!> @file user_module.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General ! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ! Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see ! . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Declaration of user-defined variables. This module may only be used in the user-defined routines !> (contained in user_interface.f90). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE user USE arrays_3d USE control_parameters USE cpulog USE indices USE kinds USE pegrid USE statistics USE surface_mod USE nesting_offl_mod USE netcdf_data_input_mod USE plant_canopy_model_mod IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: dots_num_palm !< INTEGER(iwp) :: dots_num_user = 0 !< INTEGER(iwp) :: user_idummy !< LOGICAL :: user_module_enabled = .FALSE. !< INTEGER(iwp) :: id_dyn INTEGER(iwp) :: n_time INTEGER(iwp) :: t_ind REAL(wp) :: user_rdummy !< REAL(wp) :: fac_dt REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: time_coordinate REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_co2 SAVE PRIVATE ! !- Public functions PUBLIC & user_actions, & user_check_data_output, & user_check_data_output_pr, & user_check_data_output_ts, & user_check_parameters, & user_data_output_2d, & user_data_output_3d, & user_define_netcdf_grid, & user_header, & user_init, & user_init_arrays, & user_last_actions, & user_parin, & user_rrd_global, & user_rrd_local, & user_statistics, & user_3d_data_averaging, & user_wrd_global, & user_wrd_local ! !- Public parameters, constants and initial values PUBLIC & user_module_enabled INTERFACE user_parin MODULE PROCEDURE user_parin END INTERFACE user_parin INTERFACE user_check_parameters MODULE PROCEDURE user_check_parameters END INTERFACE user_check_parameters INTERFACE user_check_data_output_ts MODULE PROCEDURE user_check_data_output_ts END INTERFACE user_check_data_output_ts INTERFACE user_check_data_output_pr MODULE PROCEDURE user_check_data_output_pr END INTERFACE user_check_data_output_pr INTERFACE user_check_data_output MODULE PROCEDURE user_check_data_output END INTERFACE user_check_data_output INTERFACE user_define_netcdf_grid MODULE PROCEDURE user_define_netcdf_grid END INTERFACE user_define_netcdf_grid INTERFACE user_init MODULE PROCEDURE user_init END INTERFACE user_init INTERFACE user_init_arrays MODULE PROCEDURE user_init_arrays END INTERFACE user_init_arrays INTERFACE user_header MODULE PROCEDURE user_header END INTERFACE user_header INTERFACE user_actions MODULE PROCEDURE user_actions MODULE PROCEDURE user_actions_ij END INTERFACE user_actions INTERFACE user_3d_data_averaging MODULE PROCEDURE user_3d_data_averaging END INTERFACE user_3d_data_averaging INTERFACE user_data_output_2d MODULE PROCEDURE user_data_output_2d END INTERFACE user_data_output_2d INTERFACE user_data_output_3d MODULE PROCEDURE user_data_output_3d END INTERFACE user_data_output_3d INTERFACE user_statistics MODULE PROCEDURE user_statistics END INTERFACE user_statistics INTERFACE user_rrd_global MODULE PROCEDURE user_rrd_global_ftn MODULE PROCEDURE user_rrd_global_mpi END INTERFACE user_rrd_global INTERFACE user_rrd_local MODULE PROCEDURE user_rrd_local_ftn MODULE PROCEDURE user_rrd_local_mpi END INTERFACE user_rrd_local INTERFACE user_wrd_global MODULE PROCEDURE user_wrd_global END INTERFACE user_wrd_global INTERFACE user_wrd_local MODULE PROCEDURE user_wrd_local END INTERFACE user_wrd_local INTERFACE user_last_actions MODULE PROCEDURE user_last_actions END INTERFACE user_last_actions CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Parin for &user_parameters for user module !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_parin CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: line !< string containing the last line read from namelist file INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: io_status !< status after reading the namelist file INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< LOGICAL :: switch_off_module = .FALSE. !< local namelist parameter to switch off the module !< although the respective module namelist appears in !< the namelist file NAMELIST /user_parameters/ data_output_masks_user, & data_output_pr_user, & data_output_user, & region, & switch_off_module ! !-- Next statement is to avoid compiler warnings about unused variables. Please remove in case !-- that you are using them. IF ( dots_num_palm == 0 .OR. dots_num_user == 0 .OR. user_idummy == 0 .OR. & user_rdummy == 0.0_wp ) CONTINUE ! !-- Set revision number of this default interface version. It will be checked within the main !