!> @file src/inifor_io.f90 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ! WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ! PALM. If not, see . ! ! Copyright 2017-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover ! Copyright 2017-2021 Deutscher Wetterdienst Offenbach !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! Current revisions: ! ----------------- ! ! ! Former revisions: ! ----------------- ! $Id: inifor_io.f90 4843 2021-01-15 15:22:11Z raasch $ ! Validate mesoscale input data by the number of dimensions and their lengths ! ! ! 4675 2020-09-11 10:00:26Z eckhard ! New command-line options for soil profile initialization and homogeneous ! boundary conditions ! ! ! 4659 2020-08-31 11:21:17Z eckhard ! New command-line option '--precipitation' enables output of precipitation ! surface forcing ! Only define netCDF variables in enabled IO groups ! Improved code formatting ! ! ! 4569 2020-06-19 12:46:17Z eckhard ! Removed unused variable ! ! ! 4568 2020-06-19 11:56:30Z eckhard ! Handle COSMO soil data with and without additional surface temperature ! ! ! 4553 2020-06-03 16:34:15Z eckhard ! Option --help now points the user to INIFOR's wiki page ! Remove deprecated command-line options -clon and -clat ! ! ! 4538 2020-05-18 13:45:35Z eckhard ! Make setting the vertical PALM origin mandatory ! ! ! 4523 2020-05-07 15:58:16Z eckhard ! respect integer working precision (iwp) specified in inifor_defs.f90 ! ! ! 4481 2020-03-31 18:55:54Z maronga ! Pass hhl_file directly instead of entire INIFOR configuration ! ! ! 3997 2019-05-23 12:35:57Z eckhard ! Added boolean indicator for --elevation option invocation ! Stop INIFOR if no command-line options given ! ! ! 3866 2019-04-05 14:25:01Z eckhard ! Use PALM's working precision ! Improved coding style ! ! ! 3801 2019-03-15 17:14:25Z eckhard ! Added routine get_cosmo_grid() to read in COSMO rotated pole from COSMO domain ! Moved get_soil_layer_thickness() here from inifor_grid ! ! 3785 2019-03-06 10:41:14Z eckhard ! Temporariliy disabled height-based geostrophic wind averaging ! Improved variable naming ! ! ! 3764 2019-02-26 13:42:09Z eckhard ! Removed dependency on radiation input files ! ! ! 3716 2019-02-05 17:02:38Z eckhard ! Removed dependency on soilmoisture input files ! ! ! 3680 2019-01-18 14:54:12Z knoop ! Moved get_input_file_list() here from grid module, added check for presence of ! input files ! ! ! 3618 2018-12-10 13:25:22Z eckhard ! Prefixed all INIFOR modules with inifor_ ! ! ! 3615 2018-12-10 07:21:03Z raasch ! bugfix: abort replaced by inifor_abort ! ! 3557 2018-11-22 16:01:22Z eckhard ! Updated documentation, removed unused subroutine write_netcdf_variable_2d() ! ! ! 3537 2018-11-20 10:53:14Z eckhard ! New routine get_netcdf_dim_vector() ! ! ! 3534 2018-11-19 15:35:16Z raasch ! bugfix: INTENT attribute changed ! ! 3456 2018-10-30 14:29:54Z eckhard ! NetCDf output of internal arrays only with --debug option ! ! ! 3447 2018-10-29 15:52:54Z eckhard ! Removed INCLUDE statement for get_netcdf_variable() ! Renamed source files for compatibilty with PALM build system ! ! ! 3395 2018-10-22 17:32:49Z eckhard ! Added command-line options for configuring the computation of geostrophic ! winds (--averagin-mode, --averaging-angle) ! Added command-line option --input-prefix for setting input file prefixes all ! at once ! Added --debug option for more verbose terminal output ! Added option-specific *_is_set LOGICALs to indicate invocation from the ! command-line ! Improved error messages in case of empty file-name strings ! Improved routine naming ! ! 3183 2018-07-27 14:25:55Z suehring ! Introduced new PALM grid stretching ! Updated variable names and metadata for PIDS v1.9 compatibility ! Improved handling of the start date string ! Better compatibility with older Intel compilers: ! - avoiding implicit array allocation with new get_netcdf_variable() ! subroutine instead of function ! Improved command line interface: ! - Added configuration validation ! - New options to configure input file prefixes ! - GNU-style short and long option names ! - Added version and copyright output ! ! ! 3182 2018-07-27 13:36:03Z suehring ! Initial revision ! ! ! ! Authors: ! -------- !> @author Eckhard Kadasch (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach) ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> The io module contains the functions needed to read and write netCDF data in !> INIFOR. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined ( __netcdf ) MODULE inifor_io USE inifor_control USE inifor_defs, & ONLY: CFG_INIT_PROFILE, CFG_INIT_VOLUME, & CFG_INIT_SOIL_PROFILE, CFG_INIT_SOIL_VOLUME, & CFG_FORCING_HETERO, CFG_FORCING_HOMO, CFG_FORCING_NUDGING, & DATE, SNAME, PATH, PI, TO_RADIANS, TO_DEGREES, VERSION, & NC_DEPTH_DIM_IDX, NC_DEPTH_NAME, NC_HHL_NAME, NC_RLAT_NAME, & NC_RLON_NAME, NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME, NC_POLE_LATITUDE_NAME, & NC_POLE_LONGITUDE_NAME, RHO_L, iwp, wp, & PIDS_ORIGIN_LON, PIDS_ORIGIN_LAT, PIDS_ORIGIN_Z USE inifor_types USE inifor_util, & ONLY: add_hours_to, nearly_equal, reverse, str, real_to_str USE netcdf IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> get_netcdf_variable() reads the netCDF data and metadate for the netCDF !> variable 'in_var%name' from the file 'in_file'. The netCDF data array is !> stored in the 'buffer' array and metadata added to the respective members of !> the given 'in_var'. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! INTERFACE get_netcdf_variable MODULE PROCEDURE get_netcdf_variable_int MODULE PROCEDURE get_netcdf_variable_real END INTERFACE get_netcdf_variable PRIVATE :: get_netcdf_variable_int, get_netcdf_variable_real CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> get_netcdf_variable_int() implements the integer variant for the !> get_netcdf_variable interface. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_variable_int(in_file, in_var, buffer) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: in_file TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: in_var INTEGER(iwp), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: buffer(:,:,:) INTEGER :: ncid INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: start, count IF ( nf90_open( TRIM(in_file), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & nf90_inq_varid( ncid, in_var%name, in_var%varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL get_input_dimensions(in_var, ncid) CALL get_netcdf_start_and_count(in_var, start, count) CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') ALLOCATE( buffer( count(1), count(2), count(3) ) ) CALL log_runtime('time', 'alloc') CALL check(nf90_get_var( ncid, in_var%varid, buffer, & start = start, & count = count )) ELSE message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM(in_var%name) // & "' from file '" // TRIM(in_file) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_variable', message) ENDIF CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') END SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_variable_int !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> get_netcdf_variable_real() implements the real variant for the !> get_netcdf_variable interface. