!> @file netcdf_data_input_mod.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General ! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ! Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see ! . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: netcdf_data_input_mod.f90 4828 2021-01-05 11:21:41Z Giersch $ ! Check if netCDF file actually exists before opening it for reading. ! ! 4807 2020-12-02 21:02:28Z gronemeier ! Deactivated reading of building_obstruction_full due to improper implementation (conflicts with ! building_obstruction_f and it is also not used anywhere else in the code). ! ! 4806 2020-12-02 21:00:32Z gronemeier ! file re-formatted to follow the PALM coding standard ! ! 4724 2020-10-06 17:20:39Z suehring ! - New routines to read LOD=1 variables from dynamic input file ! - add no_abort option to all get_attribute routines ! ! 4641 2020-08-13 09:57:07Z suehring ! To follow (UC)2 standard, change default of attribute data_content ! ! 4507 2020-04-22 18:21:45Z gronemeier ! - bugfix: check terrain height for fill values directly after reading ! - changes: ! - remove check for negative zt ! - add reference height from input file upon PALM reference height (origin_z) ! ! 4457 2020-03-11 14:20:43Z raasch ! use statement for exchange horiz added, ! bugfixes for calls of exchange horiz 2d ! ! 4435 2020-03-03 10:38:41Z raasch ! temporary bugfix to avoid compile problems with older NetCDFD libraries on IMUK machines ! ! 4434 2020-03-03 10:02:18Z oliver.maas ! added optional netcdf data input for wtm array input parameters ! ! 4404 2020-02-12 17:01:53Z suehring ! Fix misplaced preprocessor directives. ! ! 4401 2020-02-11 16:19:09Z suehring ! Define a default list of coordinate reference system variables used when no static driver input is ! available ! ! 4400 2020-02-10 20:32:41Z suehring ! - Routine to inquire default fill values added ! - netcdf_data_input_att and netcdf_data_input_var routines removed ! ! 4392 2020-01-31 16:14:57Z pavelkrc ! (resler) Decrease length of reading buffer (fix problem of ifort/icc compilers) ! ! 4389 2020-01-29 08:22:42Z raasch ! Error messages refined for reading ASCII topo file, also reading of topo file revised so that ! statement labels and goto statements are not required any more ! ! 4388 2020-01-28 16:36:55Z raasch ! bugfix for error messages while reading ASCII topo file ! ! 4387 2020-01-28 11:44:20Z banzhafs ! Added subroutine get_variable_string_generic ( ) and added to interface get_variable to circumvent ! unknown application-specific restrictions in existing function get_variable_string ( ), which is ! retained for backward compatibility (ECC) ! ! 4370 2020-01-10 14:00:44Z raasch ! collective read switched off on NEC Aurora to avoid hang situations ! ! 4362 2020-01-07 17:15:02Z suehring ! Input of plant canopy variables from static driver moved to plant-canopy model ! ! 4360 2020-01-07 11:25:50Z suehring ! Correct single message calls, local checks must be given by the respective mpi rank. ! ! 4346 2019-12-18 11:55:56Z motisi ! Introduction of wall_flags_total_0, which currently sets bits based on static topography ! information used in wall_flags_static_0 ! ! 4329 2019-12-10 15:46:36Z motisi ! Renamed wall_flags_0 to wall_flags_static_0 ! ! 4321 2019-12-04 10:26:38Z pavelkrc ! Further revise check for surface fractions ! ! 4313 2019-11-27 14:07:00Z suehring ! Checks for surface fractions revised ! ! 4312 2019-11-27 14:06:25Z suehring ! Open input files with read-only attribute instead of write attribute. ! ! 4280 2019-10-29 14:34:15Z monakurppa ! Remove id_emis flags from get_variable_4d_to_3d_real and get_variable_5d_to_4d_real ! ! 4258 2019-10-07 13:29:08Z suehring ! - Migrate input of soil temperature and moisture to land-surface model. ! - Remove interpolate routines and move the only required subroutine to land-surface model. ! ! 4247 2019-09-30 10:18:24Z pavelkrc ! Add reading and processing of building_surface_pars ! ! 4226 2019-09-10 17:03:24Z suehring ! - Netcdf input routine for dimension length renamed ! - Move offline-nesting-specific checks to nesting_offl_mod ! - Module-specific input of boundary data for offline nesting moved to nesting_offl_mod ! - Define module specific data type for offline nesting in nesting_offl_mod ! ! 4190 2019-08-27 15:42:37Z suehring ! type real_1d changed to real_1d_3d ! ! 4186 2019-08-23 16:06:14Z suehring ! Minor formatting adjustments ! ! 4182 2019-08-22 15:20:23Z scharf ! Corrected "Former revisions" section ! ! 4178 2019-08-21 11:13:06Z suehring ! Implement input of external radiation forcing. Therefore, provide public subroutines and ! variables. ! ! 4150 2019-08-08 20:00:47Z suehring ! Some variables are given the public attribute, in order to call netcdf input from single routines ! ! 4125 2019-07-29 13:31:44Z suehring ! To enable netcdf-parallel access for lateral boundary data (dynamic input), zero number of ! elements are passed to the respective get_variable routine for non-boundary cores. ! ! 4100 2019-07-17 08:11:29Z forkel ! Made check for input_pids_dynamic and 'inifor' more general ! ! 4012 2019-05-31 15:19:05Z monakurppa ! ! 3994 2019-05-22 18:08:09Z suehring ! Remove single location message ! ! 3976 2019-05-15 11:02:34Z hellstea ! Remove unused variables from last commit ! ! 3969 2019-05-13 12:14:33Z suehring ! - clean-up index notations for emission_values to eliminate magic numbers ! - introduce temporary variable dum_var_5d as well as subroutines get_var_5d_real and ! get_var_5d_real_dynamic ! - remove emission-specific code in generic get_variable routines ! - in subroutine netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data change netCDF LOD 1 (default) emission_values to ! the following index order: z, y, x, species, category ! - in subroutine netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data changed netCDF LOD 2 pre-processed ! emission_values to the following index order: time, z, y, x, species ! - in type chem_emis_att_type replace nspec with n_emiss_species but retained nspec for backward ! compatibility with salsa_mod. (E.C. Chan) ! ! 3961 2019-05-08 16:12:31Z suehring ! Revise checks for building IDs and types ! ! 3943 2019-05-02 09:50:41Z maronga ! Temporarily disabled some (faulty) checks for static driver. ! ! 3942 2019-04-30 13:08:30Z kanani ! Fix: increase LEN of all NetCDF attribute values (caused crash in netcdf_create_global_atts due to ! insufficient length) ! ! 3941 2019-04-30 09:48:33Z suehring ! Move check for grid dimension to an earlier point in time when first array is read. ! Improve checks for building types / IDs with respect to 2D/3D buildings. ! ! 3885 2019-04-11 11:29:34Z kanani ! Changes related to global restructuring of location messages and introduction of additional debug ! messages ! ! 3864 2019-04-05 09:01:56Z monakurppa ! get_variable_4d_to_3d_real modified to enable read in data of type data(t,y,x,n) one timestep at ! a time + some routines made public ! ! 3855 2019-04-03 10:00:59Z suehring ! Typo removed ! ! 3854 2019-04-02 16:59:33Z suehring ! Bugfix in one of the checks. Typo removed. ! ! 3744 2019-02-15 18:38:58Z suehring ! Enable mesoscale offline nesting for chemistry variables as well as initialization of chemistry ! via dynamic input file. ! ! 3705 2019-01-29 19:56:39Z suehring ! Interface for attribute input of 8-bit and 32-bit integer ! ! 3704 2019-01-29 19:51:41Z suehring ! unused variables removed ! ! 2696 2017-12-14 17:12:51Z kanani ! Initial revision (suehring) ! ! Authors: ! -------- ! @author Matthias Suehring ! @author Edward C. Chan ! @author Emanuele Russo ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Modulue contains routines to input data according to Palm input data !> standart using dynamic and static input files. !> @todo - Chemistry: revise reading of netcdf file and ajdust formatting according to standard!!! !> (ecc/done) !> @todo - Order input alphabetically !> @todo - Revise error messages and error numbers !> @todo - Input of missing quantities (chemical species, emission rates) !> @todo - Definition and input of still missing variable attributes (ecc/what are they?) !> @todo - Input of initial geostrophic wind profiles with cyclic conditions. !> @todo - remove z dimension from default_emission_data nad preproc_emission_data and correpsonding !> subroutines get_var_5d_real and get_var_5d_dynamic (ecc) !> @todo - decpreciate chem_emis_att_type@nspec (ecc) !> @todo - depreciate subroutines get_variable_4d_to_3d_real and get_variable_5d_to_4d_real (ecc) !> @todo - introduce useful debug_message(s) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE netcdf_data_input_mod USE control_parameters, & ONLY: coupling_char, io_blocks, io_group USE cpulog, & ONLY: cpu_log, log_point_s USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp USE kinds #if defined ( __netcdf ) USE NETCDF #endif USE pegrid USE surface_mod, & ONLY: ind_pav_green, ind_veg_wall, ind_wat_win ! !-- Define type for dimensions. TYPE dims_xy INTEGER(iwp) :: nx !< dimension length in x INTEGER(iwp) :: ny !< dimension length in y INTEGER(iwp) :: nz !< dimension length in z REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: x !< dimension array in x REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: y !< dimension array in y REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z !< dimension array in z END TYPE dims_xy TYPE init_type CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: init_char = 'init_atmosphere_' !< leading substring for init variables CHARACTER(LEN=23) :: origin_time = '2000-01-01 00:00:00 +00' !< reference time of input data CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_names_chem !< list of chemistry variable names that can potentially be !< on file INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_msoil !< level of detail - soil moisture INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_pt !< level of detail - pt INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_q !< level of detail - q INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_tsoil !< level of detail - soil temperature INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_u !< level of detail - u-component INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_v !< level of detail - v-component INTEGER(iwp) :: lod_w !< level of detail - w-component INTEGER(iwp) :: nx !< number of scalar grid points along x in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nxu !< number of u grid points along x in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: ny !< number of scalar grid points along y in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nyv !< number of v grid points along y in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nzs !< number of vertical soil levels in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nzu !< number of vertical levels on scalar grid in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nzw !< number of vertical levels on w grid in dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lod_chem !< level of detail - chemistry variables LOGICAL :: from_file_msoil = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether soil moisture is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_pt = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether pt is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_q = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether q is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_tsoil = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether soil temperature is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_u = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether u is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_ug = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether ug is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_v = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether v is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_vg = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether ug is already initialized from file LOGICAL :: from_file_w = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether w is already initialized from file LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: from_file_chem !< flag indicating whether chemistry variable is read from file REAL(wp) :: fill_msoil !< fill value for soil moisture REAL(wp) :: fill_pt !< fill value for pt REAL(wp) :: fill_q !< fill value for q REAL(wp) :: fill_tsoil !< fill value for soil temperature REAL(wp) :: fill_u !< fill value for u REAL(wp) :: fill_v !< fill value for v REAL(wp) :: fill_w !< fill value for w REAL(wp) :: latitude = 0.0_wp !< latitude of the lower left corner REAL(wp) :: longitude = 0.0_wp !< longitude of the lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_x = 500000.0_wp !< UTM easting of the lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_y = 0.0_wp !< UTM northing of the lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_z = 0.0_wp !< reference height of input data REAL(wp) :: rotation_angle = 0.0_wp !< rotation angle of input data REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: fill_chem !< fill value - chemistry variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: msoil_1d !< initial vertical profile of soil moisture REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pt_init !< initial vertical profile of pt REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: q_init !< initial vertical profile of q REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tsoil_1d !< initial vertical profile of soil temperature REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: u_init !< initial vertical profile of u REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ug_init !< initial vertical profile of ug REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: v_init !< initial vertical profile of v REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vg_init !< initial vertical profile of ug REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: w_init !< initial vertical profile of w REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z_soil !< vertical levels in soil in dynamic input file, used for interpolation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zu_atmos !< vertical levels at scalar grid in dynamic input file, used for !< interpolation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zw_atmos !< vertical levels at w grid in dynamic input file, used for !< interpolation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: chem_init !< initial vertical profiles of chemistry variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: msoil_3d !< initial 3d soil moisture provide by Inifor and interpolated onto !< soil grid REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tsoil_3d !< initial 3d soil temperature provide by Inifor and interpolated onto !< soil grid END TYPE init_type ! !-- Data type for the general information of chemistry emissions, do not dependent on the particular chemical species TYPE chem_emis_att_type ! !-- DIMENSIONS INTEGER(iwp) :: nspec=0 !< no of chem species provided in emission_values INTEGER(iwp) :: n_emiss_species=0 !< no of chem species provided in emission_values !< same function as nspec, which will be depreciated (ecc) INTEGER(iwp) :: ncat=0 !< number of emission categories INTEGER(iwp) :: nvoc=0 !< number of VOC components INTEGER(iwp) :: npm=0 !< number of PM components INTEGER(iwp) :: nnox=2 !< number of NOx components: NO and NO2 INTEGER(iwp) :: nsox=2 !< number of SOX components: SO and SO4 INTEGER(iwp) :: nhoursyear !< number of hours of a specific year in the HOURLY mode !< of the default mode INTEGER(iwp) :: nmonthdayhour !< number of month days and hours in the MDH mode !< of the default mode INTEGER(iwp) :: dt_emission !< Number of emissions timesteps for one year !< in the pre-processed emissions case ! !-- 1d emission input variables CHARACTER (LEN=25),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: pm_name !< Names of PM components CHARACTER (LEN=25),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cat_name !< Emission category names CHARACTER (LEN=25),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: species_name !< Names of emission chemical species CHARACTER (LEN=25),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: voc_name !< Names of VOCs components CHARACTER (LEN=25) :: units !< Units INTEGER(iwp) :: i_hour !< indices for assigning emission values at different !< timesteps INTEGER(iwp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cat_index !< Indices for emission categories INTEGER(iwp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: species_index !< Indices for emission chem species REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: xm !< Molecular masses of emission chem species !-- 2d emission input variables REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: hourly_emis_time_factor !< Time factors for HOURLY emissions (DEFAULT mode) REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mdh_emis_time_factor !< Time factors for MDH emissions (DEFAULT mode) REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: nox_comp !< Composition of NO and NO2 REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: sox_comp !< Composition of SO2 and SO4 REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: voc_comp !< Composition of VOC components (not fixed) !-- 3d emission input variables REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: pm_comp !< Composition of PM components (not fixed) END TYPE chem_emis_att_type !-- Data type for the values of chemistry emissions TYPE chem_emis_val_type !REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: stack_height !< stack height (ecc / to be implemented) REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: default_emission_data !< Emission input values for LOD1 (DEFAULT mode) REAL(wp),ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: preproc_emission_data !< Emission input values for LOD2 (PRE-PROCESSED mode) END TYPE chem_emis_val_type ! !-- Define data structures for different input data types. !-- 8-bit Integer 2D TYPE int_2d_8bit INTEGER(KIND=1) :: fill = -127 !< fill value INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< respective variable LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used END TYPE int_2d_8bit ! !-- 8-bit Integer 3D TYPE int_3d_8bit INTEGER(KIND=1) :: fill = -127 !< fill value INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_3d !< respective variable LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used END TYPE int_3d_8bit ! !-- 32-bit Integer 2D TYPE int_2d_32bit INTEGER(iwp) :: fill = -9999 !< fill value INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< respective variable LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used END TYPE int_2d_32bit ! !-- Define data type to read 1D or 3D real variables. TYPE real_1d_3d LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used INTEGER(iwp) :: lod = -1 !< level-of-detail REAL(wp) :: fill = -9999.9_wp !< fill value REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var1d !< respective 1D variable REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var3d !< respective 3D variable END TYPE real_1d_3d ! !-- Define data type to read 2D real variables TYPE real_2d LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used INTEGER(iwp) :: lod !< level-of-detail REAL(wp) :: fill = -9999.9_wp !< fill value REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< respective variable END TYPE real_2d ! !-- Define data type to read 3D real variables TYPE real_3d LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used INTEGER(iwp) :: nz !< number of grid points along vertical dimension REAL(wp) :: fill = -9999.9_wp !< fill value REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< respective variable END TYPE real_3d ! !-- Define data structure where the dimension and type of the input depends on the given level of !-- detail. !-- For buildings, the input is either 2D float, or 3d byte. TYPE build_in INTEGER(iwp) :: lod = 1 !< level of detail INTEGER(KIND=1) :: fill2 = -127 !< fill value for lod = 2 INTEGER(iwp) :: nz !< number of vertical layers in file INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_3d !< 3d variable (lod = 2) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z !< vertical coordinate for 3D building, used for consistency check LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used REAL(wp) :: fill1 = -9999.9_wp !< fill values for lod = 1 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_2d !< 2d variable (lod = 1) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: oro_max !< terraing height under particular buildings END TYPE build_in ! !-- For soil_type, the input is either 2D or 3D one-byte integer. TYPE soil_in INTEGER(iwp) :: lod = 1 !< level of detail INTEGER(KIND=1) :: fill = -127 !< fill value for lod = 2 INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_2d !< 2d variable (lod = 1) INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_3d !< 3d variable (lod = 2) LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used END TYPE soil_in ! !-- Define data type for fractions between surface types TYPE fracs INTEGER(iwp) :: nf !< total number of fractions INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nfracs !< dimension array for fraction LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used REAL(wp) :: fill = -9999.9_wp !< fill value REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: frac !< respective fraction between different surface types END TYPE fracs ! !-- Data type for parameter lists, Depending on the given level of detail, the input is 3D or 4D TYPE pars INTEGER(iwp) :: lod = 1 !< level of detail INTEGER(iwp) :: np !< total number of parameters INTEGER(iwp) :: nz !< vertical dimension - number of soil layers INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: layers !< dimension array for soil layers INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pars !< dimension array for parameters LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used REAL(wp) :: fill = -9999.9_wp !< fill value REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pars_xy !< respective parameters, level of detail = 1 REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pars_xyz !< respective parameters, level of detail = 2 END TYPE pars ! !-- Data type for surface parameter lists TYPE pars_surf INTEGER(iwp) :: np !< total number of parameters INTEGER(iwp) :: nsurf !< number of local surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: index_ji !< index for beginning and end of surfaces at (j,i) INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: coords !< (k,j,i,norm_z,norm_y,norm_x) !< k,j,i: surface position !< norm_z,norm_y,norm_x: surface normal vector LOGICAL :: from_file = .FALSE. !< flag indicating whether an input variable is available and read from file or default !< values are used REAL(wp) :: fill = -9999.9_wp !< fill value REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pars !< respective parameters per surface END TYPE pars_surf ! !-- Define type for global file attributes !-- Please refer to the PALM data standard for a detailed description of each attribute. TYPE global_atts_type CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: acronym = ' ' !< acronym of institution CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: acronym_char = 'acronym' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: author = ' ' !< first name, last name, email adress CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: author_char = 'author' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: campaign = 'PALM-4U' !< name of campaign CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: campaign_char = 'campaign' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: comment = ' ' !< comment to data CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: comment_char = 'comment' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: contact_person = ' ' !< first name, last name, email adress CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: contact_person_char = 'contact_person' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: conventions = 'CF-1.7' !< netCDF convention CHARACTER(LEN=11) :: conventions_char = 'Conventions' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=23 ) :: creation_time = ' ' !< creation time of data set CHARACTER(LEN=13) :: creation_time_char = 'creation_time' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: data_content = 'airmeteo' !< content of data set CHARACTER(LEN=12) :: data_content_char = 'data_content' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: dependencies = ' ' !< dependencies of data set CHARACTER(LEN=12) :: dependencies_char = 'dependencies' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: history = ' ' !