-- program (palm). Please change the revision number in case that the current revision does not !-- match with previous revisions (e.g. if routines have been added/deleted or if parameter lists !-- in subroutines have been changed). user_interface_current_revision = 'r4495' ! !-- Position the namelist-file at the beginning (it has already been opened in parin), and try to !-- read (find) a namelist named "user_parameters". REWIND ( 11 ) READ( 11, user_parameters, IOSTAT=io_status ) ! !-- Actions depending on the READ status IF ( io_status == 0 ) THEN ! !-- User namelist found and correctly read. Set default module switch to true. This activates !-- calls of the user-interface subroutines. IF ( .NOT. switch_off_module ) user_module_enabled = .TRUE. ELSEIF ( io_status > 0 ) THEN ! !-- User namelist was found, but contained errors. Print an error message containing the line !-- that caused the problem BACKSPACE( 11 ) READ( 11 , '(A)') line CALL parin_fail_message( 'user_parameters', line ) ENDIF ! !-- Determine the number of user-defined profiles and append them to the standard data output !-- (data_output_pr) IF ( user_module_enabled ) THEN IF ( data_output_pr_user(1) /= ' ' ) THEN i = 1 DO WHILE ( data_output_pr(i) /= ' ' .AND. i <= 200 ) i = i + 1 ENDDO j = 1 DO WHILE ( data_output_pr_user(j) /= ' ' .AND. j <= 300 ) data_output_pr(i) = data_output_pr_user(j) max_pr_user_tmp = max_pr_user_tmp + 1 i = i + 1 j = j + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF END SUBROUTINE user_parin !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Check &userpar control parameters and deduce further quantities. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_check_parameters ! !-- Here the user may add code to check the validity of further &userpar control parameters or !-- deduce further quantities. END SUBROUTINE user_check_parameters !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Set module-specific timeseries units and labels !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output_ts( dots_max, dots_num, dots_label, dots_unit ) INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(IN) :: dots_max !< INTEGER(iwp), INTENT(INOUT) :: dots_num !< CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(dots_max), INTENT(INOUT) :: dots_label !< CHARACTER(LEN=*), DIMENSION(dots_max), INTENT(INOUT) :: dots_unit !< ! !-- Next line is to avoid compiler warning about unused variables. Please remove. IF ( dots_num == 0 .OR. dots_label(1)(1:1) == ' ' .OR. dots_unit(1)(1:1) == ' ' ) CONTINUE ! !-- Sample for user-defined time series: !-- For each time series quantity you have to give a label and a unit, which will be used for the !-- NetCDF file. They must not contain more than seven characters. The value of dots_num has to be !-- increased by the number of new time series quantities. Its old value has to be stored in !-- dots_num_palm. See routine user_statistics on how to calculate and output these quantities. ! dots_num_palm = dots_num ! dots_num = dots_num + 1 ! dots_num_user = dots_num_user + 1 ! dots_label(dots_num) = 'abs_umx' ! dots_unit(dots_num) = 'm/s' ! dots_num = dots_num + 1 ! dots_num_user = dots_num_user + 1 ! dots_label(dots_num) = 'abs_vmx' ! dots_unit(dots_num) = 'm/s' END SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output_ts !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Set the unit of user defined profile output quantities. For those variables not recognized by the !> user, the parameter unit is set to "illegal", which tells the calling routine that the !> output variable is not defined and leads to a program abort. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output_pr( variable, var_count, unit, dopr_unit ) USE profil_parameter CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: unit !< CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: variable !< CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: dopr_unit !< local value of dopr_unit ! INTEGER(iwp) :: user_pr_index !< INTEGER(iwp) :: var_count !< ! !-- Next line is to avoid compiler warning about unused variables. Please remove. IF ( unit(1:1) == ' ' .OR. dopr_unit(1:1) == ' ' .OR. var_count == 0 ) CONTINUE SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary. !-- Add additional CASE statements depending on the number of quantities for which profiles are !-- to be calculated. The respective calculations to be performed have to be added in routine !-- user_statistics. The quantities are (internally) identified by a user-profile-number !-- (see variable "user_pr_index" below). The first user-profile must be assigned the number !