!> @file surface_mod.f90 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! This file is part of the PALM model system. ! ! PALM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General ! Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! PALM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the ! implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General ! Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PALM. If not, see ! . ! ! Copyright 1997-2021 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Surface module defines derived data structures to treat surface-bounded grid cells. Three !> different types of surfaces are defined: default surfaces, natural surfaces, and urban surfaces. !> The module encompasses the allocation and initialization of surface arrays, and handles reading !> and writing restart data. In addition, a further derived data structure is defined, in order to !> set boundary conditions at surfaces. !> @todo For the moment, downward-facing surfaces are only classified as default type !> @todo Clean up urban-surface variables (some of them are not used any more) !> @todo Revise initialization of surface fluxes (especially for chemistry) !> @todo Get rid-off deallocation routines in restarts !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! MODULE surface_mod #if defined( __parallel ) USE MPI #endif USE arrays_3d, & ONLY: heatflux_input_conversion, & momentumflux_input_conversion, & rho_air, & rho_air_zw, & zu, & zw, & waterflux_input_conversion USE chem_gasphase_mod, & ONLY: nvar, & spc_names USE chem_modules USE control_parameters USE indices, & ONLY: nxl, & nxlg, & nxr, & nxrg, & nys, & nysg, & nyn, & nyng, & nzb, & nzt, & topo_flags USE grid_variables, & ONLY: dx, & dy USE kinds USE model_1d_mod, & ONLY: ri1d, & us1d, & usws1d, & vsws1d USE restart_data_mpi_io_mod, & ONLY: rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes, & rrd_mpi_io, & rrd_mpi_io_global_array, & rrd_mpi_io_surface, & total_number_of_surface_elements, & wrd_mpi_io, & wrd_mpi_io_global_array, & wrd_mpi_io_surface IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- Data type used to identify grid-points where horizontal boundary conditions are applied TYPE bc_type INTEGER(iwp) :: ioff !< offset value in x-direction, used to determine index of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: joff !< offset value in y-direction, used to determine index of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: koff !< offset value in z-direction, used to determine index of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: ns !< number of surface elements on the PE INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: i !< x-index linking to the PALM 3D-grid INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: j !< y-index linking to the PALM 3D-grid INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: k !< z-index linking to the PALM 3D-grid INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: end_index !< end index within surface data type for given (j,i) INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: start_index !< start index within surface data type for given (j,i) END TYPE bc_type ! !-- Data type used to identify and treat surface-bounded grid points TYPE surf_type INTEGER(iwp) :: ioff !< offset value in x-direction, used to determine index of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: joff !< offset value in y-direction, used to determine index of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: koff !< offset value in z-direction, used to determine index of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: ns !< number of surface elements on the PE INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_tot = 0 !< number of surface elements within the entire model domain INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: i !< x-index linking to the PALM 3D-grid INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: j !< y-index linking to the PALM 3D-grid INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: k !< z-index linking to the PALM 3D-grid INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: facing !< Bit indicating surface orientation INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: start_index !< Start index within surface data type for given (j,i) INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: end_index !< End index within surface data type for given (j,i) LOGICAL :: albedo_from_ascii = .FALSE. !< flag indicating that albedo for urban surfaces is input via ASCII format !< (just for a workaround) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z_mo !< surface-layer height REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: uvw_abs !< absolute surface-parallel velocity REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: us !< friction velocity REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ts !< scaling parameter temerature REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qs !< scaling parameter humidity REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ss !< scaling parameter passive scalar REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qcs !< scaling parameter qc REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ncs !< scaling parameter nc REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qis !< scaling parameter qi REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nis !< scaling parameter ni REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qrs !< scaling parameter qr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nrs !< scaling parameter nr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ol !< Obukhov length REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rib !< Richardson bulk number REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z0 !< roughness length for momentum REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z0h !< roughness length for heat REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: z0q !< roughness length for humidity REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pt1 !< potential temperature at first grid level REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qv1 !< mixing ratio at first grid level REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vpt1 !< virtual potential temperature at first grid level REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: css !< scaling parameter chemical species ! !-- Pre-defined arrays for ln(z/z0) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ln_z_z0 !< ln(z/z0) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ln_z_z0h !< ln(z/z0h) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ln_z_z0q !< ln(z/z0q) ! !-- Define arrays for surface fluxes REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: usws !< vertical momentum flux for u-component at horizontal surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vsws !< vertical momentum flux for v-component at horizontal surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: shf !< surface flux sensible heat REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws !< surface flux latent heat REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ssws !< surface flux passive scalar REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qcsws !< surface flux qc REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ncsws !< surface flux nc REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qisws !< surface flux qi REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nisws !< surface flux ni REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qrsws !< surface flux qr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nrsws !< surface flux nr REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: sasws !< surface flux salinity !-- Added for SALSA: REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: answs !< surface flux aerosol number: dim 1: flux, dim 2: bin REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: amsws !< surface flux aerosol mass: dim 1: flux, dim 2: bin REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gtsws !< surface flux gesous tracers: dim 1: flux, dim 2: gas REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cssws !< surface flux chemical species ! !-- Required for horizontal walls in production_e REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: u_0 !< virtual velocity component (see production_e_init for further explanation) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: v_0 !< virtual velocity component (see production_e_init for further explanation) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mom_flux_uv !< momentum flux usvs and vsus at vertical surfaces !< (used in diffusion_u and diffusion_v) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mom_flux_w !< momentum flux wsus and wsvs at vertical surfaces !< (used in diffusion_w) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: mom_flux_tke !< momentum flux usvs, vsus, wsus, wsvs at vertical surfaces at grid !< center (used in production_e) ! !-- Variables required for LSM as well as for USM CHARACTER(LEN=40), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: building_type_name !< building type name at surface element CHARACTER(LEN=40), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pavement_type_name !< pavement type name at surface element CHARACTER(LEN=40), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vegetation_type_name !< water type at name surface element CHARACTER(LEN=40), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: water_type_name !< water type at name surface element INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nzt_pavement !< top index for pavement in soil INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: building_type !< building type at surface element INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pavement_type !< pavement type at surface element INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vegetation_type !< vegetation type at surface element INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: water_type !< water type at surface element INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: albedo_type !< albedo type, for each fraction !< (wall,green,window or vegetation,pavement water) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: building_surface !< flag parameter indicating that the surface element is covered !< by buildings (no LSM actions, not implemented yet) LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: building_covered !< flag indicating that buildings are on top of orography, !< only used for vertical surfaces in LSM LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pavement_surface !< flag parameter for pavements LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: water_surface !< flag parameter for water surfaces LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vegetation_surface !< flag parameter for natural land surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: albedo !< broadband albedo for each surface fraction !< (LSM: vegetation, water, pavement; USM: wall, green, window) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: emissivity !< emissivity of the surface, for each fraction !< (LSM: vegetation, water, pavement; USM: wall, green, window) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: frac !< relative surface fraction !< (LSM: vegetation, water, pavement; USM: wall, green, window) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: aldif !< albedo for longwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: aldir !< albedo for longwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: asdif !< albedo for shortwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 deg. REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: asdir !< albedo for shortwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rrtm_aldif !< albedo for longwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rrtm_aldir !< albedo for longwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rrtm_asdif !< albedo for shortwave diffusive radiation, solar angle of 60 deg. REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rrtm_asdir !< albedo for shortwave direct radiation, solar angle of 60 degrees REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: q_surface !< skin-surface mixing ratio REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pt_surface !< skin-surface temperature REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vpt_surface !< skin-surface virtual temperature REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_net !< net radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_net_l !< net radiation, used in USM REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_h !< heat conductivity of soil/ wall (W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_h_layer !< heat conductivity of soil/ wall interpolated to layer edge (W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_h_green !< heat conductivity of green soil (W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_h_window !< heat conductivity of windows (W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_h_window_layer !< heat conductivity of windows interpolated to layer edge(W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_h_def !< default heat conductivity of soil (W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_lw_in !< incoming longwave radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_lw_out !< emitted longwave radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_lw_dif !< incoming longwave radiation from sky REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_lw_ref !< incoming longwave radiation from reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_lw_res !< resedual longwave radiation in surface after last reflection step REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_sw_in !< incoming shortwave radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_sw_out !< emitted shortwave radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_sw_dir !< direct incoming shortwave radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_sw_dif !< diffuse incoming shortwave radiation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_sw_ref !< incoming shortwave radiation from reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_sw_res !< resedual shortwave radiation in surface after last reflection step REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: c_liq !< liquid water coverage (of vegetated area) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: c_veg !< vegetation coverage REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_sw_in !< fraction of absorbed shortwave radiation by the surface layer !< (not implemented yet) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ghf !< ground heat flux REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: g_d !< coefficient for dependence of r_canopy !< on water vapour pressure deficit REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lai !< leaf area index REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_surface_u !< coupling between surface and soil (depends on vegetation type) !< (W/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_surface_s !< coupling between surface and soil (depends on vegetation type) !< (W/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws_liq !< surface flux of latent heat (liquid water portion) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws_soil !< surface flux of latent heat (soil portion) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws_veg !< surface flux of latent heat (vegetation portion) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_a !< aerodynamic resistance REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_a_green !< aerodynamic resistance at green fraction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_a_window !< aerodynamic resistance at window fraction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_canopy !< canopy resistance REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_soil !< soil resistance REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_soil_min !< minimum soil resistance REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_s !< total surface resistance (combination of r_soil and r_canopy) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: r_canopy_min !< minimum canopy (stomatal) resistance REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pt_10cm !< near surface air potential temperature at distance 10 cm from !< the surface (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: alpha_vg !< coef. of Van Genuchten REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_w !< hydraulic diffusivity of soil (?) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gamma_w !< hydraulic conductivity of soil (W/m/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gamma_w_sat !< hydraulic conductivity at saturation REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: l_vg !< coef. of Van Genuchten REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: m_fc !< soil moisture at field capacity (m3/m3) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: m_res !< residual soil moisture REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: m_sat !< saturation soil moisture (m3/m3) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: m_wilt !< soil moisture at permanent wilting point (m3/m3) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: n_vg !< coef. Van Genuchten REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_c_total_def !< default volumetric heat capacity of the (soil) layer (J/m3/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_c_total !< volumetric heat capacity of the actual soil matrix (J/m3/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: root_fr !< root fraction within the soil layers !-- Indoor model variables REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_prev !< indoor temperature for facade element REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: waste_heat !< waste heat ! !-- Urban surface variables INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surface_types !< array of types of wall parameters LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: isroof_surf !< flag indicating roof surfaces LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ground_level !< flag indicating ground floor level surfaces REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: target_temp_summer !< indoor target temperature summer REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: target_temp_winter !< indoor target temperature summer REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: c_surface !< heat capacity of the wall surface skin (J/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: c_surface_green !< heat capacity of the green surface skin (J/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: c_surface_window !< heat capacity of the window surface skin (J/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: green_type_roof !< type of the green roof REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_surf !< heat conductivity between air and surface (W/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_surf_green !< heat conductivity between air and green surface (W/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_surf_window !< heat conductivity between air and window surface (W/m2/K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: thickness_wall !< thickness of the wall, roof and soil layers REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: thickness_green !< thickness of the green wall, roof and soil layers REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: thickness_window !< thickness of the window wall, roof and soil layers REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: transmissivity !< transmissivity of windows REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfoutsl !< reflected shortwave radiation for local surface in i-th reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfoutll !< reflected + emitted longwave radiation for local surface !< in i-th reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfhf !< total radiation flux incoming to minus outgoing from local surface REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tt_surface_wall_m !< surface temperature tendency (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tt_surface_window_m !< window surface temperature tendency (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tt_surface_green_m !< green surface temperature tendency (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wshf !< kinematic wall heat flux of sensible heat !< (actually no longer needed) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wshf_eb !< wall heat flux of sensible heat in wall normal direction REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wghf_eb !< wall ground heat flux REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wghf_eb_window !< window ground heat flux REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wghf_eb_green !< green ground heat flux REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iwghf_eb !< indoor wall ground heat flux REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iwghf_eb_window !< indoor window ground heat flux REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_lw_out_change_0 !< REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinsw !< shortwave radiation falling to local surface including radiation !< from reflections REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfoutsw !< total shortwave radiation outgoing from nonvirtual surfaces surfaces !< after all reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinlw !< longwave radiation falling to local surface including radiation from !< reflections REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfoutlw !< total longwave radiation outgoing from nonvirtual surfaces surfaces !< after all reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: n_vg_green !< vangenuchten parameters REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: alpha_vg_green !< vangenuchten parameters REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: l_vg_green !< vangenuchten parameters REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_c_wall !< volumetric heat capacity of the material ( J m-3 K-1 ) !< (= 2.19E6) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_wall !< wall grid spacing (edge-edge) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ddz_wall !< 1/dz_wall REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_wall_center !< wall grid spacing (center-center) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ddz_wall_center !< 1/dz_wall_center REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tt_wall_m !< t_wall prognostic array REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zw !< wall layer depths (m) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_c_window !< volumetric heat capacity of the window material ( J m-3 K-1 ) !< (= 2.19E6) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_window !< window grid spacing (edge-edge) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ddz_window !< 1/dz_window REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_window_center !< window grid spacing (center-center) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ddz_window_center !< 1/dz_window_center REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tt_window_m !< t_window prognostic array REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zw_window !< window layer depths (m) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_c_green !< volumetric heat capacity of the green material ( J m-3 K-1 ) !< (= 2.19E6) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rho_c_total_green !< volumetric heat capacity of the moist green material !< ( J m-3 K-1 ) (= 2.19E6) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_green !< green grid spacing (edge-edge) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ddz_green !< 1/dz_green REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dz_green_center !< green grid spacing (center-center) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ddz_green_center !< 1/dz_green_center REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tt_green_m !< t_green prognostic array REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zw_green !< green layer depths (m) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gamma_w_green_sat !< hydraulic conductivity REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_w_green !< REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: lambda_w_green_layer !< lambda_w_green at center of layer REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gamma_w_green !< hydraulic conductivity REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: gamma_w_green_layer !< gamma_w_green at center of layer REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tswc_h_m !< ! !-- Arrays for time averages REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rad_net_av !< average of rad_net_l REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinsw_av !< average of sw radiation falling to local surface including !< radiation from reflections REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinlw_av !< average of lw radiation falling to local surface including !< radiation from reflections REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinswdir_av !< average of direct sw radiation falling to local surface REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinswdif_av !< average of diffuse sw radiation from sky and model boundary !< falling to local surface REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinlwdif_av !< average of diffuse lw radiation from sky and model boundary !< falling to local surface REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinswref_av !< average of sw radiation falling to surface from reflections REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinlwref_av !< average of lw radiation falling to surface from reflections REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfoutsw_av !< average of total sw radiation outgoing from nonvirtual !< surfaces surfaces after all reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfoutlw_av !< average of total lw radiation outgoing from nonvirtual !< surfaces after all reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfins_av !< average of array of residua of sw radiation absorbed in !