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_variable_real(in_file, in_var, buffer) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: in_file TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: in_var REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: buffer(:,:,:) INTEGER :: ncid INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: start, count IF ( nf90_open( TRIM(in_file), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & nf90_inq_varid( ncid, in_var%name, in_var%varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL get_input_dimensions(in_var, ncid) CALL get_netcdf_start_and_count(in_var, start, count) CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') ALLOCATE( buffer( count(1), count(2), count(3) ) ) CALL log_runtime('time', 'alloc') CALL check(nf90_get_var( ncid, in_var%varid, buffer, & start = start, & count = count )) ELSE message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM(in_var%name) // & "' from file '" // TRIM(in_file) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_variable', message) ENDIF CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') END SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_variable_real !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> get_netcdf_dim_vector() reads the coordinate array 'coordname' from the !> netCDF file 'filename'. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_dim_vector(filename, coordname, coords) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: coordname REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: coords(:) INTEGER :: ncid, varid, dimlen INTEGER :: dimids(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) IF ( nf90_open( TRIM(filename), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & nf90_inq_varid( ncid, coordname, varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL check(nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, varid, dimids = dimids )) CALL check(nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, dimids(1), len = dimlen )) ALLOCATE(coords(dimlen)) CALL check(nf90_get_var( ncid, varid, coords)) ELSE message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM(coordname) // & "' from file '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_dim_vector', message) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_dim_vector !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> get_input_dimensions() reads dimensions metadata of the netCDF variable given !> by 'in_var%name' into 'in_var' data structure. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_input_dimensions(in_var, ncid) TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: in_var INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid INTEGER :: i CALL check(nf90_get_att( ncid, in_var%varid, "long_name", & in_var%long_name)) CALL check(nf90_get_att( ncid, in_var%varid, "units", & in_var%units )) CALL check(nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, in_var%varid, & ndims = in_var%ndim, & dimids = in_var%dimids )) DO i = 1, in_var%ndim CALL check(nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, in_var%dimids(i), & name = in_var%dimname(i), & len = in_var%dimlen(i) )) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE get_input_dimensions !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> get_netcdf_start_and_count() gets the start position and element counts for !> the given netCDF file. This information is used in get_netcdf_variable_int() !> and _real() for reading input variables.. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_start_and_count(in_var, start, count) TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: in_var INTEGER, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(OUT) :: start, count INTEGER :: ndim IF ( in_var%ndim .LT. 2 .OR. in_var%ndim .GT. 4 ) THEN message = "Failed reading NetCDF variable " // & TRIM(in_var%name) // " with " // & TRIM(str(INT(in_var%ndim, kind=iwp))) // & " dimensions because only two- and and three-dimensional" // & " variables are supported." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_start_and_count', message) ENDIF start = (/ 1, 1, 1 /) IF ( TRIM(in_var%name) .EQ. 'T_SO' .AND. & in_var%has_redundant_first_level ) THEN ! !-- Skip depth = 0.0 for T_SO and reduce number of depths from 9 to 8 in_var%dimlen(3) = in_var%dimlen(3) - 1 ! !-- Start reading from second level, e.g. depth = 0.005 instead of 0.0 start(3) = 2 ENDIF IF (in_var%ndim .EQ. 2) THEN in_var%dimlen(3) = 1 ENDIF ndim = MIN(in_var%ndim, 3) count = (/ 1, 1, 1 /) count(1:ndim) = in_var%dimlen(1:ndim) END SUBROUTINE get_netcdf_start_and_count !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine for defining netCDF variables in the dynamic driver, INIFOR's netCDF !> output. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_define_variable(var, ncid) TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: var INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, var%name, NF90_FLOAT, var%dimids(1:var%ndim), var%varid)) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, var%varid, "long_name", var%long_name)) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, var%varid, "units", var%units)) IF ( var%lod .GE. 0 ) THEN CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, var%varid, "lod", var%lod)) ENDIF CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, var%varid, "source", var%source)) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, var%varid, "_FillValue", NF90_FILL_REAL)) END SUBROUTINE netcdf_define_variable !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> netcdf_get_dimensions() reads in all dimensions and their lengths and stores !> them in the given the 'var' data structure. This information is used later !> for writing output variables in update_output(). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE netcdf_get_dimensions(var, ncid) TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(INOUT) :: var INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncid INTEGER :: i CHARACTER(SNAME) :: null DO i = 1, var%ndim CALL check(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, var%dimids(i), & name = null, & len = var%dimlen(i) ) ) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE netcdf_get_dimensions !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine parses and interpretes the command-line options and stores the !> resulting settings in the 'cfg' data structure. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE parse_command_line_arguments( cfg ) TYPE(inifor_config), INTENT(INOUT) :: cfg CHARACTER(LEN=PATH) :: option, arg INTEGER :: arg_count, i cfg%flow_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%input_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%p0_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%radiation_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%soil_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%precipitation_prefix_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%process_precipitation = .FALSE. cfg%static_driver_is_set = .FALSE. cfg%ug_defined_by_user = .FALSE. cfg%vg_defined_by_user = .FALSE. cfg%z0_is_set = .FALSE. arg_count = COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() IF (arg_count .GT. 0) THEN i = 1 DO WHILE (i .LE. arg_count) CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT( i, option ) SELECT CASE( TRIM(option) ) CASE( '--averaging-mode' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%averaging_mode = TRIM(arg) CASE( '-date', '-d', '--date' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%start_date = TRIM(arg) CASE( '--debug' ) cfg%debug = .TRUE. CASE( '-z0', '-z', '--elevation' ) cfg%z0_is_set = .TRUE. CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) READ(arg, *) cfg%z0 CASE( '-p0', '-r', '--surface-pressure' ) cfg%p0_is_set = .TRUE. CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) READ(arg, *) cfg%p0 CASE( '-ug', '-u', '--geostrophic-u' ) cfg%ug_defined_by_user = .TRUE. CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) READ(arg, *) cfg%ug CASE( '-vg', '-v', '--geostrophic-v' ) cfg%vg_defined_by_user = .TRUE. CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) READ(arg, *) cfg%vg CASE( '-path', '-p', '--path' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%input_path = TRIM(arg) CASE( '-hhl', '-l', '--hhl-file' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%hhl_file = TRIM(arg) CASE( '--input-prefix') CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%input_prefix = TRIM(arg) cfg%input_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. CASE( '-a', '--averaging-angle' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) READ(arg, *) cfg%averaging_angle CASE( '-static', '-t', '--static-driver' ) cfg%static_driver_is_set = .TRUE. CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%static_driver_file = TRIM(arg) CASE( '-soil', '-s', '--soil-file') CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%soiltyp_file = TRIM(arg) CASE( '--flow-prefix') CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%flow_prefix = TRIM(arg) cfg%flow_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. CASE( '--radiation-prefix') CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%radiation_prefix = TRIM(arg) cfg%radiation_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. CASE( '--soil-prefix') CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%soil_prefix = TRIM(arg) cfg%soil_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. CASE( '--precipitation-prefix') CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%precipitation_prefix = TRIM(arg) cfg%precipitation_prefix_is_set = .TRUE. CASE( '--precipitation') cfg%process_precipitation = .TRUE. CASE( '-o', '--output' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%output_file = TRIM(arg) CASE( '-n', '--namelist' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%namelist_file = TRIM(arg) CASE( '-i', '--init-mode' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%ic_mode = TRIM(arg) CASE( '--soil-init-mode' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%isc_mode = TRIM(arg) CASE( '-f', '--forcing-mode' ) CALL get_option_argument( i, arg ) cfg%bc_mode = TRIM(arg) CASE( '--version' ) CALL print_version STOP CASE( '--help' ) CALL print_version PRINT *, "" PRINT *, & "For documentation and a list of available command-line options " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & " please visit https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/iofiles/inifor." STOP CASE DEFAULT message = "unknown option '" // TRIM(option) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('parse_command_line_arguments', message) END SELECT i = i + 1 ENDDO ELSE CALL print_version CALL report( 'parse_command_line_arguments', 'No arguments present, exiting.' ) STOP ENDIF END SUBROUTINE parse_command_line_arguments SUBROUTINE get_datetime_file_list( start_date_string, start_hour, end_hour, & step_hour, input_path, prefix, suffix, & file_list ) CHARACTER (LEN=DATE), INTENT(IN) :: start_date_string CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: prefix, suffix, input_path INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: start_hour, end_hour, step_hour CHARACTER(LEN=*), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: file_list(:) INTEGER(iwp) :: number_of_intervals, hour, i CHARACTER(LEN=DATE) :: date_string number_of_intervals = CEILING( REAL(end_hour - start_hour) / step_hour ) ALLOCATE( file_list(number_of_intervals + 1) ) DO i = 0, number_of_intervals hour = start_hour + i * step_hour date_string = add_hours_to(start_date_string, hour) file_list(i+1) = TRIM(input_path) // TRIM(prefix) // & TRIM(date_string) // TRIM(suffix) // '.nc' ENDDO END SUBROUTINE get_datetime_file_list !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Establish a list of files based on the given start and end times and file !> prefixes and suffixes. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_input_file_list( start_date_string, start_hour, end_hour, & step_hour, input_path, prefix, suffix, & file_list ) CHARACTER (LEN=DATE), INTENT(IN) :: start_date_string CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: prefix, suffix, input_path INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: start_hour, end_hour, step_hour CHARACTER(LEN=*), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: file_list(:) CALL get_datetime_file_list( start_date_string, start_hour, end_hour, & step_hour, input_path, prefix, suffix, & file_list ) END SUBROUTINE get_input_file_list !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Abort INIFOR if the given file is not present. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! LOGICAL FUNCTION file_is_present( filename, file_kind, message ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename, file_kind CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: message file_is_present = file_present(filename) IF (.NOT. file_is_present) THEN IF (LEN( TRIM( filename ) ) == 0) THEN message = "No name was given for the " // TRIM( file_kind ) // " file." ELSE message = "The " // TRIM( file_kind ) // " file '" // & TRIM( filename ) // "' was not found." ENDIF ENDIF END FUNCTION file_is_present !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Abort INIFOR if the given file is not present. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE verify_file( file_name, file_kind ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name, file_kind IF (.NOT. file_is_present( file_name, file_kind, message )) THEN CALL inifor_abort( 'verify_file', message ) ENDIF message = "Set up input file name '" // TRIM( file_name ) // "'" CALL report( 'verify_file', message ) END SUBROUTINE verify_file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Get the argument of the i'th command line option, which is at the location !> i+1 of the argument list. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_option_argument( i, arg ) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(INOUT) :: arg INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: i i = i + 1 CALL GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT( i, arg ) END SUBROUTINE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks the INIFOR configuration 'cfg' for plausibility. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE validate_config( cfg ) TYPE(inifor_config), INTENT(IN) :: cfg CALL verify_file( cfg%hhl_file, 'HHL' ) CALL verify_file( cfg%namelist_file, 'NAMELIST' ) CALL verify_file( cfg%soiltyp_file, 'SOILTYP' ) ! !-- Only check optional static driver file name, if it has been given. IF (TRIM( cfg%static_driver_file ) .NE. '') THEN CALL verify_file( cfg%static_driver_file, 'static driver' ) ENDIF SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%ic_mode ) ) CASE( CFG_INIT_PROFILE, CFG_INIT_VOLUME ) CASE DEFAULT message = "Initialization mode '" // TRIM( cfg%ic_mode ) //& "' is not supported. " //& "Please select either '" // CFG_INIT_PROFILE //"' or '" // & CFG_INIT_VOLUME //"', " //& "or omit the -i/--init-mode option entirely, which corresponds "//& "to the latter." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) END SELECT SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%isc_mode ) ) CASE( CFG_INIT_SOIL_PROFILE, CFG_INIT_SOIL_VOLUME ) CASE DEFAULT message = "Soil initialization mode '" // TRIM( cfg%isc_mode ) //& "' is not supported. " //& "Please select either '" // CFG_INIT_SOIL_PROFILE //"' or '" // & CFG_INIT_SOIL_VOLUME //"', " //& "or omit the --soil-init-mode option entirely, which corresponds "//& "to the latter." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) END SELECT SELECT CASE( TRIM(cfg%bc_mode) ) CASE( CFG_FORCING_HOMO, CFG_FORCING_HETERO, CFG_FORCING_NUDGING ) CASE DEFAULT message = "Forcing mode '" // TRIM( cfg%bc_mode ) //& "' is not supported. " //& "Please select either '" // CFG_FORCING_NUDGING // & "', '" // CFG_FORCING_HOMO // "', or '" // & CFG_FORCING_HETERO // "' " //& "or omit the -f/--forcing-mode option entirely, which corresponds "//& "to the latter." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) END SELECT SELECT CASE( TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode ) ) CASE( 'level' ) CASE( 'height' ) message = "Averaging mode '" // TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode ) //& "' is currently not supported. " //& "Please use level-based averaging by selecting 'level', " //& "or by omitting the --averaging-mode option entirely." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) CASE DEFAULT message = "Averaging mode '" // TRIM( cfg%averaging_mode ) //& "' is not supported. " //& ! "Please select either 'height' or 'level', " //& ! "or omit the --averaging-mode option entirely, which corresponds "//& ! "to the latter." "Please use level-based averaging by selecting 'level', " //& "or by omitting the --averaging-mode option entirely." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) END SELECT IF ( cfg%ug_defined_by_user .NEQV. cfg%vg_defined_by_user ) THEN message = "You specified only one component of the geostrophic " // & "wind. Please specify either both or none." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) ENDIF IF ( .NOT. cfg%static_driver_is_set .AND. .NOT. cfg%z0_is_set ) THEN message = & "The vertical origin of the PALM grid has not been defined. " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & "Please specify the right value for your setup by either " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & " - using the command-line option --elevation , or by" // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & " - specifying a static driver file using --static in order to use " // NEW_LINE( " " ) // & " use the value of origin_z (and origin_lon and origin_lat) specifed therein." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_config', message ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE validate_config !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks wheather the COSMO grid matches the shape of the meteorological input !> data by comparing the number of netCDF dimensions and their lengths in the !> hhl.nc and the first of the *-flow files. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE validate_dataset(flow_files, hhl_file) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: flow_files(:) !< paths to files containing atmospheric variables CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: hhl_file !< path to file containing the HHL variable (height of half layers) CHARACTER(SNAME), PARAMETER :: NC_W_NAME = 'W' TYPE(nc_var) :: hhl_var, flow_var INTEGER :: dim_idx, ncid, ndims_flow, ndims_hhl, varid REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: hhl_dim_vector(:), flow_dim_vector(:) LOGICAL :: dims_have_same_length IF ( nf90_open( TRIM( flow_files(1) ), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL check( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, NC_W_NAME, varid=varid ) ) CALL check( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, varid, ndims=ndims_flow ) ) CALL netcdf_get_dimensions( flow_var, ncid ) CALL check( nf90_close( ncid ) ) ELSE message = "Failed to read netCDF dimensions'" // & "' from file '" // TRIM( flow_files(1) ) // "'." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_dataset', message ) ENDIF IF ( nf90_open( TRIM( hhl_file ), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL check( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, NC_HHL_NAME, varid=varid ) ) CALL check( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, varid, ndims=ndims_hhl ) ) CALL netcdf_get_dimensions( hhl_var, ncid ) CALL check( nf90_close( ncid ) ) ELSE message = "Failed to read netCDF dimensions'" // & "' from file '" // TRIM(hhl_file) // "'." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_dataset', message ) ENDIF ! !-- Compare number dimensions of 'HHL' in hhl file and 'W' in first flow file IF ( .NOT. ndims_flow .EQ. ndims_hhl ) THEN message = "Mesoscale data inconsistent. Number of dimensions in the " //& "hhl file does not match with the meteorologial fields " // & "in the *-flow files (" // & "HHL: ndims = " // TRIM( str( ndims_hhl ) ) // ", " // & "W: ndims = " // TRIM( str( ndims_flow ) ) // ")." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_dataset', message ) ENDIF ! !-- Compare lengths of each dimension, ignoring time (dim_idx = 1) DO dim_idx = 2, ndims_hhl CALL get_dimension_vector_of_variable( & NC_HHL_NAME, & dim_idx = dim_idx, & filename = hhl_file, & dim_vector = hhl_dim_vector & ) CALL get_dimension_vector_of_variable( & NC_W_NAME, & dim_idx = dim_idx, & filename = flow_files(1), & dim_vector = flow_dim_vector & ) dims_have_same_length = SIZE( flow_dim_vector ) .EQ. SIZE( hhl_dim_vector ) IF ( .NOT. dims_have_same_length ) THEN message = & "Mesoscale data inconsistent. Number of grid points " // & "in dimension #" // TRIM( str( dim_idx ) ) // & " do not match in the hhl and *-flow files (" // & "HHL: len = " // TRIM( str( SIZE( hhl_dim_vector ) ) ) // ", " // & "W: len = " // TRIM( str( SIZE( flow_dim_vector ) ) )// ")." CALL inifor_abort( 'validate_dataset', message ) ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE validate_dataset SUBROUTINE get_cosmo_grid( hhl_file, soil_file, rlon, rlat, hhl, hfl, depths, & d_depth, d_depth_rho_inv, phi_n, lambda_n, & phi_equat, & lonmin_cosmo, lonmax_cosmo, & latmin_cosmo, latmax_cosmo, & nlon, nlat, nlev, ndepths ) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: hhl_file !< path to file containing the HHL variable (height of half layers) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: soil_file !< path to one of the soil input files for reading soil layer depths REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: rlon !< longitudes of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: rlat !< latitudes of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: hhl !< heights of half layers (cell faces) above sea level in COSMO-DE, read in from external file REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: hfl !< heights of full layers (cell centres) above sea level in COSMO-DE, computed as arithmetic average of hhl REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: depths !< COSMO-DE's TERRA-ML soil layer depths REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth_rho_inv REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_n REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_equat REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda_n REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: lonmin_cosmo !