-- "pr_palm+1", the second one "pr_palm+2", etc. The respective user-profile-numbers have also !-- to be used in routine user_statistics! ! CASE ( 'u*v*' ) ! quantity string as given in data_output_pr_user ! user_pr_index = pr_palm + 1 ! dopr_index(var_count) = user_pr_index ! quantities' user-profile-number ! dopr_unit = 'm2/s2' ! quantity unit ! unit = dopr_unit ! hom(:,2,user_pr_index,:) = SPREAD( zu, 2, statistic_regions+1 ) ! ! grid on which the quantity is defined (use zu or zw) ! CASE DEFAULT unit = 'illegal' END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output_pr !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Set the unit of user defined output quantities. For those variables not recognized by the user, !> the parameter unit is set to "illegal", which tells the calling routine that the output variable !> is not defined and leads to a program abort. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output( variable, unit ) CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: unit !< CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: variable !< SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary ! CASE ( 'u2' ) ! unit = 'm2/s2' ! ! CASE ( 'u*v*' ) ! unit = 'm2/s2' ! CASE DEFAULT unit = 'illegal' END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_check_data_output !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize user-defined arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_init_arrays ! !-- Allocate 2D arrays for sensible and latent heat flux. ALLOCATE( f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) END SUBROUTINE user_init_arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Execution of user-defined initializing actions !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_init INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index in x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index in y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< running index surface orientation INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index surfaces ! !-- Open the input file CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_dynamic ) // & TRIM( coupling_char ), id_dyn ) ! !-- Read time coordinate. Therefore, read dimension length and allocate array. CALL get_dimension_length( id_dyn, n_time, 'time' ) ALLOCATE( time_coordinate(0:n_time-1) ) CALL get_variable( id_dyn, 'time', time_coordinate ) write(9,*) "time", time_coordinate ! !-- Determine time index. Note, starts at zero. t_ind = MINLOC( ABS( time_coordinate - time_since_reference_point ), DIM = 1 ) - 1 ! !-- Initial input of time-dependent heat fluxes CALL get_variable( id_dyn, 'CO2', & f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr), & nxl+1, nys+1, t_ind+1, & nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, 2, .TRUE. ) ! !-- Close input file CALL close_input_file( id_dyn ) ! !-- Convert micro-mole m/s to ppm m/s - molecular weight of 1mole dry air is 28.97 g. Air density !-- for conversion is 1.25 kg/m3. f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) / 1.25_wp * 0.02897_wp * rho_air(nzb+1) ! !-- Map initial heat fluxes on surface arrays. Note, in this setup only !-- default surfaces are considered as no urban- or land-surface model is !-- applied. Also, only upward-facing as well as vertical (?) surfaces are !-- considered. DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn IF ( pch_index_ji(j,i) == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Map onto horizontal upward facing natural surfaces DO m = surf_lsm_h(0)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_h(0)%end_index(j,i) surf_lsm_h(0)%ssws(m) = f_co2(0,j,i) ENDDO ! !-- Map onto horizontal upward facing urban surfaces DO m = surf_usm_h(0)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_h(0)%end_index(j,i) surf_usm_h(0)%ssws(m) = f_co2(0,j,i) ENDDO ! !-- Map onto vertical elements with different facing. DO l = 0, 3 DO m = surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_lsm_v(l)%ssws(m) = f_co2(0,j,i) ENDDO DO m = surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_usm_v(l)%ssws(m) = f_co2(0,j,i) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE user_init !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Set the grids on which user-defined output quantities are defined. Allowed values for grid_x are !> "x" and "xu", for grid_y "y" and "yv", and for grid_z "zu" and "zw". !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_define_netcdf_grid( variable, found, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z ) CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: grid_x !< CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: grid_y !< CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: grid_z !< CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: variable !< LOGICAL :: found !< SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary ! CASE ( 'u2', 'u2_xy', 'u2_xz', 'u2_yz' ) ! found = .TRUE. ! grid_x = 'xu' ! grid_y = 'y' ! grid_z = 'zu' ! CASE ( 'u*v*', 'u*v*_xy', 'u*v*_xz', 'u*v*_yz' ) ! found = .TRUE. ! grid_x = 'x' ! grid_y = 'y' ! grid_z = 'zu' CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. grid_x = 'none' grid_y = 'none' grid_z = 'none' END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_define_netcdf_grid !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Print a header with user-defined information. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_header( io ) INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: io !< ! !-- If no user-defined variables are read from the namelist-file, no information will be printed. IF ( .NOT. user_module_enabled ) THEN WRITE ( io, 100 ) RETURN ENDIF ! !-- Printing the information. WRITE ( io, 110 ) IF ( statistic_regions /= 0 ) THEN WRITE ( io, 200 ) DO i = 0, statistic_regions WRITE ( io, 201 ) i, region(i) ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Format-descriptors 100 FORMAT (//' *** no user-defined variables found'/) 110 FORMAT (//1X,78('#') // ' User-defined variables and actions:' / & ' -----------------------------------'//) 200 FORMAT (' Output of profiles and time series for following regions:' /) 201 FORMAT (4X,'Region ',I1,': ',A) END SUBROUTINE user_header !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Call for all grid points !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_actions( location ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: location !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index in x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index in y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< running index surface orientation INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index surfaces CALL cpu_log( log_point(24), 'user_actions', 'start' ) ! !-- Here the user-defined actions follow. No calls for single grid points are allowed at locations !-- before and after the timestep, since these calls are not within an i,j-loop SELECT CASE ( location ) CASE ( 'before_timestep' ) ! !-- Enter actions to be done before every timestep here ! !-- If the simulated time reaches the next time coordinate new data !-- from input file must be input. IF ( time_coordinate(t_ind+1) <= time_since_reference_point ) THEN ! !-- Determine new time index. Note, index spaces starts at zero. t_ind = MINLOC( ABS( time_coordinate - time_since_reference_point ), DIM = 1 ) - 1 ! !-- Open the input file CALL open_read_file( TRIM( input_file_dynamic ) // TRIM( coupling_char ), id_dyn ) ! !-- Initial input of time-dependent heat fluxes CALL get_variable( id_dyn, 'CO2', & f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr), & nxl+1, nys+1, t_ind+1, & nxr-nxl+1, nyn-nys+1, 2, .TRUE. ) ! !-- Close input file CALL close_input_file( id_dyn ) ! !-- Convert micro-mole m/s to ppm m/s - molecular weight of 1mole dry air is 28.97 g. Air density !-- for conversion is 1.25 kg/m3. f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) = f_co2(0:1,nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) / 1.25_wp * 0.02897_wp * rho_air(nzb+1) ENDIF ! !-- Interpolate fluxes in time and map onto the respective !-- surface arrays. !-- First, determine relative position in between the 2 time levels fac_dt = ( time_since_reference_point - time_coordinate(t_ind) + dt_3d ) / & ( time_coordinate(t_ind+1) - time_coordinate(t_ind) ) fac_dt = MIN( 1.0_wp, fac_dt ) DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn IF ( pch_index_ji(j,i) == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Map onto horizontal upward facing natural surfaces DO m = surf_lsm_h(0)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_h(0)%end_index(j,i) surf_lsm_h(0)%ssws(m) = interpolate_in_time( f_co2(0,j,i), f_co2(1,j,i), fac_dt ) ENDDO ! !-- Map onto horizontal upward facing urban surfaces DO m = surf_usm_h(0)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_h(0)%end_index(j,i) surf_usm_h(0)%ssws(m) = interpolate_in_time( f_co2(0,j,i), f_co2(1,j,i), fac_dt ) ENDDO ! !