< information about data processing CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: history_char = 'history' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: institution = ' ' !< name of responsible institution CHARACTER(LEN=11) :: institution_char = 'institution' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: keywords = ' ' !< keywords of data set CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: keywords_char = 'keywords' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: licence = ' ' !< licence of data set CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: licence_char = 'licence' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: location = ' ' !< place which refers to data set CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: location_char = 'location' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: origin_lat_char = 'origin_lat' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: origin_lon_char = 'origin_lon' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=23 ) :: origin_time = '2000-01-01 00:00:00 +00' !< reference time CHARACTER(LEN=11) :: origin_time_char = 'origin_time' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: origin_x_char = 'origin_x' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: origin_y_char = 'origin_y' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: origin_z_char = 'origin_z' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=12) :: palm_version_char = 'palm_version' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: references = ' ' !< literature referring to data set CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: references_char = 'references' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=14) :: rotation_angle_char = 'rotation_angle' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: site = ' ' !< name of model domain CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: site_char = 'site' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: source = ' ' !< source of data set CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: source_char = 'source' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: title = ' ' !< title of data set CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: title_char = 'title' !< name of attribute CHARACTER(LEN=7) :: version_char = 'version' !< name of attribute INTEGER(iwp) :: version !< version of data set REAL(wp) :: fillvalue = -9999.0 !< default fill value REAL(wp) :: origin_lat !< latitude of lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_lon !< longitude of lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_x !< easting (UTM coordinate) of lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_y !< northing (UTM coordinate) of lower left corner REAL(wp) :: origin_z !< reference height REAL(wp) :: palm_version !< PALM version of data set REAL(wp) :: rotation_angle !< rotation angle of coordinate system of data set END TYPE global_atts_type ! !-- Define type for coordinate reference system (crs) TYPE crs_type CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: epsg_code = 'EPSG:25831' !< EPSG code CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: grid_mapping_name = 'transverse_mercator' !< name of grid mapping CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: long_name = 'coordinate reference system' !< name of variable crs CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: units = 'm' !< unit of crs REAL(wp) :: false_easting = 500000.0_wp !< false easting REAL(wp) :: false_northing = 0.0_wp !< false northing REAL(wp) :: inverse_flattening = 298.257223563_wp !< 1/f (default for WGS84) REAL(wp) :: latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0_wp !< latitude of projection origin REAL(wp) :: longitude_of_central_meridian = 3.0_wp !< longitude of central meridian of UTM zone (default: zone 31) REAL(wp) :: longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0.0_wp !< longitude of prime meridian REAL(wp) :: scale_factor_at_central_meridian = 0.9996_wp !< scale factor of UTM coordinates REAL(wp) :: semi_major_axis = 6378137.0_wp !< length of semi major axis (default for WGS84) END TYPE crs_type ! !-- Define variables TYPE(crs_type) :: coord_ref_sys !< coordinate reference system TYPE(dims_xy) :: dim_static !< data structure for x, y-dimension in static input file TYPE(init_type) :: init_3d !< data structure for the initialization of the 3D flow and soil fields TYPE(init_type) :: init_model !< data structure for the initialization of the model ! !-- Define 2D variables of type NC_BYTE TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: albedo_type_f !< input variable for albedo type TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: building_type_f !< input variable for building type TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: pavement_type_f !< input variable for pavenment type TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: street_crossing_f !< input variable for water type TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: street_type_f !< input variable for water type TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: vegetation_type_f !< input variable for vegetation type TYPE(int_2d_8bit) :: water_type_f !< input variable for water type ! !-- Define 3D variables of type NC_BYTE TYPE(int_3d_8bit) :: building_obstruction_f !< input variable for building obstruction ! TYPE(int_3d_8bit) :: building_obstruction_full !< input variable for building obstruction ! !-- Define 2D variables of type NC_INT TYPE(int_2d_32bit) :: building_id_f !< input variable for building ID ! !-- Define 2D variables of type NC_FLOAT TYPE(real_2d) :: terrain_height_f !< input variable for terrain height TYPE(real_2d) :: uvem_irradiance_f !< input variable for uvem irradiance lookup table TYPE(real_2d) :: uvem_integration_f !< input variable for uvem integration ! !-- Define 3D variables of type NC_FLOAT TYPE(real_3d) :: root_area_density_lsm_f !< input variable for root area density - parametrized vegetation TYPE(real_3d) :: uvem_radiance_f !< input variable for uvem radiance lookup table TYPE(real_3d) :: uvem_projarea_f !< input variable for uvem projection area lookup table ! !-- Define input variable for buildings TYPE(build_in) :: buildings_f !< input variable for buildings ! !-- Define input variables for soil_type TYPE(soil_in) :: soil_type_f !< input variable for soil type TYPE(fracs) :: surface_fraction_f !< input variable for surface fraction TYPE(pars) :: albedo_pars_f !< input variable for albedo parameters TYPE(pars) :: building_pars_f !< input variable for building parameters TYPE(pars) :: pavement_pars_f !< input variable for pavement parameters TYPE(pars) :: pavement_subsurface_pars_f !< input variable for pavement parameters TYPE(pars) :: soil_pars_f !< input variable for soil parameters TYPE(pars) :: vegetation_pars_f !< input variable for vegetation parameters TYPE(pars) :: water_pars_f !< input variable for water parameters TYPE(pars_surf) :: building_surface_pars_f !< input variable for building surface parameters TYPE(chem_emis_att_type) :: chem_emis_att !< Input Information of Chemistry Emission Data from !< netcdf TYPE(chem_emis_val_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: chem_emis !< Input Chemistry Emission Data from netcdf CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: char_lod = 'lod' !< name of level-of-detail attribute in NetCDF file CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: char_fill = '_FillValue' !< name of fill value attribute in NetCDF file CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_static = 'PIDS_STATIC' !< Name of file which comprises static input data CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_dynamic = 'PIDS_DYNAMIC' !< Name of file which comprises dynamic input data CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_chem = 'PIDS_CHEM' !< Name of file which comprises chemistry input data CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_uvem = 'PIDS_UVEM' !< Name of file which comprises static uv_exposure model input data CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_vm = 'PIDS_VM' !< Name of file which comprises virtual measurement data CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: input_file_wtm = 'PIDS_WTM' !< Name of file which comprises wind turbine model input data CHARACTER(LEN=25), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: string_values !< output of string variables read from netcdf input files CHARACTER(LEN=50), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vars_pids !< variable in input file INTEGER(iwp) :: id_emis !< NetCDF id of input file for chemistry emissions: TBD: It !< has to be removed INTEGER(iwp) :: nc_stat !< return value of nf90 function call INTEGER(iwp) :: num_var_pids !< number of variables in file INTEGER(iwp) :: pids_id !< file id LOGICAL :: input_pids_static = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether Palm-input-data-standard file containing static !< information exists LOGICAL :: input_pids_dynamic = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether Palm-input-data-standard file containing dynamic !< information exists LOGICAL :: input_pids_chem = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether Palm-input-data-standard file containing chemistry !< information exists LOGICAL :: input_pids_uvem = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether uv-expoure-model input file containing static information !< exists LOGICAL :: input_pids_vm = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether input file for virtual measurements exist LOGICAL :: input_pids_wtm = .FALSE. !< Flag indicating whether input file for wind turbine model exists LOGICAL :: collective_read = .FALSE. !< Enable NetCDF collective read REAL(wp), DIMENSION(8) :: crs_list !< list of coord_ref_sys values TYPE(global_atts_type) :: input_file_atts !< global attributes of input file SAVE PRIVATE INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_check_dynamic MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_check_dynamic END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_check_dynamic INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_check_static MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_check_static END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_check_static INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data INTERFACE get_dimension_length MODULE PROCEDURE get_dimension_length END INTERFACE get_dimension_length INTERFACE inquire_fill_value MODULE PROCEDURE inquire_fill_value_int MODULE PROCEDURE inquire_fill_value_real END INTERFACE inquire_fill_value INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_inquire_file MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_inquire_file END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_inquire_file INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_init MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_init END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_init INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_init_3d MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_init_3d END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_init_3d INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_surface_data MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_surface_data END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_surface_data INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_uvem MODULE PROCEDURE netcdf_data_input_uvem END INTERFACE netcdf_data_input_uvem INTERFACE get_variable MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_1d_char MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_1d_int MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_1d_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_2d_int8 MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_2d_int32 MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_2d_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_2d_real_dynamic MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_3d_int8 MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_3d_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_3d_real_dynamic MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_4d_to_3d_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_4d_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_5d_to_4d_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_5d_real ! (ecc) temp subroutine 4 reading 5D NC arrays MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_5d_real_dynamic ! 2B removed as z is out of emission_values MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_string MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_string_generic ! (ecc) generic string function END INTERFACE get_variable INTERFACE get_variable_pr MODULE PROCEDURE get_variable_pr END INTERFACE get_variable_pr INTERFACE get_attribute MODULE PROCEDURE get_attribute_real MODULE PROCEDURE get_attribute_int8 MODULE PROCEDURE get_attribute_int32 MODULE PROCEDURE get_attribute_string END INTERFACE get_attribute ! !-- Public data structures PUBLIC real_1d_3d, & real_2d, & real_3d ! !-- Public variables PUBLIC albedo_pars_f, & albedo_type_f, & buildings_f, & building_id_f, & building_pars_f, & building_surface_pars_f, & building_type_f, & char_fill, & char_lod, & chem_emis, & chem_emis_att, & chem_emis_att_type, & chem_emis_val_type, & coord_ref_sys, & crs_list, & init_3d, & init_model, & input_file_atts, & input_file_dynamic, & input_file_static, & input_file_vm, & input_file_wtm, & input_pids_static, & input_pids_dynamic, & input_pids_vm, & input_pids_wtm, & num_var_pids, & pavement_pars_f, & pavement_subsurface_pars_f, & pavement_type_f, & pids_id, & root_area_density_lsm_f, & soil_pars_f, & soil_type_f, & street_crossing_f, & street_type_f, & surface_fraction_f, & terrain_height_f, & vars_pids, & vegetation_pars_f, & vegetation_type_f, & water_pars_f, & water_type_f ! !-- Public uv exposure variables PUBLIC building_obstruction_f, & input_file_uvem, & input_pids_uvem, & netcdf_data_input_uvem, & uvem_integration_f, & uvem_irradiance_f, & uvem_projarea_f, & uvem_radiance_f ! !-- Public subroutines PUBLIC check_existence, & close_input_file, & get_attribute, & get_dimension_length, & get_variable, & get_variable_pr, & inquire_fill_value, & inquire_num_variables, & inquire_variable_names, & netcdf_data_input_check_dynamic, & netcdf_data_input_check_static, & netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data, & netcdf_data_input_inquire_file, & netcdf_data_input_init, & netcdf_data_input_init_3d, & netcdf_data_input_surface_data, & netcdf_data_input_topo, & open_read_file CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Inquires whether NetCDF input files according to Palm-input-data standard exist. Moreover, basic !> checks are performed. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_inquire_file USE control_parameters, & ONLY: topo_no_distinct IMPLICIT NONE #if defined ( __netcdf ) INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_static ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & EXIST = input_pids_static ) INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_dynamic ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & EXIST = input_pids_dynamic ) INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_chem ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & EXIST = input_pids_chem ) INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_uvem ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & EXIST = input_pids_uvem ) INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_vm ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & EXIST = input_pids_vm ) INQUIRE( FILE = TRIM( input_file_wtm ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), & EXIST = input_pids_wtm ) #endif ! !-- As long as topography can be input via ASCII format, no distinction between building and terrain !-- can be done. This case, classify all surfaces as default type. Same in case land-surface and !-- urban-surface model are not applied. IF ( .NOT. input_pids_static ) THEN topo_no_distinct = .TRUE. ENDIF END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_inquire_file !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads global attributes and coordinate reference system required for initialization of the model. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_init IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: id_mod !< NetCDF id of input file INTEGER(iwp) :: var_id_crs !< NetCDF id of variable crs ! !-- Define default list of crs attributes. This is required for coordinate transformation. crs_list = (/ coord_ref_sys%semi_major_axis, & coord_ref_sys%inverse_flattening, & coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_prime_meridian, & coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_central_meridian, & coord_ref_sys%scale_factor_at_central_meridian, & coord_ref_sys%latitude_of_projection_origin, & coord_ref_sys%false_easting, & coord_ref_sys%false_northing /) IF ( .NOT. input_pids_static ) RETURN #if defined ( __netcdf ) ! !-- Open file in read-only mode CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_static ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), id_mod ) ! !-- Read global attributes CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%origin_lat_char, & input_file_atts%origin_lat, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%origin_lon_char, & input_file_atts%origin_lon, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%origin_time_char, & input_file_atts%origin_time, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%origin_x_char, & input_file_atts%origin_x, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%origin_y_char, & input_file_atts%origin_y, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%origin_z_char, & input_file_atts%origin_z, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%rotation_angle_char, & input_file_atts%rotation_angle, .TRUE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%author_char, & input_file_atts%author, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%contact_person_char, & input_file_atts%contact_person, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%institution_char, & input_file_atts%institution, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%acronym_char, & input_file_atts%acronym, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%campaign_char, & input_file_atts%campaign, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%location_char, & input_file_atts%location, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%site_char, & input_file_atts%site, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%source_char, & input_file_atts%source, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%references_char, & input_file_atts%references, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%keywords_char, & input_file_atts%keywords, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%licence_char, & input_file_atts%licence, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, input_file_atts%comment_char, & input_file_atts%comment, .TRUE., no_abort=.FALSE. ) ! !-- Read coordinate reference system if available nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id_mod, 'crs', var_id_crs ) IF ( nc_stat == NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'epsg_code', coord_ref_sys%epsg_code, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'false_easting', coord_ref_sys%false_easting, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'false_northing', coord_ref_sys%false_northing, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'grid_mapping_name', coord_ref_sys%grid_mapping_name, .FALSE., & 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'inverse_flattening', coord_ref_sys%inverse_flattening, .FALSE.,& 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'latitude_of_projection_origin', & coord_ref_sys%latitude_of_projection_origin, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'long_name', coord_ref_sys%long_name, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'longitude_of_central_meridian', & coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_central_meridian, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'longitude_of_prime_meridian', & coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_prime_meridian, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'scale_factor_at_central_meridian', & coord_ref_sys%scale_factor_at_central_meridian, .FALSE., 'crs' ) CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'semi_major_axis', coord_ref_sys%semi_major_axis, .FALSE., 'crs') CALL get_attribute( id_mod, 'units', coord_ref_sys%units, .FALSE., 'crs' ) ELSE ! !-- Calculate central meridian from origin_lon coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_central_meridian = & CEILING( input_file_atts%origin_lon / 6.0_wp ) * 6.0_wp - 3.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Finally, close input file CALL close_input_file( id_mod ) #endif ! !-- Copy latitude, longitude, origin_z, rotation angle on init type. !-- Note: A shifting height might have already been saved to orgin_z in init_grid; therefore, do not !-- override but add the reference height from the input file. init_model%latitude = input_file_atts%origin_lat init_model%longitude = input_file_atts%origin_lon init_model%origin_time = input_file_atts%origin_time init_model%origin_x = input_file_atts%origin_x init_model%origin_y = input_file_atts%origin_y init_model%origin_z = init_model%origin_z + input_file_atts%origin_z init_model%rotation_angle = input_file_atts%rotation_angle ! !-- Update list of crs attributes. This is required for coordinate transformation. crs_list = (/ coord_ref_sys%semi_major_axis, & coord_ref_sys%inverse_flattening, & coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_prime_meridian, & coord_ref_sys%longitude_of_central_meridian, & coord_ref_sys%scale_factor_at_central_meridian, & coord_ref_sys%latitude_of_projection_origin, & coord_ref_sys%false_easting, & coord_ref_sys%false_northing /) ! !-- In case of nested runs, each model domain might have different longitude and latitude, which !-- would result in different Coriolis parameters and sun-zenith angles. To avoid this, longitude !-- and latitude in each model domain will be set to the values of the root model. Please note, this !-- synchronization is required already here. #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BCAST( init_model%latitude, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr ) CALL MPI_BCAST( init_model%longitude, 1, MPI_REAL, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr ) #endif END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_init !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads Chemistry NETCDF Input data, such as emission values, emission species, etc. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data( emt_att, emt ) USE chem_modules, & ONLY: emiss_lod, surface_csflux_name, time_fac_type USE control_parameters, & ONLY: message_string USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nys, nyn IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(chem_emis_att_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: emt_att TYPE(chem_emis_val_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: emt INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j, k !< generic counters INTEGER(iwp) :: ispec !< index for number of emission species in input INTEGER(iwp) :: len_dims !< Length of dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables in netcdf input file ! !-- dum_var_4d are designed to read in emission_values from the chemistry netCDF file. !-- Currently the vestigial "z" dimension in emission_values makes it a 5D array, hence the !-- corresponding dum_var_5d array. When the "z" dimension is removed completely, dum_var_4d will be !-- used instead (ecc 20190425) ! REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) :: dum_var_4d !< temp array 4 4D chem emission data REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:) :: dum_var_5d !< temp array 4 5D chem emission data ! !-- Start processing data ! !-- Emission LOD 0 (Parameterized mode) IF ( emiss_lod == 0 ) THEN ! !-- For reference (ecc) ! IF (TRIM(mode_emis) == "PARAMETERIZED" .OR. TRIM(mode_emis) == "parameterized") THEN ispec=1 emt_att%n_emiss_species = 0 ! !-- Number of species DO WHILE ( TRIM( surface_csflux_name( ispec ) ) /= 'novalue' ) emt_att%n_emiss_species = emt_att%n_emiss_species + 1 ispec = ispec + 1 ! !-- Followling line retained for compatibility with salsa_mod which still uses emt_att%nspec !-- heavily (ecc) emt_att%nspec = emt_att%nspec + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Allocate emission values data type arrays ALLOCATE( emt(emt_att%n_emiss_species) ) ! !