
!-- First, treat horizontal surface elements
!$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE (m, i, j, k, frac_win, frac_wall, frac_green, lambda_surface, &
!$OMP& lambda_surface_window, lambda_surface_green, ueff, qv1, rho_cp, rho_lv, &
!$OMP& drho_l_lv, f_shf, f_shf_window, f_shf_green, m_total, f1, f2, e_s, e, &
!$OMP& f3, f_qsws_veg, q_s, f_qsws_liq, f_qsws, e_s_dt, dq_s_dt, coef_1, &
!$OMP& coef_window_1, coef_green_1, coef_2, coef_window_2, coef_green_2, &
!$OMP& stend_wall, stend_window, stend_green, tend, m_liq_max) SCHEDULE (STATIC)
DO m = 1, surf%ns
!-- During spinup set green and window fraction to zero and restore at the end of the loop.
!-- Note, this is a temporary fix and needs to be removed later.
IF ( during_spinup ) THEN
frac_win = 0.0_wp
frac_wall = 1.0_wp
frac_green = 0.0_wp
frac_win = surf%frac(m,ind_wat_win)
frac_wall = surf%frac(m,ind_veg_wall)
frac_green = surf%frac(m,ind_pav_green)
!-- Get indices of respective grid point
i = surf%i(m)
j = surf%j(m)
k = surf%k(m)
!-- TODO - how to calculate lambda_surface for horizontal surfaces
!-- (lambda_surface shoud be set according to stratification in land surface model)
lambda_surface = surf%lambda_surf(m)
lambda_surface_window = surf%lambda_surf_window(m)
lambda_surface_green = surf%lambda_surf_green(m)
IF ( humidity ) THEN
qv1 = q(k,j,i)
qv1 = 0.0_wp
!-- Calculate rho * c_p coefficient at surface layer
rho_cp = c_p * hyp(k) / ( r_d * surf%pt1(m) * exner(k) )
IF ( frac_green > 0.0_wp ) THEN
!-- Calculate frequently used parameters
rho_lv = rho_cp / c_p * l_v
drho_l_lv = 1.0_wp / ( rho_l * l_v )
!-- Calculate aerodyamic resistance.
IF ( upward ) THEN
!-- Calculation for horizontal upward facing surfaces follows LSM formulation
!-- pt, us, ts are not available for the prognostic time step, data from the
!-- last time step is used here.
!-- Workaround: use single r_a as stability is only treated for the average temperature
surf%r_a(m) = ( surf%pt1(m) - surf%pt_surface(m) ) / &
( surf%ts(m) * surf%us(m) + 1.0E-20_wp )
!-- Calculation of r_a for vertical and downward facing horizontal surfaces
!-- Heat transfer coefficient for forced convection along vertical walls follows formulation
!-- in TUF3d model (Krayenhoff & Voogt, 2006)
!-- H = httc (Tsfc - Tair)
!-- httc = rw * (11.8 + 4.2 * Ueff) - 4.0
!-- rw: Wall patch roughness relative to 1.0 for concrete
!-- Ueff: Effective wind speed
!-- - 4.0 is a reduction of Rowley et al (1930) formulation based on
!-- Cole and Sturrock (1977)
!-- Ucan: Canyon wind speed
!-- wstar: Convective velocity
!-- Qs: Surface heat flux
!-- zH: Height of the convective layer
!-- wstar = (g/Tcan*Qs*zH)**(1./3.)
!-- Effective velocity components must always be defined at scalar grid point. The wall
!-- normal component is obtained by simple linear interpolation. (An alternative would be an
!-- logarithmic interpolation.) Parameter roughness_concrete (default value = 0.001) is used
!-- to calculation of roughness relative to concrete. Note, wind velocity is limited
!-- to avoid division by zero. The nominator can become <= 0.0 for values z0 < 3*10E-4.