< Minimunm longitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: lonmax_cosmo !< Maximum longitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: latmin_cosmo !< Minimunm latitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: latmax_cosmo !< Maximum latitude of COSMO-DE's rotated-pole grid [COSMO rotated-pole rad] INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(OUT) :: nlon, nlat, nlev, ndepths TYPE(nc_var) :: cosmo_var !< COSMO dummy variable, used for reading HHL, rlon, rlat INTEGER(iwp) :: k ! !-- Read in COSMO's heights of half layers (vertical cell faces) cosmo_var%name = NC_HHL_NAME CALL get_netcdf_variable( hhl_file, cosmo_var, hhl ) CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( hhl_file, NC_RLON_NAME, rlon ) CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( hhl_file, NC_RLAT_NAME, rlat ) CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( soil_file, NC_DEPTH_NAME, depths) CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'read' ) CALL reverse( hhl ) nlon = SIZE( hhl, 1 ) nlat = SIZE( hhl, 2 ) nlev = SIZE( hhl, 3 ) ndepths = SIZE( depths ) CALL log_runtime( 'time', 'comp' ) ALLOCATE( hfl( nlon, nlat, nlev-1 ) ) ALLOCATE( d_depth( ndepths ), d_depth_rho_inv( ndepths ) ) CALL log_runtime('time', 'alloc') CALL get_soil_layer_thickness( depths, d_depth ) d_depth_rho_inv = 1.0_wp / ( d_depth * RHO_L ) ! !-- Compute COSMO's heights of full layers (cell centres) DO k = 1, nlev-1 hfl(:,:,k) = 0.5_wp * ( hhl(:,:,k) + & hhl(:,:,k+1) ) ENDDO ! !-- COSMO rotated pole coordinates phi_n = TO_RADIANS & * get_netcdf_variable_attribute( hhl_file, & NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME, & NC_POLE_LATITUDE_NAME ) lambda_n = TO_RADIANS & * get_netcdf_variable_attribute( hhl_file, & NC_ROTATED_POLE_NAME, & NC_POLE_LONGITUDE_NAME ) phi_equat = 90.0_wp * TO_RADIANS - phi_n lonmin_cosmo = MINVAL( rlon ) * TO_RADIANS lonmax_cosmo = MAXVAL( rlon ) * TO_RADIANS latmin_cosmo = MINVAL( rlat ) * TO_RADIANS latmax_cosmo = MAXVAL( rlat ) * TO_RADIANS CALL log_runtime('time', 'comp') END SUBROUTINE get_cosmo_grid !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Fills the thickness array of the COSMO soil layers. Since COSMO's (i.e. !> TERRA_ML's [1]) soil layer boundaries follow the rule !> !> depth(0) = 0.0, and !> depth(k) = 0.01 * 3**(k-1), k in [1,2,3,...,7] !> !> and full levels are defined as the midpoints between two layer boundaries, !> all except the first layer thicknesses equal the depth of the midpoint. !> !> [1] A Description of the Nonhydrostatic Regional COSMO Model Part II : !> Physical Parameterization*, Sect. 11 TERRA_ML. !> http://www.cosmo-model.org/content/model/documentation/core/cosmoPhysParamtr.pdf) !> !> Input parameters: !> ----------------- !> !> depths: array of full soil layer depths (cell midpoints) !> !> !> Output parameters: !> ------------------ !> !> d_depth: array of soil layer thicknesses !> !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness( depths, d_depth ) REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: depths(:) REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: d_depth(:) d_depth(:) = depths(:) d_depth(1) = 2.0_wp * depths(1) END SUBROUTINE get_soil_layer_thickness !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Check whether the given file is present on the filesystem. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! LOGICAL FUNCTION file_present( filename ) CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: filename INQUIRE( FILE=filename, EXIST=file_present ) END FUNCTION file_present !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine initializes the dynamic driver file, i.e. INIFOR's netCDF output !> file. !> !> Besides writing metadata, such as global attributes, coordinates, variables, !> in the netCDF file, various netCDF IDs are saved for later, when INIFOR !> writes the actual data. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE setup_netcdf_dimensions( output_file, palm_grid, & start_date_string, origin_lon, origin_lat ) TYPE(nc_file), INTENT(INOUT) :: output_file TYPE(grid_definition), INTENT(IN) :: palm_grid CHARACTER (LEN=DATE), INTENT(IN) :: start_date_string REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: origin_lon, origin_lat CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: date_string CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: time_string CHARACTER (LEN=5) :: zone_string CHARACTER (LEN=SNAME) :: history_string INTEGER :: nx, ny, nz, nt INTEGER :: ncid, dimids(3), dimvarids(3) REAL(wp) :: z0 message = "Initializing PALM-4U dynamic driver file '" // & TRIM(output_file%name) // "' and setting up dimensions." CALL report('setup_netcdf_dimensions', message) ! !-- Create the netCDF file as in netCDF-4/HDF5 format if __netcdf4 preprocessor flag is given #if defined( __netcdf4 ) CALL check(nf90_create(TRIM(output_file%name), OR(NF90_CLOBBER, NF90_HDF5), ncid)) #else CALL check(nf90_create(TRIM(output_file%name), NF90_CLOBBER, ncid)) #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 1: Define NetCDF dimensions and coordinates !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ nt = SIZE(output_file%time) nx = palm_grid%nx ny = palm_grid%ny nz = palm_grid%nz z0 = palm_grid%z0 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 2: Write global NetCDF attributes !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL date_and_time(DATE=date_string, TIME=time_string, ZONE=zone_string) history_string = & 'Created on '// date_string // & ' at ' // time_string(1:2) // ':' // time_string(3:4) // & ' (UTC' // zone_string // ')' CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'title', 'PALM input file for scenario ...')) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'institution', 'Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach')) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'author', 'Eckhard Kadasch, eckhard.kadasch@dwd.de')) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'history', TRIM(history_string))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'references', '--')) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'comment', '--')) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'origin_lat', TRIM(real_to_str(origin_lat*TO_DEGREES, '(F18.13)')))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'origin_lon', TRIM(real_to_str(origin_lon*TO_DEGREES, '(F18.13)')))) ! !-- FIXME: This is the elevation relative to COSMO-DE/D2 sea level and does !-- FIXME: not necessarily comply with DHHN2016 (c.f. PALM Input Data !-- FIXME: Standard v1.9., origin_z) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'origin_z', TRIM(real_to_str(z0, '(F18.13)')))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'inifor_version', TRIM(VERSION))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, 'palm_version', '--')) ! ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 2a: Define dimensions for cell centers (scalars in soil and atmosph.) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !-- reset dimids first dimids = (/0, 0, 0/) CALL check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, "x", nx+1, dimids(1)) ) CALL check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, "y", ny+1, dimids(2)) ) CALL check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, "z", nz, dimids(3)) ) ! !