-- Read emission species names ! !-- Allocate space for strings ALLOCATE( emt_att%species_name(emt_att%n_emiss_species) ) DO ispec = 1, emt_att%n_emiss_species emt_att%species_name(ispec) = TRIM( surface_csflux_name(ispec) ) ENDDO ! !-- LOD 1 (default mode) and LOD 2 (pre-processed mode) ELSE #if defined ( __netcdf ) IF ( .NOT. input_pids_chem ) RETURN ! !-- First we allocate memory space for the emission species and then we differentiate between !-- LOD 1 (default mode) and LOD 2 (pre-processed mode) ! !-- Open emission data file ( {palmcase}_chemistry ) CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_chem ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), id_emis ) ! !-- Inquire number of variables CALL inquire_num_variables( id_emis, num_vars ) ! !-- Get general dimension lengths: only # species and # categories. !-- Other dimensions depend on the emission mode or specific components. CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%n_emiss_species, 'nspecies' ) ! !-- Backward compatibility for salsa_mod (ecc) emt_att%nspec = emt_att%n_emiss_species ! !-- Allocate emission values data type arrays ALLOCATE( emt(emt_att%n_emiss_species) ) ! !-- Reading in species names ! !-- Allocate memory for species names ALLOCATE( emt_att%species_name(emt_att%n_emiss_species) ) ! !-- Retrieve variable name (again, should use n_emiss_strlen) CALL get_variable( id_emis, 'emission_name', string_values, emt_att%n_emiss_species ) emt_att%species_name=string_values ! !-- Dealocate string_values previously allocated in get_variable call IF ( ALLOCATED( string_values ) ) DEALLOCATE( string_values ) ! !-- Reading in species indices ! !-- Allocate memory for species indices ALLOCATE( emt_att%species_index(emt_att%n_emiss_species) ) ! !-- Retrieve variable data CALL get_variable( id_emis, 'emission_index', emt_att%species_index ) ! !-- Now the routine has to distinguish between chemistry emission LOD 1 (default mode) and LOD 2 !-- (pre-processed mode) ! !-- Start of emission LOD 1 (default mode) IF ( emiss_lod == 1 ) THEN ! !-- For reference (ecc) ! IF (TRIM(mode_emis) == "DEFAULT" .OR. TRIM(mode_emis) == "default") THEN ! !-- Get number of emission categories CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%ncat, 'ncat' ) !-- Reading in emission categories indices ALLOCATE( emt_att%cat_index(emt_att%ncat) ) ! !-- Retrieve variable data CALL get_variable( id_emis, 'emission_cat_index', emt_att%cat_index ) ! !-- Loop through individual species to get basic information on VOC/PM/NOX/SOX !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- Note - Check array indices for reading in names and species in LOD1 (default mode) for the !-- various mode splits as all id_emis conditionals have been removed from get_var_functions. !-- In theory this would mean all arrays should be read from 0 to n-1 (C convention) as !-- opposed to 1 to n (FORTRAN convention). Keep this in mind !! !-- (ecc 20190424) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO ispec = 1, emt_att%n_emiss_species ! !-- VOC data (name and composition) IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "VOC" .OR. & TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "voc" ) THEN ! !-- VOC name CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%nvoc, 'nvoc' ) ALLOCATE( emt_att%voc_name(emt_att%nvoc) ) CALL get_variable ( id_emis,"emission_voc_name", string_values, emt_att%nvoc ) emt_att%voc_name = string_values IF ( ALLOCATED( string_values ) ) DEALLOCATE( string_values ) ! !-- VOC composition ALLOCATE( emt_att%voc_comp(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%nvoc) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "composition_voc", emt_att%voc_comp, 1, emt_att%ncat, & 1, emt_att%nvoc ) ENDIF ! VOC ! !-- PM data (name and composition) IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "PM" .OR. & TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "pm") THEN ! !-- PM name CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%npm, 'npm' ) ALLOCATE( emt_att%pm_name(emt_att%npm) ) CALL get_variable ( id_emis, "pm_name", string_values, emt_att%npm ) emt_att%pm_name = string_values IF ( ALLOCATED( string_values ) ) DEALLOCATE( string_values ) ! !-- PM composition (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10) len_dims = 3 ! PM1, PM2.5, PM10 ALLOCATE( emt_att%pm_comp(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%npm,len_dims) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "composition_pm", emt_att%pm_comp, 1, emt_att%ncat, 1, & emt_att%npm, 1, len_dims ) ENDIF ! PM ! !-- NOX (NO and NO2) IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "NOX" .OR. & TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "nox" ) THEN ALLOCATE( emt_att%nox_comp(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%nnox) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "composition_nox", emt_att%nox_comp, 1, emt_att%ncat, & 1, emt_att%nnox ) ENDIF ! NOX ! !-- SOX (SO2 and SO4) IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "SOX" .OR. & TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "sox" ) THEN ALLOCATE( emt_att%sox_comp(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%nsox) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "composition_sox", emt_att%sox_comp, 1, emt_att%ncat, & 1, emt_att%nsox ) ENDIF ! SOX ENDDO ! do ispec ! !-- Emission time scaling factors (hourly and MDH data) ! !-- Hour IF ( TRIM( time_fac_type ) == "HOUR" .OR. TRIM( time_fac_type ) == "hour" ) THEN CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%nhoursyear, 'nhoursyear' ) ALLOCATE( emt_att%hourly_emis_time_factor(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%nhoursyear) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "emission_time_factors", emt_att%hourly_emis_time_factor, & 1, emt_att%ncat, 1, emt_att%nhoursyear ) ! !-- MDH ELSEIF ( TRIM( time_fac_type ) == "MDH" .OR. TRIM( time_fac_type ) == "mdh" ) THEN CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%nmonthdayhour, 'nmonthdayhour' ) ALLOCATE( emt_att%mdh_emis_time_factor(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%nmonthdayhour) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "emission_time_factors", emt_att%mdh_emis_time_factor, & 1, emt_att%ncat, 1, emt_att%nmonthdayhour ) ! !-- Error (time factor undefined) ELSE message_string = 'We are in the DEFAULT chemistry emissions mode: ' // & ' !no time-factor type specified!' // & 'Please specify the value of time_fac_type:' // & ' either "MDH" or "HOUR"' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data', 'CM0200', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! time_fac_type ! !-- Read in default (LOD1) emissions from chemisty netCDF file per species ! !-- Note - At the moment the data is read in per species, but in the future it would be much !-- more sensible to read in per species per time step to reduce memory consumption !-- and, to a smaller degree, dimensionality of data exchange (I expect this will be !-- necessary when the problem size is large). DO ispec = 1, emt_att%n_emiss_species ! !-- Allocate space for species specific emission values. !-- Note - This array is extended by 1 cell in each horizontal direction to compensate for !-- an apparent linear offset. The reason of this offset is not known but it has !-- been determined to take place beyond the scope of this module, and has little to !-- do with index conventions. !-- That is, setting the array horizontal limit from nx0:nx1 to 1:(nx1-nx0+1) or !-- nx0+1:nx1+1 did not result in correct or definite behavior. !-- This must be looked at at some point by the Hannover team but for now this !-- workaround is deemed reasonable (ecc 20190417). IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( emt(ispec)%default_emission_data ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( emt(ispec)%default_emission_data(emt_att%ncat,nys:nyn+1,nxl:nxr+1) ) ENDIF ! !-- Allocate dummy variable w/ index order identical to that shown in the netCDF header ALLOCATE( dum_var_5d(1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,1,emt_att%ncat) ) ! !-- Get variable. Be very careful !-- I am using get_variable_5d_real_dynamic (note logical argument at the end) !-- 1) use Fortran index convention (i.e., 1 to N) !-- 2) index order must be in reverse order from above allocation order CALL get_variable( id_emis, "emission_values", dum_var_5d, 1, ispec, & nxl+1, nys+1, 1, emt_att%ncat, 1, & nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, emt_att%dt_emission, .FALSE. ) ! !-- Assign temp array to data structure then deallocate temp array !-- Note - Indices are shifted from nx0:nx1 to nx0+1:nx1+1 to offset the emission data !-- array to counter said domain offset. !-- (ecc 20190417) DO k = 1, emt_att%ncat DO j = nys+1, nyn+1 DO i = nxl+1, nxr+1 emt(ispec)%default_emission_data(k,j,i) = dum_var_5d(1,j-1,i-1,1,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( dum_var_5d ) ENDDO ! ispec ! !-- Units CALL get_attribute( id_emis, "units", emt_att%units, .FALSE., "emission_values" ) ! !-- End default mode ! !-- Start LOD 2 (pre-processed mode) ELSEIF ( emiss_lod == 2 ) THEN ! For reference (ecc) ! ELSEIF( TRIM( mode_emis ) == "PRE-PROCESSED" .OR. TRIM( mode_emis ) == "pre-processed") THEN ! !-- For LOD 2 only VOC and emission data need to be read !-- Note - Check array indices for reading in names and species in LOD2 (pre-processed mode) !-- for the various mode splits as all id_emis conditionals have been removed from !-- get_var_functions. In theory this would mean all arrays should be read from 0 to n-1 !-- (C convention) as opposed to 1 to n (FORTRAN convention). Keep this in mind!! !-- (ecc 20190424) DO ispec = 1, emt_att%n_emiss_species ! !-- VOC data (name and composition) IF ( TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "VOC" .OR. & TRIM( emt_att%species_name(ispec) ) == "voc" ) THEN ! !-- VOC name CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%nvoc, 'nvoc' ) ALLOCATE( emt_att%voc_name(emt_att%nvoc) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "emission_voc_name", string_values, emt_att%nvoc ) emt_att%voc_name = string_values IF ( ALLOCATED( string_values ) ) DEALLOCATE( string_values ) ! !-- VOC composition ALLOCATE( emt_att%voc_comp(emt_att%ncat,emt_att%nvoc) ) CALL get_variable( id_emis, "composition_voc", emt_att%voc_comp, 1, emt_att%ncat, & 1, emt_att%nvoc ) ENDIF ! VOC ENDDO ! ispec ! !-- Emission data CALL get_dimension_length( id_emis, emt_att%dt_emission, 'time' ) ! !-- Read in pre-processed (LOD2) emissions from chemisty netCDF file per species ! !-- Note - At the moment the data is read in per species, but in the future it would be much !-- more sensible to read in per species per time step to reduce memory consumption !-- and, to a smaller degree, dimensionality of data exchange (I expect this will be !-- necessary when the problem size is large). DO ispec = 1, emt_att%n_emiss_species ! !-- Allocate space for species specific emission values. !-- Note - This array is extended by 1 cell in each horizontal direction to compensate for !-- an apparent linear offset. The reason of this offset is not known but it has !-- been determined to take place beyond the scope of this module, and has little to !-- do with index conventions. !-- That is, setting the array horizontal limit from nx0:nx1 to 1:(nx1-nx0+1) or !-- nx0+1:nx1+1 did not result in correct or definite behavior. !-- This must be looked at at some point by the Hannover team but for now this !-- workaround is deemed reasonable (ecc 20190417). IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( emt(ispec)%preproc_emission_data ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( emt(ispec)%preproc_emission_data( & emt_att%dt_emission, 1, nys:nyn+1, nxl:nxr+1) ) ENDIF ! !-- Allocate dummy variable w/ index order identical to that shown in the netCDF header ALLOCATE( dum_var_5d(emt_att%dt_emission,1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr,1) ) ! !-- Get variable. Be very careful. !-- I am using get_variable_5d_real_dynamic (note logical argument at the end) !-- 1) use Fortran index convention (i.e., 1 to N) !-- 2) index order must be in reverse order from above allocation order CALL get_variable( id_emis, "emission_values", dum_var_5d, ispec, & nxl+1, nys+1, 1, 1, 1, & nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, 1, emt_att%dt_emission, .FALSE. ) ! !-- Assign temp array to data structure then deallocate temp array. !-- Note - Indices are shifted from nx0:nx1 to nx0+1:nx1+1 to offset the emission data !-- array to counter mentioned unkonwn offset. !-- (ecc 20190417) DO k = 1, emt_att%dt_emission DO j = nys+1, nyn+1 DO i = nxl+1, nxr+1 emt(ispec)%preproc_emission_data(k,1,j,i) = dum_var_5d(k,1,j-1,i-1,1) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( dum_var_5d ) ENDDO ! ispec ! !-- Units CALL get_attribute( id_emis, "units", emt_att%units, .FALSE. , "emission_values" ) ENDIF ! LOD1 & LOD2 (default and pre-processed mode) CALL close_input_file( id_emis ) #endif ENDIF ! LOD0 (parameterized mode) END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_chemistry_data !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads surface classification data, such as vegetation and soil type, etc. . !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_surface_data USE control_parameters, & ONLY: land_surface, urban_surface USE exchange_horiz_mod, & ONLY: exchange_horiz_2d, exchange_horiz_2d_byte, exchange_horiz_2d_int USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp, nxl, nxr, nyn, nys IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_names !< variable names in static input file INTEGER(iwp) :: id_surf !< NetCDF id of input file INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index along z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k2 !< running index INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables in input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nz_soil !< number of soil layers in file ! !-- If not static input file is available, skip this routine IF ( .NOT. input_pids_static ) RETURN ! !-- Measure CPU time CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(82), 'NetCDF input', 'start' ) ! !-- Skip the following if no land-surface or urban-surface module are applied. This case, no one of !-- the following variables is used anyway. IF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) RETURN #if defined ( __netcdf ) ! !-- Open file in read-only mode CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_static ) // TRIM( coupling_char ) , id_surf ) ! !-- Inquire all variable names. !-- This will be used to check whether an optional input variable exists or not. CALL inquire_num_variables( id_surf, num_vars ) ALLOCATE( var_names(1:num_vars) ) CALL inquire_variable_names( id_surf, var_names ) ! !-- Read vegetation type and required attributes IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'vegetation_type' ) ) THEN vegetation_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, vegetation_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'vegetation_type' ) ALLOCATE( vegetation_type_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'vegetation_type', vegetation_type_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE vegetation_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read soil type and required attributes IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'soil_type' ) ) THEN soil_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. ! !-- Note, lod is currently not on file; skip for the moment ! CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_lod, & ! soil_type_f%lod, & ! .FALSE., 'soil_type' ) CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, soil_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'soil_type' ) IF ( soil_type_f%lod == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( soil_type_f%var_2d(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'soil_type', soil_type_f%var_2d, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSEIF ( soil_type_f%lod == 2 ) THEN ! !-- Obtain number of soil layers from file. CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, nz_soil, 'zsoil' ) ALLOCATE( soil_type_f%var_3d(0:nz_soil,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'soil_type', soil_type_f%var_3d, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, & nz_soil ) ENDIF ELSE soil_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read pavement type and required attributes IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'pavement_type' ) ) THEN pavement_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, pavement_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'pavement_type' ) ALLOCATE( pavement_type_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'pavement_type', pavement_type_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE pavement_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read water type and required attributes IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'water_type' ) ) THEN water_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, water_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'water_type' ) ALLOCATE( water_type_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'water_type', water_type_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE water_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read relative surface fractions of vegetation, pavement and water. IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'surface_fraction' ) ) THEN surface_fraction_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, surface_fraction_f%fill, .FALSE., 'surface_fraction') ! !-- Inquire number of surface fractions CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, surface_fraction_f%nf, 'nsurface_fraction' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for surface fractions ALLOCATE( surface_fraction_f%nfracs(0:surface_fraction_f%nf-1) ) ALLOCATE( surface_fraction_f%frac(0:surface_fraction_f%nf-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of surface fractions CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'nsurface_fraction', surface_fraction_f%nfracs ) ! !-- Read surface fractions CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'surface_fraction', surface_fraction_f%frac, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, surface_fraction_f%nf-1 ) ELSE surface_fraction_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read building parameters and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'building_pars' ) ) THEN building_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, building_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., 'building_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of building parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, building_pars_f%np, 'nbuilding_pars' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for building parameters ALLOCATE( building_pars_f%pars(0:building_pars_f%np-1) ) ALLOCATE( building_pars_f%pars_xy(0:building_pars_f%np-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of building parameters CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'nbuilding_pars', building_pars_f%pars ) ! !-- Read building_pars CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'building_pars', building_pars_f%pars_xy, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, building_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSE building_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read building surface parameters IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'building_surface_pars' ) ) THEN building_surface_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, building_surface_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., & 'building_surface_pars' ) ! !-- Read building_surface_pars CALL get_variable_surf( id_surf, 'building_surface_pars', building_surface_pars_f ) ELSE building_surface_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read albedo type and required attributes IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'albedo_type' ) ) THEN albedo_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, albedo_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'albedo_type' ) ALLOCATE( albedo_type_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'albedo_type', albedo_type_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE albedo_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read albedo parameters and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'albedo_pars' ) ) THEN albedo_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, albedo_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., 'albedo_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of albedo parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, albedo_pars_f%np, 'nalbedo_pars' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for albedo parameters ALLOCATE( albedo_pars_f%pars(0:albedo_pars_f%np-1) ) ALLOCATE( albedo_pars_f%pars_xy(0:albedo_pars_f%np-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of albedo parameters CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'nalbedo_pars', albedo_pars_f%pars ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'albedo_pars', albedo_pars_f%pars_xy, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, albedo_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSE albedo_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read pavement parameters and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'pavement_pars' ) ) THEN pavement_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, pavement_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., 'pavement_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of pavement parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, pavement_pars_f%np, 'npavement_pars' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for pavement parameters ALLOCATE( pavement_pars_f%pars(0:pavement_pars_f%np-1) ) ALLOCATE( pavement_pars_f%pars_xy(0:pavement_pars_f%np-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of pavement parameters CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'npavement_pars', pavement_pars_f%pars ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'pavement_pars', pavement_pars_f%pars_xy, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, pavement_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSE pavement_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read pavement subsurface parameters and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'pavement_subsurface_pars' ) ) THEN pavement_subsurface_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., & 'pavement_subsurface_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%np, & 'npavement_subsurface_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of soil layers CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%nz, 'zsoil' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for pavement parameters ALLOCATE( pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars(0:pavement_subsurface_pars_f%np-1) ) ALLOCATE( pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars_xyz(0:pavement_subsurface_pars_f%np-1, & 0:pavement_subsurface_pars_f%nz-1, & nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of pavement parameters CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'npavement_subsurface_pars', pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'pavement_subsurface_pars', pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars_xyz,& nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%nz-1, & 0, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSE pavement_subsurface_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read vegetation parameters and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'vegetation_pars' ) ) THEN vegetation_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, vegetation_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., 'vegetation_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of vegetation parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, vegetation_pars_f%np, 'nvegetation_pars' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for surface fractions ALLOCATE( vegetation_pars_f%pars(0:vegetation_pars_f%np-1) ) ALLOCATE( vegetation_pars_f%pars_xy(0:vegetation_pars_f%np-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of the parameters CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'nvegetation_pars', vegetation_pars_f%pars ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'vegetation_pars', vegetation_pars_f%pars_xy, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, vegetation_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSE vegetation_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read root parameters/distribution and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'soil_pars' ) ) THEN soil_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, soil_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., 'soil_pars' ) CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_lod, soil_pars_f%lod, .FALSE., 'soil_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of soil parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, soil_pars_f%np, 'nsoil_pars' ) ! !