ueff = MAX ( SQRT( ( ( u(k,j,i) + u(k,j,i+1) ) * 0.5_wp )**2 + &
( ( v(k,j,i) + v(k,j+1,i) ) * 0.5_wp )**2 + &
( ( w(k,j,i) + w(k-1,j,i) ) * 0.5_wp )**2 ), &
( ( 4.0_wp + 0.1_wp ) &
/ ( surf%z0(m) * d_roughness_concrete ) &
- 11.8_wp ) / 4.2_wp &
surf%r_a(m) = rho_cp / ( surf%z0(m) * d_roughness_concrete &
* ( 11.8_wp + 4.2_wp * ueff ) - 4.0_wp )
!-- Make sure that the resistance does not drop to zero
!-- end does not exceed a maxmium value in case of zero velocities
IF ( surf%r_a(m) < 1.0_wp ) surf%r_a(m) = 1.0_wp
IF ( surf%r_a(m) > 300.0_wp ) surf%r_a(m) = 300.0_wp
!-- Aeorodynamical resistance for the window and green fractions are set to the same value
surf%r_a_window(m) = surf%r_a(m)
surf%r_a_green(m) = surf%r_a(m)
!-- Factor for shf_eb
f_shf = rho_cp / surf%r_a(m)
f_shf_window = rho_cp / surf%r_a_window(m)
f_shf_green = rho_cp / surf%r_a_green(m)
IF ( frac_green > 0.0_wp ) THEN
!-- Adapted from LSM:
!-- Second step: calculate canopy resistance r_canopy. f1-f3 here are defined as 1/f1-f3
!-- as in ECMWF documentation
!-- f1: Correction for incoming shortwave radiation (stomata close at night)
f1 = MIN( 1.0_wp, ( 0.004_wp * surf%rad_sw_in(m) + 0.05_wp ) / &
(0.81_wp * ( 0.004_wp * surf%rad_sw_in(m) + 1.0_wp ) ) )
!-- f2: Correction for soil moisture availability to plants (the integrated soil moisture must
!-- thus be considered here) f2 = 0 for very dry soils
IF ( upward ) THEN
m_total = 0.0_wp
DO k = nzb_wall, nzt_wall+1
m_total = m_total + rootfr_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) &
* MAX( swc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m),wilt_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) )
IF ( m_total > wilt_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) .AND. m_total < fc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) ) THEN
f2 = ( m_total - wilt_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) ) / (fc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) - wilt_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) )
ELSEIF ( m_total >= fc_h(l)%val(nzb_wall,m) ) THEN
f2 = 1.0_wp
f2 = 1.0E-20_wp
!-- Calculate water vapour pressure at saturation
e_s = 0.01_wp * magnus_tl( t_surf_green%val(m) )
!-- f3: Correction for vapour pressure deficit
IF ( surf%g_d(m) /= 0.0_wp ) THEN
!-- Calculate vapour pressure
e = qv1 * surface_pressure / ( qv1 + 0.622_wp )
f3 = EXP ( - surf%g_d(m) * (e_s - e) )
f3 = 1.0_wp
!-- Calculate canopy resistance. In case that c_veg is 0 (bare soils), this calculation is
!-- obsolete, as r_canopy is not used below.
!-- To do: check for very dry soil -> r_canopy goes to infinity
surf%r_canopy(m) = surf%r_canopy_min(m) / &
( surf%lai(m) * f1 * f2 * f3 + 1.0E-20_wp )
!-- Calculate saturation specific humidity
q_s = 0.622_wp * e_s / ( surface_pressure - e_s )
!-- In case of dewfall, set evapotranspiration to zero
!-- All super-saturated water is then removed from the air
IF ( humidity .AND. q_s <= qv1 ) THEN
surf%r_canopy(m) = 0.0_wp
IF ( upward ) THEN
!-- Calculate the maximum possible liquid water amount on plants and bare surface. For
!-- vegetated surfaces, a maximum depth of 0.2 mm is assumed, while paved surfaces might hold
!-- up 1 mm of water. The liquid water fraction for paved surfaces is calculated after
!-- Noilhan & Planton (1989), while the ECMWF formulation is used for vegetated surfaces and
!-- bare soils.
m_liq_max = m_max_depth * ( surf%lai(m) )
surf%c_liq(m) = MIN( 1.0_wp, ( m_liq_usm_h(l)%val(m) / m_liq_max )**0.67 )
!-- Calculate coefficients for the total evapotranspiration
!-- In case of water surface, set vegetation and soil fluxes to zero.
!-- For pavements, only evaporation of liquid water is possible.
f_qsws_veg = rho_lv * ( 1.0_wp - surf%c_liq(m) ) / &
( surf%r_a_green(m) + surf%r_canopy(m) )
f_qsws_liq = rho_lv * surf%c_liq(m) / surf%r_a_green(m)
f_qsws = f_qsws_veg + f_qsws_liq
f_qsws_veg = rho_lv * ( 1.0_wp - 0.0_wp ) / & !surf%c_liq(m) ) / &
( surf%r_a_green(m) + surf%r_canopy(m) )
f_qsws_liq = 0._wp ! rho_lv * surf%c_liq(m) / surf%r_a_green(m)
f_qsws = f_qsws_veg + f_qsws_liq
!-- Calculate derivative of q_s for Taylor series expansion
e_s_dt = e_s * ( 17.269_wp / ( t_surf_green%val(m) - 35.86_wp ) - 17.269_wp &
* ( t_surf_green%val(m) - degc_to_k ) &
/ ( t_surf_green%val(m) - 35.86_wp )**2 )
dq_s_dt = 0.622_wp * e_s_dt / ( surface_pressure - e_s_dt )
!-- Add LW up so that it can be removed in prognostic equation
surf%rad_net_l(m) = surf%rad_sw_in(m) - surf%rad_sw_out(m) + &
surf%rad_lw_in(m) - surf%rad_lw_out(m)
!-- Numerator of the prognostic equation
!-- Todo: Adjust to tile approach. So far, emissivity for wall (element 0) is used
!-- Rem: Coef +1 corresponds to -lwout included in calculation of radnet_l