-- Map onto vertical elements with different facing. DO l = 0, 3 DO m = surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_lsm_v(l)%ssws(m) = interpolate_in_time( f_co2(0,j,i), f_co2(1,j,i), fac_dt ) ENDDO DO m = surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_usm_v(l)%ssws(m) = interpolate_in_time( f_co2(0,j,i), f_co2(1,j,i), fac_dt ) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CASE ( 'before_prognostic_equations' ) ! !-- Enter actions to be done before all prognostic equations here CASE ( 'after_integration' ) ! !-- Enter actions to be done after every time integration (before data output) !-- Sample for user-defined output: ! DO i = nxlg, nxrg ! DO j = nysg, nyng ! DO k = nzb, nzt ! u2(k,j,i) = u(k,j,i)**2 ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! DO i = nxlg, nxr ! DO j = nysg, nyn ! DO k = nzb, nzt+1 ! ustvst(k,j,i) = & ! ( 0.5_wp * ( u(k,j,i) + u(k,j,i+1) ) - hom(k,1,1,0) ) * & ! ( 0.5_wp * ( v(k,j,i) + v(k,j+1,i) ) - hom(k,1,2,0) ) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO CASE ( 'after_timestep' ) ! !-- Enter actions to be done after every timestep here CASE ( 'u-tendency' ) ! !-- Enter actions to be done in the u-tendency term here CASE ( 'v-tendency' ) CASE ( 'w-tendency' ) CASE ( 'pt-tendency' ) CASE ( 'sa-tendency' ) CASE ( 'e-tendency' ) CASE ( 'q-tendency' ) CASE ( 's-tendency' ) CASE DEFAULT CONTINUE END SELECT CALL cpu_log( log_point(24), 'user_actions', 'stop' ) END SUBROUTINE user_actions !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Call for grid point i,j !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_actions_ij( i, j, location ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: location !< INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< REAL(wp) :: d_lai REAL(wp) :: surface_flux REAL(wp) :: test_sum ! !-- Here the user-defined actions follow SELECT CASE ( location ) CASE ( 'u-tendency' ) ! !-- Enter actions to be done in the u-tendency term here CASE ( 'v-tendency' ) CASE ( 'w-tendency' ) CASE ( 'pt-tendency' ) CASE ( 'sa-tendency' ) CASE ( 'e-tendency' ) CASE ( 'q-tendency' ) CASE ( 's-tendency' ) ! !-- At tall canopy do not add a surface flux but prescribe a volume source distributed !-- across the depth of the canopy. IF ( pch_index_ji(j,i) /= 0 ) THEN ! !-- Compute inverse sum of LAD, used for weighting d_lai = SUM( lad_s(:,j,i) ) d_lai = MERGE( d_lai, 1.0_wp, d_lai <= 0.0_wp ) d_lai = 1.0_wp / d_lai ! !-- Temporally interploate surface flux surface_flux = interpolate_in_time( f_co2(0,j,i), f_co2(1,j,i), fac_dt ) test_sum = 0.0_wp DO k = topo_top_ind(j,i,0) + 1, topo_top_ind(j,i,0) + pch_index_ji(j,i) kk = k - topo_top_ind(j,i,0) tend(k,j,i) = tend(k,j,i) + surface_flux * lad_s(kk,j,i) * d_lai * ddzw(k) test_sum = test_sum + surface_flux * lad_s(kk,j,i) * d_lai ENDDO IF ( i == nxl .AND. j == nys ) write(9,*) SUM( lad_s(:,j,i) ), test_sum, surface_flux ENDIF CASE DEFAULT CONTINUE END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_actions_ij !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Sum up and time-average user-defined output quantities as well as allocate the array necessary !> for storing the average. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_3d_data_averaging( mode, variable ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: mode !< CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< IF ( mode == 'allocate' ) THEN SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary. !-- The arrays for storing the user defined quantities (here u2_av) have to be declared and !-- defined by the user! !-- Sample for user-defined output: ! CASE ( 'u2' ) ! IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( u2_av(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) ! ENDIF ! u2_av = 0.0_wp CASE DEFAULT CONTINUE END SELECT ELSEIF ( mode == 'sum' ) THEN SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary. !-- The arrays for storing the user defined quantities (here u2 and u2_av) have to be declared !-- and defined by the user! !-- Sample for user-defined output: ! CASE ( 'u2' ) ! IF ( ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! DO i = nxlg, nxrg ! DO j = nysg, nyng ! DO k = nzb, nzt+1 ! u2_av(k,j,i) = u2_av(k,j,i) + u2(k,j,i) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF CASE DEFAULT CONTINUE END SELECT ELSEIF ( mode == 'average' ) THEN SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary. !-- The arrays for storing the user defined quantities (here u2_av) have to be declared and !-- defined by the user! !-- Sample for user-defined output: ! CASE ( 'u2' ) ! IF ( ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! DO i = nxlg, nxrg ! DO j = nysg, nyng ! DO k = nzb, nzt+1 ! u2_av(k,j,i) = u2_av(k,j,i) / REAL( average_count_3d, KIND=wp ) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF END SELECT ENDIF END SUBROUTINE user_3d_data_averaging !