-- Read parameters array ALLOCATE( soil_pars_f%pars(0:soil_pars_f%np-1) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'nsoil_pars', soil_pars_f%pars ) ! !-- In case of level of detail 2, also inquire number of vertical soil layers, allocate memory !-- and read the respective dimension. IF ( soil_pars_f%lod == 2 ) THEN CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, soil_pars_f%nz, 'zsoil' ) ALLOCATE( soil_pars_f%layers(0:soil_pars_f%nz-1) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'zsoil', soil_pars_f%layers ) ENDIF ! !-- Read soil parameters, depending on level of detail IF ( soil_pars_f%lod == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( soil_pars_f%pars_xy(0:soil_pars_f%np-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'soil_pars', soil_pars_f%pars_xy, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, soil_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSEIF ( soil_pars_f%lod == 2 ) THEN ALLOCATE( soil_pars_f%pars_xyz(0:soil_pars_f%np-1,0:soil_pars_f%nz-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'soil_pars', soil_pars_f%pars_xyz, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, soil_pars_f%nz-1, 0, soil_pars_f%np-1 ) ENDIF ELSE soil_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read water parameters and related information IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'water_pars' ) ) THEN water_pars_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, water_pars_f%fill, .FALSE., 'water_pars' ) ! !-- Inquire number of water parameters CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, water_pars_f%np, 'nwater_pars' ) ! !-- Allocate dimension array and input array for water parameters ALLOCATE( water_pars_f%pars(0:water_pars_f%np-1) ) ALLOCATE( water_pars_f%pars_xy(0:water_pars_f%np-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Get dimension of water parameters CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'nwater_pars', water_pars_f%pars ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'water_pars', water_pars_f%pars_xy, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, water_pars_f%np-1 ) ELSE water_pars_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read root area density - parametrized vegetation IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'root_area_dens_s' ) ) THEN root_area_density_lsm_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, root_area_density_lsm_f%fill, .FALSE., & 'root_area_dens_s' ) ! !-- Obtain number of soil layers from file and allocate variable CALL get_dimension_length( id_surf, root_area_density_lsm_f%nz, 'zsoil' ) ALLOCATE( root_area_density_lsm_f%var(0:root_area_density_lsm_f%nz-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ! !-- Read root-area density CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'root_area_dens_s', root_area_density_lsm_f%var, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, root_area_density_lsm_f%nz-1 ) ELSE root_area_density_lsm_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read street type and street crossing IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'street_type' ) ) THEN street_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, street_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'street_type' ) ALLOCATE( street_type_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'street_type', street_type_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE street_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'street_crossing' ) ) THEN street_crossing_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_surf, char_fill, street_crossing_f%fill, .FALSE., 'street_crossing' ) ALLOCATE( street_crossing_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_surf, 'street_crossing', street_crossing_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE street_crossing_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Still missing: root_resolved and building_surface_pars. !-- Will be implemented as soon as they are available. ! !-- Finally, close input file CALL close_input_file( id_surf ) #endif ! !-- End of CPU measurement CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(82), 'NetCDF input', 'stop' ) ! !-- Exchange ghost points for surface variables. Therefore, resize variables. IF ( albedo_type_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int8( albedo_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( albedo_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF IF ( pavement_type_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int8( pavement_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( pavement_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF IF ( soil_type_f%from_file .AND. ALLOCATED( soil_type_f%var_2d ) ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int8( soil_type_f%var_2d, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( soil_type_f%var_2d, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF IF ( vegetation_type_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int8( vegetation_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( vegetation_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF IF ( water_type_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int8( water_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( water_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF ! !-- Exchange ghost points for 3/4-D variables. For the sake of simplicity, loop further dimensions !-- to use 2D exchange routines. Unfortunately this is necessary, else new MPI-data types need to be !-- introduced just for 2 variables. IF ( soil_type_f%from_file .AND. ALLOCATED( soil_type_f%var_3d ) ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_int8( soil_type_f%var_3d, 0, nz_soil, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, nz_soil CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( soil_type_f%var_3d(k,:,:), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( surface_fraction_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( surface_fraction_f%frac, 0, surface_fraction_f%nf-1, nys, nyn, & nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, surface_fraction_f%nf-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( surface_fraction_f%frac(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( building_pars_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( building_pars_f%pars_xy, 0, building_pars_f%np-1, nys, nyn, nxl, & nxr ) DO k = 0, building_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( building_pars_f%pars_xy(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( albedo_pars_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( albedo_pars_f%pars_xy, 0, albedo_pars_f%np-1, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, albedo_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( albedo_pars_f%pars_xy(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( pavement_pars_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( pavement_pars_f%pars_xy, 0, pavement_pars_f%np-1, nys, nyn, nxl, & nxr ) DO k = 0, pavement_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( pavement_pars_f%pars_xy(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( vegetation_pars_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( vegetation_pars_f%pars_xy, 0, vegetation_pars_f%np-1, nys, nyn, & nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, vegetation_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( vegetation_pars_f%pars_xy(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( water_pars_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( water_pars_f%pars_xy, 0, water_pars_f%np-1, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, water_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( water_pars_f%pars_xy(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( root_area_density_lsm_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( root_area_density_lsm_f%var, 0, root_area_density_lsm_f%nz-1, & nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, root_area_density_lsm_f%nz-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( root_area_density_lsm_f%var(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( soil_pars_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( soil_pars_f%lod == 1 ) THEN CALL resize_array_3d_real( soil_pars_f%pars_xy, 0, soil_pars_f%np-1, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k = 0, soil_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( soil_pars_f%pars_xy(k,:,:) ) ENDDO ELSEIF ( soil_pars_f%lod == 2 ) THEN CALL resize_array_4d_real( soil_pars_f%pars_xyz, 0, soil_pars_f%np-1, & 0, soil_pars_f%nz-1, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k2 = 0, soil_pars_f%nz-1 DO k = 0, soil_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( soil_pars_f%pars_xyz(k,k2,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF ( pavement_subsurface_pars_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_4d_real( pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars_xyz, & 0, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%np-1, & 0, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%nz-1, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) DO k2 = 0, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%nz-1 DO k = 0, pavement_subsurface_pars_f%np-1 CALL exchange_horiz_2d( pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars_xyz(k,k2,:,:) ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_surface_data !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads uvem lookup table information. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_uvem USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nyn, nys IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_names !< variable names in static input file INTEGER(iwp) :: id_uvem !< NetCDF id of uvem lookup table input file INTEGER(iwp) :: nli = 35 !< dimension length of lookup table in x INTEGER(iwp) :: nlj = 9 !< dimension length of lookup table in y INTEGER(iwp) :: nlk = 90 !< dimension length of lookup table in z INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables in netcdf input file ! !-- Input via uv exposure model lookup table input IF ( input_pids_uvem ) THEN #if defined ( __netcdf ) ! !-- Open file in read-only mode CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_uvem ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), id_uvem ) ! !-- At first, inquire all variable names. !-- This will be used to check whether an input variable exist or not. CALL inquire_num_variables( id_uvem, num_vars ) ! !-- Allocate memory to store variable names and inquire them. ALLOCATE( var_names(1:num_vars) ) CALL inquire_variable_names( id_uvem, var_names ) ! !-- uvem integration IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'int_factors' ) ) THEN uvem_integration_f%from_file = .TRUE. ! !-- Input 2D uvem integration. ALLOCATE( uvem_integration_f%var(0:nlj,0:nli) ) CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'int_factors', uvem_integration_f%var, 0, nli, 0, nlj ) ELSE uvem_integration_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- uvem irradiance IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'irradiance' ) ) THEN uvem_irradiance_f%from_file = .TRUE. ! !-- Input 2D uvem irradiance. ALLOCATE( uvem_irradiance_f%var(0:nlk, 0:2) ) CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'irradiance', uvem_irradiance_f%var, 0, 2, 0, nlk ) ELSE uvem_irradiance_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- uvem porjection areas IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'projarea' ) ) THEN uvem_projarea_f%from_file = .TRUE. ! !-- Input 3D uvem projection area (human geometgry) ALLOCATE( uvem_projarea_f%var(0:2,0:nlj,0:nli) ) CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'projarea', uvem_projarea_f%var, 0, nli, 0, nlj, 0, 2 ) ELSE uvem_projarea_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- uvem radiance IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'radiance' ) ) THEN uvem_radiance_f%from_file = .TRUE. ! !-- Input 3D uvem radiance ALLOCATE( uvem_radiance_f%var(0:nlk,0:nlj,0:nli) ) CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'radiance', uvem_radiance_f%var, 0, nli, 0, nlj, 0, nlk ) ELSE uvem_radiance_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read building obstruction ! @bug This part is deactivated due to improper implementation: conflicts with ! building_obstruction_f and it is also not used anywhere else in the code ! IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'obstruction' ) ) THEN ! building_obstruction_full%from_file = .TRUE. ! ! ! !-- Input 3D uvem building obstruction ! ALLOCATE( building_obstruction_full%var_3d(0:44,0:2,0:2) ) ! CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'obstruction', building_obstruction_full%var_3d, & ! 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 44 ) ! ELSE ! building_obstruction_full%from_file = .FALSE. ! ENDIF ! IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'obstruction' ) ) THEN building_obstruction_f%from_file = .TRUE. ! !-- Input 3D uvem building obstruction ALLOCATE( building_obstruction_f%var_3d(0:44,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_uvem, 'obstruction', building_obstruction_f%var_3d, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0, 44 ) ELSE building_obstruction_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Close uvem lookup table input file CALL close_input_file( id_uvem ) #else CONTINUE #endif ENDIF END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_uvem !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads orography and building information. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_topo USE control_parameters, & ONLY: message_string, topography USE exchange_horiz_mod, & ONLY: exchange_horiz_2d_byte, exchange_horiz_2d_int USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx, dy USE indices, & ONLY: nbgp, nx, nxl, nxr, ny, nyn, nys, nzb IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_names !< variable names in static input file INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: id_topo !< NetCDF id of topograhy input file INTEGER(iwp) :: ii !< running index for IO blocks INTEGER(iwp) :: io_status !< status after reading the ascii topo file INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables in netcdf input file INTEGER(iwp) :: skip_n_rows !< counting variable to skip rows while reading topography file REAL(wp) :: dum !< dummy variable to skip columns while reading topography file ! !-- CPU measurement CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(83), 'NetCDF/ASCII input topo', 'start' ) ! !-- Input via palm-input data standard IF ( input_pids_static ) THEN #if defined ( __netcdf ) ! !-- Open file in read-only mode CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_static ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), id_topo ) ! !-- At first, inquire all variable names. !-- This will be used to check whether an input variable exists or not. CALL inquire_num_variables( id_topo, num_vars ) ! !-- Allocate memory to store variable names and inquire them. ALLOCATE( var_names(1:num_vars) ) CALL inquire_variable_names( id_topo, var_names ) ! !-- Read x, y - dimensions. Only required for consistency checks. CALL get_dimension_length( id_topo, dim_static%nx, 'x' ) CALL get_dimension_length( id_topo, dim_static%ny, 'y' ) ALLOCATE( dim_static%x(0:dim_static%nx-1) ) ALLOCATE( dim_static%y(0:dim_static%ny-1) ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'x', dim_static%x ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'y', dim_static%y ) ! !-- Check whether dimension size in input file matches the model dimensions IF ( dim_static%nx-1 /= nx .OR. dim_static%ny-1 /= ny ) THEN message_string = 'Static input file: horizontal dimension in ' // & 'x- and/or y-direction ' // & 'do not match the respective model dimension' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0548', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Check if grid spacing of provided input data matches the respective grid spacing in the !-- model. IF ( ABS( dim_static%x(1) - dim_static%x(0) - dx ) > 10E-6_wp .OR. & ABS( dim_static%y(1) - dim_static%y(0) - dy ) > 10E-6_wp ) THEN message_string = 'Static input file: horizontal grid spacing ' // & 'in x- and/or y-direction ' // & 'do not match the respective model grid spacing.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0549', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Terrain height. First, get variable-related _FillValue attribute IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'zt' ) ) THEN terrain_height_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_fill, terrain_height_f%fill, .FALSE., 'zt' ) ! !-- Input 2D terrain height. ALLOCATE( terrain_height_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'zt', terrain_height_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE terrain_height_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read building height. First, read its _FillValue attribute, as well as lod attribute buildings_f%from_file = .FALSE. IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'buildings_2d' ) ) THEN buildings_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_lod, buildings_f%lod, .FALSE., 'buildings_2d' ) CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_fill, buildings_f%fill1, .FALSE., 'buildings_2d' ) ! !-- Read 2D buildings IF ( buildings_f%lod == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( buildings_f%var_2d(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'buildings_2d', & buildings_f%var_2d, & nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE message_string = 'NetCDF attribute lod ' // & '(level of detail) is not set ' // & 'properly for buildings_2d.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0540', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If available, also read 3D building information. If both are available, use 3D information. IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'buildings_3d' ) ) THEN buildings_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_lod, buildings_f%lod, .FALSE., 'buildings_3d' ) CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_fill, buildings_f%fill2, .FALSE., 'buildings_3d' ) CALL get_dimension_length( id_topo, buildings_f%nz, 'z' ) ! !-- Read 3D buildings IF ( buildings_f%lod == 2 ) THEN ALLOCATE( buildings_f%z(nzb:buildings_f%nz-1) ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'z', buildings_f%z ) ALLOCATE( buildings_f%var_3d(nzb:buildings_f%nz-1, nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) buildings_f%var_3d = 0 CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'buildings_3d', buildings_f%var_3d, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn, 0,& buildings_f%nz-1 ) ELSE message_string = 'NetCDF attribute lod (level of detail) is not set ' // & 'properly for buildings_3d.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0541', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Read building IDs and its FillValue attribute. Further required for mapping buildings on top !-- of orography. IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'building_id' ) ) THEN building_id_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_fill, building_id_f%fill, .FALSE., 'building_id' ) ALLOCATE( building_id_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'building_id', building_id_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE building_id_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read building_type and required attributes. IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'building_type' ) ) THEN building_type_f%from_file = .TRUE. CALL get_attribute( id_topo, char_fill, building_type_f%fill, .FALSE., 'building_type' ) ALLOCATE( building_type_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) CALL get_variable( id_topo, 'building_type', building_type_f%var, nxl, nxr, nys, nyn ) ELSE building_type_f%from_file = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Close topography input file CALL close_input_file( id_topo ) #else CONTINUE #endif ! !-- ASCII input ELSEIF ( TRIM( topography ) == 'read_from_file' ) THEN DO ii = 0, io_blocks-1 IF ( ii == io_group ) THEN OPEN( 90, FILE='TOPOGRAPHY_DATA' // TRIM( coupling_char ), STATUS='OLD', & FORM='FORMATTED', IOSTAT=io_status ) IF ( io_status > 0 ) THEN message_string = 'file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA' // & TRIM( coupling_char ) // ' does not exist' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0208', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read topography PE-wise. Rows are read from nyn to nys, columns are read from nxl to !-- nxr. At first, ny-nyn rows need to be skipped. skip_n_rows = 0 DO WHILE ( skip_n_rows < ny - nyn ) READ( 90, * ) skip_n_rows = skip_n_rows + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Read data from nyn to nys and nxl to nxr. Therefore, skip column until nxl-1 is reached ALLOCATE( buildings_f%var_2d(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) DO j = nyn, nys, -1 READ( 90, *, IOSTAT=io_status ) ( dum, i = 0, nxl-1 ), & ( buildings_f%var_2d(j,i), i = nxl, nxr ) IF ( io_status > 0 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, '(A,1X,I5,1X,A)' ) 'error reading line', ny-j+1, & 'of file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA' // TRIM( coupling_char ) CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0209', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ELSEIF ( io_status < 0 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, '(A,1X,I5)' ) 'end of line or file detected for '// & 'file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA' // TRIM( coupling_char ) // ' at line', ny-j+1 CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0704', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDDO CLOSE( 90 ) buildings_f%from_file = .TRUE. ENDIF #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) #endif ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- End of CPU measurement CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(83), 'NetCDF/ASCII input topo', 'stop' ) ! !-- Check for minimum requirement to setup building topography. If buildings are provided, also an !-- ID and a type are required. !-- Note, doing this check in check_parameters will be too late (data will be used for grid !-- inititialization before). IF ( input_pids_static ) THEN IF ( buildings_f%from_file .AND. .NOT. building_id_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If building heights are prescribed in ' // & 'static input file, also an ID is required.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0542', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( terrain_height_f%from_file ) THEN ! !-- Check orography for fill-values. !-- For the moment, give an error message. More advanced methods, e.g. a nearest neighbor !-- algorithm as used in GIS systems might be implemented later. !-- Note: This check must be placed here as terrain_height_f is altered within init_grid which is !-- called before netcdf_data_input_check_static IF ( ANY( terrain_height_f%var == terrain_height_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'NetCDF variable zt is not ' // 'allowed to have missing data' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0550', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ELSE ! !-- In case no terrain height is provided by static input file, allocate array nevertheless and !-- set terrain height to 0, which simplifies topography initialization. ALLOCATE( terrain_height_f%var(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) terrain_height_f%var = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Finally, exchange 1 ghost point for building ID and type. !-- In case of non-cyclic boundary conditions set Neumann conditions at the lateral boundaries. IF ( building_id_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int32( building_id_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_int( building_id_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF IF ( building_type_f%from_file ) THEN CALL resize_array_2d_int8( building_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) CALL exchange_horiz_2d_byte( building_type_f%var, nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, nbgp ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_topo !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads initialization data of u, v, w, pt, q, geostrophic wind components, as well as soil !