coef_1 = surf%rad_net_l(m) + ( 3.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) &
* surf%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) * sigma_sb * t_surf_wall%val(m)**4 &
+ f_shf * surf%pt1(m) + lambda_surface * t_wall%val(nzb_wall,m)
IF ( ( .NOT. during_spinup ) .AND. (frac_win > 0.0_wp ) ) THEN
coef_window_1 = surf%rad_net_l(m) + ( 3.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) &
* surf%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) * sigma_sb &
* t_surf_window%val(m)**4 + f_shf_window * surf%pt1(m) &
+ lambda_surface_window * t_window%val(nzb_wall,m)
IF ( ( humidity ) .AND. ( frac_green > 0.0_wp ) ) THEN
coef_green_1 = surf%rad_net_l(m) + ( 3.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) &
* surf%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) * sigma_sb &
* t_surf_green%val(m)**4 + f_shf_green * surf%pt1(m) &
+ f_qsws * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) ) &
+ lambda_surface_green * t_green%val(nzb_wall,m)
coef_green_1 = surf%rad_net_l(m) + ( 3.0_wp + 1.0_wp ) &
* surf%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) * sigma_sb * t_surf_green%val(m)**4 &
+ f_shf_green * surf%pt1(m) + lambda_surface_green &
* t_green%val(nzb_wall,m)
!-- Denominator of the prognostic equation
coef_2 = 4.0_wp * surf%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) * sigma_sb * t_surf_wall%val(m)**3 &
+ lambda_surface + f_shf / exner(k)
IF ( ( .NOT. during_spinup ) .AND. ( frac_win > 0.0_wp ) ) THEN
coef_window_2 = 4.0_wp * surf%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) * sigma_sb * &
t_surf_window%val(m)**3 + lambda_surface_window + f_shf_window / exner(k)
IF ( ( humidity ) .AND. ( frac_green > 0.0_wp ) ) THEN
coef_green_2 = 4.0_wp * surf%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) * sigma_sb * &
t_surf_green%val(m)**3 + f_qsws * dq_s_dt + lambda_surface_green &
+ f_shf_green / exner(k)
coef_green_2 = 4.0_wp * surf%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) * sigma_sb &
* t_surf_green%val(m)**3 + lambda_surface_green + f_shf_green / exner(k)
!-- Implicit solution when the surface layer has no heat capacity, otherwise use RK3 scheme.
t_surf_wall_p%val(m) = ( coef_1 * dt_3d * tsc(2) + surf%c_surface(m) &
* t_surf_wall%val(m) ) &
/ ( surf%c_surface(m) + coef_2 * dt_3d * tsc(2) )
IF ( ( .NOT. during_spinup ) .AND. (frac_win > 0.0_wp) ) THEN
t_surf_window_p%val(m) = ( coef_window_1 * dt_3d * tsc(2) + &
surf%c_surface_window(m) * t_surf_window%val(m) ) / &
( surf%c_surface_window(m) + coef_window_2 * dt_3d * tsc(2) )
t_surf_green_p%val(m) = ( coef_green_1 * dt_3d * tsc(2) + &
surf%c_surface_green(m) * t_surf_green%val(m) ) &
/ ( surf%c_surface_green(m) + coef_green_2 * dt_3d * tsc(2) )
!-- Add RK3 term
t_surf_wall_p%val(m) = t_surf_wall_p%val(m) + dt_3d * tsc(3) * &
t_surf_window_p%val(m) = t_surf_window_p%val(m) + dt_3d * tsc(3) * &
t_surf_green_p%val(m) = t_surf_green_p%val(m) + dt_3d * tsc(3) * &
!-- Store surface temperature on pt_surface. Further, in case humidity is used, store also
!-- vpt_surface, which is, due to the lack of moisture on roofs, simply assumed to be the surface
!-- temperature.
surf%pt_surface(m) = ( frac_wall * t_surf_wall_p%val(m) &
+ frac_win * t_surf_window_p%val(m) &
+ frac_green * t_surf_green_p%val(m) &
) / exner(k)
IF ( humidity ) surf%vpt_surface(m) = surf%pt_surface(m)
!-- Calculate true tendency
stend_wall = ( t_surf_wall_p%val(m) - t_surf_wall%val(m) - dt_3d * tsc(3) * &
surf%tt_surface_wall_m(m) ) / ( dt_3d * tsc(2) )
stend_window = ( t_surf_window_p%val(m) - t_surf_window%val(m) - dt_3d * tsc(3) * &
surf%tt_surface_window_m(m) ) / ( dt_3d * tsc(2) )
stend_green = ( t_surf_green_p%val(m) - t_surf_green%val(m) - dt_3d * tsc(3) * &
surf%tt_surface_green_m(m) ) / ( dt_3d * tsc(2) )
!-- Calculate t_surf tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
surf%tt_surface_wall_m(m) = stend_wall
surf%tt_surface_window_m(m) = stend_window
surf%tt_surface_green_m(m) = stend_green
ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
surf%tt_surface_wall_m(m) = -9.5625_wp * stend_wall + &
5.3125_wp * surf%tt_surface_wall_m(m)
surf%tt_surface_window_m(m) = -9.5625_wp * stend_window + &
5.3125_wp * surf%tt_surface_window_m(m)
surf%tt_surface_green_m(m) = -9.5625_wp * stend_green + &
5.3125_wp * surf%tt_surface_green_m(m)
!-- In case of fast changes in the skin temperature, it is required to update the radiative
!-- fluxes in order to keep the solution stable
IF ( ( ( ABS( t_surf_wall_p%val(m) - t_surf_wall%val(m) ) > 1.0_wp ) .OR. &
( ABS( t_surf_green_p%val(m) - t_surf_green%val(m) ) > 1.0_wp ) .OR. &
( ABS( t_surf_window_p%val(m) - t_surf_window%val(m) ) > 1.0_wp ) ) &
.AND. unscheduled_radiation_calls ) THEN
force_radiation_call_l = .TRUE.