-- save dimids for later output_file%dimids_scl = dimids ! !-- reset dimvarids first dimvarids = (/0, 0, 0/) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "x", NF90_FLOAT, dimids(1), dimvarids(1))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(1), "standard_name", "x coordinate of cell centers")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(1), "units", "m")) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "y", NF90_FLOAT, dimids(2), dimvarids(2))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(2), "standard_name", "y coordinate of cell centers")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(2), "units", "m")) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "z", NF90_FLOAT, dimids(3), dimvarids(3))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "standard_name", "z coordinate of cell centers")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "units", "m")) ! !-- save dimvarids for later output_file%dimvarids_scl = dimvarids ! !-- overwrite third dimid with the one of depth CALL check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "zsoil", SIZE(palm_grid%depths), dimids(3)) ) ! !-- save dimids for later output_file%dimids_soil = dimids ! !-- overwrite third dimvarid with the one of depth CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "zsoil", NF90_FLOAT, output_file%dimids_soil(3), dimvarids(3))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "standard_name", "depth_below_land")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "positive", "down")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "units", "m")) ! !-- save dimvarids for later output_file%dimvarids_soil = dimvarids ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 2b: Define dimensions for cell faces/velocities !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !-- reset dimids first dimids = (/0, 0, 0/) CALL check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "xu", nx, dimids(1)) ) CALL check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "yv", ny, dimids(2)) ) CALL check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "zw", nz-1, dimids(3)) ) ! !-- save dimids for later output_file%dimids_vel = dimids ! !-- reset dimvarids first dimvarids = (/0, 0, 0/) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "xu", NF90_FLOAT, dimids(1), dimvarids(1))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(1), "standard_name", "x coordinate of cell faces")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(1), "units", "m")) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "yv", NF90_FLOAT, dimids(2), dimvarids(2))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(2), "standard_name", "y coordinate of cell faces")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(2), "units", "m")) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "zw", NF90_FLOAT, dimids(3), dimvarids(3))) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "standard_name", "z coordinate of cell faces")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, dimvarids(3), "units", "m")) ! !-- save dimvarids for later output_file%dimvarids_vel = dimvarids ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 2c: Define time dimension !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL check(nf90_def_dim(ncid, "time", nt, output_file%dimid_time) ) CALL check(nf90_def_var(ncid, "time", NF90_FLOAT, & output_file%dimid_time, & output_file%dimvarid_time)) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, output_file%dimvarid_time, "standard_name", "time")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, output_file%dimvarid_time, "long_name", "time")) CALL check(nf90_put_att(ncid, output_file%dimvarid_time, "units", & "seconds since " // start_date_string // " UTC")) CALL check(nf90_enddef(ncid)) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 3: Write grid coordinates !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_scl(1), palm_grid%x)) CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_scl(2), palm_grid%y)) CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_scl(3), palm_grid%z)) CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_vel(1), palm_grid%xu)) CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_vel(2), palm_grid%yv)) CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_vel(3), palm_grid%zw)) ! !-- TODO Read in soil depths from input file before this. CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarids_soil(3), palm_grid%depths)) ! !-- Write time vector CALL check(nf90_put_var(ncid, output_file%dimvarid_time, output_file%time)) ! !-- Close the file CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) END SUBROUTINE setup_netcdf_dimensions !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Defines the netCDF variables to be written to the dynamic driver file !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE setup_netcdf_variables(filename, io_group_list) CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename TYPE(io_group), INTENT(IN), TARGET :: io_group_list(:) TYPE(io_group), POINTER :: group TYPE(nc_var), POINTER :: var INTEGER(iwp) :: group_idx, var_idx, n_var INTEGER :: ncid LOGICAL :: to_be_written message = "Defining variables in dynamic driver '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." CALL report('setup_netcdf_variables', message) CALL check(nf90_open(TRIM(filename), NF90_WRITE, ncid)) CALL check(nf90_redef(ncid)) n_var = 0 DO group_idx = 1, SIZE( io_group_list ) group => io_group_list(group_idx) DO var_idx = 1, SIZE( group%out_vars ) to_be_written = .FALSE. IF (ALLOCATED( group%out_vars )) THEN var => group%out_vars(var_idx) n_var = n_var + 1 to_be_written = ( & group%to_be_processed .AND. var%to_be_processed & .AND. .NOT. var%is_internal & ) ENDIF IF ( to_be_written ) THEN message = " variable #" // TRIM(str(n_var)) // " '" // TRIM(var%name) // "'." CALL report('setup_netcdf_variables', message) CALL netcdf_define_variable(var, ncid) CALL netcdf_get_dimensions(var, ncid) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CALL check(nf90_enddef(ncid)) CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) message = "Dynamic driver '" // TRIM(filename) // "' initialized successfully." CALL report('setup_netcdf_variables', message) END SUBROUTINE setup_netcdf_variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> This routine reads and returns all input variables of the given IO group !> It accomodates the data by allocating a container variable that represents a !> list of arrays of the same length as the groups variable list. (This list !> will typically contain one or two items.) After the container, its members !> are allocated one by one with the appropriate, possibly different, !> dimensions. !> !> The 'group' is an INTENT(INOUT) variable so that 'get_netcdf_variable()' can !> record netCDF IDs in the 'in_var_list()' member variable. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE read_input_variables(group, iter, buffer) TYPE(io_group), INTENT(INOUT), TARGET :: group INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: iter TYPE(container), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: buffer(:) INTEGER(iwp) :: hour, buf_id TYPE(nc_var), POINTER :: input_var CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), POINTER :: input_file INTEGER(iwp) :: ivar, nbuffers message = "Reading data for I/O group '" // TRIM(group%in_var_list(1)%name) // "'." CALL report('read_input_variables', message) input_file => group%in_files(iter) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 1: Load input buffers for accumulated variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !-- radiation budgets, precipitation IF ( group%kind == 'running average' .OR. & group%kind == 'accumulated' ) THEN IF ( SIZE( group%in_var_list ) .GT. 1 ) THEN message = "I/O groups may not contain more than one " // & "accumulated variable. Group '" // TRIM(group%kind) //& "' contains " // & TRIM( str( SIZE( group%in_var_list, kind=iwp ) ) ) // "." CALL inifor_abort( 'read_input_variables | accumulation', message ) ENDIF ! !-- use two buffer arrays nbuffers = 2 IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( buffer ) ) ALLOCATE( buffer(nbuffers) ) ! !-- hour of the day hour = iter - 1 ! !-- chose correct buffer array buf_id = select_buffer(hour) CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') IF ( ALLOCATED(buffer(buf_id)%array) ) DEALLOCATE(buffer(buf_id)%array) CALL log_runtime('time', 'alloc') input_var => group%in_var_list(1) CALL get_netcdf_variable(input_file, input_var, buffer(buf_id)%array) CALL report('read_input_variables', "Read accumulated " // TRIM(group%in_var_list(1)%name)) IF ( input_var%is_upside_down ) CALL reverse(buffer(buf_id)%array) CALL log_runtime('time', 'comp') !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !- Section 2: Load input buffers for normal I/O groups !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ELSE ! !-- Allocate one input buffer per output quantity. If more quantities !-- have to be computed than input variables exist in this group, !-- allocate more buffers. For instance, in the thermodynamics group, !-- there are three input variabels (PP, T, Qv) and four quantities !-- necessart (P, Theta, Rho, qv) for the corresponding output fields !-- (p0, Theta, qv, ug, and vg) ALLOCATE( buffer(group%n_output_quantities) ) CALL log_runtime('time', 'alloc') ! !-- Read in all input variables, leave extra buffers-if any-untouched. DO ivar = 1, group%n_inputs input_var => group%in_var_list(ivar) IF ( input_var%to_be_processed ) THEN ! Check wheather P or PP is present in input file IF (input_var%name == 'P') THEN input_var%name = TRIM( get_pressure_varname(input_file) ) CALL log_runtime('time', 'read') ENDIF CALL get_netcdf_variable(input_file, input_var, buffer(ivar)%array) IF ( input_var%is_upside_down ) CALL reverse(buffer(ivar)%array) CALL log_runtime('time', 'comp') ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF END SUBROUTINE read_input_variables !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Select the appropriate buffer ID for accumulated COSMO input variables !> depending on the current hour. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! INTEGER(iwp) FUNCTION select_buffer(hour) INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: hour INTEGER(iwp) :: step select_buffer = 0_iwp step = MODULO(hour, 3_iwp) + 1_iwp SELECT CASE(step) CASE(1, 3) select_buffer = 1_iwp CASE(2) select_buffer = 2_iwp CASE DEFAULT message = "Invalid step '" // TRIM(str(step)) CALL inifor_abort('select_buffer', message) END SELECT END FUNCTION select_buffer !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks if the input_file contains the absolute pressure, 'P', or the pressure !> perturbation, 'PP', and returns the appropriate string. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! CHARACTER(LEN=2) FUNCTION get_pressure_varname(input_file) RESULT(var) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: input_file INTEGER :: ncid, varid CALL check(nf90_open( TRIM(input_file), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid )) IF ( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, 'P', varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN var = 'P' ELSE IF ( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, 'PP', varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN var = 'PP' CALL report('get_pressure_var', 'Using PP instead of P') ELSE message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM(var) // & "' from file '" // TRIM(input_file) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_pressure_var', message) ENDIF CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) END FUNCTION get_pressure_varname !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Read the given global attribute form the given netCDF file. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION get_netcdf_attribute(filename, attribute) RESULT(attribute_value) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename, attribute REAL(wp) :: attribute_value INTEGER :: ncid IF ( nf90_open( TRIM(filename), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) == NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL check(nf90_get_att(ncid, NF90_GLOBAL, TRIM(attribute), attribute_value)) CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) ELSE message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM(attribute) // & "' from file '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_attribute', message) ENDIF END FUNCTION get_netcdf_attribute !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Read the attribute of the given variable form the given netCDF file. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION get_netcdf_variable_attribute(filename, varname, attribute) & RESULT(attribute_value) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename, varname, attribute REAL(wp) :: attribute_value INTEGER :: ncid, varid IF ( nf90_open( TRIM(filename), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) == NF90_NOERR ) THEN CALL check( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, TRIM( varname ), varid ) ) CALL check( nf90_get_att( ncid, varid, TRIM( attribute ), & attribute_value ) ) CALL check( nf90_close( ncid ) ) ELSE message = "Failed to read '" // TRIM( varname ) // ":" // & TRIM( attribute ) // "' from file '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_variable_attribute', message) ENDIF END FUNCTION get_netcdf_variable_attribute !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Updates the dynamic driver with the interpolated field of the current !> variable at the current time step. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE update_output(var, array, iter, output_file, cfg) TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(IN) :: var REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: array(:,:,:) INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: iter TYPE(nc_file), INTENT(IN) :: output_file TYPE(inifor_config) :: cfg INTEGER :: ncid, ndim, start(4), count(4) LOGICAL :: var_is_time_dependent var_is_time_dependent = ( & var%dimids( var%ndim ) == output_file%dimid_time & ) ! !-- Skip time dimension for output ndim = var%ndim IF ( var_is_time_dependent ) ndim = var%ndim - 1 start(:) = (/1,1,1,1/) start(ndim+1) = iter count(1:ndim) = var%dimlen(1:ndim) CALL check(nf90_open(output_file%name, NF90_WRITE, ncid)) ! !