> moisture and soil temperature, derived from larger-scale model (COSMO) by Inifor. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_init_3d USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: pt, q, u, v, w, zu, zw USE control_parameters, & ONLY: air_chemistry, bc_lr_cyc, bc_ns_cyc, humidity, message_string, neutral USE indices, & ONLY: nx, nxl, nxlu, nxr, ny, nyn, nys, nysv, nzb, nz, nzt IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_names INTEGER(iwp) :: id_dynamic !< NetCDF id of dynamic input file INTEGER(iwp) :: n !< running index for chemistry variables INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables in netcdf input file LOGICAL :: check_passed !< flag indicating if a check passed LOGICAL :: dynamic_3d = .TRUE. !< flag indicating that 3D data is read from dynamic file ! !-- Skip routine if no input file with dynamic input data is available. IF ( .NOT. input_pids_dynamic ) RETURN ! !-- Please note, Inifor is designed to provide initial data for u and v for the prognostic grid !-- points in case of lateral Dirichlet conditions. !-- This means that Inifor provides data from nxlu:nxr (for u) and from nysv:nyn (for v) at the left !-- and south domain boundary, respectively. !-- However, as work-around for the moment, PALM will run with cyclic conditions and will be !-- initialized with data provided by Inifor boundaries in case of Dirichlet. !-- Hence, simply set set nxlu/nysv to 1 (will be reset to its original value at the end of this !-- routine). IF ( bc_lr_cyc .AND. nxl == 0 ) nxlu = 1 IF ( bc_ns_cyc .AND. nys == 0 ) nysv = 1 ! !-- CPU measurement CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(85), 'NetCDF input init', 'start' ) #if defined ( __netcdf ) ! !-- Open file in read-only mode CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_dynamic ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), id_dynamic ) ! !-- At first, inquire all variable names. CALL inquire_num_variables( id_dynamic, num_vars ) ! !-- Allocate memory to store variable names. ALLOCATE( var_names(1:num_vars) ) CALL inquire_variable_names( id_dynamic, var_names ) ! !-- Read vertical dimension of scalar und w grid. CALL get_dimension_length( id_dynamic, init_3d%nzu, 'z' ) CALL get_dimension_length( id_dynamic, init_3d%nzw, 'zw' ) ! !-- Read also the horizontal dimensions. These are used just used for checking the compatibility !-- with the PALM grid before reading. CALL get_dimension_length( id_dynamic, init_3d%nx, 'x' ) CALL get_dimension_length( id_dynamic, init_3d%nxu, 'xu' ) CALL get_dimension_length( id_dynamic, init_3d%ny, 'y' ) CALL get_dimension_length( id_dynamic, init_3d%nyv, 'yv' ) ! !-- Check for correct horizontal and vertical dimension. Please note, checks are performed directly !-- here and not called from check_parameters as some varialbes are still not allocated there. !-- Moreover, please note, u- and v-grid has 1 grid point less on Inifor grid. IF ( init_3d%nx-1 /= nx .OR. init_3d%nxu-1 /= nx - 1 .OR. & init_3d%ny-1 /= ny .OR. init_3d%nyv-1 /= ny - 1 ) THEN message_string = 'Number of horizontal grid points in '// & 'dynamic input file does not match ' // & 'the number of numeric grid points.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0543', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF IF ( init_3d%nzu /= nz ) THEN message_string = 'Number of vertical grid points in '// & 'dynamic input file does not match ' // & 'the number of numeric grid points.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0543', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read vertical dimensions. Later, these are required for eventual inter- and extrapolations of !-- the initialization data. IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'z' ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%zu_atmos(1:init_3d%nzu) ) CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'z', init_3d%zu_atmos ) ENDIF IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'zw' ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%zw_atmos(1:init_3d%nzw) ) CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'zw', init_3d%zw_atmos ) ENDIF ! !-- Check for consistency between vertical coordinates in dynamic driver and numeric grid. !-- Please note, depending on compiler options both may be equal up to a certain threshold, and !-- differences between the numeric grid and vertical coordinate in the driver can built-up to !-- 10E-1-10E-0 m. For this reason, the check is performed not for exactly matching values. IF ( ANY( ABS( zu(1:nzt) - init_3d%zu_atmos(1:init_3d%nzu) ) > 10E-1 ) .OR. & ANY( ABS( zw(1:nzt-1) - init_3d%zw_atmos(1:init_3d%nzw) ) > 10E-1 ) ) THEN message_string = 'Vertical grid in dynamic driver does not ' // 'match the numeric grid.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0543', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read initial geostrophic wind components at t = 0 (index 1 in file). IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'ls_forcing_ug' ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%ug_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) init_3d%ug_init = 0.0_wp CALL get_variable_pr( id_dynamic, 'ls_forcing_ug', 1, init_3d%ug_init(1:nzt) ) ! !-- Set top-boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%ug_init(nzt+1) = init_3d%ug_init(nzt) init_3d%from_file_ug = .TRUE. ELSE init_3d%from_file_ug = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'ls_forcing_vg' ) ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%vg_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) init_3d%vg_init = 0.0_wp CALL get_variable_pr( id_dynamic, 'ls_forcing_vg', 1, init_3d%vg_init(1:nzt) ) ! !-- Set top-boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%vg_init(nzt+1) = init_3d%vg_init(nzt) init_3d%from_file_vg = .TRUE. ELSE init_3d%from_file_vg = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read inital 3D data of u, v, w, pt and q, derived from COSMO model. Read PE-wise yz-slices. !-- Please note, the u-, v- and w-component are defined on different grids with one element less in !-- the x-, y-, and z-direction, respectively. Hence, reading is subdivided into separate loops. !-- Read u-component IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'init_atmosphere_u' ) ) THEN ! !-- Read attributes for the fill value and level-of-detail CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_fill, init_3d%fill_u, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_u' ) CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_lod, init_3d%lod_u, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_u' ) ! !-- level-of-detail 1 - read initialization profile IF ( init_3d%lod_u == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%u_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) init_3d%u_init = 0.0_wp CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_u', init_3d%u_init(nzb+1:nzt) ) ! !-- Set top-boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%u_init(nzt+1) = init_3d%u_init(nzt) ! !-- level-of-detail 2 - read 3D initialization data ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_u == 2 ) THEN CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_u', u(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,nxlu:nxr), & nxlu, nys+1, nzb+1, nxr-nxlu+1, nyn-nys+1, init_3d%nzu, dynamic_3d ) ! !-- Set value at leftmost model grid point nxl = 0. This is because Inifor provides data only !-- from 1:nx-1 since it assumes non-cyclic conditions. IF ( nxl == 0 ) u(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,nxl) = u(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,nxlu) ! !-- Set bottom and top-boundary u(nzb,:,:) = u(nzb+1,:,:) u(nzt+1,:,:) = u(nzt,:,:) ENDIF init_3d%from_file_u = .TRUE. ELSE message_string = 'Missing initial data for u-component' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0544', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read v-component IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'init_atmosphere_v' ) ) THEN ! !-- Read attributes for the fill value and level-of-detail CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_fill, init_3d%fill_v, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_v' ) CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_lod, init_3d%lod_v, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_v' ) ! !-- level-of-detail 1 - read initialization profile IF ( init_3d%lod_v == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%v_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) init_3d%v_init = 0.0_wp CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_v', init_3d%v_init(nzb+1:nzt) ) ! !-- Set top-boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%v_init(nzt+1) = init_3d%v_init(nzt) ! !-- level-of-detail 2 - read 3D initialization data ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_v == 2 ) THEN CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_v', v(nzb+1:nzt,nysv:nyn,nxl:nxr), & nxl+1, nysv, nzb+1, nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nysv+1, init_3d%nzu, dynamic_3d ) ! !-- Set value at southmost model grid point nys = 0. This is because Inifor provides data only !-- from 1:ny-1 since it assumes non-cyclic conditions. IF ( nys == 0 ) v(nzb+1:nzt,nys,nxl:nxr) = v(nzb+1:nzt,nysv,nxl:nxr) ! !-- Set bottom and top-boundary v(nzb,:,:) = v(nzb+1,:,:) v(nzt+1,:,:) = v(nzt,:,:) ENDIF init_3d%from_file_v = .TRUE. ELSE message_string = 'Missing initial data for v-component' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0544', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read w-component IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'init_atmosphere_w' ) ) THEN ! !-- Read attributes for the fill value and level-of-detail CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_fill, init_3d%fill_w, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_w' ) CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_lod, init_3d%lod_w, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_w' ) ! !-- level-of-detail 1 - read initialization profile IF ( init_3d%lod_w == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%w_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) init_3d%w_init = 0.0_wp CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_w', init_3d%w_init(nzb+1:nzt-1) ) ! !-- Set top-boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%w_init(nzt:nzt+1) = init_3d%w_init(nzt-1) ! !-- level-of-detail 2 - read 3D initialization data ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_w == 2 ) THEN CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_w', w(nzb+1:nzt-1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr), & nxl+1, nys+1, nzb+1, nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, init_3d%nzw, dynamic_3d ) ! !-- Set bottom and top-boundary w(nzb,:,:) = 0.0_wp w(nzt,:,:) = w(nzt-1,:,:) w(nzt+1,:,:) = w(nzt-1,:,:) ENDIF init_3d%from_file_w = .TRUE. ELSE message_string = 'Missing initial data for w-component' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0544', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Read potential temperature IF ( .NOT. neutral ) THEN IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'init_atmosphere_pt' ) ) THEN ! !-- Read attributes for the fill value and level-of-detail CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_fill, init_3d%fill_pt, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_pt') CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_lod, init_3d%lod_pt, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_pt' ) ! !-- level-of-detail 1 - read initialization profile IF ( init_3d%lod_pt == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%pt_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_pt', init_3d%pt_init(nzb+1:nzt) ) ! !-- Set Neumann top and surface boundary condition for initial profil init_3d%pt_init(nzb) = init_3d%pt_init(nzb+1) init_3d%pt_init(nzt+1) = init_3d%pt_init(nzt) ! !-- level-of-detail 2 - read 3D initialization data ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_pt == 2 ) THEN CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_pt', pt(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr), & nxl+1, nys+1, nzb+1, nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, init_3d%nzu, dynamic_3d ) ! !-- Set bottom and top-boundary pt(nzb,:,:) = pt(nzb+1,:,:) pt(nzt+1,:,:) = pt(nzt,:,:) ENDIF init_3d%from_file_pt = .TRUE. ELSE message_string = 'Missing initial data for ' // 'potential temperature' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0544', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Read mixing ratio IF ( humidity ) THEN IF ( check_existence( var_names, 'init_atmosphere_qv' ) ) THEN ! !-- Read attributes for the fill value and level-of-detail CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_fill, init_3d%fill_q, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_qv' ) CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_lod, init_3d%lod_q, .FALSE., 'init_atmosphere_qv' ) ! !-- level-of-detail 1 - read initialization profile IF ( init_3d%lod_q == 1 ) THEN ALLOCATE( init_3d%q_init(nzb:nzt+1) ) CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_qv', init_3d%q_init(nzb+1:nzt) ) ! !-- Set bottom and top boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%q_init(nzb) = init_3d%q_init(nzb+1) init_3d%q_init(nzt+1) = init_3d%q_init(nzt) ! !-- level-of-detail 2 - read 3D initialization data ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_q == 2 ) THEN CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, 'init_atmosphere_qv', q(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr), & nxl+1, nys+1, nzb+1, nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, init_3d%nzu, dynamic_3d ) ! !-- Set bottom and top-boundary q(nzb,:,:) = q(nzb+1,:,:) q(nzt+1,:,:) = q(nzt,:,:) ENDIF init_3d%from_file_q = .TRUE. ELSE message_string = 'Missing initial data for ' // 'mixing ratio' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0544', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Read chemistry variables. !-- Please note, for the moment, only LOD=1 is allowed IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN ! !-- Allocate chemistry input profiles, as well as arrays for fill values and LOD's. ALLOCATE( init_3d%chem_init(nzb:nzt+1,1:UBOUND( init_3d%var_names_chem, 1 )) ) ALLOCATE( init_3d%fill_chem(1:UBOUND( init_3d%var_names_chem, 1 )) ) ALLOCATE( init_3d%lod_chem(1:UBOUND( init_3d%var_names_chem, 1 )) ) DO n = 1, UBOUND( init_3d%var_names_chem, 1 ) IF ( check_existence( var_names, TRIM( init_3d%var_names_chem(n) ) ) ) THEN ! !-- Read attributes for the fill value and level-of-detail CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_fill, init_3d%fill_chem(n), .FALSE., & TRIM( init_3d%var_names_chem(n) ) ) CALL get_attribute( id_dynamic, char_lod, init_3d%lod_chem(n), .FALSE., & TRIM( init_3d%var_names_chem(n) ) ) ! !-- Give message that only LOD=1 is allowed. IF ( init_3d%lod_chem(n) /= 1 ) THEN message_string = 'For chemistry variables only LOD=1 is ' // 'allowed.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0586', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- level-of-detail 1 - read initialization profile CALL get_variable( id_dynamic, TRIM( init_3d%var_names_chem(n) ), & init_3d%chem_init(nzb+1:nzt,n) ) ! !-- Set bottom and top boundary condition (Neumann) init_3d%chem_init(nzb,n) = init_3d%chem_init(nzb+1,n) init_3d%chem_init(nzt+1,n) = init_3d%chem_init(nzt,n) init_3d%from_file_chem(n) = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Close input file CALL close_input_file( id_dynamic ) #endif ! !-- End of CPU measurement CALL cpu_log( log_point_s(85), 'NetCDF input init', 'stop' ) ! !-- Finally, check if the input data has any fill values. Please note, checks depend on the LOD of !-- the input data. IF ( init_3d%from_file_u ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( init_3d%lod_u == 1 ) THEN IF ( ANY( init_3d%u_init(nzb+1:nzt+1) == init_3d%fill_u ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_u == 2 ) THEN IF ( ANY( u(nzb+1:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxlu:nxr) == init_3d%fill_u ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'NetCDF input for init_atmosphere_u must ' // & 'not contain any _FillValues' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0545', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( init_3d%from_file_v ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( init_3d%lod_v == 1 ) THEN IF ( ANY( init_3d%v_init(nzb+1:nzt+1) == init_3d%fill_v ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_v == 2 ) THEN IF ( ANY( v(nzb+1:nzt+1,nysv:nyn,nxl:nxr) == init_3d%fill_v ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'NetCDF input for init_atmosphere_v must ' // & 'not contain any _FillValues' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0545', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( init_3d%from_file_w ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( init_3d%lod_w == 1 ) THEN IF ( ANY( init_3d%w_init(nzb+1:nzt) == init_3d%fill_w ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_w == 2 ) THEN IF ( ANY( w(nzb+1:nzt,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) == init_3d%fill_w ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'NetCDF input for init_atmosphere_w must ' // & 'not contain any _FillValues' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0545', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( init_3d%from_file_pt ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( init_3d%lod_pt == 1 ) THEN IF ( ANY( init_3d%pt_init(nzb+1:nzt+1) == init_3d%fill_pt ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_pt == 2 ) THEN IF ( ANY( pt(nzb+1:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) == init_3d%fill_pt ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'NetCDF input for init_atmosphere_pt must ' // & 'not contain any _FillValues' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0545', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( init_3d%from_file_q ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( init_3d%lod_q == 1 ) THEN IF ( ANY( init_3d%q_init(nzb+1:nzt+1) == init_3d%fill_q ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ELSEIF ( init_3d%lod_q == 2 ) THEN IF ( ANY( q(nzb+1:nzt+1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) == init_3d%fill_q ) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'NetCDF input for init_atmosphere_q must ' // & 'not contain any _FillValues' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0545', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Workaround for cyclic conditions. Please see above for further explanation. IF ( bc_lr_cyc .AND. nxl == 0 ) nxlu = nxl IF ( bc_ns_cyc .AND. nys == 0 ) nysv = nys END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_init_3d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks input file for consistency and minimum requirements. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_check_dynamic USE control_parameters, & ONLY: initializing_actions, message_string IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- Dynamic input file must also be present if initialization via inifor is prescribed. IF ( .NOT. input_pids_dynamic .AND. INDEX( initializing_actions, 'inifor' ) /= 0 ) THEN message_string = 'initializing_actions = inifor requires dynamic ' // & 'input file ' // TRIM( input_file_dynamic ) // TRIM( coupling_char ) CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0547', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_check_dynamic !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks input file for consistency and minimum requirements. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_check_static USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: zu USE control_parameters, & ONLY: land_surface, message_string, urban_surface USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nyn, nys, wall_flags_total_0 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index along x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index along y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: n_surf !< number of different surface types at given location LOGICAL :: check_passed !< flag indicating if a check passed ! !-- Return if no static input file is available IF ( .NOT. input_pids_static ) RETURN ! !-- Check for correct dimension of surface_fractions, should run from 0-2. IF ( surface_fraction_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( surface_fraction_f%nf-1 > 2 ) THEN message_string = 'nsurface_fraction must not be larger than 3.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0580', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If 3D buildings are read, check if building information is consistent to numeric grid. IF ( buildings_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( buildings_f%lod == 2 ) THEN IF ( buildings_f%nz > SIZE( zu ) ) THEN message_string = 'Reading 3D building data - too much ' // & 'data points along the vertical coordinate.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0552', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF IF ( ANY( ABS( buildings_f%z(0:buildings_f%nz-1) - zu(0:buildings_f%nz-1) ) > 1E-6_wp ) )& THEN message_string = 'Reading 3D building data - vertical ' // & 'coordinate do not match numeric grid.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0553', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Skip further checks concerning buildings and natural surface properties if no urban surface and !-- land surface model are applied. IF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) RETURN ! !-- Check for minimum requirement of surface-classification data in case static input file is used. IF ( ( .NOT. vegetation_type_f%from_file .OR. & .NOT. pavement_type_f%from_file .OR. & .NOT. water_type_f%from_file .OR. & .NOT. soil_type_f%from_file ) .OR. & ( urban_surface .AND. .NOT. building_type_f%from_file ) ) THEN message_string = 'Minimum requirement for surface classification is not fulfilled. At ' // & 'least vegetation_type, pavement_type, soil_type and water_type are ' // & 'required. If urban-surface model is applied, also building_type is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0554', 1, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Check for general availability of input variables. !-- If vegetation_type is 0 at any location, vegetation_pars as well as root_area_dens_s are !-- required. IF ( vegetation_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( vegetation_type_f%var == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. vegetation_pars_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If vegetation_type = 0 at any location, ' // & 'vegetation_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0555', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. root_area_density_lsm_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If vegetation_type = 0 at any location, ' // & 'root_area_dens_s is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0556', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If soil_type is zero at any location, soil_pars is required. IF ( soil_type_f%from_file ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( ALLOCATED( soil_type_f%var_2d ) ) THEN IF ( ANY( soil_type_f%var_2d == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. soil_pars_f%from_file ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF ELSE IF ( ANY( soil_type_f%var_3d == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. soil_pars_f%from_file ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'If soil_type = 0 at any location, soil_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0557', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Buildings require a type in case of urban-surface model. IF ( buildings_f%from_file .AND. .NOT. building_type_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If buildings are provided, also building_type is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0581', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Buildings require an ID. IF ( buildings_f%from_file .AND. .NOT. building_id_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If buildings are provided, also building_id is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0582', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- If building_type is zero at any location, building_pars is required. IF ( building_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( building_type_f%var == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. building_pars_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If building_type = 0 at any location, ' // & 'building_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0558', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If building_type is provided, also building_id is needed (due to the filtering algorithm). IF ( building_type_f%from_file .AND. .NOT. building_id_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If building_type is provided, also building_id is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0519', 2, 2, 0, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- If albedo_type is zero at any location, albedo_pars is required. IF ( albedo_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( albedo_type_f%var == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. albedo_pars_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If albedo_type = 0 at any location, albedo_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0559', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If pavement_type is zero at any location, pavement_pars is required. IF ( pavement_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( pavement_type_f%var == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. pavement_pars_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If pavement_type = 0 at any location, pavement_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0560', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If pavement_type is zero at any location, also pavement_subsurface_pars is required. IF ( pavement_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( pavement_type_f%var == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. pavement_subsurface_pars_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If pavement_type = 0 at any location, ' // & 'pavement_subsurface_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0561', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- If water_type is zero at any location, water_pars is required. IF ( water_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( water_type_f%var == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. water_pars_f%from_file ) THEN message_string = 'If water_type = 0 at any location, water_pars is required' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0562', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check for local consistency of the input data. DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn ! !