!-- Calculate new fluxes
!-- Rad_net_l is never used!
surf%rad_net_l(m) = surf%rad_net_l(m) + frac_wall &
* sigma_sb * surf%emissivity(m,ind_veg_wall) &
* ( t_surf_wall_p%val(m)**4 - t_surf_wall%val(m)**4 ) &
+ frac_win * sigma_sb &
* surf%emissivity(m,ind_wat_win) &
* ( t_surf_window_p%val(m)**4 - t_surf_window%val(m)**4 ) &
+ frac_green * sigma_sb &
* surf%emissivity(m,ind_pav_green) &
* ( t_surf_green_p%val(m)**4 - t_surf_green%val(m)**4 )
surf%wghf_eb(m) = lambda_surface * ( t_surf_wall_p%val(m) - t_wall%val(nzb_wall,m) )
surf%wghf_eb_green(m) = lambda_surface_green &
* ( t_surf_green_p%val(m) - t_green%val(nzb_wall,m) )
surf%wghf_eb_window(m) = lambda_surface_window &
* ( t_surf_window_p%val(m) - t_window%val(nzb_wall,m) )
!-- Ground/wall/roof surface heat flux
surf%wshf_eb(m) = - f_shf * ( surf%pt1(m) - t_surf_wall_p%val(m) / exner(k) ) &
* frac_wall - f_shf_window &
* ( surf%pt1(m) - t_surf_window_p%val(m) / exner(k) ) &
* frac_win - f_shf_green &
* ( surf%pt1(m) - t_surf_green_p%val(m) / exner(k) ) &
* frac_green
!-- Store kinematic surface heat fluxes for utilization in other processes diffusion_s,
!-- surface_layer_fluxes,...
surf%shf(m) = surf%wshf_eb(m) / c_p
!-- If the indoor model is applied, further add waste heat from buildings to the kinematic flux.
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
surf%shf(m) = surf%shf(m) + surf%waste_heat(m) / c_p
IF ( humidity .AND. frac_green > 0.0_wp ) THEN!
!-- Calculate true surface resistance
IF ( upward ) THEN
surf%qsws(m) = - f_qsws * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) )
surf%qsws(m) = surf%qsws(m) / l_v
surf%qsws_veg(m) = - f_qsws_veg * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) )
surf%qsws_liq(m) = - f_qsws_liq * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) )
surf%r_s(m) = - rho_lv * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) ) / &
(surf%qsws(m) + 1.0E-20) - surf%r_a_green(m)
IF ( precipitation ) THEN
!-- Calculate change in liquid water reservoir due to dew fall or evaporation of liquid water
!-- If precipitation is activated, add rain water to qsws_liq and qsws_soil according the
!-- the vegetation coverage. Precipitation_rate is given in mm.
!-- Add precipitation to liquid water reservoir, if possible. Otherwise, add the water
!-- to soil. In case of pavements, the exceeding water amount is implicitely removed as
!-- runoff as qsws_soil is then not used in the soil model
IF ( m_liq_usm_h(l)%val(m) /= m_liq_max ) THEN
surf%qsws_liq(m) = surf%qsws_liq(m) &
+ frac_green &
* prr(k+k_off,j+j_off,i+i_off) * hyrho(k+k_off) &
* 0.001_wp * rho_l * l_v
!-- If the air is saturated, check the reservoir water level
IF ( surf%qsws(m) < 0.0_wp ) THEN
!-- Check if reservoir is full (avoid values > m_liq_max) In that case, qsws_liq goes to
!-- qsws_soil. In this case qsws_veg is zero anyway (because c_liq = 1), so that tend is
!-- zero and no further check is needed
IF ( m_liq_usm_h(l)%val(m) == m_liq_max ) THEN
surf%qsws_liq(m) = 0.0_wp
!-- In case qsws_veg becomes negative (unphysical behavior), let the water enter the
!-- liquid water reservoir as dew on the plant
IF ( surf%qsws_veg(m) < 0.0_wp ) THEN
surf%qsws_liq(m) = surf%qsws_liq(m) + surf%qsws_veg(m)
surf%qsws_veg(m) = 0.0_wp
tend = - surf%qsws_liq(m) * drho_l_lv
m_liq_usm_h_p(l)%val(m) = m_liq_usm_h(l)%val(m) + dt_3d * &
( tsc(2) * tend + tsc(3) * tm_liq_usm_h_m(l)%val(m) )
!-- Check if reservoir is overfull -> reduce to maximum
!-- (conservation of water is violated here)
m_liq_usm_h_p(l)%val(m) = MIN( m_liq_usm_h_p(l)%val(m), m_liq_max )
!-- Check if reservoir is empty (avoid values < 0.0) (conservation of water is violated here)
m_liq_usm_h_p(l)%val(m) = MAX( m_liq_usm_h_p(l)%val(m), 0.0_wp )
!-- Calculate m_liq tendencies for the next Runge-Kutta step
IF ( timestep_scheme(1:5) == 'runge' ) THEN
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == 1 ) THEN
tm_liq_usm_h_m(l)%val(m) = tend
ELSEIF ( intermediate_timestep_count < intermediate_timestep_count_max ) THEN
tm_liq_usm_h_m(l)%val(m) = -9.5625_wp * tend + &
5.3125_wp * tm_liq_usm_h_m(l)%val(m)
!-- Downward and vertical surfaces
surf%qsws(m) = - f_qsws * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) )
surf%qsws(m) = surf%qsws(m) / l_v
surf%qsws_veg(m) = - f_qsws_veg * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) )
surf%r_s(m) = - rho_lv * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green%val(m) &
- dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_p%val(m) ) / &
(surf%qsws(m) + 1.0E-20) - surf%r_a_green(m)
surf%qsws_liq(m) = 0._wp ! - f_qsws_liq * ( qv1 - q_s + dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_h(m)&
! - dq_s_dt * t_surf_green_h_p(m) )
!-- If the air is saturated, check the reservoir water level
IF ( surf%qsws(m) < 0.0_wp ) THEN
!-- In case qsws_veg becomes negative (unphysical behavior), let the water enter the
!-- liquid water reservoir as dew on the plant
IF ( surf%qsws_veg(m) < 0.0_wp ) THEN
surf%qsws_veg(m) = 0.0_wp
surf%r_s(m) = 1.0E10_wp
!-- pt and shf are defined on nxlg:nxrg,nysg:nyng .Get the borders from neighbours.