< surface after last reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfinl_av !< average of array of residua of lw radiation absorbed in !< surface after last reflection REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: surfhf_av !< average of total radiation flux incoming to minus outgoing !< from local surface REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wghf_eb_av !< average of wghf_eb REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wghf_eb_window_av !< average of wghf_eb window REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wghf_eb_green_av !< average of wghf_eb window REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iwghf_eb_av !< indoor average of wghf_eb REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: iwghf_eb_window_av !< indoor average of wghf_eb window REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wshf_eb_av !< average of wshf_eb REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws_av !< average of qsws REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws_veg_av !< average of qsws_veg_eb REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: qsws_liq_av !< average of qsws_liq_eb REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_surf_wall_av !< average of wall surface temperature (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_surf_av !< average of wall surface temperature (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_surf_window_av !< average of window surface temperature (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_surf_green_av !< average of green wall surface temperature (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: pt_10cm_av !< average of theta_10cm (K) REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_wall_av !< Average of t_wall REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_window_av !< Average of t_window REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: t_green_av !< Average of t_green REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: swc_av !< Average of swc END TYPE surf_type TYPE (bc_type), DIMENSION(0:1) :: bc_h !< boundary condition data type, horizontal upward- and downward facing surfaces TYPE (bc_type), DIMENSION(0:3) :: bc_v !< boundary condition data type, vertical surfaces TYPE (surf_type), DIMENSION(0:2), TARGET :: surf_def_h !< horizontal default surfaces (Up, Down, and Top) TYPE (surf_type), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: surf_def_v !< vertical default surfaces (North, South, East, West) TYPE (surf_type), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: surf_lsm_h !< horizontal natural land surfaces (Up, Down) TYPE (surf_type), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: surf_lsm_v !< vertical land surfaces (North, South, East, West) TYPE (surf_type), DIMENSION(0:1), TARGET :: surf_usm_h !< horizontal urban surfaces (Up, Down) TYPE (surf_type), DIMENSION(0:3), TARGET :: surf_usm_v !< vertical urban surfaces (North, South, East, West) INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: ind_veg_wall = 0 !< index for vegetation / wall-surface fraction, used for access of albedo, !< emissivity, etc., for each surface type INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: ind_pav_green = 1 !< index for pavement / green-wall surface fraction, used for access of albedo, !< emissivity, etc., for each surface type INTEGER(iwp), PARAMETER :: ind_wat_win = 2 !< index for water / window-surface fraction, used for access of albedo, !< emissivity, etc., for each surface type INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_h_on_file(0:2) !< total number of horizontal surfaces with the same facing, required for writing !< restart data INTEGER(iwp) :: ns_v_on_file(0:3) !< total number of vertical surfaces with the same facing, required for writing restart data LOGICAL :: vertical_surfaces_exist = .FALSE. !< flag indicating that there are vertical urban/land surfaces !< in the domain (required to activiate RTM) LOGICAL :: surf_bulk_cloud_model = .FALSE. !< use cloud microphysics LOGICAL :: surf_microphysics_morrison = .FALSE. !< use 2-moment Morrison (add. prog. eq. for nc and qc) LOGICAL :: surf_microphysics_seifert = .FALSE. !< use 2-moment Seifert and Beheng scheme LOGICAL :: surf_microphysics_ice_phase = .FALSE. !< use 2-moment Seifert and Beheng scheme SAVE PRIVATE INTERFACE init_bc MODULE PROCEDURE init_bc END INTERFACE init_bc INTERFACE init_single_surface_properties MODULE PROCEDURE init_single_surface_properties END INTERFACE init_single_surface_properties INTERFACE init_surfaces MODULE PROCEDURE init_surfaces END INTERFACE init_surfaces INTERFACE init_surface_arrays MODULE PROCEDURE init_surface_arrays END INTERFACE init_surface_arrays INTERFACE surface_rrd_local MODULE PROCEDURE surface_rrd_local_ftn MODULE PROCEDURE surface_rrd_local_mpi END INTERFACE surface_rrd_local INTERFACE surface_wrd_local MODULE PROCEDURE surface_wrd_local END INTERFACE surface_wrd_local INTERFACE surface_last_actions MODULE PROCEDURE surface_last_actions END INTERFACE surface_last_actions INTERFACE surface_restore_elements MODULE PROCEDURE surface_restore_elements_1d MODULE PROCEDURE surface_restore_elements_2d END INTERFACE surface_restore_elements #if defined( _OPENACC ) INTERFACE enter_surface_arrays MODULE PROCEDURE enter_surface_arrays END INTERFACE INTERFACE exit_surface_arrays MODULE PROCEDURE exit_surface_arrays END INTERFACE #endif ! !-- Public variables PUBLIC bc_h, & bc_v, & ind_pav_green, & ind_veg_wall, & ind_wat_win, & ns_h_on_file, & ns_v_on_file, & surf_def_h, & surf_def_v, & surf_lsm_h, & surf_lsm_v, & surf_usm_h, & surf_usm_v, & surf_type, & vertical_surfaces_exist, & surf_bulk_cloud_model, & surf_microphysics_morrison, & surf_microphysics_seifert, & surf_microphysics_ice_phase ! !-- Public subroutines and functions PUBLIC init_bc, & init_single_surface_properties, & init_surfaces, & init_surface_arrays, & surface_last_actions, & surface_rrd_local, & surface_restore_elements, & surface_wrd_local #if defined( _OPENACC ) PUBLIC enter_surface_arrays, & exit_surface_arrays #endif CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize data type for setting boundary conditions at horizontal and vertical surfaces. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE init_bc IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index along x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index along y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< loop index along y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< running index for differently aligned surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_h !< number of horizontal surfaces on subdomain INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_h_kji !< number of horizontal surfaces at (j,i)-grid point INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: start_index_h !< local start index of horizontal surface elements INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_v !< number of vertical surfaces on subdomain INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_v_kji !< number of vertical surfaces at (j,i)-grid point INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: start_index_v !< local start index of vertical surface elements ! !-- Set offset indices, i.e. index difference between surface element and surface-bounded grid point. !-- Horizontal surfaces - no horizontal offsets bc_h(:)%ioff = 0 bc_h(:)%joff = 0 ! !-- Horizontal surfaces, upward facing (0) and downward facing (1) bc_h(0)%koff = -1 bc_h(1)%koff = 1 ! !-- Vertical surfaces - no vertical offset bc_v(0:3)%koff = 0 ! !-- North- and southward facing - no offset in x bc_v(0:1)%ioff = 0 ! !-- Northward facing offset in y bc_v(0)%joff = -1 ! !-- Southward facing offset in y bc_v(1)%joff = 1 ! !-- East- and westward facing - no offset in y bc_v(2:3)%joff = 0 ! !-- Eastward facing offset in x bc_v(2)%ioff = -1 ! !-- Westward facing offset in y bc_v(3)%ioff = 1 ! !-- Initialize data structure for horizontal surfaces, i.e. count the number of surface elements, !-- allocate and initialize the respective index arrays, and set the respective start and end !-- indices at each (j,i)-location. The index space is defined also over the ghost points, so that !-- e.g. boundary conditions for diagnostic quanitities can be set on ghost points so that no !-- exchange is required any more. DO l = 0, 1 ! !-- Count the number of upward- and downward-facing surfaces on subdomain num_h(l) = 0 DO i = nxlg, nxrg DO j = nysg, nyng DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Check if current gridpoint belongs to the atmosphere IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k+bc_h(l)%koff, j+bc_h(l)%joff, & i+bc_h(l)%ioff), 0 ) ) num_h(l) = num_h(l) + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Save the number of horizontal surface elements bc_h(l)%ns = num_h(l) ! !-- ALLOCATE arrays for horizontal surfaces ALLOCATE( bc_h(l)%i(1:bc_h(l)%ns) ) ALLOCATE( bc_h(l)%j(1:bc_h(l)%ns) ) ALLOCATE( bc_h(l)%k(1:bc_h(l)%ns) ) ALLOCATE( bc_h(l)%start_index(nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) ALLOCATE( bc_h(l)%end_index(nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) ) bc_h(l)%start_index = 1 bc_h(l)%end_index = 0 num_h(l) = 1 start_index_h(l) = 1 DO i = nxlg, nxrg DO j = nysg, nyng num_h_kji(l) = 0 DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Check if current gridpoint belongs to the atmosphere IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Upward-facing IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k+bc_h(l)%koff, j+bc_h(l)%joff, & i+bc_h(l)%ioff), 0 ) ) THEN bc_h(l)%i(num_h(l)) = i bc_h(l)%j(num_h(l)) = j bc_h(l)%k(num_h(l)) = k num_h_kji(l) = num_h_kji(l) + 1 num_h(l) = num_h(l) + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO bc_h(l)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_h(l) bc_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = bc_h(l)%start_index(j,i) + num_h_kji(l) - 1 start_index_h(l) = bc_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Initialize data structure for vertical surfaces, i.e. count the number of surface elements, !-- allocate and initialize the respective index arrays, and set the respective start and end !-- indices at each (j,i)-location. DO l = 0, 3 ! !-- Count the number of upward- and downward-facing surfaces on subdomain num_v(l) = 0 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Check if current gridpoint belongs to the atmosphere IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k+bc_v(l)%koff, j+bc_v(l)%joff, & i+bc_v(l)%ioff), 0 ) ) num_v(l) = num_v(l) + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Save the number of horizontal surface elements bc_v(l)%ns = num_v(l) ! !-- ALLOCATE arrays for horizontal surfaces. In contrast to the horizontal surfaces, the index !-- space is not defined over the ghost points. ALLOCATE( bc_v(l)%i(1:bc_v(l)%ns) ) ALLOCATE( bc_v(l)%j(1:bc_v(l)%ns) ) ALLOCATE( bc_v(l)%k(1:bc_v(l)%ns) ) ALLOCATE( bc_v(l)%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( bc_v(l)%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) bc_v(l)%start_index = 1 bc_v(l)%end_index = 0 num_v(l) = 1 start_index_v(l) = 1 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn num_v_kji(l) = 0 DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Check if current gridpoint belongs to the atmosphere IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Upward-facing IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k+bc_v(l)%koff, j+bc_v(l)%joff, & i+bc_v(l)%ioff), 0 ) ) THEN bc_v(l)%i(num_v(l)) = i bc_v(l)%j(num_v(l)) = j bc_v(l)%k(num_v(l)) = k num_v_kji(l) = num_v_kji(l) + 1 num_v(l) = num_v(l) + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO bc_v(l)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_v(l) bc_v(l)%end_index(j,i) = bc_v(l)%start_index(j,i) + num_v_kji(l) - 1 start_index_v(l) = bc_v(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE init_bc !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize horizontal and vertical surfaces. Counts the number of default-, natural and urban !> surfaces and allocates memory, respectively. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE init_surface_arrays USE pegrid IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< index variable for surface facing INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< auxiliary index z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: kd !< direction index INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:2) :: num_def_h !< number of horizontally-aligned default surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_lsm_h !< number of horizontally-aligned natural surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_usm_h !< number of horizontally-aligned urban surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_def_v !< number of vertically-aligned default surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_lsm_v !< number of vertically-aligned natural surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_usm_v !< number of vertically-aligned urban surfaces INTEGER(iwp) :: num_surf_v_l !< number of vertically-aligned local urban/land surfaces INTEGER(iwp) :: num_surf_v !< number of vertically-aligned total urban/land surfaces LOGICAL :: building !< flag indicating building grid point LOGICAL :: terrain !< flag indicating natural terrain grid point LOGICAL :: unresolved_building !< flag indicating a grid point where actually a building is !< defined but not resolved by the vertical grid num_def_h = 0 num_def_v = 0 num_lsm_h = 0 num_lsm_v = 0 num_usm_h = 0 num_usm_v = 0 ! !-- Surfaces are classified according to the input data read from static input file. If no input !-- file is present, all surfaces are classified either as natural, urban, or default, depending on !-- the setting of land_surface and urban_surface. To control this, use the control flag !-- topo_no_distinct ! !-- Count number of horizontal surfaces on local domain DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Check if current gridpoint belongs to the atmosphere IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Check if grid point adjoins to any upward- and downward-facing horizontal surface, !-- e.g. the Earth surface, plane roofs, or ceilings. DO kk = k-1, k+1, 2 ! !-- Check for top-fluxes IF ( kk == nzt+1 .AND. use_top_fluxes ) THEN num_def_h(2) = num_def_h(2) + 1 ELSE ! !-- set direction index of the potential surface kd = MERGE( 0, 1, kk == k-1 ) ! !-- test the adjacent grid cell IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating a terrain surface, a building surface, terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct ! !-- Unresolved_building indicates a surface with equal height as terrain but with a !-- non-grid resolved building on top. These surfaces will be flagged as urban !-- surfaces. unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 6 ) ! !-- Land-surface type IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN num_lsm_h(kd) = num_lsm_h(kd) + 1 ! !-- Urban surface tpye ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN num_usm_h(kd) = num_usm_h(kd) + 1 ! !-- Default-surface type ELSEIF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) THEN num_def_h(kd) = num_def_h(kd) + 1 ! !-- Unclassifified surface-grid point. Give error message. Note, in previous !-- versions the error message was generalized using a combination of TRIM !-- and MERGE function. However, due to compile errors with the Cray compiler !-- two seperate error messages are given now. ELSE IF ( kk==0 ) THEN WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Unclassified upward ', & '-facing surface element at grid point (k,j,i) = ', k, j, i CALL message( 'surface_mod', 'PA0698', 1, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ELSE WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Unclassified downward ', & '-facing surface element at grid point (k,j,i) = ', k, j, i CALL message( 'surface_mod', 'PA0698', 1, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Count number of vertical surfaces on local domain DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO k = nzb+1, nzt IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Northward-facing IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN num_lsm_v(0) = num_lsm_v(0) + 1 ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN num_usm_v(0) = num_usm_v(0) + 1 ! !-- Default-surface type ELSEIF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) THEN num_def_v(0) = num_def_v(0) + 1 ! !-- Unclassifified surface-grid point. Give error message. ELSE WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Unclassified northward-facing surface ' // & 'element at grid point (k,j,i) = ', k, j, i CALL message( 'surface_mod', 'PA0698', 1, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Southward-facing IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN num_lsm_v(1) = num_lsm_v(1) + 1 ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN num_usm_v(1) = num_usm_v(1) + 1 ! !-- Default-surface type ELSEIF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) THEN num_def_v(1) = num_def_v(1) + 1 ! !-- Unclassifified surface-grid point. Give error message. ELSE WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Unclassified southward-facing surface ' // & 'element at grid point (k,j,i) = ', k, j, i CALL message( 'surface_mod', 'PA0698', 1, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Eastward-facing IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN num_lsm_v(2) = num_lsm_v(2) + 1 ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN num_usm_v(2) = num_usm_v(2) + 1 ! !-- Default-surface type ELSEIF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) THEN num_def_v(2) = num_def_v(2) + 1 ! !-- Unclassifified surface-grid point. Give error message. ELSE WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Unclassified eastward-facing surface ' // & 'element at grid point (k,j,i) = ', k, j, i CALL message( 'surface_mod', 'PA0698', 1, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Westward-facing IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN num_lsm_v(3) = num_lsm_v(3) + 1 ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN num_usm_v(3) = num_usm_v(3) + 1 ! !-- Default-surface type ELSEIF ( .NOT. land_surface .AND. .NOT. urban_surface ) THEN num_def_v(3) = num_def_v(3) + 1 ! !-- Unclassifified surface-grid point. Give error message. ELSE WRITE( message_string, * ) 'Unclassified westward-facing surface ' // & 'element at grid point (k,j,i) = ', k, j, i CALL message( 'surface_mod', 'PA0698', 1, 2, myid, 6, 0 ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Store number of surfaces per core. !-- Horizontal surface, default type, upward facing surf_def_h(0)%ns = num_def_h(0) ! !-- Horizontal surface, default type, downward facing surf_def_h(1)%ns = num_def_h(1) ! !-- Horizontal surface, default type, top downward facing surf_def_h(2)%ns = num_def_h(2) ! !-- Horizontal surface, natural type, upward facing surf_lsm_h(0)%ns = num_lsm_h(0) ! !-- Horizontal surface, natural type, downward facing surf_lsm_h(1)%ns = num_lsm_h(1) ! !-- Horizontal surface, urban type, upward facing surf_usm_h(0)%ns = num_usm_h(0) ! !-- Horizontal surface, urban type, downward facing surf_usm_h(1)%ns = num_usm_h(1) ! !-- Vertical surface, default type, northward facing surf_def_v(0)%ns = num_def_v(0) ! !-- Vertical surface, default type, southward facing surf_def_v(1)%ns = num_def_v(1) ! !-- Vertical surface, default type, eastward facing surf_def_v(2)%ns = num_def_v(2) ! !-- Vertical surface, default type, westward facing surf_def_v(3)%ns = num_def_v(3) ! !-- Vertical surface, natural type, northward facing surf_lsm_v(0)%ns = num_lsm_v(0) ! !-- Vertical surface, natural type, southward facing surf_lsm_v(1)%ns = num_lsm_v(1) ! !-- Vertical surface, natural type, eastward facing surf_lsm_v(2)%ns = num_lsm_v(2) ! !-- Vertical surface, natural type, westward facing surf_lsm_v(3)%ns = num_lsm_v(3) ! !-- Vertical surface, urban type, northward facing surf_usm_v(0)%ns = num_usm_v(0) ! !-- Vertical surface, urban type, southward facing surf_usm_v(1)%ns = num_usm_v(1) ! !-- Vertical surface, urban type, eastward facing surf_usm_v(2)%ns = num_usm_v(2) ! !-- Vertical surface, urban type, westward facing surf_usm_v(3)%ns = num_usm_v(3) ! !-- Allocate required attributes for horizontal surfaces - default type. !-- Upward-facing (l=0) and downward-facing (l=1). DO l = 0, 1 CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h ( surf_def_h(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- Allocate required attributes for model top CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h_top ( surf_def_h(2), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ! !-- Allocate required attributes for horizontal surfaces - natural type. DO l = 0, 1 CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h ( surf_lsm_h(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- Allocate required attributes for horizontal surfaces - urban type. DO l = 0, 1 CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h ( surf_usm_h(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- Allocate required attributes for vertical surfaces. !-- Northward-facing (l=0), southward-facing (l=1), eastward-facing (l=2) and westward-facing (l=3). !-- Default type. DO l = 0, 3 CALL allocate_surface_attributes_v ( surf_def_v(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- Natural type DO l = 0, 3 CALL allocate_surface_attributes_v ( surf_lsm_v(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- Urban type DO l = 0, 3 CALL allocate_surface_attributes_v ( surf_usm_v(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- Set the flag for the existence of vertical urban/land surfaces. Therefore, sum-up the number of !-- all natural and urban-type vertical surfaces and check. num_surf_v_l = 0 DO l = 0, 3 num_surf_v_l = num_surf_v_l + surf_usm_v(l)%ns + surf_lsm_v(l)%ns ENDDO #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( num_surf_v_l, num_surf_v, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) #else num_surf_v = num_surf_v_l #endif IF ( num_surf_v > 0 ) vertical_surfaces_exist = .TRUE. ! !-- Calculate the total number of surfaces in the entire model domain of a type. !-- Horizontal walls. DO l = 0, 1 #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surf_def_h(l)%ns, surf_def_h(l)%ns_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surf_lsm_h(l)%ns, surf_lsm_h(l)%ns_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surf_usm_h(l)%ns, surf_usm_h(l)%ns_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) #else surf_def_h(l)%ns_tot = surf_def_h(l)%ns surf_lsm_h(l)%ns_tot = surf_lsm_h(l)%ns surf_usm_h(l)%ns_tot = surf_usm_h(l)%ns #endif ENDDO ! !-- Vertical walls. DO l = 0, 3 #if defined( __parallel ) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surf_def_v(l)%ns, surf_def_v(l)%ns_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surf_lsm_v(l)%ns, surf_lsm_v(l)%ns_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) CALL MPI_ALLREDUCE( surf_usm_v(l)%ns, surf_usm_v(l)%ns_tot, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, comm2d, ierr) #else surf_def_v(l)%ns_tot = surf_def_v(l)%ns surf_lsm_v(l)%ns_tot = surf_lsm_v(l)%ns surf_usm_v(l)%ns_tot = surf_usm_v(l)%ns #endif ENDDO END SUBROUTINE init_surface_arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Enter horizontal and vertical surfaces. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE enter_surface_arrays IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< !$ACC ENTER DATA & !$ACC COPYIN(surf_def_h(0:2)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surf_def_v(0:3)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surf_lsm_h(0:1)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surf_lsm_v(0:3)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surf_usm_h(0:1)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surf_usm_v(0:3)) ! !-- Copy data in surf_def_h(0:2) DO l = 0, 1 CALL enter_surface_attributes_h( surf_def_h(l) ) ENDDO CALL enter_surface_attributes_h_top( surf_def_h(2) ) ! !-- Copy data in surf_def_v(0:3) DO l = 0, 3 CALL enter_surface_attributes_v( surf_def_v(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Copy data in surf_lsm_h DO l = 0, 1 CALL enter_surface_attributes_h( surf_lsm_h(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Copy data in surf_lsm_v(0:3) DO l = 0, 3 CALL enter_surface_attributes_v( surf_lsm_v(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Copy data in surf_usm_h DO l = 0, 1 CALL enter_surface_attributes_h( surf_usm_h(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Copy data in surf_usm_v(0:3) DO l = 0, 3 CALL enter_surface_attributes_v( surf_usm_v(l) ) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE enter_surface_arrays #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exit horizontal and vertical surfaces. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE exit_surface_arrays IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< ! !-- Delete data in surf_def_h(0:2) DO l = 0, 1 CALL exit_surface_attributes_h( surf_def_h(l) ) ENDDO CALL exit_surface_attributes_h( surf_def_h(2) ) ! !-- Delete data in surf_def_v(0:3) DO l = 0, 3 CALL exit_surface_attributes_v( surf_def_v(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Delete data in surf_lsm_h DO l = 0, 1 CALL exit_surface_attributes_h( surf_lsm_h(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Delete data in surf_lsm_v(0:3) DO l = 0, 3 CALL exit_surface_attributes_v( surf_lsm_v(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Delete data in surf_usm_h DO l = 0, 1 CALL exit_surface_attributes_h( surf_usm_h(l) ) ENDDO ! !-- Delete data in surf_usm_v(0:3) DO l = 0, 3 CALL exit_surface_attributes_v( surf_usm_v(l) ) ENDDO !$ACC EXIT DATA & !$ACC DELETE(surf_def_h(0:2)) & !$ACC DELETE(surf_def_v(0:3)) & !$ACC DELETE(surf_lsm_h(0:1)) & !$ACC DELETE(surf_lsm_v(0:3)) & !$ACC DELETE(surf_usm_h(0:1)) & !$ACC DELETE(surf_usm_v(0:3)) END SUBROUTINE exit_surface_arrays #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Deallocating memory for upward and downward-facing horizontal surface types, except for top !> fluxes. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE deallocate_surface_attributes_h( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%start_index ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%end_index ) ! !-- Indices to locate surface element DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%i ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%j ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%k ) ! !