-- For each (y,x)-location at least one of the parameters vegetation_type, pavement_type, !-- building_type, or water_type must be set to a non­missing value. IF ( land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) THEN IF ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) == vegetation_type_f%fill .AND. & pavement_type_f%var(j,i) == pavement_type_f%fill .AND. & water_type_f%var(j,i) == water_type_f%fill ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'At least one of the parameters '// & 'vegetation_type, pavement_type, ' // & 'or water_type must be set '// & 'to a non-missing value. Grid point: ', j, i CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0563', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ELSEIF ( land_surface .AND. urban_surface ) THEN IF ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) == vegetation_type_f%fill .AND. & pavement_type_f%var(j,i) == pavement_type_f%fill .AND. & building_type_f%var(j,i) == building_type_f%fill .AND. & water_type_f%var(j,i) == water_type_f%fill ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'At least one of the parameters '// & 'vegetation_type, pavement_type, ' // & 'building_type, or water_type must be set '// & 'to a non-missing value. Grid point: ', j, i CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0563', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Note that a soil_type is required for each location (y,x) where either vegetation_type or !-- pavement_type is a non­missing value. IF ( ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) /= vegetation_type_f%fill .OR. & pavement_type_f%var(j,i) /= pavement_type_f%fill ) ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( ALLOCATED( soil_type_f%var_2d ) ) THEN IF ( soil_type_f%var_2d(j,i) == soil_type_f%fill ) check_passed = .FALSE. ELSE IF ( ANY( soil_type_f%var_3d(:,j,i) == soil_type_f%fill) ) check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'soil_type is required for each '// & 'location (y,x) where vegetation_type or ' // & 'pavement_type is a non-missing value.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0564', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check for consistency of given types. At the moment, only one of vegetation, pavement, or !-- water-type can be set. This is because no tile approach is yet implemented in the !-- land-surface model. Later, when this is possible, surface fraction needs to be given and !-- the sum must not be larger than 1. Please note, in case more than one type is given at a !-- pixel, an error message will be given. n_surf = 0 IF ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) /= vegetation_type_f%fill ) n_surf = n_surf + 1 IF ( water_type_f%var(j,i) /= water_type_f%fill ) n_surf = n_surf + 1 IF ( pavement_type_f%var(j,i) /= pavement_type_f%fill ) n_surf = n_surf + 1 IF ( n_surf > 1 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'More than one surface type (vegetation, ' // & 'pavement, water) is given at a location. ' // & 'Please note, this is not possible at ' // & 'the moment as no tile approach has been ' // & 'yet implemented. (i,j) = ', i, j CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0565', & 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ! IF ( .NOT. surface_fraction_f%from_file ) THEN ! message_string = 'More than one surface type (vegetation '// & ! 'pavement, water) is given at a location. '// & ! 'Please note, this is not possible at ' // & ! 'the moment as no tile approach is yet ' // & ! 'implemented.' ! message_string = 'If more than one surface type is ' // & ! 'given at a location, surface_fraction ' // & ! 'must be provided.' ! CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0565', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ! ELSEIF ( ANY ( surface_fraction_f%frac(:,j,i) == surface_fraction_f%fill ) ) THEN ! message_string = 'If more than one surface type is ' // & ! 'given at a location, surface_fraction ' // & ! 'must be provided.' ! CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0565', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ! ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check for further mismatches. e.g. relative fractions exceed 1 or vegetation_type is set !-- but surface vegetation fraction is zero, etc.. IF ( surface_fraction_f%from_file ) THEN ! !-- If surface fractions is given, also check that only one type is given. IF ( SUM( MERGE( 1, 0, surface_fraction_f%frac(:,j,i) /= 0.0_wp .AND. & surface_fraction_f%frac(:,j,i) /= surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) > 1 ) & THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'surface_fraction is given for more ' // & 'than one type. ' // & 'Please note, this is not possible at ' // & 'the moment as no tile approach has ' // & 'yet been implemented. (i, j) = ', i, j CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0676', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Sum of relative fractions must be 1. Note, attributed to type conversions due to !-- reading, the sum of surface fractions might be not exactly 1. Hence, the sum is check !-- with a tolerance. Later, in the land-surface model, the relative fractions are !-- normalized to one. Actually, surface fractions shall be _FillValue at building grid !-- points, however, in order to relax this requirement and allow that surface-fraction can !-- also be zero at these grid points, only perform this check at locations where some !-- vegetation, pavement or water is defined. IF ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) /= vegetation_type_f%fill .OR. & pavement_type_f%var(j,i) /= pavement_type_f%fill .OR. & water_type_f%var(j,i) /= water_type_f%fill ) THEN IF ( SUM ( surface_fraction_f%frac(0:2,j,i) ) > 1.0_wp + 1E-8_wp .OR. & SUM ( surface_fraction_f%frac(0:2,j,i) ) < 1.0_wp - 1E-8_wp ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'The sum of all land-surface fractions ' // & 'must equal 1. (i, j) = ', i, j CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0566', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Relative fraction for a type must not be zero at locations where this type is set. IF ( ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) /= vegetation_type_f%fill .AND. & ( surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_veg_wall,j,i) == 0.0_wp .OR. & surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_veg_wall,j,i) == surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) .OR. & ( pavement_type_f%var(j,i) /= pavement_type_f%fill .AND. & ( surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_pav_green,j,i) == 0.0_wp .OR. & surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_pav_green,j,i) == surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) .OR. & ( water_type_f%var(j,i) /= water_type_f%fill .AND. & ( surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_wat_win,j,i) == 0.0_wp .OR. & surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_wat_win,j,i) == surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Mismatch in setting of ' // & 'surface_fraction. Vegetation-, pavement-, or ' // & 'water surface is given at (i,j) = ( ', i, j, & ' ), but surface fraction is 0 for the given type.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0567', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Relative fraction for a type must not contain non-zero values if this type is not set. IF ( ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) == vegetation_type_f%fill .AND. & ( surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_veg_wall,j,i) /= 0.0_wp .AND. & surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_veg_wall,j,i) /= surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) .OR. & ( pavement_type_f%var(j,i) == pavement_type_f%fill .AND. & ( surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_pav_green,j,i) /= 0.0_wp .AND. & surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_pav_green,j,i) /= surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) .OR. & ( water_type_f%var(j,i) == water_type_f%fill .AND. & ( surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_wat_win,j,i) /= 0.0_wp .AND. & surface_fraction_f%frac(ind_wat_win,j,i) /= surface_fraction_f%fill ) & ) ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Mismatch in setting of ' // & 'surface_fraction. Vegetation-, pavement-, or '// & 'water surface is not given at (i,j) = ( ', i, j, & ' ), but surface fraction is not 0 for the ' // & 'given type.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0568', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check vegetation_pars. If vegetation_type is 0, all parameters need to be set, otherwise, !-- single parameters set by vegetation_type can be overwritten. IF ( vegetation_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( vegetation_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == vegetation_pars_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'If vegetation_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'parameters of vegetation_pars at ' // & 'this location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0569', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check root distribution. If vegetation_type is 0, all levels must be set. IF ( vegetation_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( vegetation_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( root_area_density_lsm_f%var(:,j,i) == root_area_density_lsm_f%fill ) ) & THEN message_string = 'If vegetation_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'levels of root_area_dens_s ' // & 'must be set at this location.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0570', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check soil parameters. If soil_type is 0, all parameters must be set. IF ( soil_type_f%from_file ) THEN check_passed = .TRUE. IF ( ALLOCATED( soil_type_f%var_2d ) ) THEN IF ( soil_type_f%var_2d(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( soil_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == soil_pars_f%fill ) ) & check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF ELSE IF ( ANY( soil_type_f%var_3d(:,j,i) == 0 ) ) THEN IF ( ANY( soil_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == soil_pars_f%fill ) ) & check_passed = .FALSE. ENDIF ENDIF IF ( .NOT. check_passed ) THEN message_string = 'If soil_type(y,x) = 0, all levels of ' // & 'soil_pars at this location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0571', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check building parameters. If building_type is 0, all parameters must be set. IF ( building_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( building_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( building_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == building_pars_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'If building_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'parameters of building_pars at this ' // & 'location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0572', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check if building_type is set at each building and vice versa. !-- Please note, buildings are already processed and filtered. !-- For this reason, consistency checks are based on wall_flags_total_0 rather than !-- buildings_f (buildings are represented by bit 6 in wall_flags_total_0). IF ( building_type_f%from_file .AND. buildings_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( BTEST ( wall_flags_total_0(:,j,i), 6 ) ) .AND. & building_type_f%var(j,i) == building_type_f%fill .OR. & .NOT. ANY( BTEST ( wall_flags_total_0(:,j,i), 6 ) ) .AND. & building_type_f%var(j,i) /= building_type_f%fill ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each location where a ' // & 'building is set requires a type ' // & '( and vice versa ) in case the ' // & 'urban-surface model is applied. ' // & 'i, j = ', i, j CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0573', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check if at each location where a building is present also an ID is set and vice versa. IF ( buildings_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( BTEST ( wall_flags_total_0(:,j,i), 6 ) ) .AND. & building_id_f%var(j,i) == building_id_f%fill .OR. & .NOT. ANY( BTEST ( wall_flags_total_0(:,j,i), 6 ) ) .AND. & building_id_f%var(j,i) /= building_id_f%fill ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each location where a ' // & 'building is set requires an ID ' // & '( and vice versa ). i, j = ', i, j CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0574', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check if building ID is set where a bulding is defined. IF ( buildings_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( ANY( BTEST ( wall_flags_total_0(:,j,i), 6 ) ) .AND. & building_id_f%var(j,i) == building_id_f%fill ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Each building grid point ' // 'requires an ID.', i, j CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0575', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check albedo parameters. If albedo_type is 0, all parameters must be set. IF ( albedo_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( albedo_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( albedo_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == albedo_pars_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'If albedo_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'parameters of albedo_pars at this ' // & 'location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0576', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check pavement parameters. If pavement_type is 0, all parameters of pavement_pars must be !-- set at this location. IF ( pavement_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( pavement_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( pavement_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == pavement_pars_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'If pavement_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'parameters of pavement_pars at this '// & 'location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0577', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check pavement-subsurface parameters. If pavement_type is 0, all parameters of !-- pavement_subsurface_pars must be set at this location. IF ( pavement_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( pavement_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( pavement_subsurface_pars_f%pars_xyz(:,:,j,i) == & pavement_subsurface_pars_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'If pavement_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'parameters of ' // & 'pavement_subsurface_pars at this ' // & 'location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0578', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Check water parameters. If water_type is 0, all parameters must be set at this location. IF ( water_type_f%from_file ) THEN IF ( water_type_f%var(j,i) == 0 ) THEN IF ( ANY( water_pars_f%pars_xy(:,j,i) == water_pars_f%fill ) ) THEN message_string = 'If water_type(y,x) = 0, all ' // & 'parameters of water_pars at this ' // & 'location must be set.' CALL message( 'netcdf_data_input_mod', 'PA0579', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE netcdf_data_input_check_static !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resize 8-bit 2D Integer array: (nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) -> (nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE resize_array_2d_int8( var, js, je, is, ie ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< upper index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< lower index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< upper index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< lower index bound along y direction INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< treated variable INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_tmp !< temporary copy ! !-- Allocate temporary variable ALLOCATE( var_tmp(js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Temporary copy of the variable var_tmp(js:je,is:ie) = var(js:je,is:ie) ! !-- Resize the array DEALLOCATE( var ) ALLOCATE( var(js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Transfer temporary copy back to original array var(js:je,is:ie) = var_tmp(js:je,is:ie) END SUBROUTINE resize_array_2d_int8 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resize 32-bit 2D Integer array: (nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) -> (nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE resize_array_2d_int32( var, js, je, is, ie ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< upper index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< lower index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< upper index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< lower index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< treated variable INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_tmp !< temporary copy ! !-- Allocate temporary variable ALLOCATE( var_tmp(js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Temporary copy of the variable var_tmp(js:je,is:ie) = var(js:je,is:ie) ! !-- Resize the array DEALLOCATE( var ) ALLOCATE( var(js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Transfer temporary copy back to original array var(js:je,is:ie) = var_tmp(js:je,is:ie) END SUBROUTINE resize_array_2d_int32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resize 8-bit 3D Integer array: (:,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) -> (:,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE resize_array_3d_int8( var, ks, ke, js, je, is, ie ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< upper index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< lower index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< upper index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< lower index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< upper bound of treated array in z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< lower bound of treated array in z-direction INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< treated variable INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_tmp !< temporary copy ! !-- Allocate temporary variable ALLOCATE( var_tmp(ks:ke,js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Temporary copy of the variable var_tmp(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) = var(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) ! !-- Resize the array DEALLOCATE( var ) ALLOCATE( var(ks:ke,js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Transfer temporary copy back to original array var(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) = var_tmp(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) END SUBROUTINE resize_array_3d_int8 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resize 3D Real array: (:,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) -> (:,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE resize_array_3d_real( var, ks, ke, js, je, is, ie ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< upper index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< lower index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< upper index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< lower index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< upper bound of treated array in z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< lower bound of treated array in z-direction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< treated variable REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_tmp !< temporary copy ! !-- Allocate temporary variable ALLOCATE( var_tmp(ks:ke,js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Temporary copy of the variable var_tmp(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) = var(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) ! !-- Resize the array DEALLOCATE( var ) ALLOCATE( var(ks:ke,js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Transfer temporary copy back to original array var(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) = var_tmp(ks:ke,js:je,is:ie) END SUBROUTINE resize_array_3d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resize 4D Real array: (:,:,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) -> (:,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE resize_array_4d_real( var, k1s, k1e, k2s, k2e, js, je, is, ie ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< upper index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< lower index bound along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< upper index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< lower index bound along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k1e !< upper bound of treated array in z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k1s !< lower bound of treated array in z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k2e !< upper bound of treated array along parameter space INTEGER(iwp) :: k2s !< lower bound of treated array along parameter space REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var !< treated variable REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: var_tmp !< temporary copy ! !-- Allocate temporary variable ALLOCATE( var_tmp(k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Temporary copy of the variable var_tmp(k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,js:je,is:ie) = var(k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,js:je,is:ie) ! !-- Resize the array DEALLOCATE( var ) ALLOCATE( var(k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,js-nbgp:je+nbgp,is-nbgp:ie+nbgp) ) ! !-- Transfer temporary copy back to original array var(k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,js:je,is:ie) = var_tmp(k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,js:je,is:ie) END SUBROUTINE resize_array_4d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks if a given variables is on file !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION check_existence( vars_in_file, var_name ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: var_name !< variable to be checked CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(:) :: vars_in_file !< list of variables in file INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop variable LOGICAL :: check_existence !