CALL exchange_horiz( pt, nbgp )
!-- Calculation of force_radiation_call:
!-- Make logical OR for all processes.
!-- Force radiation call if at least one processor forces it.
IF ( intermediate_timestep_count == intermediate_timestep_count_max-1 ) THEN
#if defined( __parallel )
IF ( .NOT. force_radiation_call ) THEN
IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr )
CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( force_radiation_call_l, force_radiation_call, &
1, MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, comm2d, ierr )
force_radiation_call = force_radiation_call .OR. force_radiation_call_l
force_radiation_call_l = .FALSE.
IF ( debug_output_timestep ) THEN
WRITE( debug_string, * ) 'usm_surface_energy_balance: ', horizontal, l, during_spinup
CALL debug_message( debug_string, 'end' )
END SUBROUTINE usm_surface_energy_balance
! Description:
! ------------
!> Swapping of time levels for t_surf and t_wall called out from subroutine swap_timelevel
SUBROUTINE usm_swap_timelevel( mod_count )
INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: mod_count !<
SELECT CASE ( mod_count )
CASE ( 0 )
!-- Horizontal surfaces
t_surf_wall_h => t_surf_wall_h_1; t_surf_wall_h_p => t_surf_wall_h_2
t_wall_h => t_wall_h_1; t_wall_h_p => t_wall_h_2
t_surf_window_h => t_surf_window_h_1; t_surf_window_h_p => t_surf_window_h_2
t_window_h => t_window_h_1; t_window_h_p => t_window_h_2
t_surf_green_h => t_surf_green_h_1; t_surf_green_h_p => t_surf_green_h_2
t_green_h => t_green_h_1; t_green_h_p => t_green_h_2
!-- Vertical surfaces
t_surf_wall_v => t_surf_wall_v_1; t_surf_wall_v_p => t_surf_wall_v_2
t_wall_v => t_wall_v_1; t_wall_v_p => t_wall_v_2
t_surf_window_v => t_surf_window_v_1; t_surf_window_v_p => t_surf_window_v_2
t_window_v => t_window_v_1; t_window_v_p => t_window_v_2
t_surf_green_v => t_surf_green_v_1; t_surf_green_v_p => t_surf_green_v_2
t_green_v => t_green_v_1; t_green_v_p => t_green_v_2
CASE ( 1 )
!-- Horizontal surfaces
t_surf_wall_h => t_surf_wall_h_2; t_surf_wall_h_p => t_surf_wall_h_1
t_wall_h => t_wall_h_2; t_wall_h_p => t_wall_h_1
t_surf_window_h => t_surf_window_h_2; t_surf_window_h_p => t_surf_window_h_1
t_window_h => t_window_h_2; t_window_h_p => t_window_h_1
t_surf_green_h => t_surf_green_h_2; t_surf_green_h_p => t_surf_green_h_1
t_green_h => t_green_h_2; t_green_h_p => t_green_h_1
!-- Vertical surfaces
t_surf_wall_v => t_surf_wall_v_2; t_surf_wall_v_p => t_surf_wall_v_1
t_wall_v => t_wall_v_2; t_wall_v_p => t_wall_v_1
t_surf_window_v => t_surf_window_v_2; t_surf_window_v_p => t_surf_window_v_1
t_window_v => t_window_v_2; t_window_v_p => t_window_v_1
t_surf_green_v => t_surf_green_v_2; t_surf_green_v_p => t_surf_green_v_1
t_green_v => t_green_v_2; t_green_v_p => t_green_v_1
END SUBROUTINE usm_swap_timelevel
! Description:
! ------------
!> Subroutine writes t_surf and t_wall data into restart files
SUBROUTINE usm_wrd_local
CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: dum !< dummy string to create output-variable name
INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< index surface type orientation
INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: global_start_index !< index for surface data (MPI-IO)
LOGICAL :: surface_data_to_write !< switch for MPI-I/O if PE has surface data to write
IF ( TRIM( restart_data_format_output ) == 'fortran_binary' ) THEN
CALL wrd_write_string( 'ns_h_on_file_usm' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(0:1)%ns
CALL wrd_write_string( 'ns_v_on_file_usm' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(0:3)%ns
DO l = 0, 1
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_start_index_h' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(l)%start_index
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_end_index_h' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(l)%end_index
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_surf_wall_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_surf_wall_h(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_surf_window_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_surf_window_h(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_surf_green_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_surf_green_h(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 'm_liq_usm_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) m_liq_usm_h(l)%val
!-- Write restart data which is especially needed for the urban-surface model. In order to do not
!-- fill up the restart routines in surface_mod. Output of waste heat from indoor model. Restart
!-- data is required in this special case, because the indoor model, where waste heat is
!-- computed, is called each hour (current default), so that waste heat would have zero value
!-- until next call of indoor model.
