import numpy as np import xarray as xr import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') # Must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab! import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import os import seaborn as sns import timeit start_time = timeit.default_timer() #%% data folder source = '/bog/incoming/CHEESEHEAD/palm/realistic_runs/ches_IOP03/OUTPUT/ensemble.member.1' data = 'DATA_3D_AV_NETCDF_N03' os.chdir(source) #get list of all the folders folder_list = os.listdir(source) x_list = [2217,3981,6159,8619,9225,9669,723,3249,5391,6801,8091,9537] y_list = [9147,9951,9309,7335,9465,8019,2799,3441,5499,5199,4161,3333] site_name = ['nw1', 'nw4', 'ne1', 'ne2', 'ne3', 'ne4', 'sw1', 'sw3','sw4', 'se2', 'se3', 'se6'] #list to club all vm data site_wtheta_list = [] site_wq_list = [] site_w_list = [] site_q_list = [] site_theta_list = [] #looping through each site first for i, site in enumerate(site_name): os.chdir(source) #get list of all the folders folder_list = os.listdir(source) #list to combine the data for one site wtheta_list = [] wq_list = [] w_list = [] q_list = [] theta_list = [] #first collect data at all times for one site for j, folder in enumerate(folder_list): #for time> 5 hours, i > 1 if j > 1 : #open data file inside the folder. ds = xr.open_dataset(source + '/' + folder + '/' + data) ds.close() #subset for variables ds = ds[['w','theta','wtheta','q','wq']]#.sel(zw_3d = height_level) ds = ds.sel(x=x_list[i],y=y_list[i]) #subset for non zero time ds = ds.where(ds.time.notnull(),drop=True) #read in variables to data arrays, renaming the coords for theta and q to interpolate w = ds.w wtheta = ds.wtheta wq = ds.wq theta = ds.theta.rename({'zu_3d': 'zw_3d'}) theta_interpolated = theta.interp_like(w) q = ds.q.rename({'zu_3d': 'zw_3d'}) q_interpolated = q.interp_like(w) #calculate the fluxes #commenting now to calculate w,theta,q profiles #wtheta_turb = wtheta.sel(zw_3d=32) - w.sel(zw_3d=32)*theta_interpolated.sel(zw_3d=32) #wq_turb = wq.sel(zw_3d=32) - w.sel(zw_3d=32)*q_interpolated.sel(zw_3d=32) #wtheta_turb = wtheta - w*theta_interpolated #wq_turb = wq - w*q_interpolated #wtheta_list.append(wtheta_turb) #wq_list.append(wq_turb) w_list.append(w) q_list.append(q_interpolated) theta_list.append(theta_interpolated) print('Done!' + folder) #for each tower location combine the flux data #wtheta_ds = xr.concat(wtheta_list, dim='time') #wq_ds = xr.concat(wq_list, dim='time') w_ds = xr.concat(w_list, dim='time') q_ds = xr.concat(q_list, dim='time') theta_ds = xr.concat(theta_list, dim='time') #site_wtheta_list.append(wtheta_ds) #site_wq_list.append(wq_ds) site_w_list.append(w_ds) site_q_list.append(q_ds) site_theta_list.append(theta_ds) print('done!' + site) # #outside of the loop # #concatenate all the flux data data #wtheta_all_sites_ds = xr.concat(site_wtheta_list, pd.Index(site_name,name='tower')) #wq_all_sites_ds = xr.concat(site_wq_list, pd.Index(site_name,name='tower')) w_all_sites_ds = xr.concat(site_w_list, pd.Index(site_name,name='tower')) q_all_sites_ds = xr.concat(site_q_list, pd.Index(site_name,name='tower')) theta_all_sites_ds = xr.concat(site_theta_list, pd.Index(site_name,name='tower')) # #save the subset #wtheta_all_sites_ds.to_netcdf('/bog/incoming/CHEESEHEAD/palm/realistic_runs/ches_IOP03/OUTPUT/') #wq_all_sites_ds.to_netcdf('/bog/incoming/CHEESEHEAD/palm/realistic_runs/ches_IOP03/OUTPUT/') w_all_sites_ds.to_netcdf('/bog/incoming/CHEESEHEAD/palm/realistic_runs/ches_IOP03/OUTPUT/') q_all_sites_ds.to_netcdf('/bog/incoming/CHEESEHEAD/palm/realistic_runs/ches_IOP03/OUTPUT/') theta_all_sites_ds.to_netcdf('/bog/incoming/CHEESEHEAD/palm/realistic_runs/ches_IOP03/OUTPUT/') elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time print('Time elapsed ',elapsed, 'seconds') print('DONE!')