< flag indicating whether a variable exist or not - actual return value i = 1 check_existence = .FALSE. DO WHILE ( i <= SIZE( vars_in_file ) ) check_existence = TRIM( vars_in_file(i) ) == TRIM( var_name ) .OR. check_existence i = i + 1 ENDDO RETURN END FUNCTION check_existence !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Closes an existing netCDF file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE close_input_file( id ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: id !< file id #if defined( __netcdf ) nc_stat = NF90_CLOSE( id ) CALL handle_error( 'close', 540 ) #endif END SUBROUTINE close_input_file !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Opens an existing netCDF file for reading only and returns its id. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE open_read_file( filename, id ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: message_string USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename !< filename INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: id !< file id LOGICAL :: file_exists !< true if file exists #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Check if requested file exists INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=file_exists ) IF ( .NOT. file_exists ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Required input file "' // filename // '" does not exist!' CALL message( 'open_read_file', 'PA0516', 2, 2, 0, 6, 1 ) ENDIF #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) ! !-- If __netcdf4_parallel is defined, parrallel NetCDF will be used. nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, IOR( NF90_NOWRITE, NF90_MPIIO ), id, COMM = comm2d, & INFO = MPI_INFO_NULL ) ! !-- In case the previous open call fails, check for possible Netcdf 3 file, and open it. However, !-- this case, disable parallel access. IF( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_NOWRITE, id ) collective_read = .FALSE. ELSE #if defined( __nec ) collective_read = .FALSE. ! collective read causes hang situations on NEC Aurora #else collective_read = .TRUE. #endif ENDIF #else ! !-- All MPI processes open the file and read it (but not in parallel). nc_stat = NF90_OPEN( filename, NF90_NOWRITE, id ) #endif CALL handle_error( 'open_read_file', 539 ) #endif END SUBROUTINE open_read_file !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads global or variable-related attributes of type INTEGER (32-bit) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_attribute_int32( id, attribute_name, value, global, variable_name, no_abort ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: attribute_name !< attribute name CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: value !< read value LOGICAL :: check_error !< flag indicating if handle_error shall be checked LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: global !< flag indicating global attribute LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_abort !< flag indicating if errors should be checked #if defined( __netcdf ) IF ( PRESENT( no_abort ) ) THEN check_error = no_abort ELSE check_error = .TRUE. ENDIF ! !-- Read global attribute IF ( global ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, NF90_GLOBAL, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_int32 global', 522, attribute_name ) ! !-- Read attributes referring to a single variable. Therefore, first inquire variable id ELSE nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_int32', 522, attribute_name ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, id_var, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_int32', 522, attribute_name ) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE get_attribute_int32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads global or variable-related attributes of type INTEGER (8-bit) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_attribute_int8( id, attribute_name, value, global, variable_name, no_abort ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: attribute_name !< attribute name CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(KIND=1), INTENT(INOUT) :: value !< read value LOGICAL :: check_error !< flag indicating if handle_error shall be checked LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_abort !< flag indicating if errors should be checked LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: global !< flag indicating global attribute #if defined( __netcdf ) IF ( PRESENT( no_abort ) ) THEN check_error = no_abort ELSE check_error = .TRUE. ENDIF ! !-- Read global attribute IF ( global ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, NF90_GLOBAL, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_int8 global', 523, attribute_name ) ! !-- Read attributes referring to a single variable. Therefore, first inquire variable id ELSE nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_int8', 523, attribute_name ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, id_var, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_int8', 523, attribute_name ) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE get_attribute_int8 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads global or variable-related attributes of type REAL !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_attribute_real( id, attribute_name, value, global, variable_name, no_abort ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: attribute_name !< attribute name CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id LOGICAL :: check_error !< flag indicating if handle_error shall be checked LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: global !< flag indicating global attribute LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_abort !< flag indicating if errors should be checked REAL(wp), INTENT(INOUT) :: value !< read value #if defined( __netcdf ) IF ( PRESENT( no_abort ) ) THEN check_error = no_abort ELSE check_error = .TRUE. ENDIF ! !-- Read global attribute IF ( global ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, NF90_GLOBAL, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_real global', 524, attribute_name ) ! !-- Read attributes referring to a single variable. Therefore, first inquire variable id ELSE nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_real', 524, attribute_name ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, id_var, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_real', 524, attribute_name ) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE get_attribute_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads global or variable-related attributes of type CHARACTER !> Remark: reading attributes of type NF_STRING return an error code 56 - !> Attempt to convert between text & numbers. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_attribute_string( id, attribute_name, value, global, variable_name, no_abort ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: attribute_name !< attribute name CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(INOUT) :: value !< read value CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id LOGICAL :: check_error !< flag indicating if handle_error shall be checked LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: global !< flag indicating global attribute LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_abort !< flag indicating if errors should be checked #if defined( __netcdf ) IF ( PRESENT( no_abort ) ) THEN check_error = no_abort ELSE check_error = .TRUE. ENDIF ! !-- Read global attribute IF ( global ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, NF90_GLOBAL, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_string global', 525, attribute_name ) ! !-- Read attributes referring to a single variable. Therefore, first inquire variable id ELSE nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_string', 525, attribute_name ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_ATT( id, id_var, TRIM( attribute_name ), value ) IF ( check_error) CALL handle_error( 'get_attribute_string',525, attribute_name ) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE get_attribute_string !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Get dimension array for a given dimension !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_dimension_length( id, dim_len, variable_name ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: dum !< dummy variable to receive return character CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< dimension name INTEGER(iwp) :: dim_len !< dimension size INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_dim !< dimension id #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- First, inquire dimension ID nc_stat = NF90_INQ_DIMID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_dim ) CALL handle_error( 'get_dimension_length', 526, variable_name ) ! !-- Inquire dimension length nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION( id, id_dim, dum, LEN = dim_len ) CALL handle_error( 'get_dimension_length', 526, variable_name ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_dimension_length !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine for reading-in a character string from the chem emissions netcdf input file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_string( id, variable_name, var_string, names_number ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name CHARACTER (LEN=25), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var_string CHARACTER (LEN=1), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: tmp_var_string !< variable to be read INTEGER(iwp) :: i,j !< index to go through the length of the dimensions INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: names_number !< number of names INTEGER(iwp) :: max_string_length=25 !< this is both the maximum length of a name, but also the number of the !< components of the first dimensions (rows) #if defined( __netcdf ) ALLOCATE( tmp_var_string(max_string_length,names_number) ) ALLOCATE( var_string(names_number) ) !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Get variable !-- Start cycle over the emission species DO i = 1, names_number ! !-- Read the first letter of each component nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, var_string(i), start = (/ 1,i /), count = (/ 1,1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_string', 701 ) ! !-- Start cycle over charachters DO j = 1, max_string_length ! !-- Read the rest of the components of the name nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp_var_string(j,i), start = (/ j,i /), & count = (/ 1,1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_string', 702 ) IF ( IACHAR( tmp_var_string(j,i) ) == 0 ) THEN tmp_var_string(j,i)='' ENDIF IF ( j>1 ) THEN ! !-- Concatenate first letter of the name and the others var_string(i)=TRIM( var_string(i) ) // TRIM( tmp_var_string(j,i) ) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_string ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Generalized routine for reading strings from a netCDF variable to replace existing !> get_variable_string ( ) !> !> Improvements: !> - Expanded string size limit from 25 to 512 !> - No longer removes spaces between text magically (this seems to have been aimed at a very !> specific application, but I don't know what) !> - Simplified implementation !> !> Caveats: !> - Somehow I could not get the subroutine to work with str_array(:,:) so I reverted to a !> hard-coded str_array(:,512), hopefully large enough for most general applications. This also !> means the character variable used for str_array must be of size (:,512) !> (ecc 20200128) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_string_generic ( id, var_name, str_array, num_str, str_len ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: var_name !< netCDF variable name CHARACTER(LEN=512), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: str_array(:) !< output string array INTEGER(iwp) :: buf_len !< string buffer size INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< netCDF variable ID INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< netCDF file ID INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< generic counter INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: num_str !< number of string elements in array INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: str_len !< size of each string element #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Set buffer length to up to hard-coded string size buf_len = MIN( ABS(str_len), 512 ) ! !-- Allocate necessary memories for string variables ALLOCATE( str_array(num_str) ) ! !-- Get variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM(var_name), id_var ) ! !-- Extract string variables DO k = 1, num_str str_array(k) = '' nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, str_array(k), start = (/ 1, k /), & count = (/ buf_len, 1 /) ) CALL handle_error ( 'get_variable_string_generic', 702 ) ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_string_generic !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a character variable in a 1D array !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_1d_char( id, variable_name, var ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index over variable dimension INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< dimension id INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: dimid !< dimension IDs INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: dimsize !< dimension size #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- First, inquire variable ID nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_int', 527, variable_name ) ! !-- Inquire dimension IDs nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE( id, id_var, dimids = dimid(1:2) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_char', 527, variable_name ) ! !-- Read dimesnion length nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION( id, dimid(1), LEN = dimsize(1) ) nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION( id, dimid(2), LEN = dimsize(2) ) ! !-- Read character array. Note, each element is read individually, in order to better separate !-- single strings. DO i = 1, dimsize(2) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, var(i), & start = (/ 1, i /), & count = (/ dimsize(1), 1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_char', 527, variable_name ) ENDDO #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_1d_char !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 1D integer variable from file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_1d_int( id, variable_name, var ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< dimension id INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- First, inquire variable ID nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_int', 527, variable_name ) ! !-- Read variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, var ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_int', 527, variable_name ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_1d_int !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 1D float variable from file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_1d_real( id, variable_name, var, is, count_elements ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: count_elements !< number of elements to be read INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< dimension id INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: is !< start index REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- First, inquire variable ID nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_real', 528, variable_name ) ! !-- Read variable IF ( PRESENT( is ) ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, var, start = (/ is /), count = (/ count_elements /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_real', 528, variable_name ) ELSE nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, var ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_1d_real', 528, variable_name ) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_1d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a time-dependent 1D float variable from file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_pr( id, variable_name, t, var ) USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(1:2) :: id_dim !< dimension ids INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< dimension id INTEGER(iwp) :: n_file !< number of data-points in file along z dimension INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: t !< timestep number REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- First, inquire variable ID nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Inquire dimension size of vertical dimension nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE( id, id_var, DIMIDS = id_dim ) nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION( id, id_dim(1), LEN = n_file ) ! !-- Read variable. nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, var, & start = (/ 1, t /), & count = (/ n_file, 1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_pr', 529, variable_name ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_pr !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a per-surface pars variable from file. Because all surfaces are stored as flat 1-D array, !> each PE has to scan the data and find the surface indices belonging to its subdomain. During this !> scan, it also builds a necessary (j,i) index. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_surf( id, variable_name, surf ) USE pegrid USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, nxr, nys, nyn USE control_parameters, & ONLY: dz, message_string USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx, dy USE basic_constants_and_equations_mod, & ONLY: pi IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: nsurf_pars_read = 2**15 !< read buffer size (value > 10^15 makes problem with !< ifort) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i, j INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_azimuth !< azimuth variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_xs !< xs variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_ys !< ys variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_zs !< zs variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_zenith !< zeith variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< local surface index INTEGER(iwp) :: is0, isc !< read surface start and count INTEGER(iwp) :: isurf !< netcdf surface index INTEGER(iwp) :: nsurf !< total number of surfaces in file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(6) :: coords !< integer coordinates of surface INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(2) :: id_dim !< dimension ids INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: nsurf_ji !< numbers of surfaces by coords REAL(wp) :: oro_max_l !< maximum terrain height under building REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: azimuth !< read buffer for azimuth(s) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zenith !< read buffer for zenith(s) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: zs, ys, xs !< read buffer for zs(s), ys, xs REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: pars_read !< read buffer TYPE(pars_surf) :: surf !< parameters variable to be loaded #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- First, inquire variable ID nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, 'zs', id_zs ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, 'ys', id_ys ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, 'xs', id_xs ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, 'zenith', id_zenith ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, 'azimuth', id_azimuth ) ! !-- Inquire dimension sizes nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE( id, id_var, DIMIDS = id_dim ) nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION( id, id_dim(1), LEN = nsurf ) nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION( id, id_dim(2), LEN = surf%np ) ALLOCATE( pars_read( nsurf_pars_read, surf%np ), & zs(nsurf_pars_read), ys(nsurf_pars_read), & xs(nsurf_pars_read), zenith(nsurf_pars_read), & azimuth(nsurf_pars_read), & nsurf_ji(nys:nyn, nxl:nxr) ) nsurf_ji(:,:) = 0 ! !-- Scan surface coordinates, count local is0 = 1 DO isc = MIN(nsurf_pars_read, nsurf - is0 + 1) IF ( isc <= 0 ) EXIT nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_ys, ys, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_xs, xs, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_zenith, zenith, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_azimuth, azimuth, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_surf', 682, 'azimuth' ) DO isurf = 1, isc ! !-- Parse coordinates, detect if belongs to subdomain coords = transform_coords( xs(isurf), ys(isurf), zenith(isurf), azimuth(isurf) ) IF ( coords(2) < nys .OR. coords(2) > nyn .OR. & coords(3) < nxl .OR. coords(3) > nxr ) CYCLE nsurf_ji(coords(2), coords(3)) = nsurf_ji(coords(2), coords(3)) + 1 ENDDO is0 = is0 + isc ENDDO ! !-- Populate reverse index from surface counts ALLOCATE( surf%index_ji( 2, nys:nyn, nxl:nxr ) ) isurf = 1 DO j = nys, nyn DO i = nxl, nxr surf%index_ji(:,j,i) = (/ isurf, isurf + nsurf_ji(j,i) - 1 /) isurf = isurf + nsurf_ji(j,i) ENDDO ENDDO surf%nsurf = isurf - 1 ALLOCATE( surf%pars( 0:surf%np-1, surf%nsurf ), & surf%coords( 6, surf%nsurf ) ) ! !-- Scan surfaces again, saving pars into allocated structures nsurf_ji(:,:) = 0 is0 = 1 DO isc = MIN(nsurf_pars_read, nsurf - is0 + 1) IF ( isc <= 0 ) EXIT nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, pars_read(1:isc, 1:surf%np), & start = (/ is0, 1 /), & count = (/ isc, surf%np /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_surf', 683, variable_name ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_zs, zs, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_ys, ys, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_xs, xs, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_zenith, zenith, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_azimuth, azimuth, & start = (/ is0 /), & count = (/ isc /) ) DO isurf = 1, isc ! !-- Parse coordinates, detect if belongs to subdomain coords = transform_coords( xs(isurf), ys(isurf), zenith(isurf), azimuth(isurf) ) IF ( coords(2) < nys .OR. coords(2) > nyn .OR. & coords(3) < nxl .OR. coords(3) > nxr ) CYCLE ! !-- Determine maximum terrain under building (base z-coordinate). Using normal vector to !-- locate building inner coordinates. oro_max_l = buildings_f%oro_max(coords(2)-coords(5), coords(3)-coords(6)) IF ( oro_max_l == buildings_f%fill1 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Found building surface on ' // & 'non-building coordinates (xs, ys, zenith, azimuth): ', & xs(isurf), ys(isurf), zenith(isurf), azimuth(isurf) CALL message( 'get_variable_surf', 'PA0684', 2, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Urban layer has no stretching, therefore using dz(1) instead of linear searching through !-- zu/zw. coords(1) = NINT( ( zs(isurf) + oro_max_l ) / dz(1) + 0.5_wp + 0.5_wp * coords(4), & KIND=iwp ) ! !-- Save surface entry is = surf%index_ji(1, coords(2), coords(3)) + nsurf_ji(coords(2), coords(3)) surf%pars(:,is) = pars_read(isurf,:) surf%coords(:,is) = coords(:) nsurf_ji(coords(2), coords(3)) = nsurf_ji(coords(2), coords(3)) + 1 ENDDO is0 = is0 + isc ENDDO DEALLOCATE( pars_read, zs, ys, xs, zenith, azimuth, nsurf_ji ) CONTAINS PURE FUNCTION transform_coords( x, y, zenith, azimuth ) INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(6) :: transform_coords !< (k,j,i,norm_z,norm_y,norm_x) REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: azimuth !< surface normal azimuth angle in degrees REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: x, y !< surface centre coordinates in metres from origin REAL(wp), INTENT(in) :: zenith !< surface normal zenith angle in degrees transform_coords(4) = NINT( COS( zenith * pi / 180.0_wp ), KIND=iwp ) IF ( transform_coords(4) == 0 ) THEN transform_coords(5) = NINT( COS( azimuth * pi / 180.0_wp ), KIND=iwp) transform_coords(6) = NINT( SIN( azimuth * pi / 180.0_wp ), KIND=iwp) ELSE transform_coords(5) = 0.0_wp transform_coords(6) = 0.0_wp ENDIF transform_coords(1) = -999.0_wp ! not calculated here transform_coords(2) = NINT( y / dy - 0.5_wp + 0.5_wp * transform_coords(5), KIND=iwp ) transform_coords(3) = NINT( x / dx - 0.5_wp + 0.5_wp * transform_coords(6), KIND=iwp ) END FUNCTION transform_coords #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_surf !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 2D REAL variable from a file. Reading is done processor-wise, i.e. each core reads its !> own domain in slices along x. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_real( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< end index for subdomain input along y direction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_2d_real', 530, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je var(j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 2D 32-bit INTEGER variable from file. Reading is done processor-wise, i.e. each core !> reads its own domain in slices along x. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_int32( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_2d_int32', 531, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je var(j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_int32 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 2D 8-bit INTEGER variable from file. Reading is done processor-wise, i.e. each core reads !> its own domain in slices along x. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_int8( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, & start = (/ is+1, js+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is + 1, je-js+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_2d_int8', 532, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je var(j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_int8 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 3D 8-bit INTEGER variable from file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_int8( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je, ks, ke ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< index along any 3rd dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< start index of 3rd dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< end index of 3rd dimension INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access INTEGER(KIND=1), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je,ks:ke) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1, ks+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1, ke-ks+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_3d_int8', 533, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je DO k = ks, ke var(k-ks+1,j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_int8 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 3D float variable from file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_real( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je, ks, ke ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< index along any 3rd dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< start index of 3rd dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< end index of 3rd dimension REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je,ks:ke) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1, ks+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1, ke-ks+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_3d_real', 534, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je DO k = ks, ke var(k-ks+1,j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 4D float variable from file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_4d_real( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je, k1s, k1e, k2s, k2e ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k1 !< index along 3rd direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k1e !< start index for 3rd dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: k1s !< end index for 3rd dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: k2 !< index along 4th direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k2e !< start index for 4th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: k2s !< end index for 4th dimension REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je,k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1, k1s+1, k2s+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1, k1e-k1s+1, k2e-k2s+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_4d_real', 535, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je DO k1 = k1s, k1e DO k2 = k2s, k2e var(k2-k2s+1,k1-k1s+1,j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j,k1,k2) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_4d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 4D float variable from file and store it to a 3-d variable. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_4d_to_3d_real( id, variable_name, var, ns, is, ie, js, je, ks, ke ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< index along any 4th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< end index of 4th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< start index of 4th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ns !< start index for subdomain input along n dimension REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable where the read data have to be stored: !< one dimension is reduced in the process #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je,ks:ke) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1, ks+1, ns+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1, ke-ks+1, 1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_4d_to_3d_real', 536, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je DO k = ks, ke var(k-ks+1,j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j,k) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_4d_to_3d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 3D float variables from dynamic driver with the last dimension only having 1 entry !> (time,z). Please note, the passed arguments are start indices and number of elements in each !> dimension, which is in contrast to the other 3d versions where start- and end indices are passed. !> The different handling compared to get_variable_2d_real is due to its different start-index !> treatment. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_real_dynamic( id, variable_name, var, i1s, i2s, count_1, count_2 ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: count_1 !< number of elements to be read along 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: count_2 !< number of elements to be read along 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: i1 !< running index along 1st dimension on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i1s !< start index for subdomain input along 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: i2 !< running index along 2nd dimension on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i2s !< start index for subdomain input along 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: lb1 !< lower bound of 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: lb2 !< lower bound of 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: ub1 !< upper bound of 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: ub2 !< upper bound of 2nd dimension (with respect to file) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according to its reverse memory !< access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< input variable #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id. nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. !-- Therefore, determine dimension bounds of input array. lb1 = LBOUND( var,2 ) ub1 = UBOUND( var,2 ) lb2 = LBOUND( var,1 ) ub2 = UBOUND( var,1 ) ALLOCATE( tmp(lb1:ub1,lb2:ub2) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ i1s, i2s /), & count = (/ count_1, count_2 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_2d_real_dynamic', 537, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i2 = lb2, ub2 DO i1 = lb1, ub1 var(i2,i1,1) = tmp(i1,i2) ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_2d_real_dynamic !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 3D float variables from dynamic driver, such as time-dependent xy-, xz- or yz-boundary !> data as well as 3D initialization data. Please note, the passed arguments are start indices and !> number of elements in each dimension, which is in contrast to the other 3d versions where start- !> and end indices are passed. The different handling of 3D dynamic variables is due to its !> asymmetry for the u- and v component. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_real_dynamic( id, variable_name, var, i1s, i2s, i3s, & count_1, count_2, count_3, par_access ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: count_1 !< number of elements to be read along 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: count_2 !< number of elements to be read along 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: count_3 !< number of elements to be read along 3rd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: i1 !< running index along 1st dimension on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i1s !< start index for subdomain input along 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: i2 !< running index along 2nd dimension on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i2s !< start index for subdomain input along 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: i3 !< running index along 3rd dimension on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i3s !< start index of 3rd dimension, in dynamic file this is either time !<(2D boundary) or z (3D) INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: lb1 !< lower bound of 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: lb2 !< lower bound of 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: lb3 !< lower bound of 3rd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: ub1 !< upper bound of 1st dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: ub2 !< upper bound of 2nd dimension (with respect to file) INTEGER(iwp) :: ub3 !< upper bound of 3rd dimension (with respect to file) LOGICAL :: par_access !< additional flag indicating whether parallel read operations should be !< performed or not REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according !< to its reverse memory access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< input variable #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id. nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. !-- Please note, in contrast to the other input routines where each PEs reads its subdomain data, !-- dynamic input data not by all PEs, only by those which encompass lateral model boundaries. !-- Hence, collective read operations are only enabled for top-boundary data. IF ( collective_read .AND. par_access ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. !-- Therefore, determine dimension bounds of input array. lb1 = LBOUND( var,3 ) ub1 = UBOUND( var,3 ) lb2 = LBOUND( var,2 ) ub2 = UBOUND( var,2 ) lb3 = LBOUND( var,1 ) ub3 = UBOUND( var,1 ) ALLOCATE( tmp(lb1:ub1,lb2:ub2,lb3:ub3) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ i1s, i2s, i3s /), & count = (/ count_1, count_2, count_3 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_3d_real_dynamic', 537, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO i3 = lb3, ub3 DO i2 = lb2, ub2 DO i1 = lb1, ub1 var(i3,i2,i1) = tmp(i1,i2,i3) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_3d_real_dynamic !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 5D float variable from file and store it to a 4-d variable. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_5d_to_4d_real( id, variable_name, var, ns, ts, te, is, ie, js, je, ks, ke ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< index along x direction INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< variable id INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< end index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< start index for subdomain input along x direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< index along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< end index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< start index for subdomain input along y direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< index along any 5th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ke !< end index of 5th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ks !< start index of 5th dimension INTEGER(iwp) :: ns !< start index for subdomain input along n dimension: ns coincides here with !< ne, since, we select only one value along the 1st dimension n INTEGER(iwp) :: t !< index along t direction INTEGER(iwp) :: te !< end index for subdomain input along t direction INTEGER(iwp) :: ts !< start index for subdomain input along t direction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according to its reverse !< memory access REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(ks:ke,js:je,is:is,ts:te) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ ks+1, js+1, is+1, ts+1, ns /), & count = (/ ke-ks+1, je-js+1, ie-is+1, te-ts+1, 1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_5d_to_4d_real', 538, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort data. Please note, dimension subscripts of var all start at 1. DO t = ts, te DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je DO k = ks, ke var(t-ts+1,i-is+1,j-js+1,k-ks+1) = tmp(k,j,i,t) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_5d_to_4d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 5D float variable from file. !> Note - This subroutine is used specific for reading NC variable emission_values having a "z" !> dimension. Mentioned dimension is to be removed in the future and this subroutine shall !> be depreciated accordingly. (ecc 20190418) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_5d_real( id, variable_name, var, is, ie, js, je, k1s, k1e, k2s, k2e, k3s, & k3e ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< i index INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< netCDF file ID (ncid) INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< netCDF variable ID (varid) INTEGER(iwp) :: ie !< i index start INTEGER(iwp) :: is !< i index end INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< j index INTEGER(iwp) :: je !< j index start INTEGER(iwp) :: js !< j index end INTEGER(iwp) :: k1 !< k1 index INTEGER(iwp) :: k1e !< k1 index start INTEGER(iwp) :: k1s !< k1 index end INTEGER(iwp) :: k2 !< k2 index INTEGER(iwp) :: k2e !< k2 index start INTEGER(iwp) :: k2s !< k2 index end INTEGER(iwp) :: k3 !< k3 index INTEGER(iwp) :: k3e !< k3 index start INTEGER(iwp) :: k3s !< k3 index end REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temp array to read data from file REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< variable to be read #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. IF ( collective_read ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. ALLOCATE( tmp(is:ie,js:je,k1s:k1e,k2s:k2e,k3s:k3e) ) ! !-- Get variable from file nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR ( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ is+1, js+1, k1s+1, k2s+1, k3s+1 /), & count = (/ ie-is+1, je-js+1, k1e-k1s+1, k2e-k2s+1, k3e-k3s+1 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_5d_real', 535, variable_name ) ! !-- Resort (reverse index order) and standardize (from 1 to N) output array DO i = is, ie DO j = js, je DO k1 = k1s, k1e DO k2 = k2s, k2e DO k3 = k3s, k3e var(k3-k3s+1,k2-k2s+1,k1-k1s+1,j-js+1,i-is+1) = tmp(i,j,k1,k2,k3) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_5d_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads a 5D float variables from dynamic driver, such as time-dependent xy-, xz- or yz-boundary !> data as well as 5D initialization data. Please note, the passed arguments are start indices and !> number of elements in each dimension, which is in contrast to the other 3d versions where start- !> and end indices are passed. The different handling of 5D dynamic variables is due to its !> asymmetry for the u- and v component. !> Note(1) - This subroutine is more flexible than get_variable_xd_real as it provides much better !> control over starting and count indices. !> (ecc 20190418) !> Note(2) - This subroutine is used specific for reading NC variable emission_values having a "z" !> dimension. Mentioned dimension is to be removed in the future and this subroutine shall !> be depreciated accordingly (ecc 20190418) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_variable_5d_real_dynamic( id, variable_name, var, i1s, i2s, i3s, i4s, i5s, & count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5, par_access ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: count_1 !< # elements read in dimension 1 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: count_2 !< # elements read in dimension 2 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: count_3 !< # elements read in dimension 3 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: count_4 !< # elements read in dimension 4 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: count_5 !< # elements read in dimension 5 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: i1 !< index for dimension 1 on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i1s !< starting index for dimension 1 hyperslab INTEGER(iwp) :: i2 !< index for dimension 2 on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i2s !< starting index for dimension 2 hyperslab INTEGER(iwp) :: i3 !< index for dimension 3 on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i3s !< starting index for dimension 3 hyperslab INTEGER(iwp) :: i4 !< index for dimension 4 on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i4s !< starting index for dimension 4 hyperslab INTEGER(iwp) :: i5 !< index for dimension 5 on file INTEGER(iwp) :: i5s !< starting index for dimension 5 hyperslab INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< netCDF file id (ncid) INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< netCDF variable id (varid) INTEGER(iwp) :: lb1 !< lower bound of dimension 1 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: lb2 !< lower bound of dimension 2 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: lb3 !< lower bound of dimension 3 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: lb4 !< lower bound of dimension 4 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: lb5 !< lower bound of dimension 5 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: ub1 !< upper bound of dimension 1 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: ub2 !< upper bound of dimension 2 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: ub3 !< upper bound of dimension 3 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: ub4 !< upper bound of dimension 4 wrt file INTEGER(iwp) :: ub5 !< upper bound of dimension 5 wrt file LOGICAL :: par_access !< additional flag indicating parallel read REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp !< temporary variable to read data from file according to its reverse !< array index order REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var !< input variable #if defined( __netcdf ) ! !-- Inquire variable id. nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( variable_name ), id_var ) ! !-- Check for collective read-operation and set respective NetCDF flags if required. !-- Please note, in contrast to the other input routines where each PEs reads its subdomain data, !-- dynamic input data not by all PEs, only by those which encompass lateral model boundaries. !-- Hence, collective read operations are only enabled for top-boundary data. IF ( collective_read .AND. par_access ) THEN #if defined( __netcdf4_parallel ) nc_stat = NF90_VAR_PAR_ACCESS (id, id_var, NF90_COLLECTIVE) #endif ENDIF ! !-- Allocate temporary variable according to memory access on file. !-- Therefore, determine dimension bounds of input array. lb1 = LBOUND( var,5 ) ub1 = UBOUND( var,5 ) lb2 = LBOUND( var,4 ) ub2 = UBOUND( var,4 ) lb3 = LBOUND( var,3 ) ub3 = UBOUND( var,3 ) lb4 = LBOUND( var,2 ) ub4 = UBOUND( var,2 ) lb5 = LBOUND( var,1 ) ub5 = UBOUND( var,1 ) ALLOCATE( tmp(lb1:ub1,lb2:ub2,lb3:ub3,lb4:ub4,lb5:ub5) ) ! !-- Get variable nc_stat = NF90_GET_VAR( id, id_var, tmp, start = (/ i1s, i2s, i3s, i4s, i5s /), & count = (/ count_1, count_2, count_3, count_4, count_5 /) ) CALL handle_error( 'get_variable_3d_real_dynamic', 537, variable_name ) ! !-- Assign temp array to output. Note reverse index order DO i5 = lb5, ub5 DO i4 = lb4, ub4 DO i3 = lb3, ub3 DO i2 = lb2, ub2 DO i1 = lb1, ub1 var(i5,i4,i3,i2,i1) = tmp(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DEALLOCATE( tmp ) #endif END SUBROUTINE get_variable_5d_real_dynamic !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Inquires the number of variables in a file !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE inquire_num_variables( id, num_vars ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: num_vars !< number of variables in a file #if defined( __netcdf ) nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE( id, NVARIABLES = num_vars ) CALL handle_error( 'inquire_num_variables', 539 ) #endif END SUBROUTINE inquire_num_variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Inquires the variable names belonging to a file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE inquire_variable_names( id, var_names ) USE indices USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT) :: var_names !< return variable - variable names INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop variable INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: num_vars !< number of variables (unused return parameter) INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: varids !< dummy array to strore variable ids temporarily #if defined( __netcdf ) ALLOCATE( varids(1:SIZE(var_names)) ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARIDS( id, NVARS = num_vars, VARIDS = varids ) CALL handle_error( 'inquire_variable_names', 540 ) DO i = 1, SIZE(var_names) nc_stat = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE( id, varids(i), NAME = var_names(i) ) CALL handle_error( 'inquire_variable_names', 540 ) ENDDO DEALLOCATE( varids ) #endif END SUBROUTINE inquire_variable_names !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Inquires the _FillValue settings of an integer variable. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE inquire_fill_value_int( id, var_name, nofill, fill_value ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: var_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< netCDF variable id (varid) INTEGER(iwp) :: fill_value !< fill value INTEGER(iwp) :: nofill !< flag indicating whether fill values are set or not #if defined( __netcdf ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( var_name ), id_var ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VAR_FILL(id, id_var, no_fill, fill_value ) #endif ! !-- Further line is just to avoid compiler warnings. nofill might be used in future. IF ( nofill == 0 .OR. nofill /= 0 ) CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE inquire_fill_value_int !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Inquires the _FillValue settings of a real variable. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE inquire_fill_value_real( id, var_name, nofill, fill_value ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: var_name !< variable name INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: id !< file id INTEGER(iwp) :: id_var !< netCDF variable id (varid) INTEGER(iwp) :: nofill !< flag indicating whether fill values are set or not #if defined( __imuk_old ) INTEGER(iwp) :: fill_value_int !< fill value workaround #endif REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: fill_value !< fill value #if defined( __netcdf ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VARID( id, TRIM( var_name ), id_var ) #if defined( __imuk_old ) nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VAR_FILL(id, id_var, no_fill, fill_value_int ) fill_value = fill_value_int #else nc_stat = NF90_INQ_VAR_FILL(id, id_var, no_fill, fill_value ) #endif #endif ! !-- Further line is just to avoid compiler warnings. nofill might be used in future. IF ( nofill == 0 .OR. nofill /= 0 ) CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE inquire_fill_value_real !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Prints out a text message corresponding to the current status. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE handle_error( routine_name, errno, name ) USE control_parameters, & ONLY: message_string IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=6) :: message_identifier !< string for the error number CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: name !< name of variable where reading failed CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: routine_name !< routine name where the error happened INTEGER(iwp) :: errno #if defined( __netcdf ) IF ( nc_stat /= NF90_NOERR ) THEN WRITE( message_identifier, '(''NC'',I4.4)' ) errno IF ( PRESENT( name ) ) THEN message_string = "Problem reading attribute/variable - " // & TRIM(name) // ": " // TRIM( NF90_STRERROR( nc_stat ) ) ELSE message_string = TRIM( NF90_STRERROR( nc_stat ) ) ENDIF CALL message( routine_name, message_identifier, 2, 2, myid, 6, 1 ) ENDIF #endif END SUBROUTINE handle_error END MODULE netcdf_data_input_mod