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
CALL wrd_write_string( 'waste_heat_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_prev_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev
DO l = 0, 3
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_start_index_v' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(l)%start_index
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_end_index_v' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(l)%end_index
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_surf_wall_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_surf_wall_v(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_surf_window_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_surf_window_v(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_surf_green_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_surf_green_v(l)%val
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
CALL wrd_write_string( 'waste_heat_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_prev_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev
DO l = 0, 1
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_start_index_h' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(l)%start_index
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_end_index_h' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_h(l)%end_index
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_wall_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_wall_h(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_window_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_window_h(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_green_h(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_green_h(l)%val
DO l = 0, 3
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_start_index_v' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(l)%start_index
CALL wrd_write_string( 'usm_end_index_v' )
WRITE ( 14 ) surf_usm_v(l)%end_index
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_wall_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_wall_v(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_window_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_window_v(l)%val
CALL wrd_write_string( 't_green_v(' // dum // ')' )
WRITE ( 14 ) t_green_v(l)%val
ELSEIF ( restart_data_format_output(1:3) == 'mpi' ) THEN
!-- There is no information about the PE-grid necessary because the restart files consists of the
!-- whole domain. Therefore, ns_h_on_file_usm and ns_v_on_file_usm are not used with MPI-IO.
DO l = 0, 1
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_h(l)%start_index, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index, &
surface_data_to_write, global_start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_h_' // dum, surf_usm_h(l)%start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_h_' // dum, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_h_' // dum, global_start_index )
IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_wall_h(' // dum // ')', t_surf_wall_h(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_window_h(' // dum // ')', t_surf_window_h(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_green_h(' // dum // ')', t_surf_green_h(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'm_liq_usm_h(' // dum // ')', m_liq_usm_h(l)%val )
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'waste_heat_h(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_h(l)%waste_heat )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_prev_h(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_h(l)%t_prev )
DO l = 0, 3
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_v(l)%start_index, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index, &
surface_data_to_write, global_start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_v_' // dum, surf_usm_v(l)%start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_v_' // dum, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_v_' // dum, global_start_index )
IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_wall_v(' // dum // ')', t_surf_wall_v(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_window_v(' // dum // ')', t_surf_window_v(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_surf_green_v(' // dum // ')', t_surf_green_v(l)%val )
IF ( indoor_model ) THEN
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'waste_heat_v(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_v(l)%waste_heat )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_prev_v(' // dum // ')', surf_usm_v(l)%t_prev )
DO l = 0, 1
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_h(l)%start_index, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index, &
surface_data_to_write, global_start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_h_2_' // dum, surf_usm_h(l)%start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_h_2_' // dum, surf_usm_h(l)%end_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_h_2_' // dum, global_start_index )
IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_wall_h(' // dum // ')', t_wall_h(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_window_h(' // dum // ')', t_window_h(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_green_h(' // dum // ')', t_green_h(l)%val )
DO l = 0, 3
WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l
CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_usm_v(l)%start_index, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index, &
surface_data_to_write, global_start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_start_index_v_2_' //dum, surf_usm_v(l)%start_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_end_index_v_2_' // dum, surf_usm_v(l)%end_index )
CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'usm_global_start_v_2_' // dum, global_start_index )
IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_wall_v(' // dum // ')', t_wall_v(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_window_v(' // dum // ')', t_window_v(l)%val )
CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 't_green_v(' // dum // ')', t_green_v(l)%val )
END SUBROUTINE usm_wrd_local
! Description:
! ------------
!> Define building properties
!> Parameters 12, 13, 119 - 135 exclusive used in indoor_model_mod.f90
!> Parameters 0-11, 14-118, 136 - 149 exclusive used in urban_surface_mod.f90
!> Parameters 31, 44 used in indoor_model_mod.f90 and urban_surface_mod.f90
SUBROUTINE usm_define_pars
!-- Define the building_pars
building_pars(:,1) = (/ &
0.82_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.18_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
299.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.91_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
2.9_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
0.82_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.18_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.91_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.18_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.36_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.42_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground plate
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (oustide) ground plate
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd thickness window layer above ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.1_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.90_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
42.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.91_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
2.9_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
0.5_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room for - summer 0.5_wp, winter 0.5
2.0_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room for - summer 1.5_wp, winter 0.0
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
3.0_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
260000.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heat storage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
100.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
4.2_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
2.9_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
0.1_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
1.333_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.45_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
building_pars(:,2) = (/ &
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.25_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.046_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
299.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.87_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.65_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
2.5_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.25_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
0.046_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.87_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.65_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.34_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.20_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.26_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.34_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground plate
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (oustide) ground plate
0.05_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.34_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.17_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.37_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.39_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
1700000.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.16_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
0.046_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
42.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.87_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.65_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
1.7_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
0.5_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room for - summer 0.5_wp, winter 0.5
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room for - summer 1.5_wp, winter 0.0
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
3.5_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
370000.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heat storage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
80.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
4.2_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
2.5_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
2.54_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
357200.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.19_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
building_pars(:,3) = (/ &
0.71_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
1344000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.035_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
0.68_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
299.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
2.7_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
0.71_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
1344000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
0.035_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
0.68_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
38.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.22_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.58_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.6_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.20_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.41_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground plate
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (oustide) ground plate
0.05_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.22_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.58_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.6_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.03_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.09_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.012_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
