!------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- INITIALIZATION PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/inipar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &initialization_parameters ! !-- grid parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nx = 899, ! Number of gridboxes in x-direction (nx+1) ny = 899, ! Number of gridboxes in y-direction (ny+1) nz = 148, ! Number of gridboxes in z-direction (nz) dx = 30.0, ! Size of single gridbox in x-direction dy = 30.0, ! Size of single gridbox in y-direction dz = 12.0, ! Size of single gridbox in z-direction ! Add a sponge layer to prevent reflection of gravity waves at the top boundary ! rayleigh_damping_factor = 0.1, ! rayleigh_damping_height = 1800.0, ! will be adjusted dynamically in offline nesting humidity = .TRUE., ! !-- initialization !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles', ! initial conditions origin_date_time = '2019-09-24 00:00:00 -5', !starting at midnight localtime, CDT, and -5 from UTC topography = 'read_from_file', ! !-- boundary conditions !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet', ! dirichlet required for lsm / neumann required for surface_heatflux bc_uv_b = 'dirichlet', bc_q_b = 'dirichlet', ! dirichlet required for lsm / neumann required for surface_heatflux bc_p_t = 'neumann', bc_p_b = 'neumann', ! !-- numerics !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- psolver = 'multigrid', !Using non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions requires the multigrid method ! for solving the Poisson equation for the perturbation pressure. cycle_mg = 'w', mg_cycles = 2, mg_switch_to_pe0_level = -1, turbulence_closure = '1.5-order', !-- PHYSICS ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! These values will be replaced by the one in the geo-referenced static input anyway. latitude = 45.83, ! latitude of Child1 SW longitude = -90.45, ! lon of Child1 SW ! Not employed for testing, but later please replace by appropriate values to bring surface temperature into equilibrium spinup_time = 86400.0, !86400.0, !MS: 1-2 days spinup_pt_mean = 292.83, ! spinup_pt_amplitude = 5.60, ! dt_spinup = 5.0, data_output_during_spinup = .F., / ! end of initialization parameter namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- LAND SURFACE MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/lsmpar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &land_surface_parameters ! ! aero_resist_kray = .T., conserve_water_content = .T., min_soil_resistance = 50.0, ! soil_type = 3, ! dz_soil = 0.001, 0.009, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.13, 0.26, 0.54, 1.86, soil_moisture = 0.1859, 0.1888, 0.1928, 0.1962 , 0.2026, 0.2067, 0.2051, 0.1666 ! estimation soil_temperature = 288.83, 289.60, 290.33, 290.79,289.66, 288.19, 286.74, 279.07, ! from WCr data deep_soil_temperature = 288.11, surface_type = 'netcdf', constant_roughness = .T., ! surface_type = 'vegetation', ! vegetation_type = 16, ! ! / ! end of land surface model parameter namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- RADIATION MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/radpar !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &radiation_parameters dt_radiation = 1.0, ! net_radiation = 350.0, ! (estimation based on WCr data (july), old) estimation made to match boundary-layer height from prescribed surface fluxes radiation_scheme = 'external', radiation_interactions_on = .T., ! interaction of radiation inside the canopy, i.e. grass rad_angular_discretization = .T., raytrace_discrete_azims = 6, raytrace_discrete_elevs = 6, surface_reflections = .T., nrefsteps = 2, ! / ! end of radiation model parameter namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- PLANT CANOPY MODEL PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/plant_canopy_parameters !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ &plant_canopy_parameters canopy_mode = 'read_from_file', canopy_drag_coeff = 0.15, plant_canopy_transpiration = .T., / !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- RUNTIME PARAMETER NAMELIST ! Documentation: https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/app/d3par !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &runtime_parameters ! !-- run steering !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end_time = 43200.0, ! 1800.0, ! simulation time of the 3D model , 2.0h, 0.5 h for SVF calc. create_disturbances = .TRUE., ! randomly perturbate horiz. velocity dt_disturb = 150.0, ! interval for random perturbations disturbance_energy_limit = 0.01, ! upper limit for perturbation energy data_output_2d_on_each_pe = .TRUE., ! do 2D output on each MPI rank npex = 25, npey = 25, debug_output = .T., ! !-- data output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- netcdf_data_format = 4, dt_run_control = 0.0, ! output interval for run control dt_data_output = 300.0, ! output interval for general data dt_data_output_av = 1800.0, ! output interval for averaged data, setting 30 mins dt_dopr = 600.0, ! output interval for profile data ! !-- In case you want to calculate TKE or fluxes from 3D output averaging_input need to be every timestep averaging_interval = 1800.0, ! averaging interval general data change this for longer/final runs** dt_averaging_input = 0.001, ! averaging general data sampling rate averaging_interval_pr = 600.0, ! averaging interval profile data dt_averaging_input_pr = 5.0, ! averaging profile data sampling rate do3d_at_begin = .T., do2d_at_begin = .T., data_output = 'u', 'v', 'w', 'u_av', 'v_av', 'w_av', 'theta', 'q', 'theta_av', 'q_av', 'm_soil', 't_soil', 'w_xy','w_xy_av', 'w_xz', 'w_xz_av', 'theta_xy','theta_xy_av', 'theta_xz', 'q_xy','q_xy_av', 'q_xz', 'shf*_xy', 'qsws*_xy', 'ghf*_xy', 'rad_net*_xy', 'shf*_xy_av', 'qsws*_xy_av', 'ghf*_xy_av', 'rad_net*_xy_av', 'us*_xy', 'ol*_xy', 'rad_lw_in*_xy', 'rad_lw_out*_xy', 'rad_sw_in*_xy', 'rad_sw_out*_xy', 'pcm_heatrate', 'pcm_heatrate_av', 'pcm_transpirationrate', 'pcm_transpirationrate_av', 'pcm_latentrate','pcm_latentrate_av', 'uu_av', 'vv_av', 'ww_av', 'wtheta_av', 'wq_av', 'wu_av', 'wv_av', ! Just a note for later usage: Further output needed, e.g. for heating rates, boundary-layer depth, etc.. ! Some of this output is not available by default and requires user-code. data_output_pr = 'wtheta', 'w"theta"', 'w*theta*', 'w', 'w*2', 'u', 'u*2', 'wu', 'w*u*', 'w"u"', 'v', 'v*2', 'wv', 'w*v*', 'w"v"', '#theta', 'theta*2','#q', 'wq','w"q"','w*q*', section_xy = 0,1,5,10,18,34,68,84,120,145, ! grid index for 2D XY cross sections section_xz = 20, ! grid index for 2D XZ cross sections / ! end of runtime parameter namelist