-- Surface-layer height DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z_mo ) ! !-- Surface orientation DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%facing ) ! !-- Surface-parallel wind velocity DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%uvw_abs ) ! !-- Pre-calculated ln(z/z0) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ln_z_z0 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ln_z_z0h ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ln_z_z0q ) ! !-- Roughness DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0h ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0q ) ! !-- Friction velocity DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%us ) ! !-- Stability parameter DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ol ) ! !-- Bulk Richardson number DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%rib ) ! !-- Vertical momentum fluxes of u and v DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%usws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%vsws ) ! !-- Required in production_e IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%u_0 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%v_0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Characteristic temperature and surface flux of sensible heat DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ts ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%shf ) ! !-- Surface temperature DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt_surface ) ! !-- Characteristic humidity and surface flux of latent heat IF ( humidity ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%q_surface ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt_surface ) ENDIF ! !-- Characteristic scalar and surface flux of scalar IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ss ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ssws ) ENDIF ! !-- Scaling parameter (cs*) and surface flux of chemical species IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%css ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%cssws ) ENDIF ! !-- Arrays for storing potential temperature and mixing ratio at first grid level DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt1 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qv1 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt1 ) ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncsws ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrsws ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qis ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nis ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qisws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nisws ) ENDIF ! !-- Salinity surface flux IF ( ocean_mode ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%sasws ) END SUBROUTINE deallocate_surface_attributes_h !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocating memory for upward and downward-facing horizontal surface types, except for top fluxes. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE allocate_surface_attributes_h( surfaces, nys_l, nyn_l, nxl_l, nxr_l, & no_allocate_index_arrays ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_l !< north bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_l !< south bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_l !< west bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_l !< east bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array LOGICAL :: allocate_index_arrays LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_allocate_index_arrays TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type IF ( PRESENT( no_allocate_index_arrays ) ) THEN allocate_index_arrays = .NOT. no_allocate_index_arrays ELSE allocate_index_arrays = .TRUE. ENDIF ! !-- Allocate arrays for start and end index of horizontal surface type for each (j,i)-grid point. !-- This is required e.g. in diffusion_x, which is called for each (j,i). In order to find the !-- location where the respective flux is store within the surface-type, start- and end-index are !-- stored for each (j,i). For example, each (j,i) can have several entries where fluxes for !-- horizontal surfaces might be stored, e.g. for overhanging structures where several upward-facing !-- surfaces might exist for given (j,i). If no surface of respective type exist at current (j,i), !-- set indicies such that loop in diffusion routines will not be entered. IF ( allocate_index_arrays ) THEN ALLOCATE( surfaces%start_index(nys_l:nyn_l,nxl_l:nxr_l) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%end_index(nys_l:nyn_l,nxl_l:nxr_l) ) surfaces%start_index = 0 surfaces%end_index = -1 ENDIF ! !-- Indices to locate surface element ALLOCATE ( surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface-layer height ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z_mo(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface orientation ALLOCATE ( surfaces%facing(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface-parallel wind velocity ALLOCATE ( surfaces%uvw_abs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Precalculated ln(z/z0) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ln_z_z0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ln_z_z0h(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ln_z_z0q(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Roughness ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0h(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0q(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Friction velocity ALLOCATE ( surfaces%us(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Stability parameter ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ol(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Bulk Richardson number ALLOCATE ( surfaces%rib(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Vertical momentum fluxes of u and v ALLOCATE ( surfaces%usws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%vsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Required in production_e IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%u_0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%v_0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Characteristic temperature and surface flux of sensible heat ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ts(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface temperature ALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt_surface(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Characteristic humidity, surface flux of latent heat, and surface virtual potential temperature IF ( humidity ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%q_surface(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt_surface(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Characteristic scalar and surface flux of scalar IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ss(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ssws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Scaling parameter (cs*) and surface flux of chemical species IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%css(1:nvar,1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%cssws(1:nvar,1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Arrays for storing potential temperature and mixing ratio at first grid level ALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt1(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qv1(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt1(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qis(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nis(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qisws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nisws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Salinity surface flux IF ( ocean_mode ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%sasws(1:surfaces%ns) ) END SUBROUTINE allocate_surface_attributes_h !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exit memory for upward and downward-facing horizontal surface types, except for top fluxes. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE exit_surface_attributes_h( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type !$ACC EXIT DATA & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z_mo(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%uvw_abs(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ln_z_z0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ln_z_z0h(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ln_z_z0q(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z0h(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z0q(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYOUT(surfaces%us(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYOUT(surfaces%ol(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%rib(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYOUT(surfaces%usws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYOUT(surfaces%vsws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYOUT(surfaces%ts(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYOUT(surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%pt_surface(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%pt1(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%qv1(1:surfaces%ns)) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN !$ACC EXIT DATA & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%u_0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%v_0(1:surfaces%ns)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE exit_surface_attributes_h #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Enter memory for upward and downward-facing horizontal surface types, except for top fluxes. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE enter_surface_attributes_h( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type !$ACC ENTER DATA & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z_mo(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%uvw_abs(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ln_z_z0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ln_z_z0h(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ln_z_z0q(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z0h(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z0q(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%us(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ol(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%rib(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%usws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%vsws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ts(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%pt1(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%qv1(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%pt_surface(1:surfaces%ns)) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN !$ACC ENTER DATA & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%u_0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%v_0(1:surfaces%ns)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE enter_surface_attributes_h #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Deallocating memory for model-top fluxes !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE deallocate_surface_attributes_h_top( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%start_index ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%end_index ) ! !-- Indices to locate surface (model-top) element DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%i ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%j ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%k ) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%u_0 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%v_0 ) ENDIF ! !-- Vertical momentum fluxes of u and v DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%usws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%vsws ) ! !-- Sensible heat flux DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%shf ) ! !-- Latent heat flux IF ( humidity .OR. coupling_mode == 'ocean_to_atmosphere') THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qsws ) ENDIF ! !-- Scalar flux IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ssws ) ENDIF ! !-- Chemical species flux IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%cssws ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncsws ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrsws ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qisws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nisws ) ENDIF ! !-- Salinity flux IF ( ocean_mode ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%sasws ) END SUBROUTINE deallocate_surface_attributes_h_top !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocating memory for model-top fluxes !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE allocate_surface_attributes_h_top( surfaces, nys_l, nyn_l, nxl_l, nxr_l ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_l !< north bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_l !< south bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_l !< west bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_l !< east bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type ALLOCATE ( surfaces%start_index(nys_l:nyn_l,nxl_l:nxr_l) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%end_index(nys_l:nyn_l,nxl_l:nxr_l) ) surfaces%start_index = 0 surfaces%end_index = -1 ! !-- Indices to locate surface (model-top) element ALLOCATE ( surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns) ) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%u_0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%v_0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Vertical momentum fluxes of u and v ALLOCATE ( surfaces%usws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%vsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Sensible heat flux ALLOCATE ( surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Latent heat flux IF ( humidity .OR. coupling_mode == 'ocean_to_atmosphere') THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Scalar flux IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ssws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Chemical species flux IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%cssws(1:nvar,1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qisws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nisws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Salinity flux IF ( ocean_mode ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%sasws(1:surfaces%ns) ) END SUBROUTINE allocate_surface_attributes_h_top !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exit memory for model-top fluxes. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE exit_surface_attributes_h_top( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type !$ACC EXIT DATA & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%usws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%vsws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns)) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN !$ACC EXIT DATA & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%u_0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%v_0(1:surfaces%ns)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE exit_surface_attributes_h_top #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Enter memory for model-top fluxes. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE enter_surface_attributes_h_top( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type !$ACC ENTER DATA & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%usws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%vsws(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns)) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN !$ACC ENTER DATA & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%u_0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%v_0(1:surfaces%ns)) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE enter_surface_attributes_h_top #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Deallocating memory for vertical surface types. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE deallocate_surface_attributes_v( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type ! !-- Allocate arrays for start and end index of vertical surface type for each (j,i)-grid point. This !-- is required in diffion_x, which is called for each (j,i). In order to find the location where !-- the respective flux is store within the surface-type, start- and end-index are stored for each !-- (j,i). For example, each (j,i) can have several entries where fluxes for vertical surfaces might !-- be stored. In the flat case, where no vertical walls exit, set indicies such that loop in !-- diffusion routines will not be entered. DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%start_index ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%end_index ) ! !-- Indices to locate surface element. DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%i ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%j ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%k ) ! !-- Surface-layer height DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z_mo ) ! !-- Surface orientation DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%facing ) ! !-- Surface parallel wind velocity DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%uvw_abs ) ! !-- Precalculated ln(z/z0) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ln_z_z0 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ln_z_z0h ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ln_z_z0q ) ! !-- Roughness DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0h ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0q ) ! !-- Friction velocity DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%us ) ! !-- Allocate Obukhov length and bulk Richardson number. Actually, at vertical surfaces these are !-- only required for natural surfaces. !-- For natural land surfaces DEALLOCATE( surfaces%ol ) DEALLOCATE( surfaces%rib ) ! !-- Allocate arrays for surface momentum fluxes for u and v. For u at north- and south-facing !-- surfaces, for v at east- and west-facing surfaces. DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%mom_flux_uv ) ! !-- Allocate array for surface momentum flux for w - wsus and wsvs DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%mom_flux_w ) ! !-- Allocate array for surface momentum flux for subgrid-scale tke wsus and wsvs; first index usvs !-- or vsws, second index for wsus or wsvs, depending on surface. DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%mom_flux_tke ) ! !-- Characteristic temperature and surface flux of sensible heat DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ts ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%shf ) ! !-- Surface temperature DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt_surface ) ! !-- Characteristic humidity and surface flux of latent heat IF ( humidity ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%q_surface ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt_surface ) ENDIF ! !-- Characteristic scalar and surface flux of scalar IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ss ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ssws ) ENDIF ! !-- Scaling parameter (cs*) and surface flux of chemical species IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%css ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%cssws ) ENDIF ! !-- Arrays for storing potential temperature and mixing ratio at first grid level DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt1 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qv1 ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt1 ) IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncsws ) ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrs ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrsws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrsws ) ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qis ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nis ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%qisws ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%nisws ) ENDIF ! !-- Salinity surface flux IF ( ocean_mode ) DEALLOCATE ( surfaces%sasws ) END SUBROUTINE deallocate_surface_attributes_v !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Allocating memory for vertical surface types. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE allocate_surface_attributes_v( surfaces, nys_l, nyn_l, nxl_l, nxr_l, & no_allocate_index_arrays ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_l !< north bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_l !< south bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_l !< west bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_l !< east bound of local 2d array start/end_index, is equal to nyn, except for restart-array LOGICAL :: allocate_index_arrays LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: no_allocate_index_arrays TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type IF ( PRESENT( no_allocate_index_arrays ) ) THEN allocate_index_arrays = .NOT. no_allocate_index_arrays ELSE allocate_index_arrays = .TRUE. ENDIF ! !-- Allocate arrays for start and end index of vertical surface type for each (j,i)-grid point. This !-- is required in diffusion_x, which is called for each (j,i). In order to find the location where !-- the respective flux is store within the surface-type, start- and end-index are stored for each !-- (j,i). For example, each (j,i) can have several entries where fluxes for vertical surfaces might !-- be stored. In the flat case, where no vertical walls exit, set indicies such that loop in !-- diffusion routines will not be entered. IF ( allocate_index_arrays ) THEN ALLOCATE( surfaces%start_index(nys_l:nyn_l,nxl_l:nxr_l) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%end_index(nys_l:nyn_l,nxl_l:nxr_l) ) surfaces%start_index = 0 surfaces%end_index = -1 ENDIF ! !-- Indices to locate surface element. ALLOCATE ( surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface-layer height ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z_mo(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface orientation ALLOCATE ( surfaces%facing(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface parallel wind velocity ALLOCATE ( surfaces%uvw_abs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Precalculated ln(z/z0) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ln_z_z0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ln_z_z0h(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%ln_z_z0q(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Roughness ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0h(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%z0q(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Friction velocity ALLOCATE ( surfaces%us(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Allocate Obukhov length and bulk Richardson number. Actually, at vertical surfaces these are !-- only required for natural surfaces. !-- For natural land surfaces ALLOCATE( surfaces%ol(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE( surfaces%rib(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Allocate arrays for surface momentum fluxes for u and v. For u at north- and south-facing !-- surfaces, for v at east- and west-facing surfaces. ALLOCATE ( surfaces%mom_flux_uv(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Allocate array for surface momentum flux for w - wsus and wsvs ALLOCATE ( surfaces%mom_flux_w(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Allocate array for surface momentum flux for subgrid-scale tke wsus and wsvs; first index usvs !-- or vsws, second index for wsus or wsvs, depending on surface. ALLOCATE ( surfaces%mom_flux_tke(0:1,1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Characteristic temperature and surface flux of sensible heat ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ts(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Surface temperature ALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt_surface(1:surfaces%ns) ) ! !-- Characteristic humidity and surface flux of latent heat IF ( humidity ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%q_surface(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt_surface(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Characteristic scalar and surface flux of scalar IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ss(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ssws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Scaling parameter (cs*) and surface flux of chemical species IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%css(1:nvar,1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%cssws(1:nvar,1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Arrays for storing potential temperature and mixing ratio at first grid level ALLOCATE ( surfaces%pt1(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qv1(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%vpt1(1:surfaces%ns) ) IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qcsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%ncsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrs(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qrsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nrsws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qis(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nis(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%qisws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%nisws(1:surfaces%ns) ) ENDIF ! !-- Salinity surface flux IF ( ocean_mode ) ALLOCATE ( surfaces%sasws(1:surfaces%ns) ) END SUBROUTINE allocate_surface_attributes_v !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Exit memory for vertical surface types. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE exit_surface_attributes_v( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type !