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resorts the user-defined output quantity with indices (k,j,i) to a temporary array with indices !> (i,j,k) and sets the grid on which it is defined. Allowed values for grid are "zu" and "zw". !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_data_output_2d( av, variable, found, grid, local_pf, two_d, nzb_do, nzt_do ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: grid !< CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable !< INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< flag to control data output of instantaneous or time-averaged data ! INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< grid index along x-direction ! INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< grid index along y-direction ! INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< grid index along z-direction ! INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: nzb_do !< lower limit of the domain (usually nzb) INTEGER(iwp) :: nzt_do !< upper limit of the domain (usually nzt+1) LOGICAL :: found !< LOGICAL :: two_d !< flag parameter that indicates 2D variables (horizontal cross sections) ! REAL(wp) :: fill_value = -999.0_wp !< value for the _FillValue attribute REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nxl:nxr,nys:nyn,nzb_do:nzt_do) :: local_pf !< ! !-- Next line is to avoid compiler warning about unused variables. Please remove. IF ( av == 0 .OR. local_pf(nxl,nys,nzb_do) == 0.0_wp .OR. two_d ) CONTINUE found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary. !-- The arrays for storing the user defined quantities (here u2 and u2_av) have to be declared !-- and defined by the user! !-- Sample for user-defined output: ! CASE ( 'u2_xy', 'u2_xz', 'u2_yz' ) ! IF ( av == 0 ) THEN ! DO i = nxl, nxr ! DO j = nys, nyn ! DO k = nzb_do, nzt_do ! local_pf(i,j,k) = u2(k,j,i) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ELSE ! IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( u2_av(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) ! u2_av = REAL( fill_value, KIND = wp ) ! ENDIF ! DO i = nxl, nxr ! DO j = nys, nyn ! DO k = nzb_do, nzt_do ! local_pf(i,j,k) = u2_av(k,j,i) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ! ! grid = 'zu' ! !-- In case two-dimensional surface variables are output, the user has to access related !-- surface-type. Uncomment and extend following lines appropriately (example output of vertical !-- surface momentum flux of u-component). Please note, surface elements can be distributed over !-- several data types, depending on their respective surface properties. ! CASE ( 'usws_xy' ) ! IF ( av == 0 ) THEN ! !-- Horizontal default-type surfaces ! DO m = 1, surf_def_h(0)%ns ! i = surf_def_h(0)%i(m) ! j = surf_def_h(0)%j(m) ! local_pf(i,j,1) = surf_def_h(0)%usws(m) ! ENDDO ! !-- Horizontal natural-type surfaces ! DO m = 1, surf_lsm_h%ns ! i = surf_lsm_h%i(m) ! j = surf_lsm_h%j(m) ! local_pf(i,j,1) = surf_lsm_h%usws(m) ! ENDDO ! !-- Horizontal urban-type surfaces ! DO m = 1, surf_usm_h%ns ! i = surf_usm_h%i(m) ! j = surf_usm_h%j(m) ! local_pf(i,j,1) = surf_usm_h%usws(m) ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ! ! grid = 'zu' !-- CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. grid = 'none' END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_data_output_2d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Resorts the user-defined output quantity with indices (k,j,i) to a temporary array with indices !> (i,j,k). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_data_output_3d( av, variable, found, local_pf, nzb_do, nzt_do ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: variable !< INTEGER(iwp) :: av !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nzb_do !< lower limit of the data output (usually 0) INTEGER(iwp) :: nzt_do !< vertical upper limit of the data output (usually nz_do3d) LOGICAL :: found !< ! REAL(wp) :: fill_value = -999.0_wp !< value for the _FillValue attribute REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nxl:nxr,nys:nyn,nzb_do:nzt_do) :: local_pf !< ! !-- Next line is to avoid compiler warning about unused variables. Please remove. IF ( av == 0 .OR. local_pf(nxl,nys,nzb_do) == 0.0_wp ) CONTINUE found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( TRIM( variable ) ) ! !-- Uncomment and extend the following lines, if necessary. !-- The arrays for storing the user defined quantities (here u2 and u2_av) have to be declared !-- and defined by the user! !