38.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.03_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd thickness window layer above ground floor level
0.09_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.36_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
3753600.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
0.035_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
42.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.03_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.09_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
38.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.15_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
0.6_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
0.5_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room for - summer 0.5_wp, winter 0.5_wp
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room for - summer 1.5_wp, winter 0.0_wp
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
2.5_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
165000.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heat storage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
40.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
4.2_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
2.7_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
-2.0_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
1.25_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.11_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
building_pars(:,4) = (/ &
0.82_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.18_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
299.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.91_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
2.9_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
0.82_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.18_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
0.81_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.91_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.18_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.36_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.42_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground plate
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (oustide) ground plate
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd thickness window layer above ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.1_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
1512000.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.90_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
42.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.91_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
2.9_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room for - summer 1.0_wp, winter 0.2
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room for - summer 1.0_wp, winter 0.8
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
3.0_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
260000.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heat storage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
100.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
7.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
3.0_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
2.9_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
0.1_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
1.333_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.45_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.45_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
building_pars(:,5) = (/ &
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.25_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
0.046_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
299.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.87_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.65_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
2.5_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.25_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
0.046_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.87_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.65_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.34_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.20_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.26_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.34_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground plate
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (oustide) ground plate
0.05_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.34_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd thickness window layer above ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.17_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.37_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.39_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
1700000.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.16_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
0.046_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
42.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.08_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.87_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.65_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.75_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
1.7_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room for - summer 1.0_wp, winter 0.2
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room for - summer 1.0_wp, winter 0.8
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
3.5_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
370000.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heat storage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
80.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
7.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
3.0_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
2.5_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
2.54_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
357200.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
0.04_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.19_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.19_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
building_pars(:,6) = (/ &
0.71_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
1344000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.035_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
0.68_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
299.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
2.7_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
0.71_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1520000.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
1344000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) ground floor level
0.035_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
0.68_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
38.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.22_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.58_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.6_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.20_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.32_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.41_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) ground plate
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2112000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (oustide) ground plate
0.05_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
2.1_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.22_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.58_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.6_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
36.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.03_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.09_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.012_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
38.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.03_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd thickness window layer above ground floor level
0.09_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.02_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.36_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.38_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
3753600.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
79200.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.52_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
0.035_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
42.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.03_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.06_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.09_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
38.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.15_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
0.6_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room for - summer 1.0_wp, winter 0.2
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room for - summer 1.0_wp, winter 0.8
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
2.5_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
165000.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heat storage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
40.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
-80.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
7.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
3.0_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
2.7_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
-2.0_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
1.25_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground floor level
709650.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
0.12_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.11_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1526000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.11_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
building_pars(:,7) = (/ &
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 0 - [-] wall fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 1 - [-] window fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 2 - [-] green fraction above ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 3 - [-] green fraction roof above ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 4 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) roof
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 5 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall above ground floor level
1950400.0_wp, & !< parameter 6 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (upside) above ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 7 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 8 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 9 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (upside) above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 10 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 11 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer above ground floor level
372.15_wp, & !< parameter 12 - [K] indoor target summer temperature
293.15_wp, & !< parameter 13 - [K] indoor target winter temperature
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 14 - [-] wall emissivity above ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 15 - [-] green emissivity above ground floor level
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 16 - [-] window emissivity above ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 17 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) above ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 18 - [m] z0 roughness above ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 19 - [m] z0h/z0g roughness heat/humidity above ground floor level