$ACC EXIT DATA & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%uvw_abs(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ln_z_z0(1:surfaces%ns) ) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ln_z_z0h(1:surfaces%ns) ) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ln_z_z0q(1:surfaces%ns) ) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z0h(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%z0q(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%rib(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%mom_flux_uv(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%mom_flux_w(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%mom_flux_tke(0:1,1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%ts(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%pt1(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC DELETE(surfaces%qv1(1:surfaces%ns)) END SUBROUTINE exit_surface_attributes_v #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Enter memory for vertical surface types. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! #if defined( _OPENACC ) SUBROUTINE enter_surface_attributes_v( surfaces ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(surf_type) :: surfaces !< respective surface type !$ACC ENTER DATA & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%i(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%j(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%k(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%uvw_abs(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ln_z_z0(1:surfaces%ns) ) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ln_z_z0h(1:surfaces%ns) ) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ln_z_z0q(1:surfaces%ns) ) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z0(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z0h(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%z0q(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%rib(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%mom_flux_uv(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%mom_flux_w(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%mom_flux_tke(0:1,1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%ts(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%shf(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%pt1(1:surfaces%ns)) & !$ACC COPYIN(surfaces%qv1(1:surfaces%ns)) END SUBROUTINE enter_surface_attributes_v #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize surface elements, i.e. set initial values for surface fluxes, friction velocity, !> calcuation of start/end indices, etc. Please note, further initialization concerning special !> surface characteristics, e.g. soil- and vegatation type, building type, etc., !> is done in the land-surface and urban-surface module, respectively. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE init_surfaces IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< auxiliary index z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< direction index INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: start_index_lsm_h !< dummy to determing local start index in surface type for given (j,i), for horizontal !< natural surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: start_index_usm_h !< dummy to determing local start index in surface type for given (j,i), for horizontal !< urban surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_lsm_h !< current number of horizontal surface element, natural type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_lsm_h_kji !< dummy to determing local end index in surface type for given (j,i), for for horizonal !< natural surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_usm_h !< current number of horizontal surface element, urban type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:1) :: num_usm_h_kji !< dummy to determing local end index in surface type for given (j,i), for for horizonal urban !< surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:2) :: num_def_h !< current number of horizontal surface element, default type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:2) :: num_def_h_kji !< dummy to determing local end index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for horizonal default surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:2) :: start_index_def_h !< dummy to determing local start index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for horizontal default surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_def_v !< current number of vertical surface element, default type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_def_v_kji !< dummy to determing local end index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for vertical default surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_lsm_v !< current number of vertical surface element, natural type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_lsm_v_kji !< dummy to determing local end index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for vertical natural surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_usm_v !< current number of vertical surface element, urban type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: num_usm_v_kji !< dummy to determing local end index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for vertical urban surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: start_index_def_v !< dummy to determing local start index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for vertical default surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: start_index_lsm_v !< dummy to determing local start index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for vertical natural surfaces INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: start_index_usm_v !< dummy to determing local start index in surface type for given (j,i), !< for vertical urban surfaces LOGICAL :: building !< flag indicating building grid point LOGICAL :: terrain !< flag indicating natural terrain grid point LOGICAL :: unresolved_building !< flag indicating a grid point where actually a building is defined but not resolved by the !< vertical grid ! !-- Set offset indices, i.e. index difference between surface element and surface-bounded grid point. !-- Upward facing - no horizontal offsets surf_def_h(0:2)%ioff = 0 surf_def_h(0:2)%joff = 0 surf_lsm_h(0:1)%ioff = 0 surf_lsm_h(0:1)%joff = 0 surf_usm_h(0:1)%ioff = 0 surf_usm_h(0:1)%joff = 0 ! !-- Upward facing vertical offsets surf_def_h(0)%koff = -1 surf_lsm_h(0)%koff = -1 surf_usm_h(0)%koff = -1 ! !-- Downward facing vertical offset surf_def_h(1:2)%koff = 1 surf_lsm_h(1)%koff = 1 surf_usm_h(1)%koff = 1 ! !-- Vertical surfaces - no vertical offset surf_def_v(0:3)%koff = 0 surf_lsm_v(0:3)%koff = 0 surf_usm_v(0:3)%koff = 0 ! !-- North- and southward facing - no offset in x surf_def_v(0:1)%ioff = 0 surf_lsm_v(0:1)%ioff = 0 surf_usm_v(0:1)%ioff = 0 ! !-- Northward facing offset in y surf_def_v(0)%joff = -1 surf_lsm_v(0)%joff = -1 surf_usm_v(0)%joff = -1 ! !-- Southward facing offset in y surf_def_v(1)%joff = 1 surf_lsm_v(1)%joff = 1 surf_usm_v(1)%joff = 1 ! !-- East- and westward facing - no offset in y surf_def_v(2:3)%joff = 0 surf_lsm_v(2:3)%joff = 0 surf_usm_v(2:3)%joff = 0 ! !-- Eastward facing offset in x surf_def_v(2)%ioff = -1 surf_lsm_v(2)%ioff = -1 surf_usm_v(2)%ioff = -1 ! !-- Westward facing offset in y surf_def_v(3)%ioff = 1 surf_lsm_v(3)%ioff = 1 surf_usm_v(3)%ioff = 1 ! !-- Initialize surface attributes, store indicies, surfaces orientation, etc., num_def_h(0:2) = 1 num_def_v(0:3) = 1 num_lsm_h(0:1) = 1 num_lsm_v(0:3) = 1 num_usm_h(0:1) = 1 num_usm_v(0:3) = 1 start_index_def_h(0:2) = 1 start_index_def_v(0:3) = 1 start_index_lsm_h(0:1) = 1 start_index_lsm_v(0:3) = 1 start_index_usm_h(0:1) = 1 start_index_usm_v(0:3) = 1 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn num_def_h_kji = 0 num_def_v_kji = 0 num_lsm_h_kji = 0 num_lsm_v_kji = 0 num_usm_h_kji = 0 num_usm_v_kji = 0 DO k = nzb+1, nzt ! !-- Check if current gridpoint belongs to the atmosphere IF ( BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Check if grid point adjoins to any upward- and downward-facing horizontal surface, !-- e.g. the Earth surface, plane roofs, or ceilings. DO kk = k-1, k+1, 2 ! !-- Check for top-fluxes first IF ( kk == nzt+1 .AND. use_top_fluxes ) THEN CALL initialize_top( k, j, i, surf_def_h(2), num_def_h(2), num_def_h_kji(2) ) ELSE ! !-- set direction index of the potential surface l = MERGE( 0, 1, kk == k-1 ) ! !-- Upward- or donward facing surface. Distinguish between differet surface types. !-- To do, think about method to flag natural and non-natural surfaces. IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct ! !-- Unresolved_building indicates a surface with equal height as terrain but with a !-- non-grid resolved building on top. These surfaces will be flagged as urban !-- surfaces. unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(kk,j,i), 6 ) ! !-- Natural surface type IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN CALL initialize_horizontal_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_lsm_h(l), num_lsm_h(l), & num_lsm_h_kji(l), .TRUE., .FALSE. ) ! !-- Urban surface tpye ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN CALL initialize_horizontal_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_usm_h(l), num_usm_h(l), & num_usm_h_kji(l), .TRUE., .FALSE. ) ! !-- Default surface type ELSE CALL initialize_horizontal_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_def_h(l), num_def_h(l), & num_def_h_kji(l), .TRUE., .FALSE. ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Check for vertical walls and, if required, initialize it. ! Start with northward-facing surface. IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j-1,i), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_lsm_v(0), num_lsm_v(0), & num_lsm_v_kji(0), .FALSE., .FALSE., & .FALSE., .TRUE. ) ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_usm_v(0), num_usm_v(0), & num_usm_v_kji(0), .FALSE., .FALSE., & .FALSE., .TRUE. ) ELSE CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_def_v(0), num_def_v(0), & num_def_v_kji(0), .FALSE., .FALSE., & .FALSE., .TRUE. ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Southward-facing surface IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j+1,i), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_lsm_v(1), num_lsm_v(1), & num_lsm_v_kji(1), .FALSE., .FALSE., & .TRUE., .FALSE. ) ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_usm_v(1), num_usm_v(1), & num_usm_v_kji(1), .FALSE., .FALSE., & .TRUE., .FALSE. ) ELSE CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_def_v(1), num_def_v(1), & num_def_v_kji(1), .FALSE., .FALSE., & .TRUE., .FALSE. ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Eastward-facing surface IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i-1), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_lsm_v(2), num_lsm_v(2), & num_lsm_v_kji(2), .TRUE., .FALSE., & .FALSE., .FALSE. ) ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_usm_v(2), num_usm_v(2), & num_usm_v_kji(2), .TRUE., .FALSE., & .FALSE., .FALSE. ) ELSE CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_def_v(2), num_def_v(2), & num_def_v_kji(2), .TRUE., .FALSE., & .FALSE., .FALSE. ) ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Westward-facing surface IF ( .NOT. BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 0 ) ) THEN ! !-- Determine flags indicating terrain or building terrain = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 5 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 6 ) .OR. topo_no_distinct unresolved_building = BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 5 ) .AND. & BTEST( topo_flags(k,j,i+1), 6 ) IF ( land_surface .AND. terrain .AND. .NOT. unresolved_building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_lsm_v(3), num_lsm_v(3), & num_lsm_v_kji(3), .FALSE., .TRUE., & .FALSE., .FALSE. ) ELSEIF ( urban_surface .AND. building ) THEN CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_usm_v(3), num_usm_v(3), & num_usm_v_kji(3), .FALSE., .TRUE., & .FALSE., .FALSE. ) ELSE CALL initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf_def_v(3), num_def_v(3), & num_def_v_kji(3), .FALSE., .TRUE., & .FALSE., .FALSE. ) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Determine start- and end-index at grid point (j,i). Also, for horizontal surfaces more !-- than 1 horizontal surface element can exist at grid point (j,i) if overhanging structures !-- are present. !-- Upward-facing surfaces surf_def_h(0)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_h(0) surf_def_h(0)%end_index(j,i) = surf_def_h(0)%start_index(j,i) + num_def_h_kji(0) - 1 start_index_def_h(0) = surf_def_h(0)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ! !-- ATTENTION: !-- Workaround to prevent vectorization bug on NEC Aurora IF ( start_index_def_h(0) < -99999 ) THEN PRINT*, 'i=', i, ' j=',j, ' s=',surf_def_h(0)%start_index(j,i), & ' e=', surf_def_h(0)%end_index(j,i) ENDIF ! !-- Downward-facing surfaces, except model top surf_def_h(1)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_h(1) surf_def_h(1)%end_index(j,i) = surf_def_h(1)%start_index(j,i) + num_def_h_kji(1) - 1 start_index_def_h(1) = surf_def_h(1)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ! !-- Downward-facing surfaces -- model top fluxes surf_def_h(2)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_h(2) surf_def_h(2)%end_index(j,i) = surf_def_h(2)%start_index(j,i) + num_def_h_kji(2) - 1 start_index_def_h(2) = surf_def_h(2)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ! !-- Upward- and downward-facing horizontal land and urban surfaces DO l = 0, 1 ! !-- Horizontal natural land surfaces surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_h(l) surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) + num_lsm_h_kji(l) - 1 start_index_lsm_h(l) = surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ! !-- Horizontal urban surfaces surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_h(l) surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) + num_usm_h_kji(l) - 1 start_index_usm_h(l) = surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ! !-- Vertical surfaces - Default type surf_def_v(0)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(0) surf_def_v(1)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(1) surf_def_v(2)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(2) surf_def_v(3)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(3) surf_def_v(0)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(0) + num_def_v_kji(0) - 1 surf_def_v(1)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(1) + num_def_v_kji(1) - 1 surf_def_v(2)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(2) + num_def_v_kji(2) - 1 surf_def_v(3)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_def_v(3) + num_def_v_kji(3) - 1 start_index_def_v(0) = surf_def_v(0)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_def_v(1) = surf_def_v(1)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_def_v(2) = surf_def_v(2)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_def_v(3) = surf_def_v(3)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ! !-- Natural type surf_lsm_v(0)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(0) surf_lsm_v(1)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(1) surf_lsm_v(2)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(2) surf_lsm_v(3)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(3) surf_lsm_v(0)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(0) + num_lsm_v_kji(0) - 1 surf_lsm_v(1)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(1) + num_lsm_v_kji(1) - 1 surf_lsm_v(2)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(2) + num_lsm_v_kji(2) - 1 surf_lsm_v(3)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_lsm_v(3) + num_lsm_v_kji(3) - 1 start_index_lsm_v(0) = surf_lsm_v(0)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_lsm_v(1) = surf_lsm_v(1)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_lsm_v(2) = surf_lsm_v(2)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_lsm_v(3) = surf_lsm_v(3)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ! !-- Urban type surf_usm_v(0)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(0) surf_usm_v(1)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(1) surf_usm_v(2)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(2) surf_usm_v(3)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(3) surf_usm_v(0)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(0) + num_usm_v_kji(0) - 1 surf_usm_v(1)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(1) + num_usm_v_kji(1) - 1 surf_usm_v(2)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(2) + num_usm_v_kji(2) - 1 surf_usm_v(3)%end_index(j,i) = start_index_usm_v(3) + num_usm_v_kji(3) - 1 start_index_usm_v(0) = surf_usm_v(0)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_usm_v(1) = surf_usm_v(1)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_usm_v(2) = surf_usm_v(2)%end_index(j,i) + 1 start_index_usm_v(3) = surf_usm_v(3)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ENDDO CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize horizontal surface elements, upward- and downward-facing. Note, horizontal surface !> type also comprises model-top fluxes, which are, initialized in a different routine. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE initialize_horizontal_surfaces( k, j, i, surf, num_h, num_h_kji, upward_facing, & downward_facing ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: num_h !< current number of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: num_h_kji !< dummy increment INTEGER(iwp) :: lsp !< running index chemical species INTEGER(iwp) :: lsp_pr !< running index chemical species?? LOGICAL :: upward_facing !< flag indicating upward-facing surface LOGICAL :: downward_facing !< flag indicating downward-facing surface TYPE(surf_type) :: surf !< respective surface type ! !-- Store indices of respective surface element surf%i(num_h) = i surf%j(num_h) = j surf%k(num_h) = k ! !-- Surface orientation, bit 0 is set to 1 for upward-facing surfaces, bit 1 is for downward-facing !-- surfaces. IF ( upward_facing ) surf%facing(num_h) = IBSET( surf%facing(num_h), 0 ) IF ( downward_facing ) surf%facing(num_h) = IBSET( surf%facing(num_h), 1 ) ! !-- Initialize surface-layer height IF ( upward_facing ) THEN surf%z_mo(num_h) = zu(k) - zw(k-1) ELSE surf%z_mo(num_h) = zw(k) - zu(k) ENDIF surf%z0(num_h) = roughness_length surf%z0h(num_h) = z0h_factor * roughness_length surf%z0q(num_h) = z0h_factor * roughness_length ! !-- Initialization in case of 1D pre-cursor run IF ( INDEX( initializing_actions, 'set_1d-model_profiles' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN IF ( constant_flux_layer ) THEN surf%ol(num_h) = surf%z_mo(num_h) / ( ri1d(nzb+1) + 1.0E-20_wp ) surf%us(num_h) = us1d surf%usws(num_h) = usws1d surf%vsws(num_h) = vsws1d ELSE surf%ol(num_h) = surf%z_mo(num_h) / zeta_min surf%us(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%usws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%vsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ELSE surf%ol(num_h) = surf%z_mo(num_h) / zeta_min surf%us(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%usws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%vsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Initialization in all other cases ELSE surf%ol(num_h) = surf%z_mo(num_h) / zeta_min ! !-- Very small number is required for calculation of Obukhov length at first timestep surf%us(num_h) = 1E-30_wp surf%usws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%vsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF surf%rib(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%uvw_abs(num_h) = 0.0_wp ! !-- Initialize ln(z/z0) surf%ln_z_z0(num_h) = LOG( surf%z_mo(num_h) / surf%z0(num_h) ) surf%ln_z_z0h(num_h) = LOG( surf%z_mo(num_h) / surf%z0h(num_h) ) surf%ln_z_z0q(num_h) = LOG( surf%z_mo(num_h) / surf%z0q(num_h) ) IF ( .NOT. constant_diffusion ) THEN surf%u_0(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%v_0(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF surf%ts(num_h) = 0.0_wp ! !-- Set initial value for surface temperature surf%pt_surface(num_h) = pt_surface IF ( humidity ) THEN surf%qs(num_h) = 0.0_wp IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN surf%qcs(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%ncs(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qcsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%ncsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN surf%qrs(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%nrs(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qrsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%nrsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%pt1(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qv1(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%vpt1(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN surf%qis(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%nis(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qisws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%nisws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF surf%q_surface(num_h) = q_surface surf%vpt_surface(num_h) = surf%pt_surface(num_h) * & ( 1.0_wp + 0.61_wp * surf%q_surface(num_h) ) ENDIF IF ( passive_scalar ) surf%ss(num_h) = 0.0_wp DO lsp = 1, nvar IF ( air_chemistry ) surf%css(lsp,num_h) = 0.0_wp ! !-- Ensure that fluxes of compounds which are not specified in namelist are all zero !-- --> kanani: revise IF ( air_chemistry ) surf%cssws(lsp,num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDDO ! !-- Inititalize surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat, as well as passive scalar IF ( use_surface_fluxes ) THEN IF ( upward_facing ) THEN IF ( constant_heatflux ) THEN ! !-- Initialize surface heatflux. However, skip this for now if random_heatflux is set. !-- This case, shf is initialized later. IF ( .NOT. random_heatflux ) THEN surf%shf(num_h) = surface_heatflux * heatflux_input_conversion(k-1) ! !-- Check if surface heat flux might be replaced by prescribed wall heatflux IF ( k-1 /= 0 ) THEN surf%shf(num_h) = wall_heatflux(0) * heatflux_input_conversion(k-1) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE surf%shf(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Set heat-flux at downward-facing surfaces ELSE surf%shf(num_h) = wall_heatflux(5) * heatflux_input_conversion(k) ENDIF IF ( humidity ) THEN IF ( upward_facing ) THEN IF ( constant_waterflux ) THEN surf%qsws(num_h) = surface_waterflux * waterflux_input_conversion(k-1) IF ( k-1 /= 0 ) THEN surf%qsws(num_h) = wall_humidityflux(0) * waterflux_input_conversion(k-1) ENDIF ELSE surf%qsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ELSE surf%qsws(num_h) = wall_humidityflux(5) * waterflux_input_conversion(k) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN IF ( upward_facing ) THEN IF ( constant_scalarflux ) THEN surf%ssws(num_h) = surface_scalarflux * rho_air_zw(k-1) IF ( k-1 /= 0 ) surf%ssws(num_h) = wall_scalarflux(0) * rho_air_zw(k-1) ELSE surf%ssws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ELSE surf%ssws(num_h) = wall_scalarflux(5) * rho_air_zw(k) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN lsp_pr = 1 DO WHILE ( TRIM( surface_csflux_name( lsp_pr ) ) /= 'novalue' ) !<'novalue' is the default DO lsp = 1, nvar ! !-- Assign surface flux for each variable species IF ( TRIM( spc_names(lsp) ) == TRIM( surface_csflux_name(lsp_pr) ) ) THEN IF ( upward_facing ) THEN IF ( constant_csflux(lsp_pr) ) THEN surf%cssws(lsp,num_h) = surface_csflux(lsp_pr) * rho_air_zw(k-1) IF ( k-1 /= 0 ) surf%cssws(lsp,num_h) = wall_csflux(lsp,0) * & rho_air_zw(k-1) ELSE surf%cssws(lsp,num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ELSE surf%cssws(lsp,num_h) = wall_csflux(lsp,5) * rho_air_zw(k) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO lsp_pr = lsp_pr + 1 ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ocean_mode ) THEN IF ( upward_facing ) THEN surf%sasws(num_h) = bottom_salinityflux * rho_air_zw(k-1) ELSE surf%sasws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Increment surface indices num_h = num_h + 1 num_h_kji = num_h_kji + 1 END SUBROUTINE initialize_horizontal_surfaces !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize model-top fluxes. Currently, only the heatflux and salinity flux can be prescribed, !> latent flux is zero in this case! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE initialize_top( k, j, i, surf, num_h, num_h_kji ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index z-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: num_h !< current number of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: num_h_kji !< dummy increment TYPE( surf_type ) :: surf !< respective surface type ! !-- Store indices of respective surface element surf%i(num_h) = i surf%j(num_h) = j surf%k(num_h) = k ! !-- Initialize top heat flux IF ( constant_top_heatflux ) surf%shf(num_h) = top_heatflux * heatflux_input_conversion(nzt+1) ! !-- Initialization in case of a coupled model run IF ( coupling_mode == 'ocean_to_atmosphere' ) THEN surf%shf(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ! !-- Prescribe latent heat flux at the top IF ( humidity ) THEN surf%qsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison ) THEN surf%ncsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qcsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert ) THEN surf%nrsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qrsws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase ) THEN surf%nisws(num_h) = 0.0_wp surf%qisws(num_h) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ENDIF ! !-- Prescribe top scalar flux IF ( passive_scalar .AND. constant_top_scalarflux ) surf%ssws(num_h) = top_scalarflux * & rho_air_zw(nzt+1) ! !-- Prescribe top salinity flux IF ( ocean_mode .AND. constant_top_salinityflux) surf%sasws(num_h) = top_salinityflux * & rho_air_zw(nzt+1) ! !-- Top momentum fluxes IF ( constant_top_momentumflux ) THEN surf%usws(num_h) = top_momentumflux_u * momentumflux_input_conversion(nzt+1) surf%vsws(num_h) = top_momentumflux_v * momentumflux_input_conversion(nzt+1) ENDIF ! !-- Increment surface indices num_h = num_h + 1 num_h_kji = num_h_kji + 1 END SUBROUTINE initialize_top !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize vertical surface elements. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE initialize_vertical_surfaces( k, j, i, surf, num_v, num_v_kji, east_facing, & west_facing, south_facing, north_facing ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: component !< index of wall_fluxes_ array for respective orientation INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: k !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: num_v !< current number of surface element INTEGER(iwp) :: num_v_kji !< current number of surface element at (j,i) INTEGER(iwp) :: lsp !