-- Sample for user-defined output: ! CASE ( 'u2' ) ! IF ( av == 0 ) THEN ! DO i = nxl, nxr ! DO j = nys, nyn ! DO k = nzb_do, nzt_do ! local_pf(i,j,k) = u2(k,j,i) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ELSE ! IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( u2_av(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) ! u2_av = REAL( fill_value, KIND = wp ) ! ENDIF ! DO i = nxl, nxr ! DO j = nys, nyn ! DO k = nzb_do, nzt_do ! local_pf(i,j,k) = u2_av(k,j,i) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDIF ! CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_data_output_3d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Calculation of user-defined statistics, i.e. horizontally averaged profiles and time series. !> This routine is called for every statistic region sr defined by the user, but at least for the !> region "total domain" (sr=0). See section 3.5.4 on how to define, calculate, and output user !> defined quantities. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_statistics( mode, sr, tn ) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: mode !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< ! INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< INTEGER(iwp) :: sr !< INTEGER(iwp) :: tn !< ! REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ts_value_l !< ! !-- Next line is to avoid compiler warning about unused variables. Please remove. IF ( sr == 0 .OR. tn == 0 ) CONTINUE IF ( mode == 'profiles' ) THEN ! !-- Sample on how to calculate horizontally averaged profiles of user-defined quantities. Each !-- quantity is identified by the index "pr_palm+#" where "#" is an integer starting from 1. !-- These user-profile-numbers must also be assigned to the respective strings given by !-- data_output_pr_user in routine user_check_data_output_pr. ! !$OMP DO ! DO i = nxl, nxr ! DO j = nys, nyn ! DO k = nzb+1, nzt !! !!-- Sample on how to calculate the profile of the resolved-scale horizontal momentum !!-- flux u*v* ! sums_l(k,pr_palm+1,tn) = sums_l(k,pr_palm+1,tn) + & ! ( 0.5_wp * ( u(k,j,i) + u(k,j,i+1) ) - hom(k,1,1,sr) ) * & ! ( 0.5_wp * ( v(k,j,i) + v(k,j+1,i) ) - hom(k,1,2,sr) ) * & ! rmask(j,i,sr) * MERGE( 1.0_wp, 0.0_wp, & ! BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) !! !!-- Further profiles can be defined and calculated by increasing the second index of !!-- array sums_l (replace ... appropriately) ! sums_l(k,pr_palm+2,tn) = sums_l(k,pr_palm+2,tn) + ... * rmask(j,i,sr) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ! ENDDO ELSEIF ( mode == 'time_series' ) THEN ! ALLOCATE ( ts_value_l(dots_num_user) ) ! !-- Sample on how to add values for the user-defined time series quantities. !-- These have to be defined before in routine user_init. This sample creates two time series for !-- the absolut values of the horizontal velocities u and v. ! ts_value_l = 0.0_wp ! ts_value_l(1) = ABS( u_max ) ! ts_value_l(2) = ABS( v_max ) ! !-- Collect / send values to PE0, because only PE0 outputs the time series. !-- CAUTION: Collection is done by taking the sum over all processors. You may have to normalize !-- this sum, depending on the quantity that you like to calculate. For serial runs, !-- nothing has to be done. !-- HINT: If the time series value that you are calculating has the same value on all PEs, you !-- can omit the MPI_ALLREDUCE call and assign ts_value(dots_num_palm+1:,sr) = ts_value_l directly. !#if defined( __parallel ) ! IF ( collective_wait ) CALL MPI_BARRIER( comm2d, ierr ) ! CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( ts_value_l(1), ts_value(dots_num_palm+1,sr), dots_num_user, MPI_REAL, & ! MPI_MAX, comm2d, ierr ) !#else ! ts_value(dots_num_palm+1:dots_num_palm+dots_num_user,sr) = ts_value_l !#endif ENDIF END SUBROUTINE user_statistics !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Read module-specific global restart data (Fortran binary format). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_rrd_global_ftn( found ) LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !< found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) ) CASE ( 'global_paramter' ) ! READ ( 13 ) global_parameter CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_rrd_global_ftn !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Read module-specific global restart data (MPI-IO). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_rrd_global_mpi ! USE restart_data_mpi_io_mod, & ! ONLY: rrd_mpi_io ! CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'global_parameter', global_parameter ) CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE user_rrd_global_mpi !