4.0_wp, & !< parameter 20 - [m] ground floor level height
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 21 - [-] wall fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 22 - [-] window fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 23 - [-] green fraction ground floor level
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 24 - [-] green fraction roof ground floor level
1.5_wp, & !< parameter 25 - [m2/m2] LAI (Leaf Area Index) on wall ground floor level
1950400.0_wp, & !< parameter 26 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (upside) ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 27 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 28 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 29 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (upside) ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 30 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 31 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground floor level
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 32 - [-] wall emissivity ground floor level
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 33 - [-] window emissivity ground floor level
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 34 - [-] green emissivity ground floor level
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 35 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) ground floor level
0.001_wp, & !< parameter 36 - [m] z0 roughness ground floor level
0.0001_wp, & !< parameter 37 - [m] z0h/z0q roughness heat/humidity
20.0_wp, & !< parameter 38 - [-] wall albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 39 - [-] green albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 40 - [-] window albedo_type above ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 41 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 42 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.695_wp, & !< parameter 43 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness above ground floor level
0.985_wp, & !< parameter 44 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness above ground floor level
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 45 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity wall surface (1 cm air)
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 46 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of wall surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 47 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of window surface (1 cm air)
20000.0_wp, & !< parameter 48 - [J/(m2*K)] heat capacity of green surface
23.0_wp, & !< parameter 49 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivity of window surface (1 cm air)
10.0_wp, & !< parameter 50 - [W/(m2*K)] thermal conductivty of green surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 51 - [-] wall fraction ground plate
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 52 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground plate
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 53 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.695_wp, & !< parameter 54 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground plate
0.985_wp, & !< parameter 55 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground plate
1950400.0_wp, & !< parameter 56 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (upside) ground plate
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 57 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer ground plate
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 58 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 59 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (upside) ground plate
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 60 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer ground plate
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 61 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer ground plate
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 62 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 63 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.695_wp, & !< parameter 64 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness ground floor level
0.985_wp, & !< parameter 65 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness ground floor level
20.0_wp, & !< parameter 66 - [-] wall albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.003_wp, & !< parameter 67 - [m] 1st window layer thickness ground floor level
0.006_wp, & !< parameter 68 - [m] 2nd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.012_wp, & !< parameter 69 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness ground floor level
0.018_wp, & !< parameter 70 - [m] 4th window layer thickness ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 71 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 72 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 73 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 74 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 75 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 76 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer ground floor level
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 77 - [-] window albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 78 - [-] green albedo_type ground floor level (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.003_wp, & !< parameter 79 - [m] 1st window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.006_wp, & !< parameter 80 - [m] 2nd thickness window layer above ground floor level
0.012_wp, & !< parameter 81 - [m] 3rd window layer thickness above ground floor level
0.018_wp, & !< parameter 82 - [m] 4th window layer thickness above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 83 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 84 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 85 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 86 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) above ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 87 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer above ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 88 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 89 - [-] wall fraction roof
0.29_wp, & !< parameter 90 - [m] 1st wall layer thickness roof
0.4_wp, & !< parameter 91 - [m] 2nd wall layer thickness roof
0.695_wp, & !< parameter 92 - [m] 3rd wall layer thickness roof
0.985_wp, & !< parameter 93 - [m] 4th wall layer thickness roof
1950400.0_wp, & !< parameter 94 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st wall layer (outside) roof
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 95 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd wall layer roof
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 96 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd wall layer roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 97 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st wall layer (upside) roof
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 98 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd wall layer roof
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 99 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd wall layer roof
0.93_wp, & !< parameter 100 - [-] wall emissivity roof
19.0_wp, & !< parameter 101 - [-] wall albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 102 - [-] window fraction roof
0.003_wp, & !< parameter 103 - [m] window 1st layer thickness roof
0.006_wp, & !< parameter 104 - [m] window 2nd layer thickness roof
0.012_wp, & !< parameter 105 - [m] window 3rd layer thickness roof
0.018_wp, & !< parameter 106 - [m] window 4th layer thickness roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 107 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 1st window layer (outside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 108 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 2nd window layer roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 109 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 3rd window layer roof
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 110 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 1st window layer (outside) roof
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 111 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 2nd window layer roof
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 112 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 3rd window layer roof
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 113 - [-] window emissivity roof
0.7_wp, & !< parameter 114 - [-] window transmissivity (not visual transmissivity) roof
37.0_wp, & !< parameter 115 - [-] window albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.86_wp, & !< parameter 116 - [-] green emissivity roof
5.0_wp, & !< parameter 117 - [-] green albedo_type roof (albedo_type specified in radiation model)
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 118 - [-] green type roof
0.8_wp, & !< parameter 119 - [-] shading factor
100.0_wp, & !< parameter 120 - [-] g-value windows
100.0_wp, & !< parameter 121 - [W/(m2*K)] u-value windows
20.0_wp, & !< parameter 122 - [1/h] basic airflow without occupancy of the room
20.0_wp, & !< parameter 123 - [1/h] additional airflow dependent on occupancy of the room
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 124 - [-] heat recovery efficiency
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 125 - [m2/m2] dynamic parameter specific effective surface
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 126 - [J/(m2*K)] dynamic parameter innner heatstorage
4.5_wp, & !< parameter 127 - [m2/m2] ratio internal surface/floor area
100000.0_wp, & !< parameter 128 - [W] maximal heating capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 129 - [W] maximal cooling capacity
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 130 - [W/m2] additional internal heat gains dependent on occupancy of the room
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 131 - [W/m2] basic internal heat gains without occupancy of the room
3.0_wp, & !< parameter 132 - [m] storey height
0.2_wp, & !< parameter 133 - [m] ceiling construction height
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 134 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for heating
0.0_wp, & !< parameter 135 - [-] anthropogenic heat output for cooling
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 136 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (downside) above ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 137 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (downside) above ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 138 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (downside) ground floor level
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 139 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (downside) ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 140 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (downside) ground plate
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 141 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (downside) ground plate
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 142 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 143 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) ground floor level
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 144 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
0.57_wp, & !< parameter 145 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) above ground floor level
1848000.0_wp, & !< parameter 146 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th wall layer (inside) roof
1.0_wp, & !< parameter 147 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th wall layer (downside) roof
1736000.0_wp, & !< parameter 148 - [J/(m3*K)] heat capacity 4th window layer (inside) roof
0.57_wp & !< parameter 149 - [W/(m*K)] thermal conductivity 4th window layer (inside) roof
END SUBROUTINE usm_define_pars
END MODULE urban_surface_mod