< running index for chemical species LOGICAL :: east_facing !< flag indicating east-facing surfaces LOGICAL :: north_facing !< flag indicating north-facing surfaces LOGICAL :: south_facing !< flag indicating south-facing surfaces LOGICAL :: west_facing !< flag indicating west-facing surfaces TYPE( surf_type ) :: surf !< respective surface type ! !-- Store indices of respective wall element surf%i(num_v) = i surf%j(num_v) = j surf%k(num_v) = k ! !-- Initialize surface-layer height, or more precisely, distance to surface IF ( north_facing .OR. south_facing ) THEN surf%z_mo(num_v) = 0.5_wp * dy ELSE surf%z_mo(num_v) = 0.5_wp * dx ENDIF surf%facing(num_v) = 0 ! !-- Surface orientation. Moreover, set component id to map wall_heatflux, etc., on surface type !-- (further below) IF ( north_facing ) THEN surf%facing(num_v) = 5 !IBSET( surf%facing(num_v), 0 ) component = 4 ENDIF IF ( south_facing ) THEN surf%facing(num_v) = 6 !IBSET( surf%facing(num_v), 1 ) component = 3 ENDIF IF ( east_facing ) THEN surf%facing(num_v) = 7 !IBSET( surf%facing(num_v), 2 ) component = 2 ENDIF IF ( west_facing ) THEN surf%facing(num_v) = 8 !IBSET( surf%facing(num_v), 3 ) component = 1 ENDIF surf%z0(num_v) = roughness_length surf%z0h(num_v) = z0h_factor * roughness_length surf%z0q(num_v) = z0h_factor * roughness_length surf%us(num_v) = 0.0_wp ! !-- Initialize ln(z/z0) surf%ln_z_z0(num_v) = LOG( surf%z_mo(num_v) / surf%z0(num_v) ) surf%ln_z_z0h(num_v) = LOG( surf%z_mo(num_v) / surf%z0h(num_v) ) surf%ln_z_z0q(num_v) = LOG( surf%z_mo(num_v) / surf%z0q(num_v) ) ! !-- If required, initialize Obukhov length IF ( ALLOCATED( surf%ol ) ) surf%ol(num_v) = surf%z_mo(num_v) / zeta_min surf%uvw_abs(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%mom_flux_uv(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%mom_flux_w(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%mom_flux_tke(0:1,num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%ts(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%shf(num_v) = wall_heatflux(component) ! !-- Set initial value for surface temperature surf%pt_surface(num_v) = pt_surface IF ( humidity ) THEN surf%qs(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%qsws(num_v) = wall_humidityflux(component) ! !-- Following wall fluxes are assumed to be zero IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_morrison) THEN surf%qcs(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%ncs(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%qcsws(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%ncsws(num_v) = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_seifert) THEN surf%qrs(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%nrs(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%qrsws(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%nrsws(num_v) = 0.0_wp ENDIF IF ( surf_bulk_cloud_model .AND. surf_microphysics_ice_phase) THEN surf%qis(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%nis(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%qisws(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%nisws(num_v) = 0.0_wp ENDIF ENDIF IF ( passive_scalar ) THEN surf%ss(num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%ssws(num_v) = wall_scalarflux(component) ENDIF IF ( air_chemistry ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf%css(lsp,num_v) = 0.0_wp surf%cssws(lsp,num_v) = wall_csflux(lsp,component) ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- So far, salinityflux at vertical surfaces is simply zero at the moment IF ( ocean_mode ) surf%sasws(num_v) = wall_salinityflux(component) ! !-- Increment wall indices num_v = num_v + 1 num_v_kji = num_v_kji + 1 END SUBROUTINE initialize_vertical_surfaces END SUBROUTINE init_surfaces !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Initialize single surface properties from 2D input arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE init_single_surface_properties( var_surf, var_2d, ns, fill_value, index_space_i, & index_space_j ) INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index over surface elements INTEGER(iwp) :: ns !< number of surface elements in var_surf INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(1:ns) :: index_space_i !< grid indices along x direction where surface properties should be defined INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(1:ns) :: index_space_j !< grid indices along y direction where surface properties should be defined REAL(wp) :: fill_value !< fill value in var_2d REAL(wp), DIMENSION(1:ns) :: var_surf !< 1D surface variable that should be initialized REAL(wp), DIMENSION(nysg:nyng,nxlg:nxrg) :: var_2d !< input variable DO m = 1, ns IF ( var_2d(index_space_j(m),index_space_i(m)) /= fill_value ) THEN var_surf(m) = var_2d(index_space_j(m),index_space_i(m)) ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE init_single_surface_properties !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Gathers all surface elements with the same facing (but possibly different type) onto a surface !> type, and writes binary data into restart files. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_wrd_local IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: dum !< dummy string to create output-variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< index surface type orientation INTEGER(iwp) :: lsp !< running index chemical species INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for surface elements on individual surface array INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:2) :: start_index_h !< start index for horizontal surface elements on gathered surface array INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: mm !< running index for surface elements on gathered surface array INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(0:3) :: start_index_v !< start index for vertical surface elements on gathered surface array INTEGER(idp),DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: global_end_index !< end index for surface data (MPI-IO) INTEGER(idp),DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: global_start_index !< start index for surface data (MPI-IO) LOGICAL :: surface_data_to_write !< switch for MPI-I/O if PE has surface data to write TYPE(surf_type), DIMENSION(0:2) :: surf_h !< gathered horizontal surfaces, contains all surface types TYPE(surf_type), DIMENSION(0:3) :: surf_v !< gathered vertical surfaces, contains all surface types ! !-- Determine total number of horizontal and vertical surface elements before writing var_list CALL surface_last_actions ! !-- Count number of grid points with same facing and allocate attributes respectively !-- Horizontal upward facing surf_h(0)%ns = ns_h_on_file(0) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(0), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ! !-- Horizontal downward facing surf_h(1)%ns = ns_h_on_file(1) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(1), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ! !-- Model top surf_h(2)%ns = ns_h_on_file(2) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h_top( surf_h(2), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ! !-- Vertical surfaces DO l = 0, 3 surf_v(l)%ns = ns_v_on_file(l) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_v( surf_v(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr ) ENDDO ! !-- In the following, gather data from surfaces elements with the same facing (but possibly differt !-- type) on 1 data-type array. mm(0:2) = 1 DO l = 0, 2 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO m = surf_def_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_def_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%us ) ) surf_h(l)%us(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%us(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%ts ) ) surf_h(l)%ts(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%ts(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qs ) ) surf_h(l)%qs(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%ss ) ) surf_h(l)%ss(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%ss(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qcs ) ) surf_h(l)%qcs(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qcs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%ncs ) ) surf_h(l)%ncs(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%ncs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qis ) ) surf_h(l)%qis(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%nis ) ) surf_h(l)%nis(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%nis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qrs ) ) surf_h(l)%qrs(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%nrs ) ) surf_h(l)%nrs(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%nrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%ol ) ) surf_h(l)%ol(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%ol(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%rib ) ) surf_h(l)%rib(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%rib(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%pt_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%pt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%pt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%q_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%q_surface(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%q_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%vpt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%vpt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%usws ) ) surf_h(l)%usws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%usws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%vsws ) ) surf_h(l)%vsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%vsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%shf ) ) surf_h(l)%shf(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%shf(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qsws ) ) surf_h(l)%qsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%ssws ) ) surf_h(l)%ssws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%ssws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1,nvar surf_h(l)%css(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%css(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1,nvar surf_h(l)%cssws(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%cssws(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qcsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qcsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qcsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qrsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qrsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%qisws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qisws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%qisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%ncsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%ncsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%ncsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%nisws ) ) & surf_h(l)%nisws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%nisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%nrsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%nrsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%nrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%sasws ) ) & surf_h(l)%sasws(mm(l)) = surf_def_h(l)%sasws(m) mm(l) = mm(l) + 1 ENDDO IF ( l < 2 ) THEN DO m = surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%us ) ) surf_h(l)%us(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%us(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%ts ) ) surf_h(l)%ts(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%ts(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qs ) ) surf_h(l)%qs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%ss ) ) surf_h(l)%ss(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%ss(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qcs ) ) surf_h(l)%qcs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qcs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%ncs ) ) surf_h(l)%ncs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%ncs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qis ) ) surf_h(l)%qis(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%nis ) ) surf_h(l)%nis(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%nis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qrs ) ) surf_h(l)%qrs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%nrs ) ) surf_h(l)%nrs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%nrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%ol ) ) surf_h(l)%ol(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%ol(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%rib ) ) surf_h(l)%rib(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%rib(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%pt_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%pt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%pt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%q_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%q_surface(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%q_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%vpt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%vpt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%usws ) ) surf_h(l)%usws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%usws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%vsws ) ) surf_h(l)%vsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%vsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%shf ) ) surf_h(l)%shf(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%shf(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qsws ) ) surf_h(l)%qsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%ssws ) ) surf_h(l)%ssws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%ssws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_h(l)%css(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%css(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_h(l)%cssws(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%cssws(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qcsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qcsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qcsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qisws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qisws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%qrsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qrsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%qrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%ncsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%ncsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%ncsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%nisws ) ) & surf_h(l)%nisws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%nisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%nrsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%nrsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%nrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_h(l)%sasws ) ) & surf_h(l)%sasws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_h(l)%sasws(m) mm(l) = mm(l) + 1 ENDDO DO m = surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%us ) ) & surf_h(l)%us(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%us(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ts ) ) & surf_h(l)%ts(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%ts(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qs ) ) & surf_h(l)%qs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ss ) ) & surf_h(l)%ss(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%ss(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qcs ) ) & surf_h(l)%qcs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qcs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ncs ) ) & surf_h(l)%ncs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%ncs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qis ) ) & surf_h(l)%qis(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%nis ) ) & surf_h(l)%nis(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%nis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qrs ) ) & surf_h(l)%qrs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%nrs ) ) & surf_h(l)%nrs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%nrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ol ) ) & surf_h(l)%ol(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%ol(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%rib ) ) & surf_h(l)%rib(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%rib(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%pt_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%pt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%pt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%q_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%q_surface(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%q_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_h(l)%vpt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%vpt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%usws ) ) & surf_h(l)%usws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%usws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%vsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%vsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%vsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%shf ) ) & surf_h(l)%shf(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%shf(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ssws ) ) & surf_h(l)%ssws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%ssws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_h(l)%css(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%css(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_h(l)%cssws(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%cssws(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qcsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qcsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qcsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qisws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qisws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%qrsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%qrsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%qrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%ncsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%ncsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%ncsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%nrsws ) ) & surf_h(l)%nrsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%nrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%nisws ) ) & surf_h(l)%nisws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%nisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_h(l)%sasws ) ) & surf_h(l)%sasws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_h(l)%sasws(m) mm(l) = mm(l) + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Recalculate start- and end indices for gathered surface type. start_index_h(l) = 1 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_h(l) surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i) - 1 DO m = surf_def_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_def_h(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO IF ( l < 2 ) THEN DO m = surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO DO m = surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ENDIF start_index_h(l) = surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Treat vertically orientated surface. Again, gather data from different surfaces types but !-- identical orientation (e.g. northward-facing) onto one surface type which is output afterwards. mm(0:3) = 1 DO l = 0, 3 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn DO m = surf_def_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_def_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%us ) ) & surf_v(l)%us(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%us(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%ts ) ) & surf_v(l)%ts(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%ts(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qs(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%ss ) ) & surf_v(l)%ss(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%ss(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qcs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qcs(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qcs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%ncs ) ) & surf_v(l)%ncs(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%ncs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qis ) ) & surf_v(l)%qis(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%nis ) ) & surf_v(l)%nis(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%nis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qrs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qrs(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%nrs ) ) & surf_v(l)%nrs(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%nrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%ol ) ) & surf_v(l)%ol(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%ol(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%rib ) ) & surf_v(l)%rib(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%rib(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%pt_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%pt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%pt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%q_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%q_surface(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%q_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%vpt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%vpt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%shf ) ) & surf_v(l)%shf(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%shf(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%ssws ) ) & surf_v(l)%ssws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%ssws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_v(l)%css(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%css(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_v(l)%cssws(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%cssws(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qcsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qcsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qcsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qisws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qisws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%qrsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qrsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%qrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%ncsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%ncsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%ncsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%nisws ) ) & surf_v(l)%nisws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%nisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%nrsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%nrsws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%nrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%sasws ) ) & surf_v(l)%sasws(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%sasws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%mom_flux_uv) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%mom_flux_uv(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%mom_flux_w) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w(mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%mom_flux_w(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_def_v(l)%mom_flux_tke) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke(0:1,mm(l)) = surf_def_v(l)%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m) mm(l) = mm(l) + 1 ENDDO DO m = surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%us ) ) & surf_v(l)%us(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%us(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%ts ) ) & surf_v(l)%ts(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%ts(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%ss ) ) & surf_v(l)%ss(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%ss(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qcs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qcs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qcs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%ncs ) ) & surf_v(l)%ncs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%ncs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qis ) ) & surf_v(l)%qis(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%nis ) ) & surf_v(l)%nis(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%nis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qrs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qrs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%nrs ) ) & surf_v(l)%nrs(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%nrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%ol ) ) & surf_v(l)%ol(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%ol(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%rib ) ) & surf_v(l)%rib(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%rib(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%pt_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%pt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%pt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%q_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%q_surface(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%q_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%vpt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%vpt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%usws ) ) & surf_v(l)%usws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%usws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%vsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%vsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%vsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%shf ) ) & surf_v(l)%shf(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%shf(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%ssws ) ) & surf_v(l)%ssws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%ssws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_v(l)%css(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%css(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_v(l)%cssws(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%cssws(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qcsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qcsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qcsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qrsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qrsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%qisws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qisws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%qisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%ncsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%ncsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%ncsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%nisws ) ) & surf_v(l)%nisws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%nisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%nrsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%nrsws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%nrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%sasws ) ) & surf_v(l)%sasws(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%sasws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%mom_flux_uv) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%mom_flux_uv(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%mom_flux_w) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w(mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%mom_flux_w(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_lsm_v(l)%mom_flux_tke) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke(0:1,mm(l)) = surf_lsm_v(l)%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m) mm(l) = mm(l) + 1 ENDDO DO m = surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%us ) ) & surf_v(l)%us(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%us(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ts ) ) & surf_v(l)%ts(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%ts(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ss ) ) & surf_v(l)%ss(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%ss(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qcs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qcs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qcs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ncs ) ) & surf_v(l)%ncs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%ncs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qis ) ) & surf_v(l)%qis(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%nis ) ) & surf_v(l)%nis(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%nis(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qrs ) ) & surf_v(l)%qrs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%nrs ) ) & surf_v(l)%nrs(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%nrs(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ol ) ) & surf_v(l)%ol(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%ol(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%rib ) ) & surf_v(l)%rib(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%rib(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%pt_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%pt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%pt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%q_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%q_surface(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%q_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_v(l)%vpt_surface(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%vpt_surface(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%usws ) ) & surf_v(l)%usws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%usws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%vsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%vsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%vsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%shf ) ) & surf_v(l)%shf(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%shf(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ssws ) ) & surf_v(l)%ssws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%ssws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_v(l)%css(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%css(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_v(l)%cssws(lsp,mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%cssws(lsp,m) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qcsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qcsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qcsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qrsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qrsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%qisws ) ) & surf_v(l)%qisws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%qisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%ncsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%ncsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%ncsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%nisws ) ) & surf_v(l)%nisws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%nisws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%nrsws ) ) & surf_v(l)%nrsws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%nrsws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%sasws ) ) & surf_v(l)%sasws(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%sasws(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%mom_flux_uv) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%mom_flux_uv(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%mom_flux_w) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w(mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%mom_flux_w(m) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_usm_v(l)%mom_flux_tke) ) & surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke(0:1,mm(l)) = surf_usm_v(l)%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m) mm(l) = mm(l) + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Recalculate start- and end-indices for gathered surface type start_index_v(l) = 1 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i) = start_index_v(l) surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i) -1 DO m = surf_def_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_def_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO DO m = surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO DO m = surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) = surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO start_index_v(l) = surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) + 1 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Now start writing restart data to file IF ( TRIM( restart_data_format_output ) == 'fortran_binary' ) THEN ! !-- Output strings for the total number of upward / downward-facing surfaces on subdomain. CALL wrd_write_string( 'ns_h_on_file' ) WRITE ( 14 ) ns_h_on_file ! !-- Output strings for the total number of north/south/east/westward-facing surfaces on subdomain. CALL wrd_write_string( 'ns_v_on_file' ) WRITE ( 14 ) ns_v_on_file ! !-- Horizontal surfaces (upward-, downward-facing, and model top). !-- Always start with %start_index followed by %end_index DO l = 0, 2 WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%start_index' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%start_index CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%end_index' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%end_index IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%us ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%us' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%us ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ts ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ts' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%ts ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ss ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ss' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%ss ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qcs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qcs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qcs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ncs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ncs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%ncs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qis' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qis ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nis' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%nis ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qrs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qrs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nrs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%nrs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ol ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ol' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%ol ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%rib ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%rib' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%rib ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%pt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%pt_surface' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%pt_surface ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%q_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%q_surface' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%q_surface ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%vpt_surface' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%vpt_surface ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%usws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%usws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%usws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%vsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%vsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%vsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%shf ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%shf' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%shf ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ssws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%ssws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%css ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%css' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%css ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%cssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%cssws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%cssws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qcsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qcsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qcsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ncsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ncsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%ncsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qisws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qisws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nisws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%nisws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qrsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%qrsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nrsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%nrsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%sasws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%sasws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_h(l)%sasws ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Write vertical surfaces. !-- Always start with %start_index followed by %end_index. DO l = 0, 3 WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%start_index' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%start_index CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%end_index' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%end_index IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%us ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%us' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%us ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ts ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ts' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%ts ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ss ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ss' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%ss ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qcs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qcs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qcs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ncs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ncs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%ncs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qis' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qis ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nis' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%nis ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qrs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qrs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nrs' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%nrs ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ol ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ol' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%ol ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%rib ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%rib' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%rib ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%pt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%pt_surface' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%pt_surface ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%q_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%q_surface' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%q_surface ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%vpt_surface' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%vpt_surface ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%shf ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%shf' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%shf ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ssws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%ssws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%css ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%css' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%css ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%cssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%cssws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%cssws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qcsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qcsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qcsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ncsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ncsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%ncsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qisws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qisws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nisws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%nisws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qrsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%qrsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nrsws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%nrsws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%sasws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%sasws' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%sasws ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_uv' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_w' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke ) ) THEN CALL wrd_write_string( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_tke' ) WRITE ( 14 ) surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke ENDIF ENDDO ELSEIF ( restart_data_format_output(1:3) == 'mpi' ) THEN ! !-- Start with horizontal surfaces (upward-, downward-facing, and model top). !-- All data writen with rd_mpi_io_write_surface are globally indexed 1d-arrays. ns_h_on_file = 0 ns_v_on_file = 0 DO l = 0, 2 WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_h(l)%start_index, surf_h(l)%end_index, & surface_data_to_write, global_start_index, & global_end_index ) IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE ns_h_on_file(l) = total_number_of_surface_elements CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'global_start_index_h_' // dum, global_start_index ) CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'global_end_index_h_' // dum, global_end_index ) IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%us ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface ( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%us', surf_h(l)%us ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ts ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface ( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ts', surf_h(l)%ts ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface ( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qs', surf_h(l)%qs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ss ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ss', surf_h(l)%ss ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qcs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qcs', surf_h(l)%qcs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ncs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ncs', surf_h(l)%ncs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qis', surf_h(l)%qis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nis', surf_h(l)%nis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qrs', surf_h(l)%qrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nrs', surf_h(l)%nrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ol ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ol', surf_h(l)%ol ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%rib ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%rib', surf_h(l)%rib ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%pt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%pt_surface', surf_h(l)%pt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%q_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%q_surface', surf_h(l)%q_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%vpt_surface', surf_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%usws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%usws', surf_h(l)%usws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%vsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%vsws', surf_h(l)%vsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%shf ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%shf', surf_h(l)%shf ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qsws', surf_h(l)%qsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ssws', surf_h(l)%ssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%css ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%css', surf_h(l)%css ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%cssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%cssws', surf_h(l)%cssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qcsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qcsws', surf_h(l)%qcsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ncsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ncsws', surf_h(l)%ncsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qisws', surf_h(l)%qisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nisws', surf_h(l)%nisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qrsws', surf_h(l)%qrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nrsws', surf_h(l)%nrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%sasws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%sasws', surf_h(l)%sasws ) ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Write vertical surfaces DO l = 0, 3 WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_v(l)%start_index, surf_v(l)%end_index, & surface_data_to_write, global_start_index, & global_end_index ) IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE ns_v_on_file(l) = total_number_of_surface_elements CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'global_start_index_v_' // dum, global_start_index ) CALL wrd_mpi_io( 'global_end_index_v_' // dum, global_end_index ) IF ( .NOT. surface_data_to_write ) CYCLE IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%us ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%us', surf_v(l)%us ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ts ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ts', surf_v(l)%ts ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qs', surf_v(l)%qs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ss ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ss', surf_v(l)%ss ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qcs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qcs', surf_v(l)%qcs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ncs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ncs', surf_v(l)%ncs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qis', surf_v(l)%qis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nis ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nis', surf_v(l)%nis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qrs', surf_v(l)%qrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nrs ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nrs', surf_v(l)%nrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ol ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ol', surf_v(l)%ol ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%rib ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%rib', surf_v(l)%rib ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%pt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%pt_surface', surf_v(l)%pt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%q_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%q_surface', surf_v(l)%q_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%vpt_surface', surf_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%shf ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%shf', surf_v(l)%shf ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qsws', surf_v(l)%qsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ssws', surf_v(l)%ssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%css ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%css', surf_v(l)%css ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%cssws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%cssws', surf_v(l)%cssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qcsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qcsws', surf_v(l)%qcsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ncsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ncsws', surf_v(l)%ncsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qisws', surf_v(l)%qisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nisws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nisws', surf_v(l)%nisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qrsws', surf_v(l)%qrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nrsws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nrsws', surf_v(l)%nrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%sasws ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%sasws', surf_v(l)%sasws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_uv', surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_w', surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke ) ) THEN CALL wrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_tke', surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke ) ENDIF ENDDO CALL wrd_mpi_io_global_array( 'ns_h_on_file', ns_h_on_file ) CALL wrd_mpi_io_global_array( 'ns_v_on_file', ns_v_on_file ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE surface_wrd_local !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads surface-related restart data in Fortran binary format. Please note, restart data for a !> certain surface orientation (e.g. horizontal upward-facing) is stored in one array, even if !> surface elements may belong to different surface types natural or urban for example). Surface !> elements are redistributed into its respective surface types within this routine. This allows !> e.g. changing the surface type after reading the restart data, which might be required in case !> of cyclic_fill mode. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_rrd_local_ftn( kk, nxlf, nxlc, nxl_on_file, nxrf, nxr_on_file, nynf, & nyn_on_file, nysf, nysc, nys_on_file, found ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< running index along x-direction, refers to current domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: jc !< running index along y-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< running index for surface elements, refers to gathered array encompassing all surface types INTEGER(iwp) :: mm !< running index for surface elements, refers to individual surface types INTEGER(iwp) :: kk !< running index over previous input files covering current local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlc !< index of left boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlf !< index of left boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_on_file !< index of left boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrf !< index of right boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_on_file !< index of right boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nynf !< index of north boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_on_file !< index of norht boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysc !< index of south boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysf !< index of south boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_on_file !< index of south boundary on former local domain INTEGER(iwp), SAVE :: l !< index variable for surface type LOGICAL :: surf_match_def !< flag indicating that surface element is of default type LOGICAL :: surf_match_lsm !< flag indicating that surface element is of natural type LOGICAL :: surf_match_usm !< flag indicating that surface element is of urban type LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: found !