-- Reduce dimension of output array according to variable kind SELECT CASE (TRIM(var%kind)) CASE( 'init scalar profile', 'init u profile', 'init v profile', & 'init w profile', 'init soil profile' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(1,1,:) ) ) CASE( 'init soil', 'init scalar', 'init u', 'init v', 'init w' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(:,:,:) ) ) CASE( 'left scalar', 'right scalar', 'left w', 'right w' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(1,:,:), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) IF (.NOT. SIZE(array, 2) .EQ. var%dimlen(1)) THEN PRINT *, "inifor: update_output: Dimension ", 1, " of variable ", & TRIM(var%name), " (", var%dimlen(1), & ") does not match the dimension of the output array (", & SIZE(array, 2), ")." STOP ENDIF CASE( 'north scalar', 'south scalar', 'north w', 'south w' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(:,1,:), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) CASE( 'surface forcing', 'top scalar', 'top w' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(:,:,1), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) CASE( 'left u', 'right u', 'left v', 'right v' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(1,:,:), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) CASE( 'north u', 'south u', 'north v', 'south v' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(:,1,:), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) CASE( 'top u', 'top v' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(:,:,1), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) CASE( 'time series' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(1,1,1), & start=start(1:ndim+1) ) ) CASE( 'constant scalar profile', 'geostrophic', & 'left scalar profile', 'right scalar profile', & 'north scalar profile', 'south scalar profile', & 'left u profile', 'right u profile', & 'north u profile', 'south u profile', & 'left v profile', 'right v profile', & 'north v profile', 'south v profile', & 'top scalar profile', 'top u profile', 'top v profile', & 'top w profile', & 'left w profile', 'right w profile', & 'north w profile', 'south w profile' ) CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(1,1,:), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) CASE ( 'internal profile' ) IF ( cfg%debug ) THEN CALL check(nf90_put_var( ncid, var%varid, array(1,1,:), & start=start(1:ndim+1), & count=count(1:ndim) ) ) ENDIF CASE ( 'large-scale scalar forcing', 'large-scale w forcing' ) message = "Doing nothing in terms of writing large-scale forings." CALL report('update_output', message) CASE DEFAULT message = "Variable kind '" // TRIM(var%kind) // & "' not recognized." CALL inifor_abort('update_output', message) END SELECT CALL check(nf90_close(ncid)) END SUBROUTINE update_output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Checks the status of a netCDF API call and aborts if an error occured !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE check(status) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: status IF (status /= nf90_noerr) THEN message = "NetCDF API call failed with error: " // & TRIM( nf90_strerror(status) ) CALL inifor_abort('io.check', message) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE check !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Setup the origin of the PALM coordinate system based on what is given in the !> INIFOR namelist file and via an optional static driver. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE set_palm_origin( cfg, namelist_longitude, namelist_latitude, & origin_lon, origin_lat, z0 ) TYPE(inifor_config), INTENT(IN) :: cfg REAL(wp), INTENT(IN) :: namelist_longitude, namelist_latitude REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT) :: origin_lon, origin_lat, z0 message = 'Reading PALM-4U origin from' IF ( TRIM( cfg%static_driver_file ) .NE. '' ) THEN origin_lon = get_netcdf_attribute( cfg%static_driver_file, TRIM( PIDS_ORIGIN_LON ) ) origin_lat = get_netcdf_attribute( cfg%static_driver_file, TRIM( PIDS_ORIGIN_LAT ) ) z0 = get_netcdf_attribute( cfg%static_driver_file, TRIM( PIDS_ORIGIN_Z ) ) message = TRIM(message) // " static driver file '" & // TRIM( cfg%static_driver_file ) // "'" ELSE origin_lon = namelist_longitude origin_lat = namelist_latitude message = TRIM( message ) // " namlist file '" & // TRIM( cfg%namelist_file ) // "'" ENDIF origin_lon = origin_lon * TO_RADIANS origin_lat = origin_lat * TO_RADIANS CALL report('set_palm_origin', message) IF ( cfg%z0_is_set ) THEN z0 = cfg%z0 IF ( TRIM( cfg%static_driver_file ) .NE. '' ) THEN message = 'You specified both --static-driver/-t and --elevation/-z0. ' // & 'Using the command line value (' // TRIM( real_to_str_f( cfg%z0 ) ) // & ') instead of static driver value (' // TRIM( real_to_str_f( z0 ) ) // ').' CALL warn( 'set_palm_origin', message ) ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE set_palm_origin !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! This function is meant to check weather a COSMO soil variable has an ! additional and redunant surface value at depth = 0.0. For instance operational ! DWD COSMO output contains the surface temperature in T_SO as a copy of the ! values in the first soil layer. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! LOGICAL FUNCTION has_surface_value( soil_var, filename ) TYPE(nc_var), INTENT(IN) :: soil_var CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: filename REAL(wp), ALLOCATABLE :: depths(:) CALL get_dimension_vector_of_variable( & soil_var%name, & dim_idx = NC_DEPTH_DIM_IDX, & filename = filename, & dim_vector = depths & ) has_surface_value = nearly_equal( depths(1), 0.0_wp, 10 * EPSILON(1.0_wp) ) END FUNCTION has_surface_value !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ ! This routine reads the dim_idx-th dimension vector of the variable varname ! from netCDF file filename. It is used for finding the depth coordinate vector ! of COSMO soil variables without knowing its name. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE get_dimension_vector_of_variable( varname, dim_idx, filename, dim_vector ) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: varname, filename INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: dim_idx REAL(wp), INTENT(OUT), ALLOCATABLE :: dim_vector(:) INTEGER :: dimids(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) INTEGER :: varid CHARACTER(LEN=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: dimname INTEGER :: ncid IF ( nf90_open( TRIM( filename ), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR ) THEN ! !-- get id of variable varname CALL check( nf90_inq_varid( ncid, TRIM( varname ), varid ) ) ! !-- get dimension ids of variable with varid CALL check( nf90_inquire_variable( ncid, varid, dimids = dimids ) ) ! !-- get name of dim_idx-th dimension variable CALL check( nf90_inquire_dimension( ncid, dimids(dim_idx), name = dimname ) ) CALL check( nf90_close( ncid ) ) ELSE message = "Failed to open file '" // TRIM(filename) // "'." CALL inifor_abort('get_netcdf_variable', message) ENDIF ! get dimension vector with dimname CALL get_netcdf_dim_vector( filename, dimname, dim_vector ) END SUBROUTINE get_dimension_vector_of_variable LOGICAL FUNCTION netcdf_variable_present_in_file( varname, filename ) CHARACTER(LEN=SNAME), INTENT(IN) :: varname CHARACTER(LEN=PATH), INTENT(IN) :: filename INTEGER :: ncid, varid netcdf_variable_present_in_file = ( & nf90_open( TRIM( filename ), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & nf90_inq_varid( ncid, varname, varid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR .AND. & nf90_close( ncid ) .EQ. NF90_NOERR & ) END FUNCTION netcdf_variable_present_in_file END MODULE inifor_io #endif