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Read module-specific local restart data arrays (Fortran binary format). !> Subdomain !> index limits on file are given by nxl_on_file, etc. Indices nxlc, etc. indicate the range of !> gridpoints to be mapped from the subdomain on file (f) to the subdomain of the current PE (c). !> They have been calculated in routine rrd_local. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_rrd_local_ftn( k, nxlf, nxlc, nxl_on_file, nxrf, nxrc, nxr_on_file, nynf, nync, & nyn_on_file, nysf, nysc, nys_on_file, tmp_3d, found ) INTEGER(iwp) :: idum !< INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlc !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlf !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_on_file !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrc !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrf !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_on_file !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nync !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nynf !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_on_file !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nysc !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nysf !< INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_on_file !< LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !< REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nzb:nzt+1,nys_on_file-nbgp:nyn_on_file+nbgp,nxl_on_file-nbgp:nxr_on_file+nbgp) :: tmp_3d !< ! !-- Next line is to avoid compiler warning about unused variables. Please remove. idum = k + nxlc + nxlf + nxrc + nxrf + nync + nynf + nysc + nysf + & INT( tmp_3d(nzb,nys_on_file,nxl_on_file) ) ! !-- Here the reading of user-defined restart data follows: !-- Sample for user-defined output found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) ) CASE ( 'u2_av' ) ! IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! ALLOCATE( u2_av(nzb:nzt+1,nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) ! ENDIF ! IF ( k == 1 ) READ ( 13 ) tmp_3d ! u2_av(:,nysc-nbgp:nync+nbgp,nxlc-nbgp:nxrc+nbgp) = & ! tmp_3d(:,nysf-nbgp:nynf+nbgp,nxlf-nbgp:nxrf+nbgp) ! CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. END SELECT END SUBROUTINE user_rrd_local_ftn !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Read module-specific local restart data arrays (MPI-IO). !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_rrd_local_mpi ! USE restart_data_mpi_io_mod, & ! ONLY: rd_mpi_io_check_array, rrd_mpi_io ! CALL rd_mpi_io_check_array( 'u2_av' , found = array_found ) ! IF ( array_found ) THEN ! IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) ALLOCATE( u2_av(nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) ! CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'rad_u2_av', rad_u2_av ) ! ENDIF CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE user_rrd_local_mpi !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Writes global and user-defined restart data into binary file(s) for restart runs. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_wrd_global ! USE restart_data_mpi_io_mod, & ! ONLY: wrd_mpi_io IF ( TRIM( restart_data_format_output ) == 'fortran_binary' ) THEN ! CALL wrd_write_string( 'global_parameter' ) ! WRITE ( 14 ) global_parameter ELSEIF ( restart_data_format_output(1:3) == 'mpi' ) THEN ! CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'global_parameter', global_parameter ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE user_wrd_global !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Writes processor specific and user-defined restart data into binary file(s) for restart runs. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_wrd_local ! USE restart_data_mpi_io_mod, & ! ONLY: wrd_mpi_io ! !-- Here the user-defined actions at the end of a job follow. !-- Sample for user-defined output: IF ( TRIM( restart_data_format_output ) == 'fortran_binary' ) THEN ! IF ( ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) THEN ! CALL wrd_write_string( 'u2_av' ) ! WRITE ( 14 ) u2_av ! ENDIF ELSEIF ( restart_data_format_output(1:3) == 'mpi' ) THEN ! IF ( ALLOCATED( u2_av ) ) CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'u2_av', u2_av ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE user_wrd_local !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Execution of user-defined actions at the end of a job. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE user_last_actions ! !-- Here the user-defined actions at the end of a job might follow. END SUBROUTINE user_last_actions END MODULE user