< LOGICAL, SAVE :: horizontal_surface !< flag indicating horizontal surfaces LOGICAL, SAVE :: vertical_surface !< flag indicating vertical surfaces TYPE(surf_type), DIMENSION(0:2), SAVE :: surf_h !< horizontal surface type on file TYPE(surf_type), DIMENSION(0:3), SAVE :: surf_v !< vertical surface type on file found = .TRUE. SELECT CASE ( restart_string(1:length) ) ! !-- Read the number of horizontally orientated surface elements and allocate arrays CASE ( 'ns_h_on_file' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) THEN READ ( 13 ) ns_h_on_file IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%start_index ) ) & CALL deallocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(0) ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%start_index ) ) & CALL deallocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(1) ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%start_index ) ) & CALL deallocate_surface_attributes_h_top( surf_h(2) ) ! !-- Allocate memory for number of surface elements on file. !-- Please note, this number is not necessarily the same as the final number of surface !-- elements on local domain, which is the case if processor topology changes during !-- restart runs. !-- Horizontal upward facing surf_h(0)%ns = ns_h_on_file(0) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(0), nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, & nxr_on_file ) ! !-- Horizontal downward facing surf_h(1)%ns = ns_h_on_file(1) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(1), nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, & nxr_on_file ) ! !-- Model top surf_h(2)%ns = ns_h_on_file(2) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h_top( surf_h(2), nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, & nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file ) ! !-- Initial setting of flags for horizontal and vertical surfaces, will be set after start- !-- and end-indices are read. horizontal_surface = .FALSE. vertical_surface = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Read the number of vertically orientated surface elements and allocate arrays CASE ( 'ns_v_on_file' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) THEN READ ( 13 ) ns_v_on_file DO l = 0, 3 IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(l)%start_index ) ) & CALL deallocate_surface_attributes_v( surf_v(l) ) ENDDO DO l = 0, 3 surf_v(l)%ns = ns_v_on_file(l) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_v( surf_v(l), nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, & nxl_on_file, nxr_on_file ) ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Read start and end indices of surface elements at each (ji)-gridpoint CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%start_index l = 0 CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%end_index horizontal_surface = .TRUE. vertical_surface = .FALSE. ! !-- Read specific attributes CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%us CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%ts CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qs CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%ss CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qis CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%nis CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%ol CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%rib CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%usws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%usws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%usws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%vsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%vsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%vsws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%shf CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%css CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_h(0)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(0)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(0)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%start_index l = 1 CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%end_index CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%us CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%ts CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qs CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%ss CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qis CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%nis CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%ol CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%rib CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%usws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%usws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%usws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%vsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%vsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%vsws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%shf CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%css CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_h(1)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(1)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(1)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%start_index l = 2 CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%end_index CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%us CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%ts CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qs CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%ss CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qis CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%nis CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%ol CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%rib CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%usws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%usws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%usws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%vsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%vsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%vsws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%shf CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%css CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_h(2)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(2)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_h(2)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%start_index l = 0 horizontal_surface = .FALSE. vertical_surface = .TRUE. CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%end_index CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%us CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%ts CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qs CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%ss CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qis CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%nis CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%ol CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%rib CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%shf CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%css CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%mom_uv' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%mom_flux_uv ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%mom_flux_uv CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%mom_w' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%mom_flux_w ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%mom_flux_w CASE ( 'surf_v(0)%mom_tke' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(0)%mom_flux_tke ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(0)%mom_flux_tke CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%start_index l = 1 CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%end_index CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%us CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%ts CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qs CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%ss CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qis CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%nis CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%ol CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%rib CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%shf CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%css CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%mom_uv' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%mom_flux_uv ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%mom_flux_uv CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%mom_w' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%mom_flux_w ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%mom_flux_w CASE ( 'surf_v(1)%mom_tke' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(1)%mom_flux_tke ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(1)%mom_flux_tke CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%start_index l = 2 CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%end_index CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%us CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%ts CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qs CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%ss CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qis CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%nis CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%ol CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%rib CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%shf CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%css CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%mom_uv' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%mom_flux_uv ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%mom_flux_uv CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%mom_w' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%mom_flux_w ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%mom_flux_w CASE ( 'surf_v(2)%mom_tke' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(2)%mom_flux_tke ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(2)%mom_flux_tke CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%start_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%start_index l = 3 CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%end_index' ) IF ( kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%end_index CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%us' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%us ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%us CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%ts' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%ts ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%ts CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qs CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%ss' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%ss ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%ss CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qcs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qcs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qcs CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%ncs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%ncs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%ncs CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qis CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%nis' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%nis ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%nis CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qrs CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%nrs' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%nrs ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%nrs CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%ol' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%ol ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%ol CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%rib' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%rib ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%rib CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%pt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%pt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%pt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%q_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%q_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%q_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%vpt_surface' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%vpt_surface ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%vpt_surface CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%shf' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%shf ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%shf CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qsws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%ssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%ssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%ssws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%css' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%css ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%css CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%cssws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%cssws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%cssws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qcsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qcsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qcsws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%ncsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%ncsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%ncsws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qisws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%nisws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%nisws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%nisws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%qrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%qrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%qrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%nrsws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%nrsws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%nrsws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%sasws' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%sasws ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%sasws CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%mom_uv' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%mom_flux_uv ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%mom_flux_uv CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%mom_w' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%mom_flux_w ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%mom_flux_w CASE ( 'surf_v(3)%mom_tke' ) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(3)%mom_flux_tke ) .AND. kk == 1 ) & READ ( 13 ) surf_v(3)%mom_flux_tke CASE DEFAULT found = .FALSE. END SELECT ! !-- Redistribute surface elements on its respective type. Start with horizontally orientated surfaces. IF ( horizontal_surface .AND. & .NOT. INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%start_index' ) /= 0 ) & THEN ic = nxlc DO i = nxlf, nxrf jc = nysc DO j = nysf, nynf ! !-- Determine type of surface element, i.e. default, natural, urban, at current grid point. surf_match_def = surf_def_h(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= surf_def_h(l)%start_index(jc,ic) IF ( l < 2 ) THEN surf_match_lsm = surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(jc,ic) surf_match_usm = surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(jc,ic) ELSE surf_match_lsm = .FALSE. surf_match_usm = .FALSE. ENDIF ! !-- Write restart data onto default-type surfaces if required. IF ( surf_match_def ) THEN ! !-- Set the start index for the local surface element mm = surf_def_h(l)%start_index(jc,ic) ! !-- For index pair (j,i) on file loop from start to end index, and in case the local !-- surface element mm is smaller than the local end index, assign the respective !-- surface data to this element. DO m = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_def_h(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_def_h(l), mm, surf_h(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Same for natural-type surfaces. Please note, it is implicitly assumed that natural !-- surface elements are below urban surface elements if there are several horizontal !-- surfaces at (j,i). An example would be bridges. IF ( surf_match_lsm ) THEN mm = surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(jc,ic) DO m = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_lsm_h(l), mm, surf_h(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Same for urban-type surfaces IF ( surf_match_usm ) THEN mm = surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(jc,ic) DO m = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_usm_h(l), mm, surf_h(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF jc = jc + 1 ENDDO ic = ic + 1 ENDDO ELSEIF ( vertical_surface .AND. & .NOT. INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%start_index' ) /= 0 ) THEN ic = nxlc DO i = nxlf, nxrf jc = nysc DO j = nysf, nynf ! !-- Determine type of surface element, i.e. default, natural, urban, at current grid point. surf_match_def = surf_def_v(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= surf_def_v(l)%start_index(jc,ic) surf_match_lsm = surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(jc,ic) surf_match_usm = surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(jc,ic) ! !-- Write restart data onto default-type surfaces if required. IF ( surf_match_def ) THEN ! !-- Set the start index for the local surface element mm = surf_def_v(l)%start_index(jc,ic) ! !-- For index pair (j,i) on file loop from start to end index, and in case the local !-- surface element mm is smaller than the local end index, assign the respective !-- surface data to this element. DO m = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_def_v(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_def_v(l), mm, surf_v(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ! !-- Same for natural-type surfaces. Please note, it is implicitly assumed that natural !-- surface elements are below urban surface elements if there are several vertical !-- surfaces at (j,i). An example a terrain elevations with a building on top. So far, !-- initialization of urban surfaces below natural surfaces on the same (j,i) is not !-- possible, so that this case cannot occur. IF ( surf_match_lsm ) THEN mm = surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(jc,ic) DO m = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_lsm_v(l), mm, surf_v(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF IF ( surf_match_usm ) THEN mm = surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(jc,ic) DO m = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(jc,ic) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_usm_v(l), mm, surf_v(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF jc = jc + 1 ENDDO ic = ic + 1 ENDDO ENDIF CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Restores surface elements back on its respective type. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE restore_surface_elements( surf_target, m_target, surf_file, m_file ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: m_file !< respective surface-element index of current surface array INTEGER(iwp) :: m_target !< respecitve surface-element index of surface array on file INTEGER(iwp) :: lsp !< running index chemical species TYPE(surf_type) :: surf_target !< target surface type TYPE(surf_type) :: surf_file !< surface type on file IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%us' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%us ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%us ) ) & surf_target%us(m_target) = surf_file%us(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%ol' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ol ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ol ) ) & surf_target%ol(m_target) = surf_file%ol(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%pt_surface' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%pt_surface ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%pt_surface ) ) & surf_target%pt_surface(m_target) = surf_file%pt_surface(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%q_surface' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%q_surface ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%q_surface ) ) & surf_target%q_surface(m_target) = surf_file%q_surface(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%vpt_surface' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%vpt_surface ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_target%vpt_surface(m_target) = surf_file%vpt_surface(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%usws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%usws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%usws ) ) & surf_target%usws(m_target) = surf_file%usws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%vsws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%vsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%vsws ) ) & surf_target%vsws(m_target) = surf_file%vsws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%ts' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ts ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ts ) ) & surf_target%ts(m_target) = surf_file%ts(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%shf' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%shf ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%shf ) ) & surf_target%shf(m_target) = surf_file%shf(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qs' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qs ) ) & surf_target%qs(m_target) = surf_file%qs(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qsws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qsws ) ) & surf_target%qsws(m_target) = surf_file%qsws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%ss' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ss ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ss ) ) & surf_target%ss(m_target) = surf_file%ss(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%ssws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ssws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ssws ) ) & surf_target%ssws(m_target) = surf_file%ssws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%css' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%css ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_target%css(lsp,m_target) = surf_file%css(lsp,m_file) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%cssws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%cssws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_target%cssws(lsp,m_target) = surf_file%cssws(lsp,m_file) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qcs' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qcs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qcs ) ) & surf_target%qcs(m_target) = surf_file%qcs(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qcsws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qcsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qcsws ) ) & surf_target%qcsws(m_target) = surf_file%qcsws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%ncs' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ncs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ncs ) ) & surf_target%ncs(m_target) = surf_file%ncs(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%ncsws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ncsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ncsws ) ) & surf_target%ncsws(m_target) = surf_file%ncsws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qis' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qis ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qis ) ) & surf_target%qis(m_target) = surf_file%qis(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qisws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qisws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qisws ) ) & surf_target%qisws(m_target) = surf_file%qisws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%nis' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nis ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nis ) ) & surf_target%nis(m_target) = surf_file%nis(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%nisws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nisws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nisws ) ) & surf_target%nisws(m_target) = surf_file%nisws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qrs' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qrs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qrs ) ) & surf_target%qrs(m_target) = surf_file%qrs(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%qrsws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qrsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qrsws ) ) & surf_target%qrsws(m_target) = surf_file%qrsws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%nrs' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nrs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nrs ) ) & surf_target%nrs(m_target) = surf_file%nrs(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%nrsws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nrsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nrsws ) ) & surf_target%nrsws(m_target) = surf_file%nrsws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%sasws' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%sasws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%sasws ) ) & surf_target%sasws(m_target) = surf_file%sasws(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%mom_uv' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%mom_flux_uv ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%mom_flux_uv ) ) & surf_target%mom_flux_uv(m_target) = surf_file%mom_flux_uv(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%mom_w' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%mom_flux_w ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%mom_flux_w ) ) & surf_target%mom_flux_w(m_target) = surf_file%mom_flux_w(m_file) ENDIF IF ( INDEX( restart_string(1:length), '%mom_tke' ) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%mom_flux_tke ) .AND. & ALLOCATED( surf_file%mom_flux_tke ) ) & surf_target%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m_target) = surf_file%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m_file) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE restore_surface_elements END SUBROUTINE surface_rrd_local_ftn !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Reads surface-related restart data in MPI-IO format. TO_DO: this routine needs to be adjusted for !> cyclic_fill mode !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_rrd_local_mpi IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: dum !< dummy string to create input-variable name INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< loop index, x-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< loop index, y-direction INTEGER(iwp) :: l !< loop index for surface orientation INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< loop index for surface types - target array INTEGER(iwp) :: mm !< loop index for surface types - file array INTEGER(idp), DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: global_end_index !< end index for surface data (MPI-IO) INTEGER(idp), DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: global_start_index !< start index for surface data (MPI-IO) LOGICAL :: data_to_read !< cycle in l loop, if no values to read LOGICAL :: surf_match_def !< flag indicating that surface element is of default type LOGICAL :: surf_match_lsm !< flag indicating that surface element is of natural type LOGICAL :: surf_match_usm !< flag indicating that surface element is of urban type TYPE(surf_type), DIMENSION(0:2) :: surf_h !< gathered horizontal surfaces, contains all surface types TYPE(surf_type), DIMENSION(0:3) :: surf_v !< gathered vertical surfaces, contains all surface types ! !-- Get total number of surface points on the file CALL rrd_mpi_io_global_array( 'ns_h_on_file', ns_h_on_file ) CALL rrd_mpi_io_global_array( 'ns_v_on_file', ns_v_on_file ) DO l = 0, 2 IF ( ns_h_on_file(l) == 0 ) CYCLE !< No data of this surface type on file WRITE( dum, '(I1)') l IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_h(l)%start_index ) ) CALL deallocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(l) ) ALLOCATE( surf_h(l)%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( surf_h(l)%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) surf_h(l)%start_index = 0 surf_h(l)%end_index = -1 CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'global_start_index_h_' // dum , global_start_index ) CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'global_end_index_h_' // dum , global_end_index ) CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_h(l)%start_index, surf_h(l)%end_index, data_to_read, & global_start_index, global_end_index ) surf_h(l)%ns = MAX( 2, MAXVAL( surf_h(l)%end_index ) ) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_h( surf_h(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, & no_allocate_index_arrays = .TRUE. ) IF ( .NOT. data_to_read ) CYCLE IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%us ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%us', surf_h(l)%us ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ts ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ts', surf_h(l)%ts ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qs', surf_h(l)%qs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ss ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ss', surf_h(l)%ss ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qcs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qcs', surf_h(l)%qcs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ncs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ncs', surf_h(l)%ncs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qis ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qis', surf_h(l)%qis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nis ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nis', surf_h(l)%nis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qrs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qrs', surf_h(l)%qrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nrs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nrs', surf_h(l)%nrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ol ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ol', surf_h(l)%ol ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%rib ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%rib', surf_h(l)%rib ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%pt_surface ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%pt_surface', surf_h(l)%pt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%q_surface ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%q_surface', surf_h(l)%q_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%vpt_surface', surf_h(l)%vpt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%usws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%usws', surf_h(l)%usws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%vsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%vsws', surf_h(l)%vsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%shf ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%shf', surf_h(l)%shf ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qsws', surf_h(l)%qsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ssws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ssws', surf_h(l)%ssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%css ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%css', surf_h(l)%css ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%cssws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%cssws', surf_h(l)%cssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qcsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qcsws', surf_h(l)%qcsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%ncsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%ncsws', surf_h(l)%ncsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qisws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qisws', surf_h(l)%qisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nisws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nisws', surf_h(l)%nisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%qrsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%qrsws', surf_h(l)%qrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%nrsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%nrsws', surf_h(l)%nrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_h(l)%sasws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_h(' // dum // ')%sasws', surf_h(l)%sasws ) ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Read vertical surfaces DO l = 0, 3 IF ( ns_v_on_file(l) == 0 ) CYCLE !< No data of this surface type on file IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_v(l)%start_index ) ) CALL deallocate_surface_attributes_v( surf_v(l) ) ALLOCATE( surf_v(l)%start_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) ALLOCATE( surf_v(l)%end_index(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) ) surf_v(l)%start_index = 0 surf_v(l)%end_index = -1 WRITE( dum, '(I1)' ) l CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'global_start_index_v_' // dum , global_start_index ) CALL rrd_mpi_io( 'global_end_index_v_' // dum , global_end_index ) CALL rd_mpi_io_surface_filetypes( surf_v(l)%start_index, surf_v(l)%end_index, data_to_read, & global_start_index, global_end_index ) IF ( .NOT. data_to_read ) CYCLE surf_v(l)%ns = MAX( 2, MAXVAL( surf_v(l)%end_index ) ) CALL allocate_surface_attributes_v( surf_v(l), nys, nyn, nxl, nxr, & no_allocate_index_arrays = .TRUE. ) IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%us ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%us', surf_v(l)%us ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ts ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ts', surf_v(l)%ts ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qs', surf_v(l)%qs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ss ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ss', surf_v(l)%ss ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qcs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qcs', surf_v(l)%qcs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ncs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ncs', surf_v(l)%ncs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qis ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qis', surf_v(l)%qis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nis ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nis', surf_v(l)%nis ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qrs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qrs', surf_v(l)%qrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nrs ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nrs', surf_v(l)%nrs ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ol ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ol', surf_v(l)%ol ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%rib ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%rib', surf_v(l)%rib ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%pt_surface ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%pt_surface', surf_v(l)%pt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%q_surface ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%q_surface', surf_v(l)%q_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%vpt_surface', surf_v(l)%vpt_surface ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%shf ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%shf', surf_v(l)%shf ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qsws', surf_v(l)%qsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ssws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ssws', surf_v(l)%ssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%css ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%css', surf_v(l)%css ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%cssws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%cssws', surf_v(l)%cssws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qcsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qcsws', surf_v(l)%qcsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%ncsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%ncsws', surf_v(l)%ncsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qisws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qisws', surf_v(l)%qisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nisws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nisws', surf_v(l)%nisws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%qrsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%qrsws', surf_v(l)%qrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%nrsws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%nrsws', surf_v(l)%nrsws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%sasws ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%sasws', surf_v(l)%sasws ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_uv', surf_v(l)%mom_flux_uv ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_w', surf_v(l)%mom_flux_w ) ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED ( surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke ) ) THEN CALL rrd_mpi_io_surface( 'surf_v(' // dum // ')%mom_tke', surf_v(l)%mom_flux_tke ) ENDIF ENDDO ! !-- Redistribute surface elements on its respective type. Start with horizontal default surfaces. DO l = 0, 2 DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn surf_match_def = surf_def_h(l)%end_index(j,i) >= surf_def_h(l)%start_index(j,i) IF ( l < 2 ) THEN surf_match_lsm = surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) >= surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) surf_match_usm = surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) >= surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) ELSE surf_match_lsm = .FALSE. surf_match_usm = .FALSE. ENDIF IF ( surf_match_def ) THEN ! !-- Set the start index for the local surface element mm = surf_def_h(l)%start_index(j,i) ! !-- For index pair (j,i) on file loop from start to end index, and in case the local !-- surface element mm is smaller than the local end index, assign the respective !-- surface data to this element. DO m = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_def_h(l)%end_index(j,i) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_def_h(l), mm, surf_h(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF !-- Natural- and urban-like horizontal surfaces. IF ( surf_match_lsm ) THEN mm = surf_lsm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) DO m = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_lsm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_lsm_h(l), mm, surf_h(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF IF ( surf_match_usm ) THEN mm = surf_usm_h(l)%start_index(j,i) DO m = surf_h(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_h(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_usm_h(l)%end_index(j,i) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_usm_h(l), mm, surf_h(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! !-- Same for vertical surfaces. DO l = 0, 3 IF ( ns_v_on_file(l) == 0 ) CYCLE !< No data of this surface type on file DO i = nxl, nxr DO j = nys, nyn surf_match_def = surf_def_v(l)%end_index(j,i) >= surf_def_v(l)%start_index(j,i) surf_match_lsm = surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) >= surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(j,i) surf_match_usm = surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) >= surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(j,i) IF ( surf_match_def ) THEN mm = surf_def_v(l)%start_index(j,i) DO m = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_def_v(l)%end_index(j,i) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_def_v(l), mm, surf_v(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF IF ( surf_match_lsm ) THEN mm = surf_lsm_v(l)%start_index(j,i) DO m = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_lsm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_lsm_v(l), mm, surf_v(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF IF ( surf_match_usm ) THEN mm = surf_usm_v(l)%start_index(j,i) DO m = surf_v(l)%start_index(j,i), surf_v(l)%end_index(j,i) IF ( surf_usm_v(l)%end_index(j,i) >= mm ) & CALL restore_surface_elements( surf_usm_v(l), mm, surf_v(l), m ) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Restores surface elements back on its respective type. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE restore_surface_elements( surf_target, m_target, surf_file, m_file ) INTEGER(iwp) :: m_file !< respective surface-element index of current surface array INTEGER(iwp) :: m_target !< respecitve surface-element index of surface array on file INTEGER(iwp) :: lsp !< running index chemical species TYPE(surf_type) :: surf_target !< target surface type TYPE(surf_type) :: surf_file !< surface type on file IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%us ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%us ) ) & surf_target%us(m_target) = surf_file%us(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ol ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ol ) ) & surf_target%ol(m_target) = surf_file%ol(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%rib ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%rib ) ) & surf_target%rib(m_target) = surf_file%rib(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ol ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ol ) ) & surf_target%ol(m_target) = surf_file%ol(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%pt_surface ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%pt_surface ) ) & surf_target%pt_surface(m_target) = surf_file%pt_surface(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%q_surface ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%q_surface ) ) & surf_target%q_surface(m_target) = surf_file%q_surface(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%vpt_surface ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%vpt_surface ) ) & surf_target%vpt_surface(m_target) = surf_file%vpt_surface(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%usws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%usws ) ) & surf_target%usws(m_target) = surf_file%usws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%vsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%vsws ) ) & surf_target%vsws(m_target) = surf_file%vsws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ts ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ts ) ) & surf_target%ts(m_target) = surf_file%ts(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%shf ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%shf ) ) & surf_target%shf(m_target) = surf_file%shf(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qs ) ) & surf_target%qs(m_target) = surf_file%qs(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qsws ) ) & surf_target%qsws(m_target) = surf_file%qsws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ss ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ss ) ) & surf_target%ss(m_target) = surf_file%ss(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ssws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ssws ) ) & surf_target%ssws(m_target) = surf_file%ssws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%css ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%css ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_target%css(lsp,m_target) = surf_file%css(lsp,m_file) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%cssws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%cssws ) ) THEN DO lsp = 1, nvar surf_target%cssws(lsp,m_target) = surf_file%cssws(lsp,m_file) ENDDO ENDIF IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qcs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qcs ) ) & surf_target%qcs(m_target) = surf_file%qcs(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qcsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qcsws ) ) & surf_target%qcsws(m_target) = surf_file%qcsws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ncs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ncs ) ) & surf_target%ncs(m_target) = surf_file%ncs(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%ncsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%ncsws ) ) & surf_target%ncsws(m_target) = surf_file%ncsws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qis ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qis ) ) & surf_target%qis(m_target) = surf_file%qis(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qisws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qisws ) ) & surf_target%qisws(m_target) = surf_file%qisws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nis ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nis ) ) & surf_target%nis(m_target) = surf_file%nis(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nisws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nisws ) ) & surf_target%nisws(m_target) = surf_file%nisws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qrs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qrs ) ) & surf_target%qrs(m_target) = surf_file%qrs(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%qrsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%qrsws ) ) & surf_target%qrsws(m_target) = surf_file%qrsws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nrs ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nrs ) ) & surf_target%nrs(m_target) = surf_file%nrs(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%nrsws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%nrsws ) ) & surf_target%nrsws(m_target) = surf_file%nrsws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%sasws ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%sasws ) ) & surf_target%sasws(m_target) = surf_file%sasws(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%mom_flux_uv ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%mom_flux_uv ) ) & surf_target%mom_flux_uv(m_target) = surf_file%mom_flux_uv(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%mom_flux_w ) .AND. ALLOCATED( surf_file%mom_flux_w ) ) & surf_target%mom_flux_w(m_target) = surf_file%mom_flux_w(m_file) IF ( ALLOCATED( surf_target%mom_flux_tke ) .AND. & ALLOCATED( surf_file%mom_flux_tke ) ) & surf_target%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m_target) = surf_file%mom_flux_tke(0:1,m_file) END SUBROUTINE restore_surface_elements END SUBROUTINE surface_rrd_local_mpi !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Counts the number of surface elements with the same facing, required for reading and writing !> restart data. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_last_actions IMPLICIT NONE ! !-- Horizontal surfaces ns_h_on_file(0) = surf_def_h(0)%ns + surf_lsm_h(0)%ns + surf_usm_h(0)%ns ns_h_on_file(1) = surf_def_h(1)%ns + surf_lsm_h(1)%ns + surf_usm_h(1)%ns ns_h_on_file(2) = surf_def_h(2)%ns ! !-- Vertical surfaces ns_v_on_file(0) = surf_def_v(0)%ns + surf_lsm_v(0)%ns + surf_usm_v(0)%ns ns_v_on_file(1) = surf_def_v(1)%ns + surf_lsm_v(1)%ns + surf_usm_v(1)%ns ns_v_on_file(2) = surf_def_v(2)%ns + surf_lsm_v(2)%ns + surf_usm_v(2)%ns ns_v_on_file(3) = surf_def_v(3)%ns + surf_lsm_v(3)%ns + surf_usm_v(3)%ns END SUBROUTINE surface_last_actions !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine maps surface data read from file after restart - 1D arrays. !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_restore_elements_1d( surf_target, surf_file, start_index_c, & start_index_on_file, end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, & nxrf, nysf, nynf, nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, & nxr_on_file ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< running index along x-direction, refers to current domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: jc !< running index along y-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< surface-element index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: mm !< surface-element index on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlc !< index of left boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlf !< index of left boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrf !< index of right boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysc !< index of north boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nynf !< index of north boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysf !< index of south boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_on_file !< leftmost index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_on_file !< rightmost index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_on_file !< northmost index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_on_file !< southmost index on file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: start_index_c !< INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys_on_file:nyn_on_file,nxl_on_file:nxr_on_file) :: start_index_on_file !< start index of surface !< elements on file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys_on_file:nyn_on_file,nxl_on_file:nxr_on_file) :: end_index_on_file !< end index of surface !< elements on file REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) :: surf_target !< target surface type REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:) :: surf_file !< surface type on file ic = nxlc DO i = nxlf, nxrf jc = nysc DO j = nysf, nynf mm = start_index_c(jc,ic) DO m = start_index_on_file(j,i), end_index_on_file(j,i) surf_target(mm) = surf_file(m) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO jc = jc + 1 ENDDO ic = ic + 1 ENDDO END SUBROUTINE surface_restore_elements_1d !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Description: ! ------------ !> Routine maps surface data read from file after restart - 2D arrays !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE surface_restore_elements_2d( surf_target, surf_file, start_index_c, & start_index_on_file, end_index_on_file, nxlc, nysc, nxlf, & nxrf, nysf, nynf, nys_on_file, nyn_on_file, nxl_on_file, & nxr_on_file ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(iwp) :: i !< running index along x-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: ic !< running index along x-direction, refers to current domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: j !< running index along y-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: jc !< running index along y-direction, refers to former domain size INTEGER(iwp) :: m !< surface-element index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: mm !< surface-element index on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlc !< index of left boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxlf !< index of left boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxrf !< index of right boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysc !< index of north boundary on current subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nynf !< index of north boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nysf !< index of south boundary on former subdomain INTEGER(iwp) :: nxl_on_file !< leftmost index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nxr_on_file !< rightmost index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nyn_on_file !< northmost index on file INTEGER(iwp) :: nys_on_file !< southmost index on file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys:nyn,nxl:nxr) :: start_index_c !< start index of surface type INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys_on_file:nyn_on_file,nxl_on_file:nxr_on_file) :: start_index_on_file !< start index of surface !< elements on file INTEGER(iwp), DIMENSION(nys_on_file:nyn_on_file,nxl_on_file:nxr_on_file) :: end_index_on_file !< end index of surface !< elements on file REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:) :: surf_target !< target surface type REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:) :: surf_file !< surface type on file ic = nxlc DO i = nxlf, nxrf jc = nysc DO j = nysf, nynf mm = start_index_c(jc,ic) DO m = start_index_on_file(j,i), end_index_on_file(j,i) surf_target(:,mm) = surf_file(:,m) mm = mm + 1 ENDDO jc = jc + 1 ENDDO ic = ic + 1 ENDDO END SUBROUTINE surface_restore_elements_2d END MODULE surface_mod